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兰海 《中国科技博览》2010,(35):552-552
介绍了消防中介机构的现状,针对目前消防中介机构发展中存在的问题,提出了培育和发展消防中介组织的一系列积极、有效的措旌,以期促进公安消防机构能更好地完成消防监督职能的转变。  相似文献   

本文针对当前时期下我国矿山测量的发展现状进行论述,然后提出相应的对策,最后在结论中提出加快矿山测量发展速度的几点重要意义。  相似文献   

血脂净化治疗是家族性高胆固醇血症患者及无法耐受高剂量他汀治疗的高胆固醇血脂患者的重要辅助治疗。然而,临床现有的血脂净化技术因费用昂贵及治疗过程繁琐等缺点尚未在中国广泛应用。近年来,大量研究者聚焦于新型低密度脂蛋白吸附剂的研发,以期替代现有的血脂净化技术。文中首先综述了不同血脂净化技术在家族性高胆固醇血症患者中的应用现状及各自的优缺点,然后详细介绍了低密度脂蛋白吸附剂研发的最新进展,着重讨论了免疫型、阴离子型、疏水型及双亲型4种低密度脂蛋白吸附剂的脂蛋白吸附性能及生物相容性,并对未来低密度脂蛋白吸附剂的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

早期糖尿病肾病与血脂的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨早期糖尿病肾病与血脂之间的关系。方法:对109例2型糖尿病患者进行血脂各项指标测定、尿微量白蛋白排泄率测定及其他临床指标观察;对照组(N组)为本院70例查体正常者。用放射免疫分析(RIA)测定尿微量白蛋白,用全自动生化仪测定各项血脂水平,把109例2型糖尿病患者按照尿微量白蛋白排泄率(UAER)分成非糖尿病肾病组(NDN组)UAER<20μg/min;糖尿病肾病组(DN组)UAER 20~200μg/min,并进行相关分析。结果:DN组较NDN组的病程长,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);UAER分别与病程、SBP、DBP、、CHOL(?) TG、LDLC、LP(a)呈正相关(r=0.602,0.484,0.541,0.502,0.389,0.355,0.496,P<0.01),与APOA呈负相关(r=-0.237,P<0.01),UAER与年龄呈正相关,(r=0.149,P=0.032<0.05)。多元逐步回归分析提示:尿微量白蛋白排泄率不仅与收缩压呈正相关,而且与TG呈正相关,(B=0.167,P=0.038<0.05;B=0.215,P=0.000<0.001)。结论:2型糖尿病患者甘油三酯与收缩压的增高与早期糖尿病肾脏损害密切相关,在糖尿病早期积极降压、控制血糖对延缓早期糖尿病肾病发展有重要临床价值。  相似文献   

我国的火灾形势与工业防火对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在简述我国经济快速发展的前提下,介绍了现阶段我国火灾形势的特点,揭示了两者之间的关系。同时,分析了在我国工业防火防爆工作中尚存在的不足之处,其中,对法制建设,技术改造设备与人员的投入等作了重点论述,为减少我国工业的火灾事故,最后还制定了针对性的预防对策。  相似文献   

针对高层建筑火灾的特点,在分析了高层建筑发生火灾的成因及其危害性的基础上,提出按照高层建筑消防安全需要进行全面系统设计,实施全方位科学协调,以防范火灾的发生。探讨了以设计施工为平台,建立高层建筑消防长效发展的整体保障机制,并充分利用社会资源,探索符合本地实际的高层建筑消防安全管理的有效途径和方式,不断完善、规范、发展、创新、提高高层建筑消防管理、教育、服务、保障的综合功能。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程不断加快,城市人口密度不断增加,高层建筑数量也越来越多。大量的高层建筑在很大程度上提高了单位土地面积的利用效率,但是随着层数以及高度的增加,建筑的结构复杂性的提升,高层建筑发生火灾的概率大大的提升,使得高层建筑的防火形势十分的严峻。文章对高层建筑火灾的成因进行详细的分析,在此基础之上有针对性的提出了相应的对策,从而不断的提高高层建筑的防火能力,保证人们的生命和财产安全。  相似文献   

随着我国的社会以及经济的迅猛发展,土壤的问题也是越来越严重。我国每年因为土壤的污染所造成的经济损失数以亿计。而每年由土壤污染所引发的农产品安全质量等问题也在逐年增加。笔者针对我国的土壤污染现状以及原因还有危害等提出我国土壤污染的防治方法,以期能起到相应的帮助。  相似文献   

功能性有机硅烷膜对金属腐蚀防护的研究现状及展望   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
功能性有机硅氧烷对金属表面进行处理是一种新型的表面防护处理技术,能够显著提高金属的耐腐蚀性能.介绍了功能性有机硅氧烷的结构和分类,探讨了功能性硅氧烷膜的腐蚀防护机理,总结了金属表面耐腐蚀性功能硅氧烷膜的研究现状和进展,以期对金属表面腐蚀防护提供指导和帮助.  相似文献   

陈军文  崔利海  肖力  刘晖 《包装工程》2011,32(23):169-171
简要介绍了2种金属包装——VCI气相防锈包装和涂层包装,阐述了VCI气相防锈原理及其一般应用,介绍了涂层包装的发展现状,对金属包装材料的发展作了剖析与展望。  相似文献   

厦门市环境噪声来源及防治对策研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
厦门市总体环境质量在福建省甚至全国都是比较好的城市,但环境噪声一直居高不下,对厦门市环境噪声的现状进行了分析,从城市规划、环境规划、交通规划、建筑规划和路网规划等战略高度提出环境噪声污染防治措施.  相似文献   

我国高比表面积活性炭研究现状与发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了外高比表面积活性炭发展概况,叙述了我国高比表面积活性炭研究现状,并就我国该材料的发展提出了对策。  相似文献   

A previous investigation suggested that the use of plasma as the biological fluid for measurement of amphotericin B (AmpB) concentrations greatly underestimates the concentrations of AmpB in the total blood circulation following amphotericin B lipid complex (ABLC) administration to humans. The purpose of this study was to determine if differences in the method used to obtain plasma from whole blood influences the percentage of AmpB recovered in plasma following ABLC incubation in whole blood. ABLC (5 μg AmpB/ml; peak blood concentration observed in rabbits following intravenous bolus of ABLC at a dose of 1 mg/kg) was incubated in whole blood for 5 min at 25°C. These conditions were used to mimic the sample retrieval conditions used when blood is obtained from animals and human patients. Following incubation, plasma was obtained from whole blood using five different methods: (A) Whole blood was centrifuged for 5 min at 23°C, and the plasma was separated; (B) whole blood was stored at 4°C for 18 h, and the plasma was separated by gravity; (C) whole blood was stored at 23°C for 18 h, and the plasma was separated by gravity; (D) whole blood was stored at 37°C for 18 h in a water bath, and the plasma was separated by gravity; and (E) whole blood was stored at 30°C for 18 h in a water bath, and the plasma was separated by gravity. All samples were protected from light throughout the duration of the experiment. AmpB concentration in each plasma sample was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using an external calibration curve. The whole blood : plasma Amp B concentration ratio and the percentage of AmpB partitioned into plasma following incubation of ABLC in whole blood for each plasma separation procedure was as follows: (A) 6.5 : 1 blood : plasma AmpB concentration ratio, 15.4% ± 1.6% AmpB in plasma; (B) 2.98 : 1 blood : plasma AmpB concentration ratio, 33.6% ± 7.7% AmpB in plasma; (C) 1.5 : 1 blood : plasma AmpB concentration ratio, 67.6% ± 10.3% AmpB in plasma; (D) 1.5 : 1 blood : plasma concentration ratio, 68.1% ± 1.1% AmpB in plasma; and (E) 1.2 : 1 blood : plasma AmpB concentration ratio; 83.4% ± 5.5% AmpB in plasma. These findings suggest that when measurement of AmpB in plasma is required following ABLC administration, incubation of whole blood at 30°C for 18 h appears to be the most effective method.  相似文献   

A previous investigation suggested that the use of plasma as the biological fluid for measurement of amphotericin B (AmpB) concentrations greatly underestimates the concentrations of AmpB in the total blood circulation following amphotericin B lipid complex (ABLC) administration to humans. The purpose of this study was to determine if differences in the method used to obtain plasma from whole blood influences the percentage of AmpB recovered in plasma following ABLC incubation in whole blood. ABLC (5 μg AmpB/ml; peak blood concentration observed in rabbits following intravenous bolus of ABLC at a dose of 1 mg/kg) was incubated in whole blood for 5 min at 25°C. These conditions were used to mimic the sample retrieval conditions used when blood is obtained from animals and human patients. Following incubation, plasma was obtained from whole blood using five different methods: (A) Whole blood was centrifuged for 5 min at 23°C, and the plasma was separated; (B) whole blood was stored at 4°C for 18 h, and the plasma was separated by gravity; (C) whole blood was stored at 23°C for 18 h, and the plasma was separated by gravity; (D) whole blood was stored at 37°C for 18 h in a water bath, and the plasma was separated by gravity; and (E) whole blood was stored at 30°C for 18 h in a water bath, and the plasma was separated by gravity. All samples were protected from light throughout the duration of the experiment. AmpB concentration in each plasma sample was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using an external calibration curve. The whole blood : plasma Amp B concentration ratio and the percentage of AmpB partitioned into plasma following incubation of ABLC in whole blood for each plasma separation procedure was as follows: (A) 6.5 : 1 blood : plasma AmpB concentration ratio, 15.4% ± 1.6% AmpB in plasma; (B) 2.98 : 1 blood : plasma AmpB concentration ratio, 33.6% ± 7.7% AmpB in plasma; (C) 1.5 : 1 blood : plasma AmpB concentration ratio, 67.6% ± 10.3% AmpB in plasma; (D) 1.5 : 1 blood : plasma concentration ratio, 68.1% ± 1.1% AmpB in plasma; and (E) 1.2 : 1 blood : plasma AmpB concentration ratio; 83.4% ± 5.5% AmpB in plasma. These findings suggest that when measurement of AmpB in plasma is required following ABLC administration, incubation of whole blood at 30°C for 18 h appears to be the most effective method.  相似文献   

Vascular access placement is a key management issue for hemodialysis patients. Despite being well regarded as the access of first choice, the native arteriovenous fistula (AVF) remains underutilized in the United States. The first part of this review examines recent epidemiology studies addressing patient factors associated with the use of the synthetic arteriovenous graft as opposed to the native fistula. Female gender and older age are consistently associated with a higher frequency of graft use. Diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, and body mass index were associated with graft use in some but not all of the studies. Recent evidence also suggests an independent survival advantage for patients dialyzing via native fistulae especially for infection-related mortality. The second part reviews evidence surrounding the recommendations for blood flow surveillance of the native fistula. The hemodynamic features of the native fistula are examined and differences from synthetic grafts are highlighted. Clinical studies assessing the use of blood flow surveillance to prevent the sudden thrombosis of native fistulae are reviewed. Blood flow thresholds for further investigation are yet to be determined definitely for AVF and randomized studies should be performed to assesses the impact on AVF thrombosis rates.  相似文献   

基于煤炭在中美两国能源结构中的重要地位,指出洁净煤转化技术仍将是2050年前两国解决煤炭利用和环境问题的主导技术。本文阐述了先进煤化工涉及的洁净煤转化技术现状及发展趋势,重点以煤气化、煤液化、煤制烯烃和煤制乙二醇等技术为例,指出未来中美两国应优先在化学链气化技术、合成气一步合成低碳烯烃、煤炭转化系统CO2减排等核心技术发展,在化工作用机制、化学反应机理、高效催化剂开发、新型反应器设计等基础领域展开合作的战略建议。  相似文献   

Code of Occupational Disease Prevention of P.R. China was promulgated in 2002. As per law-en forcement requirement, we need a prompt establishment of occupational disease prevention standard system to become compatible with advanced world standards and make up our current technical standards on occupational disease prevention (TSODP). With an eye to improving TSODP system and reinforcing legislative construction, this project focuses on TSODP of workplace and occupational protection, and will be of momentous importance to guide employing units in preventing occupational disease. In addition, this project attaches importance to the integration of the said standards into those of advanced international ones, which will be conductive to update China's ODP and foster a good and healthy international image for China. This article gives you a general profile of this project through anticipated goals, progress and achievements of particular stages, so that you can have some knowledge of this project.  相似文献   

Hybrid synthetic amphiphilic biomolecules are emerging as promising supramolecular materials for biomedical and technological applications. Herein, recent progress in the field of nucleic acid based lipids is highlighted with an emphasis on their molecular design, synthesis, supramolecular properties, physicochemical behaviors, and applications in the field of health science and technology. In the first section, the design and the study of nucleolipids are in focus and then the glyconucleolipid family is discussed. In the last section, recent contributions of responsive materials involving nucleolipids and their use as smart drug delivery systems are discussed. The supramolecular materials generated by nucleic acid based lipids open new challenges for biomedical applications, including the fields of medicinal chemistry, biosensors, biomaterials for tissue engineering, drug delivery, and the decontamination of nanoparticles.  相似文献   

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