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Mutations in the yeast gene VPS41 give rise to poor growth on low iron medium, severe alterations in vacuolar morphology, and cause the missorting of membranous and soluble vacuolar proteins. Our studies predict that VPS41 encodes a hydrophilic protein of 992 amino acids that contains no obvious signal sequence or hydrophobic domains. The deduced Vps41p sequence contains a domain rich in glutamic and aspartic residues, as well as a domain with resemblance to a region of clathrin heavy chain. We have also identified and sequenced putative VPS41 homologues from Caenorhabditis elegans, plants, and humans. The VPS41 homologues (but not the yeast VPS41 itself) contain a conserved cysteine-rich RING-H2 zinc finger at their COOH termini. Biochemical experiments suggest that VPS41 functions in post-Golgi protein processing: the deletion mutant exhibits defective high affinity transport due to impaired Fet3p activity and also exhibits defects in the processing and sorting of multiple vacuolar hydrolases.  相似文献   

Receptor-mediated endocytosis via clathrin-coated vesicles has been extensively studied and, while many of the protein players have been identified, much remains unknown about the regulation of coat assembly and the mechanisms that drive vesicle formation [1]. Some components of the endocytic machinery interact with inositol polyphosphates and inositol lipids in vitro, implying a role for phosphatidylinositols in vivo [2] [3]. Specifically, the adaptor protein complex AP2 binds phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2), PtdIns(3)P, PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 and inositol phosphates. Phosphatidylinositol binding regulates AP2 self-assembly and the interactions of AP2 complexes with clathrin and with peptides containing endocytic motifs [4] [5]. The GTPase dynamin contains a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain that binds PtdIns(4,5)P2 and PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 to regulate GTPase activity in vitro [6] [7]. However, no direct evidence for the involvement of phosphatidylinositols in clathrin-mediated endocytosis exists to date. Using well-characterized PH domains as high affinity and high specificity probes in combination with a perforated cell assay that reconstitutes coated vesicle formation, we provide the first direct evidence that PtdIns(4,5)P2 is required for both early and late events in endocytic coated vesicle formation.  相似文献   

The gonad of the Caenorhabditis elegans hermaphrodite is generated by the postembryonic divisions of two somatic precursors, Z1 and Z4, and two germline precursors, Z2 and Z3. These cells begin division midway through the first larval stage. By the end of the fourth larval stage, Z1 and Z4 produce 143 descendants, while Z2 and Z3 give rise to approximately 1000 descendants. The divisions of Z2 and Z3 are dependent on signals produced by Z1 and Z4, but not vice versa. We have characterized the properties of five loss-of-function alleles of a newly described gene, which we call gon-2. In gon-2 mutants, gonadogenesis is severely impaired; in some animals, none of the gonad progenitors undergo any postembryonic divisions. Mutations in gon-2 have a partial maternal effect: either maternal or zygotic expression is sufficient to prevent the severe gonadogenesis defects. By cell lineage analysis, we found that the priman, defect in gon-2 mutants is a delay (sometimes a complete block) in the onset and continuation of gonadal divisions. The results of upshift experiments using a temperature-sensitive allele suggest that zygotic expression of gon-2 begins early in embryogenesis, before the birth of Z1 and Z4. The results of downshift experiments suggest that Z1 and Z4 can generate the full complement of gonadal tissues even when gon-2 function is inhibited until the end of the second larval stage. Thus, gon-2 activity is probably not required for the specification of gonadal cell fates, but appears to be generally required for gonadal cell divisions.  相似文献   

Development of the vertebrate inner ear begins during gastrulation with induction of the otic placode. Several embryonic tissues, including cephalic mesendoderm, notochord, and hindbrain, have been implicated as potential sources of otic-inducing signals. However, the relative contributions of these tissues have not been determined, nor have any genes affecting placode induction been identified. To address these issues, we analyzed otic placode induction in zebrafish mutants that are deficient in prospective otic-inducing tissues. Otic development was monitored by examining mutant embryos for morphological changes and, in some cases, by visualizing expression patterns of dlx-3 or pax-2.1 in preotic cells several hours before otic placode formation. In cyclops (cyc-) mutants, which develop with a partial deficiency of prechordal mesendoderm, otic induction is delayed by up to 1 h. In one-eyed pinhead (oep-) mutants, which are more completely deficient in prechordal mesendoderm, otic induction is delayed by 1.5 h, and morphology of the otic vesicles is abnormal. Expression of marker genes in other regions of the neural plate is normal, suggesting that ablation of prechordal mesendoderm selectively inhibits otic induction. In contrast, the timing and morphology of otic development is not affected by mutations in no tail (ntl) or floating head (flh), which prevent notochord differentiation. Similarly, a mutation in valentino (val), which blocks early differentiation of rhombomeres 5 and 6 in the hindbrain, does not delay otic induction, although subsequent patterning of the otic vesicle is impaired. To test whether inductive signals from one tissue can compensate for loss of another, we generated double or triple mutants with various combinations of the above mutations. In none of the multiple mutants do the flh or val mutations exacerbate delays in placode induction, although val does contribute additively to defects in subsequent patterning of the otic vesicle. In contrast, mutants homozygous for both oep and ntl, which interact synergistically to disrupt differentiation of cephalic and axial mesendoderm, show a delay in otic development of about 3 h. These data suggest that cephalic mesendoderm, including prechordal mesendoderm and anterior paraxial mesendoderm, provides the first otic-inducing signals during gastrulation, whereas chordamesoderm plays no discernible role in this process. Because val- mutants are deficient for only a portion of the hindbrain, we cannot rule out a role for that tissue in otic placode induction. However, if the hindbrain does provide otic-inducing signals, they apparently differ quantitatively or qualitatively from the signals required for vesicle patterning, as val disrupts only the latter.  相似文献   

Drosophila Src42A, a close relative of the vertebrate c-Src, has been implicated in the Ras-Mapk signaling cascade. An allele of Src42A, Su(Raf)1, dominantly suppresses the lethality of partial loss-of-function Raf mutations. To isolate genes involved in the same pathway where Src42A functions, we carried out genetic screens for dominant suppressor mutations that prevented Su(Raf)1 from suppressing Raf. Thirty-six mutations representing at least five genetic loci were recovered from the second chromosome. These are Drosophila EGF Receptor (Egfr), rolled, Src42A, and two other new loci, one of which was named semang (sag). During embryogenesis, sag affects the development of the head, tail, and tracheal branches, suggesting that it participates in the pathways of Torso and DFGF-R1 receptor tyrosine kinases. sag also disrupts the embryonic peripheral nervous system. During the development of imaginal discs, sag affects two processes known to require Egfr signaling: the recruitment of photoreceptor cells and wing vein formation. Thus sag functions in several receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)-mediated processes. In addition, sag dominantly enhances the phenotypes associated with loss-of-function Raf and rl, but suppresses those of activated Ras1(V12) mutation. This work provides the first genetic evidence that both Src42A and sag are modulators of RTK signaling.  相似文献   

DiGeorge syndrome (DGS) is a congenital disease characterized by defects in organs and tissues that depend on contributions by cell populations derived from neural crest for proper development. A number of candidate genes that lie within the q11 region of chromosome 22 commonly deleted in DGS patients have been identified. Orthologues of the DGS candidate gene HIRA are expressed in the neural crest and in neural crest-derived tissues in both chick and mouse embryos. By exposing a portion of the premigratory chick neural crest to phosphorothioate end-protected antisense oligonucleotides, ex ovo, followed by orthotopic backtransplantation to the untreated embryos, we have shown that the functional attenuation of cHIRA in the chick cardiac neural crest results in a significantly increased incidence of persistent truncus arteriosus, a phenotypic change characteristic of DGS, but does not affect the repatterning aortic arch arteries, the ventricular function, or the alignment of the outflow tract.  相似文献   

吊钩在使用过程中断裂,采用金相显微镜和扫描电镜等对吊钩断裂件进行了观察和分析。结果表明,吊钩断裂部位由3块钢板焊接而成,焊缝区域有较多的未熔合和未焊透等焊接缺陷,焊缝区域组织有粗大的魏氏组织存在;分析认为焊缝区域的焊接缺陷处萌生裂纹,粗大的魏氏组织导致吊钩的综合力学性能下降,在天车起吊重物的应力作用下导致裂纹扩展至断裂。  相似文献   

Preliminary results in comparative genetics have revealed a growing list of differences between mice and humans (Strachan et al. [1997]: Nat. Genet. 16:126-132). However, it is increasingly apparent that some of these differences are not accompanied by changes in function. Such differences are nevertheless useful because they represent a sort of genetic experiment that provides evidence helpful in deducing how the genetic circuits work. This article draws attention to some recent results. First, we briefly report on representative examples of genetic differences between rodents and humans, suggesting, as expected, that such divergence is abundant and diverse at all levels of gene regulation. Second, on the basis of a more detailed analysis bearing on four examples, we emphasize that the study of genetic differences associated with little or no functional divergence is likely to be a profitable direction for future analysis of genetic pathways. Finally, we suggest that apparently nonfunctional genetic divergence may underlie different susceptibilities to disease. A detailed knowledge of human-mouse genetic divergence will provide an indispensable framework for extrapolating the molecular effects of mutations and teratogens from mice to humans in studies of abnormal development.  相似文献   

The gls genes of Volvox are required for the asymmetric divisions that set apart cells of the germ and somatic lineages during embryogenesis. Here we used transposon tagging to clone glsA, and then showed that it is expressed maximally in asymmetrically dividing embryos, and that it encodes a 748-amino acid protein with two potential protein-binding domains. Site-directed mutagenesis of one of these, the J domain (by which Hsp40-class chaperones bind to and activate specific Hsp70 partners) abolishes the capacity of glsA to rescue mutants. Based on this and other considerations, including the fact that the GlsA protein is associated with the mitotic spindle, we discuss how it might function, in conjunction with an Hsp70-type partner, to shift the division plane in asymmetrically dividing cells.  相似文献   

The fates of two small subgroups of the ovarian follicle cells appear to be linked: mutations in Notch, Delta, fs(1)Yb, or hedgehog cause simultaneous defects in the specification of stalk cells and polar cells. Both of these subgroups are determined in the germarium, and both cease division early in oogenesis. To test the possibility that these subgroups are related by lineage, we generated dominantly marked mitotic clones in ovaries. Small, restricted clones in stalk cells and polar cells were found adjacent to each other at a frequency much too high to be explained by independent induction. We therefore propose a model in which stalk cells and polar cells are derived from a precursor population that is distinct from the precursors for other follicle cells. We support and extend this model by characterization of mutants that affect stalk and polar cell formation. We find that ectopic expression of Hedgehog can induce both polar and stalk cell fate, presumably by acting on the precursor stage. In contrast, we find that stall affects neither the induction of the precursors nor the decision between the stalk cell and polar cell fate but, rather, some later differentiation step of stalk cells. In addition, we show that ectopic polar and stalk cells disturb the anterior-posterior polarity of the underlying oocyte.  相似文献   

Response to the steroid hormone ecdysone in Drosophila is controlled by genetic regulatory hierarchies that include eight members of the nuclear receptor protein family. The DHR3 gene, located within the 46F early-late ecdysone-inducible chromosome puff, encodes an orphan nuclear receptor that recently has been shown to exert both positive and negative regulatory effects in the ecdysone-induced genetic hierarchies at metamorphosis. We used a reverse genetics approach to identify 11 DHR3 mutants from a pool of lethal mutations in the 46F region on the second chromosome. Two DHR3 mutations result in amino acid substitutions within the conserved DNA binding domain. Analysis of DHR3 mutants reveals that DHR3 function is required to complete embryogenesis. All DHR3 alleles examined result in nervous system defects in the embryo.  相似文献   

We have isolated the embryonic lethal gene muscleblind (mbl) as a suppressor of the sev-svp2 eye phenotype. Analysis of clones mutant for mbl during eye development shows that it is autonomously required for photoreceptor differentiation. Mutant cells are recruited into developing ommatidia and initiate neural differentiation, but they fail to properly differentiate as photoreceptors. Molecular analysis reveals that the mbl locus is large and complex, giving rise to multiple different proteins with common 5' sequences but different carboxy termini. Mbl proteins are nuclear and share a Cys3His zinc-finger motif which is also found in the TIS11/NUP475/TTP family of proteins and is highly conserved in vertebrates and invertebrates. Functional analysis of mbl, the observation that it also dominantly suppresses the sE-Jun(Asp) gain-of-function phenotype and the phenotypic similarity to mutants in the photoreceptor-specific glass gene suggest that mbl is a general factor required for photoreceptor differentiation.  相似文献   

The open reading frame immediately upstream of uspA is demonstrated to encode a 14-kDa protein which we named UspB (universal stress protein B) because of its general responsiveness to different starvation and stress conditions. UspB is predicted to be an integral membrane protein with at least one and perhaps two membrane-spanning domains. Overexpression of UspB causes cell death in stationary phase, whereas mutants of uspB are sensitive to exposure to ethanol but not heat in stationary phase. In contrast to uspA, stationary-phase induction of uspB requires the sigma factor sigmaS. The expression of uspB is modulated by H-NS, consistent with the role of H-NS in altering sigmaS levels. Our results demonstrate that a gene of the RpoS regulon is involved in the development of stationary-phase resistance to ethanol, in addition to the regulon's previously known role in thermotolerance, osmotolerance, and oxidative stress resistance.  相似文献   

Furin catalyzes the proteolytic maturation of many proproteins within the trans-Golgi network (TGN)/endosomal system. Furin's cytosolic domain (cd) directs both the compartmentalization to and transit between its manifold processing compartments (i.e., TGN/biosynthetic pathway, cell surface, and endosomes). Here we report the identification of the first furin cd sorting protein, ABP-280 (nonmuscle filamin), an actin gelation protein. The furin cd was used as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen to identify ABP-280 as a furin-binding protein. Binding analyses in vitro and coimmunoprecipitation studies in vivo showed that furin and ABP-280 interact directly and that ABP-280 tethers furin molecules to the cell surface. Quantitative analysis of both ABP-280-deficient and genetically replete cells showed that ABP-280 modulates the rate of internalization of furin but not of the transferrin receptor, a cycling receptor. However, although ABP-280 directs the rate of furin internalization, the efficiency of sorting of the endoprotease from the cell surface to early endosomes is independent of expression of ABP-280. By contrast, efficient sorting of furin from early endosomes to the TGN requires expression of ABP-280. In addition, ABP-280 is also required for the correct localization of late endosomes (dextran bead uptake) and lysosomes (LAMP-1 staining), demonstrating a pleiotropic role for this actin binding protein in the organization of cellular compartments and directing protein traffic. Finally, and consistent with the trafficking studies on furin, we showed that ABP-280 modulates the processing of furin substrates in the endocytic but not the biosynthetic pathways. The novel roles of ABP-280 and the cytoskeleton in the sorting of furin in the TGN/ endosomal system and the formation of proprotein processing compartments are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the mechanism of the increased renin mRNA concentration in the adrenal glands of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). In 52 female F2 rats (25 to 27 weeks of age) derived from SHR and Wistar-Kyoto rats, we determined blood pressure, renin mRNA concentration in the adrenal gland, plasma renin activity, plasma aldosterone concentration, and genotype of the renin gene. Eighteen of the F2 rats were fed a high salt (8%) diet for 14 days. The renin mRNA concentration in the adrenal glands showed a significant correlation with the genotype of the renin gene in the normal salt diet group (P <.0001), whereas this relationship was not observed in the high salt group. Multivariate analysis revealed that the plasma aldosterone concentration in the normal diet group was significantly explained (P=.0004, R2=.454) by plasma renin activity (P=.0005), the renin mRNA concentration in the adrenal gland (P=.0496), and the genotype of the renin gene (P=.0236). The SHR allele of the renin gene was associated with a lower aldosterone concentration. On the other hand, in the high salt diet group, only the genotype of the renin gene showed a significant relationship with plasma aldosterone concentration (P=.0237). Again, the SHR allele of the renin gene was associated with a lower aldosterone concentration. We can conclude that the higher renin mRNA concentration in the SHR adrenal glands is governed by the SHR allele of the renin gene or renin gene locus. The renin mRNA concentration in the adrenal gland exerts a minor influence on aldosterone synthesis. Paradoxically, the SHR allele of the renin gene or renin gene locus confers a lower rate of aldosterone synthesis at 25 to 27 weeks of age, the mechanism of which remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The gene for a microtubule-associated protein (MAP), termed MHP1 (MAP-Homologous Protein 1), was isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by expression cloning using antibodies specific for the Drosophila 205K MAP. MHP1 encodes an essential protein of 1,398 amino acids that contains near its COOH-terminal end a sequence homologous to the microtubule-binding domain of MAP2, MAP4, and tau. While total disruptions are lethal, NH2-terminal deletion mutations of MHP1 are viable, and the expression of the COOH-terminal two-thirds of the protein is sufficient for vegetative growth. Nonviable deletion-disruption mutations of MHP1 can be partially complemented by the expression of the Drosophila 205K MAP. Mhp1p binds to microtubules in vitro, and it is the COOH-terminal region containing the tau-homologous motif that mediates microtubule binding. Antibodies directed against a COOH-terminal peptide of Mhp1p decorate cytoplasmic microtubules and mitotic spindles as revealed by immunofluorescence microscopy. The overexpression of an NH2-terminal deletion mutation of MHP1 results in an accumulation of large-budded cells with short spindles and disturbed nuclear migration. In asynchronously growing cells that overexpress MHP1 from a multicopy plasmid, the length and number of cytoplasmic microtubules is increased and the proportion of mitotic cells is decreased, while haploid cells in which the expression of MHP1 has been silenced exhibit few microtubules. These results suggest that MHP1 is essential for the formation and/or stabilization of microtubules.  相似文献   

A polysaccharide capsule is one of the most important virulence factors for the pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans. We previously characterized two capsule-associated genes, CAP59 and CAP64. To further dissect the molecular mechanism of capsule synthesis, 16 acapsular mutants induced by 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide were obtained. The acapsular phenotype of one of these mutants was complemented. The cloned gene was designated CAP60, and deletion of this newly described capsule-associated gene resulted in an acapsular phenotype. The proposed 67-kDa Cap60p contains 592 amino acids and appears to have a putative transmembrane domain close to the N terminus. DNA sequence analysis revealed that CAP60 has similarity to CAP59 at the center portion of its coding regions. Contour-clamped homogeneous electric field blot analysis suggested that these two genes are on the same chromosome. CAP60 and CAP59, however, could not be functionally substituted for each other by direct complementation or by domain swap experiments. In addition, CAP60 is closely linked to a gene which is similar to a cellulose growth-specific gene of Agaricus bisporus, CEL1. Immunogold electron microscopy studies of the epitope-tagged CAP60 gene revealed that Cap60p was primarily localized to the nuclear membrane. Animal model studies indicated that CAP60 is essential for virulence. Thus, CAP60 is required for both capsule formation and virulence.  相似文献   

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