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In the present paper, the electrical conductivities of molten silicates systems, CaO‐MgO‐SiO2, Na2O‐MgO‐SiO2, CaO‐FeO‐SiO2 and CaO‐MgO‐MnO‐SiO2 (SiO2 = 45wt %) were estimated by the mass triangle method developed earlier by Chou. The computed results are compared with other approaches found in the literature. The predictions show satisfactory agreement with experimental results reported in the literature. A correlation was also made between the cation‐oxygen ion attraction parameter I and the electrical conductivities of slags. It was found that the electrical conductivity varies linearly with I when the content of transition metallic ions is less than 0.2 mole fraction. Beyond this, the effect of electronic conduction is expected to dominate. On the basis of the present approach, the electrical conductivities of higher order systems can be estimated. The approach suggested in the present paper offers a powerful tool to design slags for applications in metallurgical processes.  相似文献   

紫金铜业有限公司稀贵厂阳极泥处理采用酸浸氧化脱铜—奥图泰卡尔多炉粗炼—银电解精炼—金精炼工艺。设计年处理量2 000t铜阳极泥,白银年产量176t,黄金年产量4.8t。从银电解精炼工艺、设备应用等方面分析生产前期出现的问题,并通过工艺调整、设备优化改造两方面对银电解精炼作业进行优化,使银电解精炼稳定产出合格的银粉。  相似文献   

Synthesis and Electrical Conductivities of Sm2O3-CeO2 Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Solidoxidefuelcell(SOFC)hasattracteda greatattentionasapromisingtechniqueforelectrical powergeneration[1].Thecurrentstate of the art SOFCsusesyttriastabilizedzirconia(YSZ)electro lyte,operatesat800~1000℃duetothelowoxy genionicconductivityoftheYSZelect…  相似文献   

王银祥 《甘肃冶金》2010,32(3):110-112,131
简要论述了铜业公司金银精炼转炉富氧精炼工业试验,对试验工艺存在的问题进行初步探讨并提出相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

采用四电极法研究了添加富镧钕碳酸稀土(2wt%RE2O3)的REF3-LiF-BaF2体系的电导率,求出了电导率的回归方程,讨论了各因素对电导率的作用。实验结果可以为富镧钕稀土碳酸盐为原料,在氟盐体系中电解生产富镧钕合金的新工艺提供基础数据。  相似文献   


Substantial energy savings are possible in zinc electrowinning by substituting catalytic oxygen evolution anodes for conventional lead-silver anodes. However, it is well known that the harmful effects of impurities usually present in zinc electrolyte solutions limit the service life of catalytic anodes, though their purification by solvent extraction could obviate such problems. Laboratory scale zinc deposition experiments with synthetic electrolytes have been performed to determine the effects of current density, temperature and electrolyte composition on cell voltages and current efficiencies. These data sets were used in an assessment of the optimum design parameters of the tank house. Zinc electrowinning at high current densities (higher than 2000 A/m2) using catalytic anodes and purified solutions (by solvent extraction) is proposed as an alternative to the conventional process, which is based on lead-silver anodes working at relatively low current densities (ca. 500 A/m2). Finally, a system for continuous deposition and stripping of the metal is discussed.

Des économies d'énergie importantes sont possibles pour l'extraction électrolytique du zinc en substituant des anodes catalytiques à évolution d'oxygène à des anodes conventionnelles de plombargent. Cependant, il est bien connu que les effets nocifs des impuretés habituellement présentes dans les solutions d'électrolyte de zinc limitent la vie des anodes catalytiques, bien que leur purification par extraction au solvant pourrait prévenir de tels problèmes. On a conduit des expériences de dépôt de zinc à l'échelle du laboratoire avec des électrolytes synthétiques afin de déterminer l'effet de la densité de courant, de la température et de la composition de l'électrolyte sur l'efficacité des voltages et du courant de la cellule. On a utilisé ces ensembles de données dans une évaluation des paramètres optimums pour la conception de la cellule d'extraction. On propose l'extraction électrolytique du zinc à hautes densités de courant (plus élevée que 2000 A/m2) en utilisant des anodes catalytiques et des solutions purifiées (par exemple, par extraction au solvant), comme remplacement du procédé conventionnel, qui est basé sur des anodes de plomb-argent opérant à des densités de courant relativement faibles (environ 500 A/m2). Finalement, on discute d'un système pour dépôt et enlèvement du métal en continu.  相似文献   

针对某厂金银精炼系统铂钯回收率低、随银粉损失严重等问题进行技术创新与工艺改造。通过采取银电解液铂、钯吸附富集,改进金精炼过程铂钯回收工艺等技改措施,使铂、钯回收率由原工艺的20%左右提高至90%以上,经济效益显著。  相似文献   


A model based on the optical basicity corrected for the cations required for the charge balance of AlO5-4 is investigated. This model has the advantage of being generally applicable and not limited to slags of a certain composition. The calculated results were in reasonable agreement with traceable experimental data for a range of synthetic slags and industrial iron- and steelmaking slags. The latter included mould fluxes and blast furnace, steelmaking and coal slags. For most slag compositions here, the viscosities predicted with the present model were in better agreement with the measured values than those predicted by the Riboud and Urbain models; coal slags were the only exception. In the case of CaF2 containing slags, the results indicate that an optical basicity of CaF2 of 1·2 provided the best fit to the viscosity data.  相似文献   

Silver-tin oxide electrical contact material with 10?wt pct stannic oxide and balance nanosized and micronsized silver was developed successfully. Stannic oxide particles chemically coated by a layer of silver nanospheres are homogeneously dispersed in a silver microcrystalline matrix made by chemical synthesis. The material processed by pressing-sintering-repressing exhibited enhanced properties: density: 97.1 to 97.9?pct relative density, Vickers hardness: 103 to 115, electrical conductivity: 65 to 69?pct IACS, volumetric shrinkage: 28.9 to 30.9?pct, and a very fine and uniform microstructure.  相似文献   

研究了电感耦合等离子原子发射光谱仪中测定银锭、银粉、银浆中16种杂质元素的分析方法。通过实验对样品前处理及溶样方法进行设计,建立了仪器最佳工作条件,对酸度、基体干扰、共存元素干扰进行了优化试验。检测限、精密度与准确性试验表明该方法准确快速,适合日常分析。  相似文献   

羡兰存 《甘肃冶金》2015,(3):135-138
铜业公司精炼车间圆盘浇铸机承担着电解铜板成型的重要任务,是铜业公司产量与质量的关键设备;长期以来,精炼车间圆盘浇铸机工作现场条件一直很艰苦,劳动强度大,为了改善工作条件和技术更新,对其电气控制部分进行技术改造。  相似文献   

OxidationPropertiesofSilverAloyPowdersandMicrostructuresofOxidizedPowdersforMakingElectricalContactCompositesZhouJikou(周继扣),M...  相似文献   

刘国卿  彭晓蕾  李津萍 《黄金》2020,41(2):12-19
二道坎银矿床是黑龙江省多宝山矿集区内新发现的首个独立银矿床。通过矿相学研究和电子探针测试,确定了该矿床银矿物主要为深红银矿、脆银矿、辉银矿,其他含银矿物有方铅矿、黄铁矿、闪锌矿、锰铅矿、软锰矿。银的赋存状态主要为独立银矿物,其次以亚显微包体、类质同像和离子吸附态形式赋存。独立银矿物嵌布类型有包裹银、粒间银和裂隙银。矿床成因研究表明,热液期为主成矿期,表生期具有次生富集的潜力,热液期的硫化物阶段Ⅰ为主成矿阶段,初步认为该矿床属于浅成低温热液型矿床。  相似文献   

介绍了以溴甲酚绿为指示剂,用氢氧化钠滴定游离硝酸,在醋酸缓冲液存在下以DETA络合滴定铜(Ⅱ),再用铁铵矾为指示剂,在稀硝酸介质中以硫氰酸盐滴定银。  相似文献   

探索了从金精炼尾渣中全湿法综合回收Pd、Pt、Rh、Au、Ag等有价金属的技术工艺路线,研究了纯钯和纯铂的制取、铑的富集,以及提高钯、铂回收率的工艺控制条件。结果表明,在新工艺参数条件下,海绵钯品位≥99.95%,回收率≥98%;海绵铂品位≥99.99%,回收率≥98%;金、银回收率>98%;铑在王水浸出不溶渣中富集。该工艺路线结构合理清晰,可操作性强,生产成本低,金属直收率高,产品质量稳定可靠,有明显的经济效益,可作为金精炼尾渣铂、钯、铑等贵金属提取的工艺。  相似文献   

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