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背包式反应与精馏耦合生产氯化苄技术研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
根据采用具有独立反应量的气液反应器与精馏塔相耦合的构思,建立了反应精馏小试装置,进行了甲苯氯化反应合成氯化苄技术的研究,测定了反应精馏塔内的浓度分布和温度分布,考察了反应能力与分离能力相对大小的改变对反应精馏结果的影响。 相似文献
建立了带多台侧反应器的间歇反应精馏过程,采用Aspen Plus模拟软件构建该过程的非稳态模拟方法。以甲苯氯化生产氯化苄为对象,研究了侧反应器台数、侧线采出率和采出位置、氯气分配、反应精馏时间及再沸器蒸发量等设计参数对间歇反应精馏过程的影响规律。模拟结果表明反应能力和分离达到最佳匹配的最优设计参数为:精馏塔塔板数8块、侧反应器2台、氯气分配7:3、从第3块塔板侧线采出、采出率85%、再沸器蒸发量25 kmol?h?1。在此结构参数和操作条件下完成50 kmol甲苯氯化所需时间为9 h,甲苯的转化率和氯化苄的选择性均可达到98.0%以上。 相似文献
针对醋酸与异丁烯加成酯化可逆反应温度低、精馏分离温度高的特点,采用带侧反应器的反应精馏集成过程(SRC)建立了低温反应与高温精馏集成的醋酸叔丁酯生产新工艺。固定塔釜上升汽化量100 kmol·h-1,规定新鲜醋酸进料的转化率达到99.9%、醋酸叔丁酯选择性达到97.0%,采用过程模拟考察了进入侧反应器的精馏塔采出量、精馏段塔板数、侧反应器进出口间隔塔板数和侧反应器台数等参数对合成醋酸叔丁酯的SRC过程的影响。模拟结果表明,醋酸与异丁烯加成酯化生产醋酸叔丁酯的SRC过程中只有反应能力与分离能力达到最佳匹配才能使单位产品的生产成本最小。研究结果为醋酸叔丁酯生产新工艺的放大设计与优化奠定了基础。 相似文献
针对乙酸酯化法生产乙酸乙酯分离过程复杂、能耗大的缺点,提出了一种带侧线反应精馏-渗透汽化(RD-PV)集成过程。通过反应精馏塔侧线采出和渗透汽化膜组件及时移出水分,促进酯化反应向正反应方向进行,在达到乙酸高转化率的同时使乙酸乙酯产品达到高纯度。研究了反应精馏塔侧线采出位置、采出比、反应段塔板数、精馏段塔板数以及膜组件个数等对年度总成本(TAC)的影响,获得了TAC达到最小的过程参数。与传统双塔精馏分离过程对比,RD-PV集成过程节省能耗26.6%,但膜材料价格对RD-PV集成过程的TAC有较大影响,随着渗透汽化技术的成熟,当膜材料价格低于1913 CNY·m-2时,RD-PV集成过程在经济上占据优势。 相似文献
“背包式”反应精馏是一种反应器与精馏塔既相互独立又相互耦合的离散集成技术。由于反应与分离处于不同空间位置,能够突破传统反应精馏对工况的限制,拓宽应用范围,且便于工程放大。本文综述了国内外“背包式”反应精馏从基础到应用的研究概况。从转化率、选择性、塔内温度、组成分布等方面,分析了“背包式”反应精馏与传统反应精馏的等效性,指出“背包式”反应精馏的优势在于工况的灵活选择利于实现反应与分离能力的最佳匹配。介绍了“背包式”反应精馏在稳态模拟与优化、动态模拟及控制等方面的研究进展,并从不同工况反应与精馏集成技术的应用、便捷的催化剂装填与反应器设计应用两个角度归纳了该技术的应用进展。最后,从优化设计理论、先进控制方法、能量综合利用以及强化酶催化反应等方面对“背包式”反应精馏进一步的研究与应用进行展望。 相似文献
Haisheng Chen Kejin Huang Wei Liu Liang Zhang Shaofeng Wang San‐Jang Wang 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2013,59(6):2015-2032
The synthesis and design of reactive distillation columns separating reacting mixtures with the most unfavorable relative volatilities (i.e., the reactants are the heaviest and lightest components with the products being the intermediate ones) are described. The unfavorable thermodynamics poses great difficulties in combining the reaction operation and the separation operation involved and limits severely the potential of reactive distillation columns in the reduction of capital investment (CI) and operating cost. To remove the limitation, we propose two strategies for facilitating the synthesis and design of this kind of reactive distillation columns in this article. One is to arrange prudentially the reactive section so as to strengthen internal energy integration between the reaction operation and the separation operation involved; that is, while the reactive section should be placed at the bottom of the reactive distillation columns separating exothermic reactions, it should be at the top of the reactive distillation columns separating endothermic reactions. The other is to introduce an external recycle flow between the two ends of the reactive distillation columns to reinforce internal mass integration and internal energy integration between the reaction operation and the separation operation involved; that is, whereas the external recycle flow should be directed from the top to bottom of the reactive distillation columns separating exothermic reactions, it should be from the bottom to top of the reactive distillation columns separating endothermic reactions. Separation of four hypothetical ideal (i.e., two quaternary and two ternary systems, respectively) and two real nonideal (i.e., two quaternary systems) reacting mixtures is chosen to evaluate the proposed strategies. The results show that they can considerably lower energy requirement besides a further reduction in CI. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 2015–2032, 2013 相似文献
以正丁醇和环氧乙烷为原料合成乙二醇正丁醚(EGMBE)为例,利用数学模型和模拟分析方法,研究了包含大量反应热效应的乙氧基化反应精馏(ERD)塔中反应热的利用及系统能量优化问题。研究表明,当采用常规的、将反应段直接叠加于提馏段之上的塔设计时,反应热并没有贡献于分离操作或减小再沸器的热负荷,而只是被冷凝器中的冷却介质移走。分析了反应热的可利用途径,提出一种将反应段和提馏段分割、从反应段移出反应热供提馏段加热的内部热集成乙氧基化反应精馏结构--IHIERD。模拟结果表明,IHIERD 将使再沸器的温度从462.5 K降低到420.0 K,冷凝器负荷降低11%,外部能量输入降低14%,节能效果显著。 相似文献
通过对规整填料塔与板式塔的特点进行分析,运用规整填料的低压降、大通量、高效率等特点,以及板式塔的操作稳定性结合在甲烷氯化物精馏塔的改造,通过流程模拟结果及创新性的采用填料与塔板复合的型式,结合填料塔与浮阀塔各自优点形成组合塔,优化了精馏塔运行。 相似文献
In this paper, a novel reactive distillation column with double reactive sections (RDC-DRS) is proposed for the separations of two-stage consecutive reversible reactions. The arrangement of two reactive sections not only allows the careful coordination of the two reaction operations involved, but also provides additional degrees of freedom for the reinforcement of internal mass integration and/or internal energy integration between the reaction operations and the separation operation involved, which could facilitate the RDC-DRS to be more advantageous than the conventional reactive distillation column with a single reactive section (RDC-SRS) in operating cost and capital investment. A representative hypothetical and real two-stage consecutive reversible reactions are chosen to evaluate the steady-state performance of the RDC-DRS. With the constraints of the same total number of stages and the same total number of reactive stages, the RDC-DRS is demonstrated to require less utility consumption than the RDC-SRS and this outcome indicates that the former could be a competitive alternative to the latter in the separations of the two-stage consecutive reversible reactions. The number of reactive sections should therefore be viewed as an important decision variable for the synthesis and design of reactive distillation columns especially in the separations of complicated reacting mixtures involving multiple reversible reactions. 相似文献