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为了给公众和企业提供更好的服务,给政府决策者提供更准确及时的支持,政府部门间G2G信息共享势在必行。然而,由于政府业务繁多且程序复杂,许多政府部门对政府信息分布及共享需求并不清晰,给电子政务流程设计造成了一定的难度。为此,试图从跨组织信息资源管理的角度出发,首先对G2B传统业务流程中业务依托信息和产生信息进行分析,以确定各职能部门的信息需求状况;其次,通过分析不同部门间的业务信息关系,分别建立依托信息与依托信息、依托信息与产生信息以及产生信息与产生信息三种信息交集关系,从而识别部门间信息共享需求并分析可能  相似文献   

吕欣  高枫 《计算机应用》2012,32(1):82-85
为解决电子政务信息资源共享中的隐私保护问题,提出一种隐私保护模型。模型将电子政务信息资源共享划分为基于数据挖掘或统计产生决策的业务和业务协同两类,分别采用数据预处理对隐私信息泛化和使用业务协同模拟器确定协同业务所需的最小隐私信息集合的方法,解决共享中的隐私保护问题。分析结果表明所提方法能有效保护隐私信息。  相似文献   

高阳  张红宇  马华 《计算机应用研究》2009,26(10):3774-3777
针对当前再制造生产的特点和实际需求,设计了一种面向再制造信息共享的P2P网络模型ReMIS。为适应再制造网络的高度动态性,模型采用基于自然簇和主题簇构成的两层混合结构,上层由主题对等体组成结构化的主题网络,下层由普通对等体组成P2P网络。ReMIS采用基于主题簇的资源分类和检索机制,能够确保在处理海量再制造资源信息的检索请求时具有较高的路由性能和查询性能,并能减少再制造生产中的词汇语义冲突;同时,发布/订阅机制的应用使再制造企业获取实时信息成为可能。相关性能分析表明,ReMIS网络是高效可行的,可以适应再  相似文献   

移动地理信息采集共享P2P Web Service平台   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出一种基于移动P2P Web Service的地理信息采集与共享平台MPPWS-GIGS(Mobile P2P Web Service Geography Information Gathering and Sharing),目标是充分利用移动终端天然的分布式特点,支持地理信息的P2P采集和共享功能;为了克服现有移动网络的漫游性、带宽的局限性,通过中心控制服务器,基于目前移动网络支持的网络协议(UDP/TCP),完成针对移动网络的终端管理、会话管理、服务管理等功能。  相似文献   

基于信号传递博弈的供应链需求信息共享机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯琳琳  邱菀华 《控制与决策》2007,22(12):1421-1324
在随机需求信息不对称情况下,研究掌握市场需求信息的制造商如何设计契约以实现信息共享的问题.运用信号传递博弈理论,设计一种分离均衡的利润共享契约机制,利润共享参数起到了传递信息的信号作用.分析表明,此契约机制不仅可以实现信息共享,而且克服了以往研究中存在的不足,同时实现了供应链系统绩效的最优化.最后通过实例验证了所提出契约机制的有效性.  相似文献   

针对物联网(IoT)信息共享中存在的源数据易被篡改、缺乏信用保障机制以及信息孤岛问题,提出一种基于区块链技术的轻量级物联网信息共享安全框架。该框架采用数据区块链和交易区块链相结合的双链模式:在数据区块链中实现数据的分布式存储和防篡改,并通过改进的实用拜占庭容错(PBFT)机制共识算法,提升数据登记效率;在交易区块链中实现资源和数据交易,并通过基于部分盲签名算法的改进算法,提升交易效率、实现隐私保护。仿真实验部分分别针对抗攻击能力、双链的处理能力和时延进行了验证分析,结果表明该框架具有安全性、有效性和可行性,可应对现实物联网中的大部分场景。  相似文献   

针对突发事件中应急救援信息共享不及时、不积极带来巨大损失的问题,建立了高危企业、救援队伍、政府监管部门参与的应急救援信息共享三方博弈模型。首先,根据收益情况构建支付矩阵与复制动态方程;然后,分别对4个不同场景进行稳定性分析;最后,通过计算机仿真模拟不同场景下系统的演化过程与结果,从而得到信息共享的最优策略。实验结果表明:在收益较低的情况下,若额外奖惩高,则应急救援队伍积极共享的意愿升至0.2,随后逐渐降低,直至完全拒绝信息共享;若额外成本较高,则高危企业积极共享的意愿升至0.2左右,随后快速降低至0。同时,参与者的行为策略对正向收益的变化表现得最为敏感,对额外奖惩、额外成本变化的敏感性次之。以上结果可为应急救援中的信息共享策略选择提供指导性意见。  相似文献   

安全性一直是电子政务系统研究的重要课题,该文分析了电子政务G2B工作模式特点与安全需求,研究了相关安全技术的主要内容,并提出了基于多重防护与加密技术的安全保护方案。  相似文献   

The effective delivery of emergency information to elderly people is a challenging task. Failure to deliver appropriate information can have an adverse impact on the well-being of the elderly people. This paper addresses this challenge and proposes an IoT-enabled information architecture driven approach, which is called “Resalert”. Resalert offers IoT-enabled emergency information supply chain architecture pattern, IoT device architecture and system architecture. The applicability of the Resalert is evaluated by the means of an example scenario, a portable Raspberry Pi based system prototype and user evaluation. The results of this research indicate that the proposed approach seems useful to the effective delivery of emergency information to elderly people.  相似文献   

With major developments in information and communication technologies, real-time information sharing becomes a significant challenge and has a considerable impact on the overall performance of supply chains. Here, we study the influence of information sharing for a monoproduct serial supply chain consisting of a supplier, warehouse, retailer and customers in the context of a decentralized decision. The objectives of this study are twofold: (1) to estimate the gains from sharing different types of information on each elementary cost and for each partner of the supply chain in detail and (2) to determine the cumulative impact of simultaneously sharing different types of information.A mathematical model is developed to assess the value of information sharing in terms of logistic costs and for different combinations related to the sharing or non-sharing of three types of upstream and downstream information: the customer demand and the supplier-warehouse and warehouse-retailer lead times. A perturbation is also injected to consider the intended or unintended distortion in the communicated information.Our study clearly showed that the gains are not cumulative when we simultaneously share different types of information. The results also highlighted the necessity to establish incentive cooperation mechanisms between the different links in the supply chain in many scenarios where the gains are not balanced. A distortion in the communicated information can also have a significant effect on the gains from sharing.  相似文献   

量子秘密共享是量子密码研究的一个重要分支,针对多方共享量子比特情况进行研究,提出一个新的动态量子比特共享协议。此协议中,参与共享的成员是分等级的,量子信息的管理者在无需建立新的量子信道的情况下可对秘密重构系统中的参与者进行裁员。裁员后,管理者通过量子操作可以对量子信息进行更新,而剩余的有效参与者无需对自己手中的粒子执行额外操作就可完成新信息重构。此外,还讨论了协议的正确性、安全性及共享成员的等级性。  相似文献   

海量的物联网数据拥有巨大价值,而现有基于云的数据共享机制,面临单点故障、内部泄露等问题,无法确保用户数据的安全共享。为实现高效可信的数据共享,利用区块链技术,提出了基于区块链的5G物联网数据共享方案。该方案首先设计了数据共享框架和数据共享流程;然后基于闪电网络方案,提出了面向物联网数据共享的链下交易机制。实验分析表明,基于区块链的5G物联网数据共享方案具有较强的抗攻击能力;基于闪电网络的交易机制,能够大幅提高交易吞吐量、降低交易时延。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to explain the information-sharing process and investigate the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations that may induce information sharing on Facebook. Using the theory of planned behaviour, this research distinguishes between information-sharing intention and information-sharing behaviour. Based on self-determination theory, this research selects the extrinsic and intrinsic motivations that influence intention. Based on a survey of 233 South Korean Facebook users in their 20s and 30s, this research applies a structural equation modelling approach to develop the research model. All the intrinsic motivations are found to have a significant positive influence on information sharing about products and services. However, among the extrinsic motivations, only expected reciprocal relationship is found to have a significant positive influence on information-sharing intention. This research approaches Facebook empirically from a marketing perspective and suggests a strategic direction for marketers and Facebook managers.  相似文献   

DDoS攻击是V2G网络的重要威胁之一,它可以在短时间内耗尽服务器的通信资源。 此前方法以集中式模型为主,将数据从边缘设备传输到中央服务器进行训练可能会将数据暴露给各种攻击。研究了一种基于联邦学习的入侵检测系统,首先,考虑到V2G网络数据的高维性和数据间的时间依赖性,将采集的数据通过改进的特征选择算法进行降维,减少冗余特征,再将处理后的数据传入到融合了卷积神经网络和双向长短时记忆网络的混合模型中,捕获数据中的时间依赖性,并引入批标准化防止神经网络训练过程中出现梯度消失问题; 其次,为了防止隐私泄露,结合联邦学习的固有特性,允许数据留在本地用于神经网络模型的训练;为了解决联邦学习通信造成网络负载压力过大的问题,设计了一种通过设置动态通信阈值筛选参与更新最优边缘设备的方案以减轻网络负载压力。实验结果表明,该方法的准确率可以高达99.95%,单轮通信时间减少了1.7 s。  相似文献   

Communities of Practices (CoPs) are informal structures within organizations that bind people together through informal relationships and the sharing of expertise and experience. As such, they are effective tools for the creation and sharing of organizational knowledge, and an increasing number of organizations are adopting them as part of their knowledge management strategies. In this paper, we examine the knowledge sharing characteristics and roles of CoPs and develop a peer-to-peer knowledge sharing architecture that matches the behavioral characteristics of the members of the CoPs. We also propose a peer-to-peer knowledge sharing tool called KTella that enables a community's members to voluntarily share and retrieve knowledge more effectively.  相似文献   

针对私有信息检索(PIR)中的隐私安全问题,提出了一个基于点函数秘密共享的私有信息检索协议。该协议将检索的索引看成一个特殊的0-1点函数,利用点函数秘密共享技术生成这个点函数的密钥组,分别发送给p个服务器,根据p个服务器返回的响应作异或运算得到检索结果。对协议进行了正确性、安全性和效率分析,验证了这个协议是安全且高效的,并给出了一个具体实例来说明该协议的有效性。最后介绍了将该协议推广到多项私有信息检索和基于关键字的私有信息检索中的应用情况。  相似文献   

The success of information system development involving multi-organizational collaboration can depend heavily on effective knowledge sharing across boundaries. This paper reports on a comparative examination of knowledge sharing in two separate networks of public sector organizations participating in information technology innovation projects in New York State. As is typical of innovations resulting from recent government reforms, the knowledge sharing in these cases is a critical component of the information system development, involving a mix of tacit, explicit, and interactional forms of sharing across organizational boundaries. In one case the sharing is among state agencies and in the other across state and local government agencies. Using interviews, observations and document analysis, the longitudinal case studies follow knowledge sharing and other interactions in the interorganizational networks of these two distinct settings. Results confirm the difficulty of sharing knowledge across agencies, and further reveal the influences of several relevant factors—incentives, risks and barriers for sharing, and trust—on the effectiveness of knowledge sharing. The results contribute to theory on knowledge sharing processes in multi-organizational public sector settings and provide practice guidance for developing effective sharing relationships in collaborative cross-boundary information system initiatives. The research reported here is supported by the National Science Foundation grant #SES-9979839. The views and conclusions expressed in this report are those of the authors alone and do not reflect the views or policies of the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the development and use of ontologies for electronically supporting and structuring the highest-level function of government: the design, implementation and evaluation of public policies for the big and complex problems that modern societies face. This critical government function usually necessitates extensive interaction and collaboration among many heterogeneous government organizations (G2G collaboration) with different backgrounds, mentalities, values, interests and expectations, so it can greatly benefit from the use of ontologies. In this direction initially an ontology of public policy making, implementation and evaluation is described, which has been developed as part of the project ICTE-PAN of the Information Society Technologies (IST) Programme of the European Commission, based on sound theoretical foundations mainly from the public policy analysis domain and contributions of experts from the public administrations of four European Union countries (Denmark, Germany, Greece and Italy). It is a ‘horizontal’ ontology that can be used for electronically supporting and structuring the whole lifecycle of a public policy in any vertical (thematic) area of government activity; it can also be combined with ‘vertical’ ontologies of the specific vertical (thematic) area of government activity we are dealing with. In this paper is also described the use of this ontology for electronically supporting and structuring the collaborative public policy making, implementation and evaluation through ‘structured electronic forums’, ‘extended workflows’, ‘public policy stages with specific sub-ontologies’, etc., and also for the semantic annotation, organization, indexing and integration of the contributions of the participants of these forums, which enable the development of advanced semantic web capabilities in this area.  相似文献   

高校校园管理信息系统数据共享的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在各类管理信息系统的开发过程中,有效实现各部门信息分系统数据共享是成功开发此类系统的关键环节.在分析高校校园管理信息系统的基础上,讨论了高校管理信息系统中信息共享模型,提出了实现信息共享的3种方案,即相同实体对象公共存储、基于对象规范化的共享方式、基于系统互操作框架(EMIF)的信息共享机制,分析了各自的特点和适用性.  相似文献   

针对秘密图像共享产生无意义影子图像的问题,为了减少影子图像的噪点,把秘密图像分割成小块,并重新分组。然后通过比较图像块相似度把秘密图像共享到载体图像中,得到含有秘密图像的马赛克图像。最后采用可逆的信息隐藏技术,把位置信息隐藏到马赛克图像中,得到有意义的影子图像。实验表明,该算法可以提高影子图像的质量,与zhai等人的算法相比马赛克图像的PSNR平均提高7dB。结论证明:该算法增强和保障了秘密图像的安全性和完整性。  相似文献   

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