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重点阐述了济钢原有的销售渠道带来的弊端和现有销售模式的创新。通过直供销售,缩短了销售链,减少了销售成本和费用,扩大了销售网络,大大提高了济钢的经济效益和社会效益,深得用户的好评。  相似文献   

氨浸液中游离氨对钼酸铵生产的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
路庆祥 《中国钼业》1995,19(2):33-35
论述了钼酸铵中氨浸液的组成及主要组分的赋存状态,提出了氨浸液中游离氨浓度与钼酸铵生产的关系和作用机理,从理论和应用方面作了深入探讨。  相似文献   

介绍了用自来水的供水压力替换液压油做动力源 ,运用到舞台升降机构中 ,取得了良好效果。探讨了在类似机构中使用自来水。  相似文献   

受市场大环境影响,产能过剩的钢铁企业利润空间狭小。本文通过分析太阳能级多晶硅市场,比较化学法与冶金法两种提纯多晶硅的方法;论述钢铁企业发展冶金法生产多晶硅在人力资源、设备、物流、生产经营等诸方面的优势;提出中小型钢铁企业将部分钢铁产能转型到冶炼太阳能级多晶硅的设想,并针对太阳能光伏市场提出企业尽快占领高纯度石英矿的建议。  相似文献   

网络免费科技信息资源导航   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍Internet上的免费数据库,在线科技期刊以及专利、科技报告、标准等电子资源。  相似文献   

分析了5种中碳钢保护渣对结晶器热流的影响,结晶器热流过大或热流稳定性越差时连铸坯表面纵裂出现的几率越大.对渣膜取样研究表明,保护渣对结晶器热流的控制是通过渣膜结构来实现的,要得到控制热流好的渣膜结构必须保证渣膜的高结晶率,找出了适合邯钢中碳钢连铸坯的保护渣组成.  相似文献   

戚水仙 《中国冶金》2004,(10):41-44
在全球钢铁企业中,LNM集团是一家另类的公司.它的发展壮大完全靠低价收购一系列基础良好但经营不佳而处于困境中的钢铁企业,随之进行现代化改造,使其迅速盈利.阐述了LNM发展壮大的过程,指出了其收购、运作的特征,在此基础上提出了几点思考.  相似文献   

在现场调查和统计的基础上,分析了青川县东河口地震型崩塌体200余块块石沿转折型沟谷的分布特征和各不同体积组块石的分布特征.提出块石拦截率概念,并据此从数量和体积2个角度定量分析了沟谷拐弯段对块石的拦截效果.分析认为:转折型沟谷在控制块石的运移方面具有积极作用;相比小体积块石,沟谷拐弯段对大体积块石具有更好的拦截效果;从数量上来看,沟谷内靠近崩塌堆积体后壁的拐弯拦截块石相对较少.本文的分析思路及方法为认识和研究转折型构筑物及其拐弯在控制崩塌体运移等方面提供参考,所得结论为人类防治崩塌灾害等方面提供借鉴.  相似文献   


The paper traces the dependence of consistent quality in high-density components on the preparative history of the powder used in fabrication, taking uranium dioxide as an example. Consistent dimensions imply consistent densities, microstructures, &c., and the influence of powder quality on these properties is discussed. The chemistry of uranyl nitrate precipitation with ammonia is described with reference to the powder characteristics of the product and the way in which these are modified by subsequent thermal and mechanical treatments, such as hydrogen reduction and micronizing.

In the high-throughput production of uranium dioxide solid cylinders for nuclear fuel elements, automatic presses. are used; the requirements for granulation and binder addition to ensure a smooth and consistent feed to the presses are considered, together with the precautions necessary in removal of the binder to avoid subsequent distortion of the pellet on sintering.

In the U.K.A.E.A., such pellets are made on the ton scale and the typical dimensional spread on as-sintered pellets is ± 1% on components of ~0·5 in. dia.; this is a considerable achievement, considering that the shrinkage of a component on sintering is some 40 vol.-%. Final sizing, for instance on centreless grinders, reduces the dimensional spread to ± 0·0005 in.

The experience gained in studying uranium dioxide fabrication is translatable to other special (i.e. non-silicate) ceramics and to metal powders, as illustrated by work at Springfields on beryllia and alumina.  相似文献   

流动性是粉末冶金重要的工艺参数之一,其优劣直接影响生产效率,同时对于形状复杂件、细长件、大高度件等,流动性差将导致装粉时模具充填不佳甚至出现搭桥从而影响制件的成形。实际生产中还原粉的流动性能控制相对较难,本文提供了几个改善流动性的试验,主要包括:调整粉末粒度组成、配入雾化粉、调整原料松装密度并延长合批时间、调整还原温度。以上方法均可以改善还原铁粉的流动性,其中第三个最可行。  相似文献   

对当前中国钢铁业面临的内外环境进行了分析,并指出中国钢铁业实现由大到强转型需要迈过三道槛:平衡发展模式、国际化、资源环境,而跨越转型门槛的唯一推动力就是创新。  相似文献   

Cu—Zn—Al合金中转变的正电子湮没研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文用正电子湮没Doppler展宽能谱和其它相关技术分析Cu-23 at%Zn-10 at%Al形状记忆合金不同温度淬火后的试样表明,该合金除了于700~600℃有α相变外,在550~500℃和300~250℃还有两个转变,前者可能是无序β相向有序B_2相的转变,后者可能是有序B_2相向有序DO_3相的转变。正电子湮没Doppler展宽能谱对。相变不敏感,但对有序转变敏感。  相似文献   


The binary systems of silicides of the high-melting-point transition metals are now well understood, except for the hafnium-silicon system. Research since 1954 is reviewed, with particular reference to the compound Me5Si3 and its position in the silicide systems. Reference is also made to the pseudo-binary and pseudo-ternary silicide systems.

The structures of many of the intermetallic phases in the binary boride systems have now been determined, but complete equilibrium diagrams still remain to be established in some cases. New tentative diagrams are given for the systems vanadium–boron, niobium–boron, and tantalum–boron, and structures are suggested for the borides V3B2, Nb3B2, and Ta3B2 with the T2 structure (isostructural with U3Si2).

Ternary alloys of the systems Me–Si–B are of great interest, not only structurally but also for practical reasons. The complete systems Me–Si–B of Group VI (Mo–Si–B and W–Si–B) have accordingly been studied by X-ray, thermal-analysis, and micrographic methods. The system Cr–Si–B has been determined and attention is directed to the possible commercial applications of certain alloys containing additions of metals of the iron group, in particular nickel, for sprayed coatings resistant to liquid aluminium.

The question of cementing silicides and borides with metals and alloys is discussed theoretically. The character of the silicide or boride system in question and the behaviour of the intermediate phase in relation to the bonding material are of decisive importance for the selection of the latter. Only very limited data are to be found in the literature on the behaviour of silicides and borides in relation to metals and alloys. Alloys based on TiB2, ZrB2, MoSi2, and WSi2, impregnated with numerous metals and alloys, have been prepared. Their structures have been studied and the technical suitability of various combinations is discussed on the basis of their technological properties.  相似文献   

以向心滚动轴承为例,通过对滚动轴承的受力分析,定性定量地阐述了滚动轴承各元件寿命的不一致性,提出了延长滚动轴承整体使用寿命的方法。  相似文献   

设计了一种工业用螺旋形状表面板电容式相浓度传感器,采用三维有限元方法对传感器结构进行优化设计,其检测场均匀性误差低于5%,有效地减小了相分布及流型变化对测量的影响;与电容式速度传感器组合成一体化装置,可用于在线测量气/固两相流质量流量.在现场与电子秤比对,整机精度误差小于5%.  相似文献   

电容式传感器在高炉喷吹煤粉质量流量测量中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
金锋  陆增喜  吴恩庚  王师 《钢铁》1999,34(10):56-59
设计了一种工业用螺旋形状表面板电容式相浓度传感器,采用三维有限元方法对传感器结构进行优化设计,其检测场均匀性误差低于5%,有效地减小了相分布及流型变化对测量的影响;与电容式速度传感器组合成一体化装置,可用于在线测量气/固两相流质量流量。在现场与电子秤比对,整机精度误差小于5%。  相似文献   

从1999—2000年美国专利文献看钼的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘牧  肖松涛 《中国钼业》2001,25(3):11-13
介绍了1999-2000年钼相关美国专利中反映出的钼在电子、生物医学、军事、化工及电子计算机等领域的广泛应用。  相似文献   

“西气东输”是我国西部大开发的标志性工程,这一项目已经引起了国内外的广泛关注。开发管线用钢不仅具有重大的现实意义,而且也可为提高我国钢铁工业整体水平做出贡献。  相似文献   

2000—2002年度《金属材料研究》载文情况统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《金属材料研究》是一个有30余年刊龄,专门从事报道金属材料的理论研究、科研试制、生产应用等方面的学术期刊。对其2000—2002年的载文情况进行统计分析发现,其普赖斯指数大于0.55,作者合作度2.18人/篇,作者地域分布12个省市,外文参考文献量占总参考文献量的52.5%,篇引文量9.1篇,并对今后刊物的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

多孔金属材料在微小流量节流器上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对微小流量节流器对流阻器材料的特殊要求,从几个方面论证了选择粉末冶金多孔金属材料作为流阻器的可行性,介绍了在应用过程中遇到的问题和相应的解决措施.阐述了在微小流量节流器中用多孔金属材料作为流阻器所产生的效果.  相似文献   

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