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Since the last few decades, the development of smart hydrogels, which can respond to stimuli and adapt their responses based on external cues from their environments, has become a thriving research frontier in the biomedical engineering field. Nowadays, drug delivery systems have received great attention and smart hydrogels can be potentially used in these systems due to their high stability, physicochemical properties, and biocompatibility. Smart hydrogels can change their hydrophilicity, swelling ability, physical properties, and molecules permeability, influenced by external stimuli such as pH, temperature, electrical and magnetic fields, light, and the biomolecules’ concentration, thus resulting in the controlled release of the loaded drugs. Herein, this review encompasses the latest investigations in the field of stimuli-responsive drug-loaded hydrogels and our contribution to this matter.  相似文献   

A new series of nonionic gemini amphiphiles have been synthesized in a multi-step chemoenzymatic approach by using a novel A2B2-type central core consisting of conjugating glycerol and propargyl bromide on 5-hydroxy isophthalic acid. A pair of hydrophilic monomethoxy poly(ethylene glycol) (mPEG) and hydrophobic linear alkyl chains (C12/C15) were then added to the core to obtain amphiphilic architectures. The aggregation tendency in aqueous media was studied by dynamic light scattering, fluorescence spectroscopy and cryogenic transmission electron microscopy. The nanotransport potential of the amphiphiles was studied for model hydrophobic guests, that is, the dye Nile Red and the drug Nimodipine by using UV/Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy. Evaluation of the viability of amphiphile-treated A549 cells showed them to be well tolerated up to the concentrations studied. Being ester based, these amphiphiles exhibit stimuli-responsive sensitivity towards esterases, and a rupture of amphiphilic architecture was observed in the presence of immobilized Candida antarctica lipase (Novozym 435), thus facilitating release of the encapsulated guest from the aggregate.  相似文献   

The ability to monitor drug release in vivo provides essential pharmacological information. We developed a new modular approach for the preparation of theranostic prodrugs with a turn‐ON near‐infrared (NIR) fluorescence mode of action. The prodrugs release their chemotherapeutic cargo and an active cyanine fluorophore upon reaction with a specific analyte. The prodrug platform is based on the fluorogenic dye QCy7; upon removal of a triggering substrate, the dye fluoresces, and the free drug is released. The evaluated camptothecin prodrug was activated by endogenous hydrogen peroxide produced in tumor cells in vitro and in vivo. Drug release and in vitro cytotoxicity were correlated with the emitted fluorescence. The prodrug activation was effectively imaged in real time in mice bearing tumors. The modular design of the QCy7 fluorogenic platform should allow the preparation of numerous other prodrugs with various triggering substrates and chemotherapeutic agents. We anticipate that the development of real‐time in vivo monitoring tools such as that described herein will pave the way for personalized therapy.  相似文献   

This paper describes a mixture of fatty acids that is available for temperature‐controlled release of drugs. The mixture consists of two fatty acids with different melting points. At a specific composition, the mixture represents a single melting point of 38–40 °C which is slightly above the normal human body temperature. To demonstrate its use in the temperature‐regulated release, this study fabricates fatty acid‐incorporated polymer fibers containing dye‐loaded polymer particles in their core. Below the melting point of the mixture, it will be in a solid state to restrict the passing of dye loaded in the core whereas the dye can be released instantly through the generated pores at a temperature slightly higher than the melting point. The release profiles of the dye can be further manipulated by varying the amount of the mixture contained in the fibers and the composition of the mixture.


Metal?‐organic frameworks (MOFs), a new type of porous crystalline material, hold great potential in biomedical applications, such as drug delivery. However, the efficacy of drug delivery is limited by low drug loading. In this work, we synthesized hollow mesoporous silica (HMS)@MOF capsules that can be used as a pH‐responsive drug delivery system for the anticancer drug doxorubicin (DOX). DOX is loaded into the inner cavity of HMS. Zeolitic imidazolate framework‐8 (ZIF‐8) nanoparticles are then coated on the outer surface of the DOX‐loaded HMS. The obtained material is a capsule (denoted as DOX/HMS@ZIF), in which DOX is encapsulated. The DOX/HMS@ZIF can be used as an efficient pH‐responsive drug delivery system. DOX is not released under physiological conditions (pH 7.4), but is released at low pH (4–6) from DOX/HMS@ZIF. The DOX/HMS@ZIF capsule shows much higher cytotoxicity than free DOX and alters the delivery pathway for DOX in cancer cells, while the drug‐free HMS@ZIF shows excellent biocompatibility. This opens new opportunities to construct a safe and efficient delivery system for targeted molecules using pH‐responsive release for a wide range of applications.  相似文献   

Controlled release behaviours of nifedipine loaded poly (D,L‐lactide) (PLA) and poly(D,L‐lactide‐co‐glycolide) (PLGA) microspheres are investigated and modelled in this paper. Based on the integrated consideration of diffusion, finite dissolution rate, moving front of dissolution and size distribution of microspheres, a mathematic model is presented to quantitatively describe the drug release kinetics. The coupled partial differential equations are numerically solved. Dynamic concentration profiles of both dissolved and undissolved drug in the microspheres are analyzed. In comparison with the diffusion model and Higuchi model, the proposed dissolution‐diffusion model is characteristic of describing the whole release process without limitation of different dissolution rate or dissolubility. The diffusion coefficient and the dissolution rate constants are evaluated from measured release profiles. The effects of microstructures of polymer microspheres on release behaviours are related to parameters of the model. Based on the mathematical model and in vitro release data, intrinsic mass transfer mechanism is further investigated.  相似文献   

采用温敏凝胶的原位给药系统是理想的长效给药系统。本文从凝胶材料和给药系统的制备、凝胶的机体反应和体内降解以及药物控释三方面,综述了该给药系统的研究进展,总结了关键技术和科学问题,分析了面临的挑战与解决途径。水凝胶网络的不规则形态和较低的机械轻度,其植入后引起的机体炎性反应、组织融合与水分快速流失及这些反应造成的凝胶网络结构和降解速率的个体差异性变化,是控制药物释放的主要困难。通过提高凝胶表面亲水性,降低其表面正电荷,或在其表面修饰抗炎性多肽,可减轻炎性作用、减缓组织融合;通过与亲水性高分子形成共混凝胶或互穿凝胶网络,以及共价交联等方式,可提高凝胶强度,保持凝胶网络的空间结构和水分;通过在凝胶表面建立扩散屏障、加强药物和凝胶骨架的相互作用、构建微粒/原位凝胶复合释药系统等技术,可进一步改善药物释放特征。  相似文献   

Fast advances in polymer science have provided new hydrogels for applications in drug delivery. Among modern drug formulations, polymeric type stimuli-responsive hydrogels (SRHs), also called smart hydrogels, deserve special attention as they revealed to be a promising tool useful for a variety of pharmaceutical and biomedical applications. In fact, the basic feature of these systems is the ability to change their mechanical properties, swelling ability, hydrophilicity, or bioactive molecules permeability, which are influenced by various stimuli, particularly enzymes. Indeed, among a great number of SHRs, enzyme-responsive hydrogels (ERHs) gain much interest as they possess several potential biomedical applications (e.g., in controlled release, drug delivery, etc.). Such a new type of SHRs directly respond to many different enzymes even under mild conditions. Therefore, they show either reversible or irreversible enzyme-induced changes both in chemical and physical properties. This article reviews the state-of-the art in ERHs designed for controlled drug delivery systems (DDSs). Principal enzymes used for biomedical hydrogel preparation were presented and different ERHs were further characterized focusing mainly on glucose oxidase-, β-galactosidase- and metalloproteinases-based catalyzed reactions. Additionally, strategies employed to produce ERHs were described. The current state of knowledge and the discussion were made on successful applications and prospects for further development of effective methods used to obtain ERH as DDSs.  相似文献   

We report that active substance (CPUL1) and triphenylphosphine (TPP) derivative could self-assemble into multifunctional nanoaggregates (CPUL1−TPP NAs) through electrostatic and π-π stacking interactions. CPUL1 was wrapped tightly inside the nanoparticles as well as CPUL1 and TPP derivative self-assembled into stable and compact nanoparticles in water. The positive surface charge of CPUL1−TPP NAs made them much easier to be endocytosed to enter cytoplasm, accumulate in the mitochondria and induce cell apoptosis based on their mitochondria targeting ability, fluorescence property and fast cell uptake characteristic, which showed better antitumor efficacy on HUH7 hepatoma cells in vitro than that of free CPUL1.  相似文献   

Hybrid hydrogel films able to modulate the release of anionic species, ketoprofen (Ket) and bovine serum albumin (BSA), as a function of their molecular size are prepared by UV‐induced polymerization of methacrylated gelatin in the presence of oxidized multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNT_COOH). The dual‐stimuli responsive composites can modulate the release in response to the variation of temperature and the application of an external voltage. Drug release profiles, analyzed by mathematical models, show that different temperatures (25 and 45 °C) and applied voltages (0 and 36 V) have a different effect on the release of the two therapeutics. Ket release is enhanced at 45 °C (77% vs 22% at 25 °C) with the maximum value recorded when 36 V is applied (94%). An increase in the amount of released BSA is recorded at 45 °C (96% vs 50% at 25 °C), while the application of the external voltage reduces this value (39%).


The goal of this study was the design and evaluation of a thiolated cyclodextrin providing high drug solubilizing and mucoadhesive properties for ocular drug delivery. Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) was thiolated via a microwave-assisted method, resulting in a degree of thiolation of 33%. Mucoadhesive properties of thiolated HP-β-CD (HP-β-CD-SH) were determined via rheological measurements and ex vivo studies on isolated porcine cornea. Due to thiolation of HP-β-CD, a 2-fold increase of mucus viscosity and a 1.4-fold increase in residence time on isolated corneal tissue were achieved. After instillation, the mean precorneal residence time and AUC of dexamethasone (DMS) eye drops were 4-fold and 11.7-fold enhanced by HP-β-CD-SH, respectively. Furthermore, in the presence of HP-β-CD-SH, a constant high level of DMS in aqueous humour between 30 and 150 min after administration was observed. These results suggest that HP-β-CD-SH is an excellent excipient for ocular formulations of poorly soluble drugs in order to prolong their ocular residence time and bioavailability.  相似文献   

Polymeric fibers are prepared by using electric field driven fiber production technology—electrospinning and pressure driven fiber production technology—pressurized gyration. Fibers of four different polymers: polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), poly(methyl methacrylate (PMMA), poly(N‐isopropylacrylamide), and polyvinylpyridine (PVP), are spun by both techniques and differences are analyzed for their suitability as drug carriers. The diameters of electrospun fibers are larger in some cases (PVDF and PMMA), producing fibers with lower surface area. Pressurized gyration allows for a higher rate of fiber production. Additionally, drug‐loaded PVP fibers are prepared by using two poorly water‐soluble drugs (Amphotericin B and Itraconazole). In vitro dissolution studies show differences in release rate between the two types of fibers. Drug‐loaded gyrospun fibers release the drugs faster within 15 min compared to the drug‐loaded electrospun fibers. The findings suggest pressurized gyration is a promising and scalable approach to rapid fiber production for drug delivery when compared to electrospinning.  相似文献   

Self‐healable hydrogels are promising soft materials with great potential in biomedical applications due to their autonomous self‐repairing capability. Although many attempts are made to develop new hydrogels with good self‐healing performance, to integrate this characteristic along with other responsive multifunctions into one hydrogel still remains difficult. Here, a self‐healable hybrid supramolecular hydrogel (HSH) with tunable bioadhesive and stimuli‐responsive properties is reported. The strategy is imparting graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets and quadruple hydrogen bonding ureido‐pyrimidinone (UPy) moieties into a thermoresponsive poly(N‐isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) polymer matrix. The obtained GO–HSH hydrogel shows rapid self‐healing behavior and good adhesion to various surfaces from synthetic materials to biological tissue. In addition, doxorubicin hydrochloride (DOX) release profiles reveal the dual thermo‐ and pH‐responsiveness of the GO–HSH hydrogel. The DOX‐loaded hydrogel can further directly adhere to titanium substrate, and the released DOX from this thin hydrogel coating remains biologically active and has high capability to kill tumor cells.  相似文献   

Quantum dots (QDs) are highly fluorescent nanocrystals with advanced photophysical and spectral properties: high brightness and stability against photobleaching accompanied by broad excitation and narrow emission spectra. Water‐soluble QDs functionalized with biomolecules, such as proteins, peptides, antibodies, and drugs, are used for biomedical applications. The advantages of QD‐based approaches to immuno‐histochemical analysis, single‐molecule tracking, and in vivo imaging (over traditional methods with organic dyes and fluorescent proteins) are explained. The unique spectral properties of QDs offer opportunities for designing systems for multiplexed analysis by multicolor imaging for the simultaneous detection of multiple targets. Conjugation of drug molecules with QDs or their incorporation into QD‐based drug‐delivery particles makes it possible to monitor real‐time drug tracking and carry out image‐guided therapy. Because of the tunability of their photophysical properties, QDs emitting in the near‐infrared have become an attractive tool for deep‐tissue mono‐ and multiphoton in vivo imaging. We review recent achievements in QD applications for bioimaging, targeting, and drug delivery, as well as challenges related to their toxicity and non‐biodegradability. Key and perspectives for further development of advanced QD‐based nanotools are addressed.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is irreversible programmed cell death, characterized by a cellular cascade activation of caspase 3, which subsequently degrades proteins and other components of cells with a motif sequence. Here we report a novel reporter system to detect apoptosis, growth arrest, and cell death based on controlled and self‐amplified protein degradation. The key element of the reporter system is an apoptotic sensor chimerical protein which consists of three components: procaspase 3, ubiquitin (Ub), and a strong consensus sequence of N‐degron. Between each of these units is a DEVD (Asp‐Glu‐Val‐Asp) sequence, which acts as the cleavage target of caspase 3. This non‐conventional signal loss approach is much more sensitive than other native methods that are based on signal gain. The superior sensitivity is demonstrated by its effective application in 386‐well high‐throughput screening (HTS) with low drug concentrations and a short incubation time. The HTS selection process using this reporter system is very simple and economic. The simplicity eliminates potential errors introduced by multiple steps; there is no need for any substrate. Furthermore, the cells in the assay need not be disrupted, and the morphology of the cells can provide additional information on mechanisms. After HTS, the intact cells can also be used for other analytic analysis. This system thus has a potentially important role in the discovery and development of new anticancer drugs. It also appears to be very versatile, can be used both in vitro and in vivo with different linked reporter genes, and can be used for a variety of imaging applications.  相似文献   

With the intensive development of polymeric biomaterials in recent years, research using drug delivery systems (DDSs) has become an essential strategy for cancer therapy. Various DDSs are expected to have more advantages in anti-neoplastic effects, including easy preparation, high pharmacology efficiency, low toxicity, tumor-targeting ability, and high drug-controlled release. Polyurethanes (PUs) are a very important kind of polymers widely used in medicine, pharmacy, and biomaterial engineering. Biodegradable and non-biodegradable PUs are a significant group of these biomaterials. PUs can be synthesized by adequately selecting building blocks (a polyol, a di- or multi-isocyanate, and a chain extender) with suitable physicochemical and biological properties for applications in anti-cancer DDSs technology. Currently, there are few comprehensive reports on a summary of polyurethane DDSs (PU-DDSs) applied for tumor therapy. This study reviewed state-of-the-art PUs designed for anti-cancer PU-DDSs. We studied successful applications and prospects for further development of effective methods for obtaining PUs as biomaterials for oncology.  相似文献   

A negatively charged polypeptide nanogel, near‐infrared (NIR) cyanine dye (Cy5.5) conjugated and 2,3‐dimethylmaleic anhydride (DMA) modified poly‐l ‐lysine‐co‐l ‐cystine (CDPLC), is synthesized and is used as an imaging‐guided sequential drug delivery system. The CDPLC nanogel can respond to two general stimulations in sequence: extracellular tumor acidic microenvironment pHe (6.8–6.5) and intracellular high concentration glutathione (GSH). Under pHe, the DMA shell of the nanogel is removed and a charge reversal takes place, resulting in positively charged nanogel which can be internalized by cancer cells easily. Once internalized into tumor cells, the increased intracellular GSH concentration further promotes DOX release from the nanogel and DOX is enriched to the nucleus. Cy5.5 is conjugated to the nanogel as an NIR fluorescent probe, making it possible for imaging‐guided drug delivery, which is confirmed by the MTT and confocal laser scanning microscopy via in vitro experiments. The as‐prepared nanogel is a potential theranostic for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

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