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Using high aluminum refractory material as substrate at 1400℃, we studied the connections between several oxides such as Fe203, MnOv CuO, and the formation of defects such as coating crack, exfoliation, blistering, erosion, and fading away appeared in the application of high temperature infrared radiation coating. Analyses showed that thermal stress formed during the heating process due to the thermal expansion coefficient differential between the coating and the substrate, and volume effect caused by the crystal transferred when the temperature changed, which resulted in the coating crack and exfoliation. The gas produced by the reactions between components and binder or the components themselves during the heating process caused the coating blistering. The EMPA and XRD analyses show that oxides with low melting point in the penetrating area of the substrate may form eutectic with low melting point and produced thermal defects, which leads to the erosion by penetrating to the substrate. The valent changes of Fe2O3 and MnO2 during the heating process cause the volatilization of the oxides or the pulverization of the coatings, resulting in the coating fades away easily at high temperature for a long time.  相似文献   

窄谱带模型数值研究高温喷流动态红外特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对高温超声速喷流流场的动态红外辐射特性进行研究.采用窄谱带模型结合光谱数据库及Mie散射理论建立求解非灰吸收、发射、散射性介质红外辐射传输计算模型.数值模拟了某高温喷流2~5μm光谱红外特性,获得了不同飞行高度时高温喷流的红外仿真热像、光谱、波段及总辐射强度仿真数据.比较结果表明:高温喷流在2~5μm光谱呈明显双峰特性;动态飞行时喷流红外光谱选择性是相类似的,光谱总辐射强度随高度增加先增大后减弱;低空时2~3μm波段辐射强度大于4~5μm波段辐射强度,而随着高度的增加,4~5μm波段辐射强度将大于2~3μm波段辐射强度。  相似文献   

Fe-Al intermetallics with remarkable high-temperature intensity and excellent erosion, high-temperature oxidation and sulfuration resistance are potential low cost high-temperature structural materials. But the room tem perature brittleness induces shape difficult and limits its industrial application. The Fe-Al intermetallic coatings were prepared by high velocity arc spraying technology with cored wire on 20G steel, which will not only obviate the problems faced in fabrication of these alloys into useful shapes, but also allow the effective use of their outstanding high-temperature performance. The Fe-Al/WC intermetallic composite coatings were prepared by high velocity arc spraying technology on 20G steel and the oxidation performance of Fe-Al/WC composite coatings was studied by means of thermogrativmetic analyzer at 450, 650 and 800 ℃. The results demonstrate that the kinetics curve of oxidation at three temperatures approximately follows the logarithmic law. The composition of the oxidized coating is mainly composed of Al2 O3, Fe2 O3, Fe3 O4 and FeO. These phases distribute unevenly. The protective Al2 O3 film firstly forms and preserves the coatings from further oxidation.  相似文献   

端铣切削难加工材料3Cr1Mo1/4V过程中产生切削高温,导致刀片破损速度加快,使用寿命降低.因此精确控制切削热和准确测量切削温度成为决定此类难加工材料切削性能的关键因素.通过可转位铣刀片断续车削模拟端铣切削的实验方案,利用红外辐射测温法分析切屑自由端表面的温度分布规律,并借助有限元软件的热传导单元获得刀-屑接触区及切屑内部的温度场分布.研究结果表明,断续切削实验方案及有限元模拟可有效用于铣刀片刃前区温度场分析,从切屑一侧研究切削热及切削温度,为优化设计铣刀片槽型,提高刀具寿命和加工效率等奠定基础.  相似文献   

Fe-Al intermetallics with remarkable high-temperature intensity and excellent erosion, high-temperature oxidation and sulfuration resistance are potential low cost high-temperature structural materials. But the room temperature brittleness induces shape difficult and limits its industrial application. The Fe-Al intermetallic coatings were prepared by high velocity arc spraying technology with cored wire on 20G steel, which will not only obviate the problems faced in fabrication of these alloys into useful shapes, but also allow the effective use of their outstanding high-temperature performance. The Fe-Al/WC intermetallic composite coatings were prepared by high velocity arc spraying technology on 20G steel and the oxidation performance of Fe-Al/WC composite coatings was studied by means of thermogrativmetic analyzer at 450, 650 and 800°C. The results demonstrate that the kinetics curve of oxidation at three temperatures approximately follows the logarithmic law. The composition of the oxidized coating is mainly composed of Al2O3, Fe2O3, Fe3O4 and FeO. These phases distribute unevenly. The protective Al2O3 film firstly forms and preserves the coatings from further oxidation. Foundation item: Project(50235030) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Project(98BK014) supported by the Foundation of State Economy Trade Committee of China  相似文献   

根据空调红外遥控原理构建了以51单片机为控制核心,DSl8820为测温元件的可由温度触发红外遥控空调开/关的硬件电路。利用红外一体化接收头和示波器获取空调遥控器开/关键按下所发射出的红外脉冲信号。设计了系统软件并给出了相关的软件代码,该系统硬件结构简单,软件适应性强,取得了预期要求的遥控效果。  相似文献   

测量了高Tc超导体系Bi-Sb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O的红外吸收光谱,其结果表明:只有在(400cm-1-700cm-1)的范围内,存在一组随超导相不同而变化的峰群,根据群论分析和CuO的红外吸收光谱,认定它们分别对应于[CuO6]八面体、[CuO5]金字塔和[CuO4]平面四边形结构,而不是CuO面或CuO链.进一步分析可得结论,由[CuO5]金字塔组成的准三维CuO面和它们之间的适当偶合才是获得高Tc的关键,而且似乎偶合越弱,Tc越高.  相似文献   

利用Gleeble-1500D热力模拟试验机,对316LN钢进行温度为950~1200℃,应变速率分别为0.005、0.05、0.5和1s-1的热力模拟试验。借助扫描电镜(SEM)对断口进行观察,研究316LN钢的高温塑性及高温断裂机制。结果表明:316LN钢高温断裂为韧性断裂,随着温度和应变速率的增加,韧窝尺寸增大,深度增加,塑性增加。同时,采用回归方法构建了断裂应变、塑性指标(延伸率和断面收缩率)分别与变形条件(温度和应变速率)的关系模型,应用这些模型可以计算一定条件下316LN钢的断裂应变、延伸率和断面收缩率,对制定316LN钢的锻造工艺有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

为了解决热镀锌铝工艺中沉没辊受到熔融锌铝液腐蚀的问题,采用超音速火焰喷涂技术在316L基体上制备了NiCoCrAlY粘结层,并利用等离子喷涂技术制备了NiCoCrAlY/Al_2O_3-13%TiO_2复合涂层.结果表明,复合涂层界面处的热膨胀系数突变减缓,使得界面处的应力集中减少,从而对裂纹扩展起到延缓和抑制作用,因而复合涂层的抗裂性能增强.复合涂层在锌铝液中的使用寿命可以达到9 d,高于传统Al_2O_3-13%TiO_2涂层.复合涂层的结合强度也高于传统Al_2O_3-13%TiO_2涂层,但复合涂层的最终失效形式依然是由两种材料的热胀系数不匹配所导致的涂层开裂.  相似文献   

The precursor of ammonium aluminum carbonate hydroxide was synthesized by using aluminum sulfate (Al2 (SO4)3 ) and ammonium carbonate((NH4 )2CO3 ). The effects of α-Al2 O3 seeds and mixture composed of α- Al2O3 and ammonium nitrate, as well as multiplex catalysts (AT) on phase transformation of alumina in sintering process were investigated respectively. The results show that the α-Al2 O3 seeds and the mixture of α-Al2 O3 and ammonium nitrate can lower the phase transformation temperature of α-Al2O3 to different extents while the particles obtained agglomerate heavily. AT has great potential synergistic effects on the phase transformation of alumina and reduces the phase transformation temperature of α-Al2O3 and the trends of necking-formation between particles. Therefore the dispersion of powder particles is improved significantly.  相似文献   

为了提高纯钛的高温抗氧化性能,采用电弧喷涂和等离子喷涂方法在纯钛表面制备Ni/Al复合涂层.利用激光重熔使得Ni层与Al层发生冶金反应,对试件进行800℃×40 h连续氧化.根据生成的金属间化合物特征研究纯钛的高温抗氧化行为.结果表明,经过表面改性处理后Ni/Al复合涂层可以显著提高纯钛的高温抗氧化性能.在激光重熔过程中Ni/Al复合涂层中的Al发生熔化扩散并与Ni形成以Ni2Al3相为主的扩散层.在氧化过程中Ni/Al复合涂层表面形成连续且致密的α-Al2O3氧化膜与大量NiAl相,表面扩散层中的富铝相可为表面提供充足的Al元素,进而对纯钛基体提供有效的高温抗氧化保护作用.  相似文献   

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