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Hoxb-5 is one of the few homeobox genes strongly expressed in the developing mouse lung. To explore the hypothesis that Hoxb-5 acts to regulate epithelial cell fate and branching morphogenesis in the developing lung, we studied the temporal, spatial, and cell-specific expression of Hoxb-5 from gestational day (d) 13.5 to postnatal day (P) 2. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated regional localization of Hoxb-5 protein to developing conducting airways and surrounding mesenchyme. The cellular expression pattern changed from diffusely positive nuclei of mesenchymal cells on d13.5 to become more localized to nuclei of subepithelial fibroblasts and some adjacent columnar and cuboidal epithelial cells on d14.5. After d14.5, Hoxb-5 protein expression continued to decrease in mesenchymal cells distal from developing airways, but persisted in fibroblasts underlying conducting airways. Hoxb-5 protein expression persisted in nuclei of columnar and cuboidal epithelial cells on d16.5 and d17.5, with expression in low cuboidal epithelial cells as well from d17.5 to P2. Western blot analysis showed temporal and quantitative changes in Hoxb-5 protein expression with peak expression on d14.5-15.5. We conclude that Hoxb-5 protein is developmentally regulated in a temporal, spatial, and cell-specific manner throughout the pseudoglandular, canalicular, and terminal saccular periods of lung development in the mouse. This localization and expression pattern suggests that Hoxb-5 may influence branching morphogenesis, cell-cell communication, cell fate, and differentiation of conducting airway epithelia.  相似文献   

Brain swelling is a serious complication associated with focal ischemia in stroke and severe head injury. Experimentally, reperfusion following focal cerebral ischemia exacerbates the level of brain swelling. In this study, the permeability of the blood-brain barrier has been investigated as a possible cause of reperfusion-related acute brain swelling. Blood-brain barrier disruption was investigated using Evans Blue dye and [14C]aminoisobutyric acid autoradiography in a rodent model of reversible middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion. Acute brain swelling and cerebral blood flow (CBF) during ischemia and reperfusion were analyzed from double-label CBF autoradiograms after application of the potent vasoconstrictor peptide endothelin-1 to the MCA. Ischemia was apparent within ipsilateral MCA territory, 5 min after endothelin-1 application to the exposed artery. Reperfusion, examined at 30 min and 1, 2, and 4 h, was gradual but incomplete within this time frame in the core of middle cerebral artery territory and associated with significant brain swelling. Ipsilateral hemispheric swelling increased over time to a maximum (>5%) at 1-2 h after endothelin-1 but was not associated with a significant increase in the ipsilateral transfer constant for [14C]aminoisobutyric acid over this time frame. These results indicate that endothelin-1 induced focal cerebral ischemia is associated with an acute but reversible hemispheric swelling during the early phase of reperfusion which is not associated with a disruption of the blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   

Changes in expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors by gonadotropes parallel those of GnRH receptors. Gonadotropes increase their expression of EGF receptors (EGFR) during diestrus to reach a peak on the morning of proestrus. This is followed by a decline in expression to reach a nadir by estrus. We hypothesized that regulatory factors that stimulate changes in GnRH receptors might mediate the same changes in EGFR. To test this hypothesis, pituitary cells were collected from cycling rats and grown overnight in media with or without serum, 100 pM estradiol, or 60 ng/ml activin. On the next day, some of the cultures were further stimulated with 1 nM GnRH (4 h). The cells were then dual-labeled for EGFR and LHbeta or FSHbeta antigens and analyzed for their content of EGFR and gonadotropins. Neither activin nor estradiol increased percentages of cells with gonadotropin antigens and EGFR. Estradiol decreased percentages of cells with EGFR and LH in proestrous rats and those with EGFR and FSH in diestrous rats. The estradiol-mediated decline in EGFR expression during proestrus is similar to that seen when GnRH receptors are studied. Serum containing media alone increased percentages of LH and FSH cells with EGFR in populations from estrous or metestrous rats. Therefore, further experiments were conducted to learn if serum factors or EGF might be a regulator. Removal of serum from the growth media did not prevent the increase in percentages of LH cells with EGFR over the 18-h growth period. However, removal of serum did prevent the increased percentages of FSH cells with EGFR. Similarly, adding 1:100 anti-EGF to the serum containing media did not affect expression of EGFR by LH cells. However, it did cause a 27% decrease in percentages of FSH cells with EGFR. Finally, when 10 ng/ml EGF was added to metestrous populations in serum-free media there was a 1.4-1.5-fold increase in percentages of LH or FSH cells with EGFR. Collectively, these studies show that EGF receptors are not stimulated in gonadotropes by the same hormones that up-regulate GnRH receptors. Furthermore, EGF itself may be among the factors that up regulate EGFR in gonadotropes. EGF receptors may be down-regulated by estradiol during proestrus, but the effect is limited to LH cells. Finally, EGF's differential effects on LH and FSH cells suggests that it may selectively act on monohormonal gonadotropes. EGF receptors may be a marker for a unique subset of developing gonadotropes.  相似文献   

Because epidermal growth factor (EGF), transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha), and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) have been implicated in the regulation of adrenocortical function, we used immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization of EGF and TGF-alpha to study 41 specimens of human adrenal cortex, including 10 normal specimens, 15 aldosteronomas, five Cushing's adenomas, six adrenocortical incidentalomas, and five carcinomas to determine what role these growth factors play in controlling human adrenocortical function. Neither immunoreactivity nor mRNA hybridization signals to EGF was detected in any specimens, and EGF therefore may exert its effects on adrenal function as an endocrine hormone. TGF-alpha expression was detected at both protein and mRNA levels in normal and neoplastic adrenal cortex, demonstrating that TGF-alpha is synthesized locally in human adrenal cortex. TGF-alpha expression was observed in the cells with increased steroidogenesis, including compact tumor cells and zona fasciculata cells with lipid depletion, but did not necessarily correlate with production sites of any specific steroid hormone. EGFR immunoreactivity was more widely distributed than TGF-alpha immunoreactivity. Both TGF-alpha and EGFR expression were markedly elevated in adrenocortical carcinomas. TGF-alpha and EGFR thus appear to be involved in biological function in both normal and neoplastic human adrenal cortex. In addition, TGF-alpha and EGFR may play important roles in some biological features of adrenocortical malignancy.  相似文献   

China has accumulated a rich body of empirical knowledge of the use of medicinal plants for the treatment of various diseases throughout its long history. Chemical studies on Chinese medicinal plants provide a valuable material base for the discovery and development of new drugs of natural origin. In this article recent chemical work on various Chinese medicinal plants is reviewed, including Mussaenda pubescens (Rubiaceae), Isatis indigotica (Cruciferae), Euphorbia fischeriana, and E. ebracteolata (Euphorbiaceae), and Stemona species (Stemonaceae). The structural diversity of the medicinal chemical constituents of the above plants is discussed.  相似文献   

To determine whether the expression of transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha), its receptor (epidermal growth factor receptor [EGFr]), p53 nuclear protein, and proliferation influences prognosis of patients with liver metastases, a study was performed in 45 liver metastases and 33 corresponding primary colorectal carcinomas in patients referred for liver surgery. The expression of TGF-alpha, EGFr, p53 nuclear protein, and proliferation rate was correlated with clinicopathological characteristics and survival after partial liver resection. In liver metastases, TGF-alpha expression was low in 42%, intermediate in 35%, and high in 23%. TGF-alpha expression was higher in liver metastases derived from lymph node-positive primary carcinomas, in synchronous and in irresectable liver metastases compared with those derived from lymph node-negative primary carcinomas, metachronous, and resectable liver metastases. Nuclear p53 expression was found in 83% of primary tumors and 71% of liver metastases. p53 expression did not correlate with the various clinicopathological characteristics. Ki67 expression was not associated with clinicopathological characteristics in primary and metastatic tumors. In the 38 patients in whom a partial liver resection was performed, median survival was 25 months in patients with a higher TGF-alpha expression in the metastasis than in the primary tumor and 60 months in patients with comparable or lower TGF-alpha expression in the metastasis than in the primary tumor (P = .036). Median survival after liver resection was 21 months in patients with p53-negative liver metastases and 58 months in patients with p53-positive metastases (P = .043). By multivariate analysis, p53 and EGFr expression on liver metastases were the best predictors of disease-free survival after partial liver resection, with relative risks of 2.38 and 3.33, respectively. In patients with colorectal liver metastases, referred for liver surgery, a higher TGF-alpha expression is associated with unfavorable tumor characteristics, whereas p53 and absence of EGFr expression is associated with a better survival after partial liver resection.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated a requirement for the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase, cellular Src (c-Src), in epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced mitogenesis and a synergistic interaction between c-Src and EGF receptor (EGFR) in tumorigenesis. Although endocytic internalization of EGFR may be thought to attenuate EGF-stimulated signaling, recent evidence suggests that signaling through Ras can be amplified by repeated encounters of endosome-localized, receptor. Shc.Grb2.Sos complexes with the plasma membrane, where Ras resides almost exclusively. Based on these reports, we examined EGFR trafficking behavior in a set of single and double c-Src/EGFR C3H10T1/2 overexpressors to determine if c-Src affects basal receptor half-life, ligand-induced internalization, and/or recycling. Our results show that overexpression of c-Src causes no change in EGFR half-life but does produce an increase in the internalization rate constant of EGF.EGFR complexes when the endocytic apparatus is not stoichiometrically saturated; this effect of c-Src on EGFR endocytosis is negligible at high receptor occupancy in cells overexpressing the receptor. In neither case are EGFR recycling rate constants affected by c-Src. These data indicate a functional role for c-Src in receptor internalization, which in turn could alter some aspects of EGFR signaling related to mitogenesis and tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor alpha messenger RNA and protein levels are highest in the striatum, the target area of mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra, suggesting a role as a target-derived neurotrophic factor for these cells. To test this hypothesis, we characterized the actions of transforming growth factor alpha on fetal rat dopaminergic neurons in culture. Transforming growth factor alpha promoted dopamine uptake in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Administration of transforming growth factor alpha at the time of plating for 2 h produced a significant increase in dopamine uptake after five days of growth in vitro. As cultures aged they became less responsive to transforming growth factor alpha, such that longer times of exposure were required to elicit a similar, but weaker, response. Dopaminergic cell survival was selectively promoted by transforming growth factor alpha, since there was an increase in the number of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunostained cells without a parallel increase in the total number of neuron-specific enolase-immunopositive cells. Neurite length, branch number and soma area of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunopositive cells also were enhanced by transforming growth factor alpha treatment. Increases in each of the dopaminergic parameters due to transforming growth factor alpha were accompanied by a rise in glial cell number, making it possible that these effects were mediated by this cell population. The neurotrophin antagonist, K252b, failed to inhibit the transforming growth factor alpha-induced increase in dopamine uptake, indicating that transforming growth factor alpha's effects were not mediated by neurotrophin mechanisms. The actions of transforming growth factor alpha on the differentiation of dopaminergic neurons only partially overlapped with those of epidermal growth factor. Thus, while transforming growth factor alpha and epidermal growth factor are believed to share the same receptor they differentially affect dopaminergic cell development in vitro. These results indicate that transforming growth factor alpha is a trophic factor for mesencephalic cells in culture and suggests that transforming growth factor alpha plays a physiological role in the development of these cells in vivo.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze cytomorphologic characteristics of hepatoblastoma (HB) and evaluate the feasibility of recognizing its histologic subtypes in smears. STUDY DESIGN: Fine needle aspirates from 14 primary and 1 metastatic HB were reexamined. The diagnosis of HB was confirmed by tissue examination (10 cases) and by clinical and laboratory findings alone (5 cases). RESULTS: In 12 samples, neoplastic cells resembled immature hepatocytes but were smaller and had a higher nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio. In nine of these smears the cells were rather uniform, while the other three presented with moderate pleomorphism. The cells were arranged in three-dimensional clusters, loose sheets, cords, rosettelike structures and occasional pseudopapillae and were dispersed. CONCLUSION: With knowledge of the cellular features and architectural patterns of HB, a reliable diagnosis could be obtained in 12/15 cases without the use of special techniques. In the remaining three aspirates the tumor cell population partly or entirely differed from normal hepatocytes, requiring ancillary techniques for proper diagnosis. On reexamination of the 10 cases with tissue diagnoses, 4/6 mixed HBs could be correctly subtyped, whereas the distinction between embryonal and fetal cells in four cases of epithelial HB seemed questionable.  相似文献   

Women with polycystic ovaries (PCO) have a thicker endometrium than women with normal ovaries. This cannot be due to unopposed oestrogen, as it occurs in ovulatory cycles. Androgens may be involved, as these are raised in women with PCO. The effects of steroids are partly mediated by growth factors and their receptors. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of androgens on epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor in human endometrium. Endometrium was enzymatically dispersed and glands and stromal cells separated. Cells were incubated in Ham's F10 medium supplemented with 5% charcoal-stripped fetal calf serum and either androgens or vehicle. Specific binding of [125I]-labelled EGF was measured. Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) (10 micromol/l) increased EGF receptor concentration (control 100 +/- 9%, testosterone 196 +/- 23% control; control 100 +/- 1%, DHT 244 +/- 6% control) but did not alter receptor affinity. The effect of testosterone was inhibited by the anti-androgen hydroxyflutamide, but not by the antioestrogen ICI182780 nor the aromatase inhibitor 4-hydroxyandrostenedione. EGF receptor levels were increased by androstenediol (control 100 +/- 2%, androstenediol 120 +/- 10% control) but not by androstanediol, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA), DHA sulphate or androstenedione. Testosterone and DHT increased EGF receptor concentrations in glandular epithelium (control 100 +/- 24%, testosterone 147 +/- 5%, DHT 185 +/- 30% control). These data suggest that androgens may have an effect on the endometrium via an increase in EGF receptor concentrations.  相似文献   

The role of glutamate as a possible mediator of neurodegeneration is well described, and the homeostasis of extracellular glutamate is considered of major importance when addressing the pathogenesis of excitatory neurodegeneration. Applying the 'indicator diffusion' method to the microdialysis technique, we present a method that is suitable for the in vivo investigation of the capacity of cellular uptake of glutamate. Using 14C-mannitol as reference, we measured the cellular extraction and the cell membrane permeability of the test substance 3H-D-aspartate in the corpus striatum of the rat brain. The cellular extraction fraction of 3H-D-aspartate was 0.29, and the cell membrane permeability 2.24 x 10(-4) cm/s. In the presence of the glutamate-uptake blocker DL-threo-beta-hydroxyaspartate (THA) the extraction of 3H-D-aspartate was completely abolished, indicating that extraction of 3H-D-aspartate was due to cellular uptake by glutamate transporters. The cell membrane permeability towards 3H-D-aspartate was reduced by approximately 98% due to THA, indicating that the cell membranes per se are highly resistant to diffusion of 3H-D-aspartate. It is concluded that the present method can be used in studying the capacity of the glutamate transporters in vivo.  相似文献   

Irreversible tyrosine modifications by inflammatory oxidants such as peroxynitrite (ONOO-) can affect signal transduction pathways involving tyrosine phosphorylation. The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), a member of the c-ErbB receptor tyrosine kinase family, is involved in regulation of epithelial cell growth and differentiation, and possible modulation of EGFR-dependent signaling by ONOO- was studied. Exposure of epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells to 0.1-1.0 mM ONOO- resulted in tyrosine nitration on EGFR and other proteins but did not significantly affect EGFR tyrosine autophosphorylation. A high molecular mass tyrosine-phosphorylated protein (approximately 340 kDa) was detected in A431 cell lysates after exposure to ONOO-, most likely representing a covalently dimerized form of EGFR, based on immunoprecipitation and/or immunoblotting with alpha-EGFR antibodies and co-migration with ligand-induced EGFR dimers cross-linked with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide. Covalent EGFR dimerization by ONOO- probably involved intermolecular dityrosine cross-linking and was enhanced after receptor activation with epidermal growth factor. Furthermore, irreversibly cross-linked EGFR was more extensively tyrosine-phosphorylated compared with the monomeric form, indicating that ONOO- preferentially cross-links activated EGFR. Exposure of A431 cells to ONOO- markedly reduced the kinetics of tyrosine phosphorylation of a downstream EGFR substrate, phospholipase C-gamma1, which may be related to covalent alterations in EGFR. Alteration of EGFR signaling by covalent EGFR dimerization by inflammatory oxidants such as ONOO- may affect conditions of increased EGFR activation such as epithelial repair or tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

We report the characterization of two distinct binding sites with receptor characteristics for leukotriene (LT)D4 and LTC4 in membranes from human lung parenchyma. The use of S-decyl-glutathione allowed us to characterize a previously unidentified high affinity binding site for LTC4. Computerized analysis of binding data revealed that each leukotriene interacts with two distinct classes of binding sites (Kd = 0.015 and 105 nM for LTC4 and 0.023 and 230 nM for LTD4) and that despite cross-reactivity, the two high affinity sites are different entities. LTD4 binding sites displayed features of G protein-coupled receptors, whereas LTC4 binding sites did not show any significant modulation by guanosine-5'-(beta, gamma-imido)triphosphate or stimulation of GTPase activity. The antagonists ICI 198,615 and SKF 104353 were unselective for the high and low affinity states of LTD4 receptor, whereas only SKF 104353 was able to recognize the two [3H]LTC4 binding sites although with different affinities. These data indicate that in human lung parenchyma, LTD4 and LTC4 recognize two different binding sites; these binding sites are different entities; and for LTD4, the two binding sites represent the interconvertible affinity states of a G protein-coupled receptor, whereas for LTC4, the high affinity site is likely to be a specific LTC4 receptor.  相似文献   

Oestrogen receptor (ER) and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene methylation was evaluated in neoplastic and perineoplastic breast tissues from 20 patients. In both tissues, ER gene methylation was inversely correlated with protein levels, while EGFR gene methylation was not. A preferential ER gene hypomethylation was found in neoplastic tissues, suggesting a significant role in neoplastic transformation.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence analysis of a 3.3-kb genomic EcoRI fragment and of relevant subfragments of a genomic 13.2-kb SmaI fragment of Alcaligenes eutrophus, which were identified by using a dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase-specific DNA probe, revealed the structural genes of the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex in a 7.5-kb genomic region. The genes odhA (2850 bp), odhB (1248 bp), and odhL (1422 bp), encoding 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (E1), dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase (E2), and dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (E3), respectively, occur co-linearly in one gene cluster downstream of a putative -35/-10 promoter in the order odhA, odhB, and odhL. In comparison to other bacteria, the occurrence of genes for two E3 components for the pyruvate as well as for the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complexes is unique. Heterologous expression of the A. eutrophus odh genes in E. coli XL1-Blue and in the kgdA mutant Pseudomonas putida JS347 was demonstrated by the occurrence of protein bands in electropherograms, by spectrometric detection of enzyme activities, and by phenotypic complementation, respectively.  相似文献   

The presence of the virulence markers K1 capsule, serum resistance, aerobactin, S and P/PR fimbriae were examined in a total of 395 E. coli strains from different extraintestinal infections and in 81 faecal isolates of healthy volunteers using specific DNA probes and classical phenotypic methods. All markers were more frequently detected when genotypic assays were applied. The simultaneous occurrence of 3-4 virulence determinants was typical for isolates derived from patients with septicaemia or meningitis. Isolates from blood cultures and cerebrospinal fluid were expressing the virulence phenotypes to a greater extent than isolates from urine or faeces. The use of colony hybridization with specific oligonucleotide and polynucleotide probes for the detection of virulence determinants has been proven to be more specific and reliable than phenotypic approaches.  相似文献   

We have determined the binding of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and interferon (IFN)-alpha to their specific receptors on four renal carcinoma cell lines. CaKi-2, a-498 and ACHN cell lines express high numbers, and CaKi-1 expresses low number of EGF receptors (EGFRs). On all four renal carcinoma cell lines, we have also detected specific IFN-alpha binding sites. EGF and IFN-alpha binding to their receptors caused modulation of the other ligand's receptor binding. Scatchard analyses of binding data showed that IFN-alpha treatment leads to an increase of EGFR number in three out of four cell lines and to a decrease of EGFR number in one out of four (CaKi-1). No significant changes in EGF binding affinities were detected. EGF induced a reduction in IFN-alpha receptor number in all four cell lines without significant changes in IFN-alpha binding affinities. We hypothesize that presence of EGF in the microenvironment of renal cancer cells may modulate the biological effects of IFN and consequently decrease its antiproliferative activity.  相似文献   

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