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The relationship between froth bubble size estimates represented by intra-bubble impact distances (IIDs)) and flotation performance is investigated. Flotation tests were carried out in a pseudo-steady-state circuit using an artificial ore made up of limestone and silica. Froth bubble sizes were estimated using an electro-resistive method while varying superficial gas velocity and froth depth. Results indicate that as froth height was increased, the average IID values also increased. This resulted in a decrease in limestone recovery while grade increased and vice versa. Increasing gas rate resulted in lower IID values that were accompanied by high limestone recovery at lower grades.  相似文献   


Tests are carried out with suspensions of fibrous chrysotile particles and nickel sulphide ore containing chrysotile as a gangue. They corroborate published results, and indicate a very strong effect of particle shape on slurry rheology. Such suspensions exhibit time dependent properties. The flotation tests revealed that the viscosity of this system strongly affects flotation performance. At a solids concentration of 15–20% (w/w), the concentrate yield increases and the concentrate grade dramatically declines. This deterioration is observed when the Casson yield stress exceeds 1·5–2 Pa. The tests imply that the rheological properties of the investigated system are mainly determined by fibrous components. However, because of the presence of anisotropic mineral particles, the effect of particle–particle interactions cannot be separated from the effect of particle shape in this system.

On effectue des essais avec des suspensions de particules fibreuses de serpentine et de minerai de sulfure de nickel contenant de la serpentine comme gangue. Ces essais confirment les résultats publiés et indiquent un effet très prononcé de la forme des particules sur la rhéologie de la boue. De telles suspensions exhibent des propriétés dépendantes du temps. Les essais de flottation ont révélé que la viscosité de ce système affecte grandement le rendement de la flottation. À une concentration en solides de 15 à 20% (poids/poids), la production de concentré augmente et la qualité du concentré décline dramatiquement. Cette détérioration est observée lorsque la contrainte de Casson excède 1·5 à 2 Pa. Les essais impliquent que les propriétés rhéologiques du système étudié sont déterminées principalement par les composantes fibreuses. Cependant, à cause de la présence de particules minérales anisotropes, on ne peut pas séparer l’effet des interactions particule-particule de l’effet de la forme des particules dans ce système.  相似文献   

通过浮选试验、DLVO理论计算、聚焦光束反射测量(FBRM)等研究了油酸钠浮选体系下粒度大小对赤铁矿和石英浮选分离的影响。人工混合矿浮选试验表明,窄粒级粗粒或中等粒级的赤铁矿?石英混合矿(CH&CQ和MH&CQ)的浮选效果较好,其中CH&CQ和MH&CQ的分选效率分别为85.49%和84.26%,明显高于全粒级混合矿(RH&RQ)的分选效率74.94%;但窄粒级的细粒赤铁矿?石英混合矿(FH&FQ)的浮选效果则较差,其分选效率只有54.98%。浮选动力学试验表明,赤铁矿的浮选速率和回收率不仅与赤铁矿的粒度有关,还受石英粒度的影响,细粒脉石矿物石英会降低赤铁矿的浮选速率和回收率。DLVO理论计算表明,当矿浆pH值为9.0时,石英与赤铁矿颗粒间的相互作用力为斥力,此时细粒石英很难“罩盖”在赤铁矿表面并通过这种“直接作用”的方式抑制赤铁矿浮选,这也与聚焦光束反射测量(FBRM)的测定结果基本一致;颗粒?气泡碰撞分析表明,在浮选过程中细粒石英可能通过“边界层效应”的方式跟随气泡升浮(夹带作用),影响赤铁矿颗粒与气泡间的碰撞及黏附,从而降低了赤铁矿的浮选速率和回收率。   相似文献   

为了进一步提高粗颗粒的浮选回收率,开发下一代浮选机叶轮是研究的重点之一。针对某钼矿粗粒级回收率低的问题,将一种新型浮选机叶轮应用到钼矿局部浮选流程中。通过开展浮选机动力学性能研究,对比分析新型浮选机叶轮的搅拌分散和分选效果。研究表明,新型浮选机叶轮提高了粗颗粒在槽体内的输送高度,从而促进了粗颗粒回收,在考查期内选厂钼总回收率增加了1.73个百分点。  相似文献   

A 25 cu ft flotation cell was operated continuously to produce an apatite-rich concentrate. The experimental results reported in this paper attempt to elucidate the role of the particle size distribution upon the performance of the cell. The particle size distribution influences performance through its effect on the particle residence time distribution and on the rate of impaction, adherence and detachment of particles and bubbles. A model is developed which is capable of predicting a fractional recovery of apatite in any particular particle size range.  相似文献   

在沸腾氯化生产过程中,原料粒度、配碳比、反应温度和气流速度等是影响沸腾氯化效果的主要因素,而原料粒度及其分布是其中最重要的影响因素。原料的最小粒径应大于氯化过程中飘逸出炉体的最大颗粒粒径,最大粒径应小于现有载气压力能够浮起的最大颗粒粒径。从化学动力学和流体动力学两个角度计算气流速度和原料粒度匹配,并通过生产实践中的数据分析进行粒度范围修正,总结出与沸腾氯化设备结构相匹配的原料粒度分布范围。  相似文献   

采用高能球磨法制备粒径小于200 nm的微细锰方硼石颗粒,将其作为摩擦填料添加到铜基摩擦材料中,利用放电等离子烧结(SPS)的方法制备出铜基摩擦材料。通过扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)以及X射线衍射(XRD)研究纳米颗粒的形貌、显微结构与成分。在铜基摩擦材料中添加不同粒径的纳米锰方硼石,并通过摩擦磨损试验测试其磨损性能。结果表明:高能球磨法可以有效地细化锰方硼石;添加球磨处理的锰方硼石后所有样品的致密度均在97%以上,添加球磨50 min的纳米锰方硼石的样品致密度达到99%以上;稳定了摩擦因数(平均摩擦因数为0.187),磨损量为1.049×10-14 m3·J-1,抗压强度达到167 MPa;随着锰方硼石的细化,摩擦的样品磨损机理从剥层磨损与粘着磨损逐渐转向轻微的磨粒磨损。  相似文献   


The objective of this work was to determine the behaviour of chalcopyrite (Cp) and pyrrhotite (Po) in microflotation tests using pure minerals and mixtures in the presence of Leptospirillum ferrooxidans. Tests were carried out in the presence and absence of an unconventional collector, isopropyl ethyl thionocarbamate. The results indicate that chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite act differently alone than in a mixture which means the presence of pyrrhotite inhibits chalcopyrite recovery. For chalcopyrite, the flotation rate significantly increases in the presence of bacteria in the first 10 min of contact which is an indication of a first order kinetic equation. The results in the presence of an unconventional collector suggest that the interaction between mineral and thionocarbamate is chemical and not due to the galvanic effect.

L’objectif de ce travail consistait à déterminer le comportement de la chalcopyrite (Cp) et de la pyrrhotite (Po) dans des essais de microflottation utilisant des minéraux purs et des mélanges, en présence de L. ferrooxidans. Les essais étaient effectués en présence et en absence d’un collecteur non conventionnel, l’isopropyle éthyle thionocarbamate. Les résultats indiquent que la chalcopyrite et la pyrrhotite agissent différemment seuls que lorsque dans un mélange, ce qui signifie que la présence de pyrrhotite inhibe la récupération de la chalcopyrite. Pour la chalcopyrite, la vitesse de flottation augmente significativement en présence de bactéries dans le premier 10 minutes de contact, ce qui est une indication d’une équation cinétique de premier ordre. Les résultats en présence d’un collecteur non conventionnel suggèrent que l’interaction entre le minéral et le thionocarbamate est chimique et n’est pas due à l’effet galvanique.  相似文献   

以动力学参数K(浮选速率系数)为依据,来评判黄铜矿、黄铁矿快速浮选分离的可能性.首 先,在不同矿浆浓度、浮选粒度及浮选机转速等条件下考察黄铜矿和黄铁矿纯矿物K值的变化,在一 定程度上阐释了黄铜矿、黄铁矿快速浮选分离的动力学机理及其可能性;同时,为使黄铜矿、黄铁矿快 速浮选分离技术在工业上具有适用性,进一步研究黄铜矿与黄铁矿组成的2种粒级的混合矿在适当 浮选条件下的动力学特性.结果表明,适当的浮选条件,可扩大黄铜矿与黄铁矿之间的浮选速率差异,从而实现黄铜矿的快速优先浮选.   相似文献   

为解决高炉喷吹煤可磨性的问题,研究了3种具有代表性的煤种以不同质量配比搭配后的混合样可磨性指数的变化规律,并利用卡方检测研究了不同配比的混煤可磨性指数与加权可磨性指数的关系。试验结果表明:经过卡方检测证明2种单煤混合样的可磨性指数具有线性加和性;然后在-0.074mm的粒度下,根据粒度指数的概念,混煤的粒度分布并没有加合效果,这与两种单煤的可磨性指数差异大小有关,试验证明:可磨性指数差异较大的两种煤混煤研磨,在较细的粒级范围内粉碎方式倾向于表面粉碎,难磨煤对易磨煤的粉碎起到促进作用。  相似文献   

通过改变球磨时间,获得不同粒度分布的钨粉颗粒,分析球磨时间对钨粉粒度分布和形貌特征的影响,提高粒度分布在目标区间(5~11 μm)的钨粉颗粒体积分数。结果表明,球磨的前2 h对原料中大颗粒钨粉的影响较大,钨粉颗粒最大粒径由134 μm迅速下降到20 μm左右。随着球磨时间的增加,钨粉粒度分布指标减缓下降,除粒径变小外,颗粒形貌基本无变化,但是在球磨10 h后开始出现团聚现象。综合分析可知,球磨时间的改变对钨粉粒度分布指标影响较大,球磨时间为8 h时,可获得粒度分布最窄的钨粉颗粒,在目标区间的钨粉颗粒体积分数达到75%。  相似文献   

雾化参数对H70黄铜粉粒度分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从气体动力学和流体力学分析了雾化气体压力、金属熔体温度和导液管内径对H70黄铜雾化粉末粒度分布的影响。结果表明:适当地提高气体压力和金属熔体温度或者减小导液管内径,均能使雾化粉末细粉量增加。当雾化气体压力为1.3MPa,金属熔体温度为1160℃,导液管内径为3.5mm时,所制得粉末的粒度分布最理想。  相似文献   

选取3种平均粒径分别为0.2、0.5和1μm的钨粉,将任意2种钨粉按一定的质量比混合后与氧化铝陶瓷共烧,得到氧化铝陶瓷的金属化层,研究钨粉颗粒级配对氧化铝陶瓷金属化方阻的影响。结果表明,钨金属化层的方阻与其烧结致密化程度直接相关,钨金属化层越致密,其表面方阻越低。单独使用其中1种粒度的钨粉与氧化铝陶瓷共烧时,金属化方阻较高。将0.5μm和1μm钨粉混合能显著降低方阻,当两者质量比为45:55时得到的金属化方阻最小(12.10 m/□)。混合钨粉的累积分布曲线符合Dinger-Funk粉体堆积公式,分布模数n越接近0.37,其烧结致密化程度越高,金属化方阻越低。  相似文献   

《Acta Metallurgica Materialia》1990,38(10):2017-2021
A simple model is presented to describe the kinetics of normal grain growth. The final expression incorporates a factor which depends on the grain size distribution but no assumption is made on the distribution function. A similar expression is also derived for particle coarsening.  相似文献   

Nd-Fe-B hot-pressed (HP) magnet prepared from melt-spun MQU-F flakes features coarse grains (CG) with the average size of both 200 nm (CGS) and 700 nm (CGL) at flake boundary. The grain growth at the flake boundary of Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe composite HP magnet before and after diffusion of low-melting-point Pr82Cu18 phase was investigated, revealing the indispensable role of surface RE-rich phase of melt-spun flakes in the formation of CG in HP magnet. The dominant role of surface oxygen content of melt-spun flakes in the formation of CGL has been clarified with etching method. The HP magnet prepared from the etched flakes with dramatically decreased oxygen content exhibits the CG regions merely with homogeneous equiaxed CGS at flake boundary. Consequently, the coercivity (μ0Hc) shows significant increase while remanent magnetization (μ0Mr) inappreciable change. Further investigation with sieving method reveals the elimination of CGL via removal of the fine Nd-Fe-B flakes smaller than 54 μm due to their much higher oxygen content, confirming the dominant role of oxygen content in the formation of CGL. The quantitative analysis on the magnetic properties of the above HP magnets reveals the monotonic increase of coercivity (μ0Hc) and negligible change of remanent magnetization (μ0Mr) with decreased oxygen contents of Nd-Fe-B flakes. The maximum value of coercivity (μ0Hc) increases from 2.26 to 2.47 T as the oxygen content decreases from 0.1692 wt% to 0.079 wt%.  相似文献   

何桂春  倪文 《工程科学学报》2006,28(12):1101-1105
提出了在矿砂粒径尺寸级配情况下,不同粒径的筛下累积含量公式.在分析超声衰减基本理论模型的基础上,将不同粒径的筛下累积含量集成到超声波衰减模型中,推导出超声波衰减与矿浆浓度、粒度之间的关系模型.将所推导的模型结合实验和数据分析以确定超声波衰减与粒度分布的关系,且采用遗传算法反演计算获得矿浆中粒的粒度分布.结果表明,反演的计算结果精度较高.  相似文献   

以氢氧化钾为催化剂,用硅粉溶解法制备硅溶胶,通过扫描电镜(SEM)、激光粒度分析(SL)、pH值和粘度测试对所得硅溶胶进行表征.研究反应温度、硅粉加入量、氢氧化钾加入量和反应时间对胶粒粒径、粒度分布以及形貌的影响,并对粒径增长进行理论分析.结果表明:随着反应温度的升高,平均粒径先增大后减小,粒径分散度先减小后增大:随着...  相似文献   

Conclusions After the passage of 0.16 A · h of electricity per 1 g of the charge investigated, the amount of nickel in the powder was 13–14 wt.%. The surfaces of the powder particles, which had retained their original shape and dendritic structure, were covered with fairly even, 5- to 8-m-thick nickel layers. During nickel plating the powders coarsened as a result of coalescence of separate particles, which was especially pronounced with charges containing large nickel additions (up to 30–50%). Additional comminution of nickel-plated powders increased their fineness. The milling operation virtually restored the original fine particle size of powders containing 13–14% of nickel.Translated from Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No. 1(229), pp. 1–4, January, 1982.  相似文献   

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