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PerformanceStudyofDS-SFH/SSMACommunicationwithMultipathDiversityTanZhenhui;GuanHao(NorthernJiaotongUniversity,Beijing100044)A...  相似文献   

The queuing performance of the cross-layer system with Space-time block code (STBC) over Multi- input-multi-output (MIMO) channel is analyzed. The Adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) in physical layer and finite length of buffer in data-link layer are combined with this model. A simple cross-layer design and the queue state process are proposed based on finite state 1V[arkov channel model~ which is to solve the service process. The proposed cross-layer design is also incorporated with STBC to further improve the system performance. Simulation results illustrate the dependence of system performance on various parameters, and quantify the performance gain due to cross-layer optimization. The adjustment of target packet loss rate of adaptive modulation coding in physi- cal layer can maximize average throughput of the system, meanwhile a significant improvement of the system perfor- mance is brought.  相似文献   

张清  毕光国 《电子学报》1996,24(1):63-67
本语言分析了室内无线多径衰落信道中差分网格编码调制直扩多址通信系统的性能,分析中采用特征函数法和留数定理计算序列差错概率,用高斯近似分析多址干扰和多径干扰,本文最后给出了误码率的理论分析结果和计算机模拟结果,并与常规的未编码直扩系统性能对比。  相似文献   

The effects of bit-interleaving on the performance of convolutional codes and turbo codes in fast frequency- hop/spread-spectrum multiple-access systems with M-FSK modulation are investigated. It is observed that bit-interleaving induces two counter-acting forces on decoder performance. On the one hand, bit-interleaving disperses consecutive error bits caused by a noisy M-ary signal and makes the errors more correctable. On the other hand, the same measure makes it difficult for the decoder to make use of the bit dependency information. Both theoretical upper bounds and simulation results show that bit- interleaving degrades the performance of soft-decision decoded convolutional codes and turbo codes.  相似文献   

DS/CSMA系统接收机区别于常规通信系统的最大特点是首先需要解扩,而解扩的关键是本地地址码与发端地址码的同步.同步建立的过程,通常包括对信号的捕获和跟踪,而捕获是关键的第一步.本方结合实际中的应用条件,就相位捕获电路的实现方法及其中的关键技术进行了探讨和分析.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于连续相位调制(CPM)并用于直接序列扩频多址(DS/SSMA)的新型相位扩谱序列(PSS),以及它的最佳设计准则.依据该准则并在调制指数为0.5的连续相频键控(CPFSK)条件下,通过穷尽搜索法得到了含有若干种不同周期长度的相位扩谱序列的集合.同时在瑞利衰落信道条件下,作者对采用相位扩谱序列的DS/SSMA系统的性能进行了研究,最后将采用PSS序列和传统直扩序列的DS/SSMA系统的性能进行了比较.  相似文献   

DS/SSMA communication system with trellis coding and CPM   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A direct-sequence spread spectrum multiple access (DS/SSMA) communication system employing continuous phase modulation (CPM) and trellis coding is described and analyzed to obtain an estimate of the error probability. The trellis code provides significant coding gain while the CPM signal format gives desirable spectral properties. The analysis shows that significant improvement in error probability over the standard binary DS/SSMA system can be achieved with relatively simple codes  相似文献   

本文给出了直接序列扩频多址通信系统(DS/SSMA)采用各种切普(Chips)波形时信号的功率谱特点,并对它们在AGWN信道下的多址性能进行了分析,通过高斯近似及MonteCarlo仿真得到了系统的平均误比特率性能。  相似文献   

马海波  刘芳  焦李成 《电子学报》2002,30(12):1783-1785
本文提出了一种在异步多径DS/CDMA系统中基于独立分量分析算法的单用户接收机,这种接收机仅需要已知期望用户的定时和特征波形,计算量小、结构简单.它不但能用于在基站进行多用户信号的上行接收,而且适合于用在移动台进行下行接收.其性能较之匹配滤波器和盲MMSE多用户检测器有很大提高.  相似文献   

Classical delay-lock loops (DLL) have beenwidely considered for code synchronization purposes inDS/CDMA systems, although they have not been devised foroperation when channel fading is present. This paper describes a new code synchronizationscheme based on a previously proposed extended Kalmanfilter (EKF) approach. The scheme proposed in this paperis able to operate under low signal-to-interference ratios (SIR), usual at the receiver input incellular CDMA mobile environments, and it outperformsthe behavior of previously proposed EKF-based schemes,which failed in such environments. Performance results under realistic mobile environment conditionsare shown in terms of the mean time to lose lock (MTLL)and the tracking error variance 2 for a wide range ofSIR values and under Rayleigh fading. Moreover, the Cramer-Rao lower boundon 2 is also computed inorder to validate the results obtained viasimulations.  相似文献   

该文提出一种基于直接序列扩频系统(DS/SS)的码相位估计器。它能根据输入信号与一个特殊序列不同相位下的互相关值,相当准确、有效地估计出本地伪随机序列的改进方向和大小,成倍地缩短了捕获的时间。理论分析和计算机模拟表明,对于周期511以上的伪随机码而言,该算法在正常工作条件下平均捕获时间仅为常规捕获方法的一半。  相似文献   

为了缓解频带有效性与功率有效性的矛盾,提出了将低密度校验码与网格编码调制相结合的系统方案,其中在网格编码调制中采用了递归系统卷积码进行编码,以实现基于对数似然比的软译码方法,以此构造低密度校验码与网格编码调制相结合的编译码系统。分析了该系统在加性高斯白噪声干扰和瑞利信道下的性能和信道信息对于系统性能的影响。仿真结果表明,该系统能够有效地在频谱利用率和码字性能之间达到折衷,可以在一定程度上缓解矛盾。  相似文献   

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