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Given a text T and a pattern P, the order-preserving pattern matching (OPPM) problem is to find all substrings in T which have the same relative orders as P. The OPPM has been studied in the fields of finding some patterns affected by relative orders, not by their absolute values. In this paper, we present a method of deciding the order-isomorphism between two strings even when there are same characters. Then, we show that the bad character rule of the Horspool algorithm for generic pattern matching problems can be applied to the OPPM problem and we present a space-efficient algorithm for computing shift tables for text search. Finally, we combine our bad character rule with the KMP-based algorithm to improve the worst-case running time. We give experimental results to show that our algorithm is about 2 to 6 times faster than the KMP-based algorithm in reasonable cases.  相似文献   

Pattern matching is one of the most performance-critical components for the content inspection based applications of network security, such as network intrusion detection and prevention. To keep up with the increasing speed network, this component needs to be accelerated by well designed custom coprocessor. This paper presents a parameterized multilevel pattern matching architecture (MPM) which is used on FPGAs. To achieve less chip area, the architecture is designed based on the idea of selected character decoding (SCD) and multilevel method which are analyzed in detail. This paper also proposes an MPM generator that can generate RTL-level codes of MPM by giving a pattern set and predefined parameters. With the generator, the efficient MPM architecture can be generated and embedded to a total hardware solution. The third contribution is a mathematical model and formula to estimate the chip area for each MPM before it is generated, which is useful for choosing the proper type of FPGAs. One example MPM architecture is implemented by giving 1785 patterns of Snort on Xilinx Virtex 2 Pro FPGA. The results show that this MPM can achieve 4.3 Gbps throughput with 5 stages of pipelines and 0.22 slices per character, about one half chip area of the most area-efficient architecture in literature. Other results are given to show that MPM is also efficient for general random pattern sets. The performance of MPM can be scalable near linearly, potential for more than 100 Gbps throughput. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60803002), and the Excellent Young Scholars Research Fund of Beijing Institute of Technology  相似文献   

The morphological hit-or-miss transform (HMT) is a powerful tool for digital image analysis. Its recent extensions to grey level images have proven its ability to solve various template matching problems. In this paper we explore the capacity of various existing approaches to work in very noisy environments and discuss the generic methods used to improve their robustness to noise. We also propose a new formulation for a fuzzy morphological HMT which has been especially designed to deal with very noisy images. Our approach is validated through a pattern matching problem in astronomical images that consists of detecting very faint objects: low surface brightness galaxies. Despite their influence on the galactic evolution model, these objects remain mostly misunderstood by the astronomers. Due to their low signal to noise ratio, there is no automatic and reliable detection method yet. In this paper we introduce such a method based on the proposed hit-or-miss operator. The complete process is described starting from the building of a set of patterns until the reconstruction of a suitable map of detected objects. Implementation, running cost and optimisations are discussed. Outcomes have been examined by astronomers and compared to previous works. We have observed promising results in this difficult context for which mathematical morphology provides an original solution.  相似文献   

In this note, we are interested in the evaluation of conditions of the form The value of attribute a for Q items of X is in F or more shortly Q items of X are F, where X is a set of items, Q denotes a possibly vague proportion (which may be linguistically expressed, e.g. most), F is a (possibly fuzzy) subset of the attribute domain of a. and where the available knowledge about the value a(x) of the attribute a for any item x may be imprecise or even vague. The evaluation is based on a fuzzy pattern matching procedure repeated two times. Such conditions may be encountered in queries addressed to an incomplete information data base or in the if-part of expert rules.  相似文献   

针对复杂化工过程具有的非线性、非高斯性和动态特征,提出了基于核独立成分分析(KICA)的模式匹配方法,用于动态过程监控和诊断。首先,利用滑动窗建立基准集与测试集的KICA模型,提取各自的核独立元:其次,融合余弦函数绝对值度量和距离度量,提出新的不相似度监控指标,识别训练与测试操作期间的相似模式,进行故障检测:最后,基于两类数据的核子空间之间的差异子空间,获得每个过程变量方向与该差异子空间之间的互信息,并定义新的非线性非高斯贡献度指标,进行故障诊断。基于污水处理过程的仿真结果表明,与主成分分析不相似度因子的方法、标准的独立成分分析(ICA)统计指标方法及标准的ICA T~2/SPE指标融合的贡献度方法相比,本文提出的方法具有更好的检测能力与故障诊断效果。  相似文献   

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