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利用摩擦力显微镜(FFM),对由等离子体增强化学气相法沉积的类金刚石(DLC)薄膜的纳米摩擦性能进行了试验研究。用原子力显微镜(AFM)观察了DLC薄膜样品的表面形貌,同时测定了其粘附力值。从外加载荷、扫描速度和湿度的角度分析了薄膜的摩擦特性。 相似文献
工艺条件对类金刚石薄膜在不同介质环境下摩擦学性能的影响研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
考察了基底负偏压对类金刚石薄膜(DLC)在无水和有水环境下摩擦性能的影响。利用电子回旋共振等离子体化学气相方法沉积制备DLC薄膜,利用激光拉曼(Raman)、原子力显微镜(AFM)和纳米硬度计表征了其结构特征,用UMT型多功能摩擦磨损实验机考察了其摩擦性能,并用光学显微镜分析了磨痕特征。结果表明:随着基底偏压的增加,表面粗糙度减小;在无水条件下,基底偏压较低的DLC薄膜摩擦因数较高,并存在一定的波动性,基底偏压较高时,摩擦因数较低。在有水条件下,基底偏压对摩擦因数影响不大。总体来说,加水后薄膜磨损较为严重。 相似文献
为探究金属Ti掺杂DLC薄膜在高温环境下的摩擦磨损行为,通过射频磁控溅射和直流磁控溅射混合的沉积系统制备不同Ti含量的Ti-DLC薄膜,利用SEM、XRD、Raman、纳米压痕和摩擦试验机等分析Ti含量对Ti-DLC薄膜的微观结构、力学性能及不同温度下的摩擦学性能的影响。结果表明:Ti掺杂使得Ti-DLC薄膜中sp3键的占比随着Ti含量的增加先升高后下降;Ti掺杂提高了Ti-DLC薄膜的硬度和弹性模量,并一定程度上提升了Ti-DLC薄膜的膜基结合力。摩擦测试表明:在常温下,Ti-DLC薄膜的摩擦因数和磨损率随Ti含量的增加而下降,但薄膜发生明显的磨粒磨损,且磨损率略高于DLC薄膜;Ti掺杂有效地提高了DLC薄膜的热稳定性和高温摩擦学性能,在300 ℃的高温下,掺杂薄膜仍维持较低的摩擦因数和磨损率。 相似文献
超薄类金刚石膜纳米摩擦性能研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
使用原子力显微镜对由微波等离子体电子回旋共振化学气相沉积技术制备的超薄类金刚石薄膜的纳米摩擦性能进行了研究。结果表明:氢化非晶碳膜(a-C:H)的摩擦力和外加载荷基本成线性关系,可以使用修正的Amonton公式进行表征;厚度在64.9nm以下薄膜的微观承载性能和膜厚存在明显的正比例关系。通过分析磨损深度和循环次数之间的关系以及对磨损区域的导电性研究,表明a-C:H膜表层的微观承载性能较其内层相差很大,表面存在着一层软膜。 相似文献
类金刚石薄膜微观摩擦性能的FFM评价——针尖尺度效应 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用等离子体增强气相沉积制备了类金刚石薄膜,利用原子力显微镜的轻敲模式观察了它们的形貌,并在考虑外加载荷和扫描速度的基础上,用摩擦力显微镜(FFM)对比考察了尖端探针和平头探针对类金刚石薄膜摩擦性能评价的影响。结果表明:类金刚石薄膜的表面粗糙度随基底负偏压的增加而减小;存在于探针和类金刚石薄膜之间的水膜对尖端探针的剪切阻力贡献较大,且尖端探针测得的摩擦力变化趋势受扫描速度影响显著;水膜对平头探针起着不同形式的润滑作用,从而导致平头探针和类金刚石薄膜之间摩擦性能的速度效应存在差异;利用摩擦力显微镜考察类金刚石薄膜的摩擦性能时,存在着明显的针尖尺寸效应。 相似文献
In this paper, we investigate the sliding friction and wear behavior of a hydrogenated diamond-like carbon (DLC) film in ultrahigh
vacuum (UHV) and under partial pressures of water vapor, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen. The initial friction coefficient of
the film in UHV was ~0.15, but decreased steadily to values as low as 0.03 after about 30 sliding passes. During longer duration
tests, the friction coefficient increased again to values as high as ~0.15 and such an increase in friction coincided with
hydrogen desorption from the contacting surfaces (as detected by a mass spectrometer). Heating DLC to temperatures higher
than 360 K also caused desorption of hydrogen and a resulting marked increase in friction. The presence of molecular nitrogen,
oxygen and hydrogen in the test chamber did not have any noticeable effect on friction, but the presence of thermally dissociated
or ionized hydrogen within the close proximity of sliding surfaces had a beneficial effect by restoring the low friction behavior
of the DLC films. The introduction of water vapor into test chamber had an adverse effect on friction. The results of this
study confirm that hydrogen is key to low friction behavior of hydrogenated DLC films and that the presence of water molecules
has an adverse effect on their friction behavior. 相似文献
利用非平衡磁控溅射技术在单晶硅片及9Cr18基体表面制备不同偏压下的掺钨含氢类金刚石碳膜。采用Ra-man光谱分析薄膜结构,采用纳米硬度测试仪和纳米划痕仪研究薄膜的纳米硬度、弹性模量和膜基附着力,在球-盘摩擦试验机上测试薄膜在大气环境中的摩擦学性能,研究薄膜的摩擦学性能与偏压的关系。结果表明:制备的薄膜样品均具有典型的类金刚石碳膜结构;基体偏压强烈影响薄膜的力学和摩擦学性能,薄膜硬度和弹性模量在0~150 V范围内随着偏压增加而增大,薄膜的摩擦因数在偏压为100 V时最小,在此参数下的耐磨寿命也最长。 相似文献
Diamond-like carbon (DLC) film was deposited on Si wafer by a plasma CVD deposition system using benzene. Tribological properties of the DLC film were evaluated using a ball-on-disk tribo-meter in low (RH 1720 %) and high humidity (RH 9095 %) conditions in air. The effect of sliding speed (4.2 mm/s to 25 mm/s) and load (1.06 N to 3.08 N) on friction and wear was investigated. The friction behavior of the DLC film was obviously different in low and high humidity. When tested under low humidity conditions, the friction coefficient decreased significantly with increasing speed, and increased with load. However, under high humidity conditions, the friction coefficient increased with the speed and decreased with increasing load. The wear of the DLC film was little influenced by the sliding speed, normal load and humidity; a level of 10-8 mm3/Nm could be obtained in all tests. The formation of a uniform transfer layer would be the main factor which controlled the friction coefficient of the DLC films. Unlike the friction, the wear resistance of the DLC film is not so easy to discuss and may be affected mainly by the tribo-chemical reaction in all the test conditions. 相似文献
碳纤维增强尼龙1010复合材料的摩擦磨损性能及磨损机理研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
以注塑成型法制备了尼龙1010及碳纤维(CF)增强尼龙1010复合材料,研究了CF含量和载荷对材料摩擦学性能和磨损机制的影响。结果表明,CF的加入可显著改善尼龙的摩擦学性能,以体积分数为20%的CF增强尼龙1010复合材料的耐磨性能最好。较低的CF含量下复合材料磨损表面主要受到对偶钢环上微凸峰的切削和犁沟作用,较高载荷时发生了热疲劳剥层磨损;随着CF含量增加,复合材料表面在较高载荷时产生明显疲劳断裂,并使对偶钢环产生较剧烈磨损。 相似文献