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We have used metallography, x-ray diffraction, and electron-probe microanalysis to plot isothermal cross sections at 750°C and 600°C for the phase diagram of the ternary Fe – Mo – Ti system in the titanium-rich alloy region. We have established that at these temperatures, molybdenum lowers the solubility of iron in α‐titanium and expands the β ‐region. In grains of α‐titanium with composition near the boundary between α and α + β phase regions, a plate martensite‐like structure is formed.  相似文献   

身份对于每个交际主体而言都有着十分重要的意义.为了实现其期望的交际目的,说话人有意识或无意识地保护或牺牲着自己的身份并且对对方的身份体现出一种顺应或不顺应.本文以英语角这一常见的交际场所为背景,观察并分析中国英语学习者和以英语为母语的外教之间以及英语学习者之间交流的过程中交际双方对彼此身份的认同和顺应,并尝试从语言顺应的角度对跨群体交际过程做出解释.希望通过这一研究可以管窥身份和语用之间的关系.  相似文献   

潘红 《特殊钢》2011,32(6):28-30
针对攀钢V和V-Nb微合金化低碳梁板钢200 mm连铸坯出现角部横裂纹缺陷,通过综合优化连铸工艺参数-将结晶器铸坯窄宽面热流比由原先的0.90~1.10降至0.75~0.85,保护渣的粘度由0.20 Pa • s降至0.16 Pa • s,稳定连铸拉速和连铸机工况条件,使铸坯角部横裂纹缺陷得到了明显改善,并消除了由此引起的热轧饭卷表面线纹和起皮缺陷,因梁板钢热轧板卷表面缺陷引起的降级改判率由30%降至0。  相似文献   

在分析现有搅拌摩擦焊角接焊接的方法的基础上,提出了一种新的搅拌摩擦焊(FSW)角接焊接外侧焊接方法(FSOCW)。  相似文献   

采用矿相显微镜及XRD研究了不同温度条件下连铸保护渣矿相结构的变化。结果表明,在本实验条件下的降温和升温过程中,连铸保护渣的结晶化率均随实验温度的升高而下降,结晶矿相主要为枪晶石、硅灰石、黄长石。枪晶石在1000 ℃和1200 ℃时结晶能力最强,1300 ℃时无枪晶石析出。硅灰石只在1000 ℃时析出,晶体发育程度很高。黄长石晶体在1300 ℃时发育良好且光学性质明显,1000 ℃和1200 ℃时生长缓慢,为细小的颗粒状雏晶。在相同的实验温度条件下,连铸保护渣在升温过程中结晶化率高、晶体细小、结构致密,降温过程中其晶体发育程度良好、晶体粗大  相似文献   

The constitution of the Pb-Sn-Sr system from the Pb-Sn binary up to 36 at. pct Sr was determined by differential thermal analysis, metallography, microprobe analysis, and X-ray diffraction. Pb3Sr forms a continuous series of solid solutions with Sn3Sr, and is referred to here as the8 phase. Sn4Sr was the only other intermetallic phase found and is designated here as γ. A eutectic-like trough is formed between (Pb) and δ. It originates at 1.0 at. pct Sr and 324.5 °C (the (Pb)/Pb3Sr eutectic) and falls monotonically to ~75 at. pct Pb, 24.5 at. pct Sn, and 0.45 at. pct Sr at 283 °C. At 283 °C, a Class II, four-phase reaction occurs: L + δ (Pb) + γ. A eutectic-like trough between (Pb) and γ falls from the four-phase plane at 283 °C to the ternary eutectic at ~26 at. pct Pb, ~74 at. pct Sn and <0.3 at. pct Sr at 182 °C. The ternary eutectic reaction is L → (Pb) + (Sn) + γ.  相似文献   

采用TG-DTA和XRD等分析手段对La2O3-H3BO3-C体系高温烧结过程中的相组成进行了研究.结果表明:在 82~390 ℃之间,发生了H3BO3的三阶段脱水反应,第一阶段为82~153 ℃,生成了HBO2;第二阶段为153~222 ℃,生成了H2B4O7;第三阶段为287~390 ℃,生成了B2O3.在836~1 400 ℃时,主要是La2O3与B2O3反应生成LaB3O6和 LaBO3.在1 450 ℃的高温下, La2O3、B2O3和C共同作用生成LaBO3和B4C,此时LaBO3相占主要地位,计算得到其晶胞参数为:a=7.955,b=8.160,c=6.499,属于单斜晶系.在1 500 ℃时, LaBO3和B4C反应生成LaB4、B和LaB6; LaB4和B进一步烧结生成LaB6,其生成率随烧结时间延长而增加,计算得到其晶胞参数为:a=4.156,属于立方晶系.  相似文献   

The liquidus projection of the Fe-rich corner of the B-Fe-U phase diagram is proposed based on powder X-ray diffraction measurements, differential thermal analysis, and scanning electron microscopy observations complemented by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The present work demonstrates the existence of 10 ternary reactions together with 18 monovariant lines and establishes their location and approximate temperatures. The ternary compounds existing in this region of the B-Fe-U ternary phase diagram, UFe3B2, UFe4B, and U2Fe21B6, were confirmed to form by ternary peritectic reactions, yet UFe4B and U2Fe21B6 have minute primary crystallization fields, indicating a more challenging preparation of single crystals for these compounds when compared with UFe3B2.  相似文献   

对板坯角横裂纹在轧后钢板边部的延展行为进行了实验室和工业试验研究。得出:随着钢板轧制厚度的增加,铸坯角部横裂纹沿宽度方向延展有加重的趋势;轧制规格相对较薄的钢板的裂纹极微小,有被撵平的趋势;毛边钢板的安全切边量为35 mm。  相似文献   

The liquidus projection at the boron-rich corner of the B-Fe-U phase diagram is proposed based on powder X-ray diffraction measurements, heating curves, and scanning electron microscopy observations, complemented with both energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and electron probe microanalysis. Evidence for six ternary reactions is presented, the corresponding 12 monovariant lines are drawn, and the nature and location of the ternary reactions are given. The ternary compounds existing in this region of the B-Fe-U ternary phase diagram, UFeB4 and UFe2B6, were confirmed to be formed by ternary peritectic reactions, yet UFeB4 has a considerably larger primary crystallization field, which points to an easier preparation of single crystals of this compound, when compared with UFe2B6.  相似文献   

采取调查问卷的方法对陕西农民宪法意识进行了调查和分析.并提出了提高陕西农民宪法意识的建议.  相似文献   

量刑建议制度作为检察机关开展的一项改革活动,是我国刑事司法制度的有机组成部分,它对防止法官滥用自由裁量权、确保量刑公正、提高诉讼效率都具有重要意义.探讨改革实践中关于量刑建议制度运作的构建,能够为现行量刑建议改革实践中遇到的问题提供思路,并对检察机关进一步强化量刑建议权提出有益的建议.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍CAPP-CNC系统及其工作原理。通过计算机把CAPP输出符合要求的零件加工工艺规程信息自动生成相应的CNC指令块,经过有效处理形成CNC指令系列,再通过串行通讯技术直接输入CNC机床,实现数控机床加工自动化。  相似文献   

本文介绍了莱钢高炉原料冶金性能和合理炉料结构的试验结果以及利用该炉料结构的实际生产效果,并对高炉的竣工性能特征进行了分析。  相似文献   

HMI(人机接口系统)可用于生产线工艺与自动化控制系统中参数的设定、状态显示、故障报警、工艺操作及设备的在线调试、维护等。以鞍钢1450 mm冷轧生产线为例,介绍了基于WINCC、OracleForm开发而成的HMI系统的组成和功能以及应用情况。  相似文献   

2004年的宪法修改有着重要的意义,其中修正案第二十二条的规定引发了社会广泛讨论.借助法经济学的分析方法对宪法修正案第二十二条进行分析,从交易成本、经济效率、社会成本等方面进行权衡,修正案保护公民的合法的私有财产,有利于激励个人,同时推动经济的发展,修正案对公共财产和私有财产的不平等保护,有助于更好地保护公共财产,但是宪法修正案只保护公民"合法"的私有财产将产生大量的交易成本,不利于经济的发展,有必要对宪法修正案进行再完善.  相似文献   

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