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The induced-charge electrokinetic (ICEK) phenomena are relatively new area of research in microfluidics and nanofluidics. Different from the traditional electrokinetic phenomena which are based on the interactions between applied electric field and the electrostatic charge, the ICEK phenomena result from the interaction of the applied electric field and the induced charge on polarisable surfaces. Because of the different underline physics, ICEK phenomena have many unique characteristics that may lead to new applications in microfluidics and nanofluidics. In this paper, we review the major advancement of research in the field of ICEK phenomena, discuss the applications and the limitations, and suggest some future research directions.  相似文献   

Organic–aqueous liquid (phenol) extraction is one of many standard techniques to efficiently purify DNA directly from cells. Effective mixing of the two fluid phases increases the surface area over which biological component partitioning may occur. In this work, two phase mixing has been demonstrated in a three inlet microfluidic device geometry. Mixing between the two phases has been achieved by producing an electrohydrodynamic instability at the liquid–liquid interface between the two phases. The initial instability is modeled by considering the small signal linearized analysis for interfacial stresses from both fluid and electrical stress tensors for both inviscid and viscous models. These models predict the onset of instability and the stability criteria over a range of unstable wavenumbers of the mixing process. These models may be applied to relevant microscale geometries, where the unstable wavenumbers and fastest growth wavenumber are determined. At an applied electric field of ∼8.0×105 V/m an instability is experimentally observed by labeling the organic phase with a fluorescent dye and visualizing interfacial perturbations by microscopy. Increasing the electric field increases the instability growth rate and results in an increase of the level of mixing. These results show an increase in conductive fluid entrainment into the nonconducting fluid core measured as a percentage of area of entrainment into the fluorescently labeled organic phase. The entrainment area is seen to increase from 1.9 to 28.6% as the applied field is increased from 8.0×105 to 9.0×105 V/m. The mixing images are converted into a power spectrum using a fast Hartley transform and the band of unstable wavenumbers of the mixing process are determined. From these results, the theoretical field strengths required to produce these unstable wavenumbers are calculated using the theoretical model, determining the maximum field strength required to excite the largest measured unstable wavenumber. At lower field strengths tested, the theoretically predicted maximum electric field and fastest growth wavenumber compare favorably with the initially applied field and measured fastest growth wavenumber whereas at higher field strengths the theoretical field is much larger than the initially applied field. This is attributed to the larger level of mixing and the ability of the instability to grow beyond the linear range and the field increases as the mixing process occurs due to entrainment of highly conductive fluid decreasing the effective dielectric spacing so that the linearized models underpredict the instability growth rates and interfacial perturbations.  相似文献   

In the present work a new type of micromixer has been proposed and its mixing characteristic has been analyzed. The micromixer can be viewed as a U-tube with a side inlet. Here micromixing is enhanced by the secondary vortex generation induced by the curvature of the tube. The flow in the mixer geometry is investigated theoretically to understand micro-mixing using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). For this we use the Navier–Stokes equations coupled with species transport. Mixing is quantified using mixing quality which is a measure of the uniformity of the concentration in a given geometry. Special attention is paid to the occurrence of the secondary vortices close to the mid point of the outer wall and its role in mixing. Simulations are also done to study the flow in U shaped channels. The simulation results show that the new design leads to an early introduction of secondary vortices than a simple U tube. Thus in the new design the secondary vortices are induced at a Re = 120 as opposed to the classical value of Re = 400 (when there is no side inlet) reported in the literature. Mixing is studied for different diffusivities and combination of inlet velocities. We also compare the performance of our design with the classical T and Y mixers. The early induction implies that we can have good mixing at low Re. Consequently, when used as a micro-reactor we can combine good mixing with high residence times to obtain good conversions in our system.  相似文献   

The necessity of microscale mixing processes has been tremendously increasing in most of the microsize chemical and biochemical devices during recent years, particularly in the design of lab-on-a-chip and micrototal analysis systems. Different approaches were implemented in the available micromixers in the literature for improving the mixing performance. Due to the absence of any external source, mixing by utilizing passive mixing techniques is more economical. In curvilinear microchannels, which offer effective passive mixing, chaotic advection results in continuous radial perforation of inter-diffusion layer between the fluid streams due to the transverse secondary flows. In this study, the effects of Dean vortices and secondary flows were investigated in asymmetrical polydimethylsiloxane curvilinear rectangular microchannels, which were fabricated by one-step lithography process and had repeated S-shape patterns with a curvature of 280° along the channel. Moreover, the effect of asymmetry was assessed by comparing the mixing results with symmetrical microchannels. Mixing performance was analyzed by using NaOH and phenolphthalein solutions as mixing fluids, which entered from the channel inlets. According to the results, the significant effects of stretching and contracting motion of Dean vortices revealed themselves above a certain Dean number value, thereby making the asymmetrical microchannel outperform the symmetrical channel in the mixing performance. Below this threshold, the symmetrical microchannel was observed to be superior to the asymmetrical microchannel.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a numerical approximation scheme for the solution of contaminant transport problems with diffusion and adsorption in equilibrium and non-equilibrium mode. The method is based on time stepping and operator splitting. The non-linear transport is solved semi-analytically via the multiple Riemann problem, the non-linear diffusion by a finite volume method and by Newton’s type of linearisation, and finally the reaction part, incorporating the non-equilibrium adsorption, is transformed to an integral equation which is solved numerically using time discretization. Various results of numerical experiments are shown, and the method is applied to the practical dual-well problem.  相似文献   

Cheng  Yusheng  Song  Fan  Qian  Kun 《Applied Intelligence》2021,51(10):6997-7015

For a multi-label learning framework, each instance may belong to multiple labels simultaneously. The classification accuracy can be improved significantly by exploiting various correlations, such as label correlations, feature correlations, or the correlations between features and labels. There are few studies on how to combine the feature and label correlations, and they deal more with complete data sets. However, missing labels or other phenomena often occur because of the cost or technical limitations in the data acquisition process. A few label completion algorithms currently suitable for missing multi-label learning, ignore the noise interference of the feature space. At the same time, the threshold of the discriminant function often affects the classification results, especially those of the labels near the threshold. All these factors pose considerable difficulties in dealing with missing labels using label correlations. Therefore, we propose a missing multi-label learning algorithm with non-equilibrium based on a two-level autoencoder. First, label density is introduced to enlarge the classification margin of the label space. Then, a new supplementary label matrix is augmented from the missing label matrix with the non-equilibrium label completion method. Finally, considering feature space noise, a two-level kernel extreme learning machine autoencoder is constructed to implement the information feature and label correlation. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified by many experiments on both missing and complete label data sets. A statistical analysis of hypothesis validates our approach.


We study the influence of the non-equilibrium parameters of the initial distribution on the thermodynamic equilibrium recovery processes in the early Universe under the scaling assumption for particle interactions at superhigh energies.  相似文献   

Bubble-free electrokinetic pumping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bubble-free electroosmotic flow (fr-EOF) of aqueous electrolytes in microfluidic channels with integrated electrodes is demonstrated. Undesirable electrolytic bubble formation is avoided by applying a periodic, zero net charge current to generate a nonzero average potential between the electrodes. Electrokinetic pressure generated in this active segment of the microchannel drives now upstream and downstream where electric field is absent. Flow rates commensurate with theoretical predictions for EOF driven by a dc voltage equivalent to the average net potential have been measured. By significantly reducing driving potentials and liquid exposure time to strong electric fields, fr-EOF opens the way for fully integrated, versatile micro total analysis systems (/spl mu/TAS).  相似文献   

Quantum neural network filters for signal processing have received a lot of interest in the recent past. The implementations of these filters had a number of design parameters that led to numerical inefficiencies. At the same time the solution procedures employed were explicit in that the evolution of the time-varying functions had to be controlled. This often led to numerical instabilities. This paper outlines a procedure for improving the stability, numerical efficiency, and the accuracy of quantum neural network filters. Two examples are used to illustrate the principles employed.  相似文献   

Recently, a novel way of driving rapid microcentrifugation was discovered using ionic wind via ionization of the atmosphere around a singular electrode tip, driving liquid recirculation in a small cylindrical cavity due to interfacial shear. In the original work, the primary azimuthal surface recirculation was speculated to drive a secondary flow in the bulk of the liquid which resembles a helical swirling flow that tapers toward a pseudo-stagnation point at the cavity floor, analogous to Batchelor flows between co-axially placed stationary and rotating disks. Here, we employ microParticle Image Velocimetry (microPIV) together with numerical simulations to verify this speculation. Good qualitative and reasonable quantitative agreements were obtained between the experiments and numerical simulations. In both, we were able to capture salient features of the three-dimensional flow; for the experiments, this was achieved by the reconstruction of the three-dimensional flow field from the planar two-dimensional velocity fields obtained in a confocal-like manner. In addition, we formally quantify the micromixing enhancement first demonstrated, but not quantified, in the original experiments. Our results show a mixing enhancement close to two orders of magnitude approaching vigorous mixing intensities as the surface vortices suffer from various instabilities leading towards their breakdown into subvortices at large applied voltages and AC frequencies, reminiscent of that in the original work.  相似文献   

Passive mixing can be induced on the micron length scale in a surface tension-confined microfluidic device through the modulation of surface energy by the direct patterning of a hydrophilic material upon an otherwise hydrophobic substrate. The advancing meniscus of a capillary-driven fluid accelerates and decelerates as it comes into contact with the regions of disparate surface energy creating a ‘weaving’ trajectory across the virtual microchannel resulting in horizontal and vertical lamination. The efficacy of this technique was demonstrated utilizing image analysis and Shannon entropy. Additionally, a neutralization reaction exhibited the ability of hydrophilic/hydrophobic interactions to efficiently homogenize and facilitate on-chip reactions in spite of the absence of traditional micromixing strategies. Such results suggest that this inexpensive and autonomous micromixing technique may effectively support reaction processes for portable sensor applications.  相似文献   

微流控混合芯片是微流控芯片系统中的重要组成部分,其混合效率直接影响后续反应产物的分布和反应体系的容量.文中对基于电渗流驱动的微流控混合芯片的系统级建模技术进行了研究,本研究首先结合基于电渗流驱动的微流控混合芯片的控制方程,对系统各组件的参数化行为模型进行了提取,在此基础上编程实现了系统各组件的多端口组件模型,构建了基于电渗流的微流控混和芯片系统级模型,模型仿真结果与有限元方法相比,相对误差为2.5%,而仿真速度却远远高于有限元方法.表明该方法在不显著损失系统精度的前提下,可以更加有效的对系统性能做出评价.  相似文献   

A comprehensive model of electrokinetic flow and transport of electrolytes in microchannels with conductivity gradients is developed. The electrical potential is modeled by a combination of an electrostatic and an electrodynamic approach. The fluid dynamics are described by the Navier–Stokes equations, extended by an electrical force term. The chemistry of the system is represented by source terms in the mass transport equations, derived from an equilibrium approach. Moreover, the interaction between ionic species concentration and physicochemical properties of the microchannel substrate (i.e. zeta-potential) is taken into consideration by an empirical approach. Approximate analytical solutions for all variables are found which are valid within the electrical double layer. By using the method of matched asymptotic expansions, these solutions provide boundary conditions for the numerical simulation of the bulk liquid. The models are implemented in a Finite-Element-Code. As an example, simulations of an electrophoretic injection/separation process in a micro-electrophoresis device are performed. The results of the simulations show the strong coupling between the involved physicochemical phenomena. Simulations with a constant and a concentration-depend zeta-potential clarify the importance of a proper modeling of the physicochemical substrate characteristics.  相似文献   

The present study is an analysis of pressure-driven electrokinetic flows in hydrophobic microchannels with emphasis on the slip effects under coupling of interfacial electric and fluid slippage phenomena. Commonly used linear model with slip-independent zeta potential and the nonlinear model at limiting (high-K) condition with slip-dependent zeta potential are solved analytically. Then, numerical solutions of the electrokinetic flow model with zeta potential varying with slip length are analyzed. Different from the general notion of “the more hydrophobic the channel wall, the higher the flowrate,” the results with slip-independent and slip-dependent zeta potentials both disclose that flowrate becomes insensitive to the wall hydrophobicity or fluid slippage at sufficiently large slip lengths. Boundary slip not only assists fluid motion but also enhances counter-ions transport in EDL and, thus, results in strong streaming potential as well as electrokinetic retardation. With slip-dependent zeta potential considered, flowrate varies non-monotonically with increasing slip length due to competition of the favorable and adverse effects with more complicated interactions. The influence of the slip on the electrokinetic flow is eventually nullified at large slip lengths for balance of the counter effects, and the flowrate becomes insensitive to further hydrophobicity of the microchannel. The occurrence of maximum, minimum, and insensitivity on the flowrate-slip curves can be premature at a higher zeta potential and/or larger electrokinetic separation distance.  相似文献   

We investigate analytically the combined consequences of electromagnetohydrodynamic forces and interfacial slip on streaming potential mediated pressure-driven flow in a microchannel. Going beyond traditional Debye–Hückel limit, we first derive a closed-form analytical solution for velocity field by considering nonlinear electrical potential distribution, wall slip effects, externally imposed transverse magnetic field, and laterally applied electric field in the plane of flow. The effects of electrical double-layer (EDL) formation and the consequent interfacial phenomena are critically examined under such situations. An expression for induced streaming potential in the microchannel is deduced considering EDL formation and the consequences of finite conductance of the immobilized Stern layer. This simplified analytical expression is later on critically assessed against three-dimensional simulation paradigm of streaming potential mediated flows, which is a first effort of this kind. We demonstrate that flow rate increases progressively with increasing surface potential and eventually approaches to a limiting value. Combination of electromagnetohydrodynamic effect with liquid slip is shown to amplify the flow rate, even at lower values of surface potential. Our study brings out the possibility of achieving an optimum flow rate by judicious application of combined electromagnetohydrodynamics. The present analysis has significant consequence in the design of advanced microfluidic devices with improved efficiency and functionality.  相似文献   

A lot of production processes involve mixing steps. The understanding of fluid flows in mixing processes of liquid components is needed in order to develop appropriate mixers for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Especially mixing in microfluidic systems is a challenge due to the diffusion-based processes. A multi-lamination micromixer with chessboard outlet geometry is used to induce the mixing process. To get comprehensive information about the mixing process, the velocity profile of the fluid flow and the species concentration distribution during the mixing process should be measured. Thus, we have combined particle image velocimetry (PIV) and Raman scattering. To enable rapid detection, the Raman imaging mode is used to visualise the concentration distribution. By this setup light sheets along and orthogonal to the outlet of the micromixer are recorded and synchronized with PIV measurement. As a model system we have used water and ethanol/methanol, enabling a selective monitoring of the substances by choosing appropriate spectral areas. The PIV is recorded based on Mie scattering and fluorescence using microsphere tracers. In this study, we present a setup for determination of the velocity profile field and the spatial concentration distribution of water and ethanol/methanol in a micromixer.  相似文献   

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