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An engineering code to predict the irradiation behavior of U–Zr and U–Pu–Zr metallic alloy fuel pins and UO2–PuO2 mixed oxide fuel pins in sodium-cooled fast reactors was developed. The code was named Fuel Engineering and Structural analysis Tool (FEAST). FEAST has several modules working in coupled form with an explicit numerical algorithm. These modules describe fission gas release and fuel swelling, fuel chemistry and restructuring, temperature distribution, fuel–clad chemical interaction, and fuel and clad mechanical analysis including transient creep-fracture for the clad. Given the fuel pin geometry, composition and irradiation history, FEAST can analyze fuel and clad thermo-mechanical behavior at both steady-state and design-basis (non-disruptive) transient scenarios.FEAST was written in FORTRAN-90 and has a simple input file similar to that of the LWR fuel code FRAPCON. The metal–fuel version is called FEAST-METAL, and is described in this paper. The oxide–fuel version, FEAST-OXIDE is described in a companion paper. With respect to the old Argonne National Laboratory code LIFE-METAL and other same-generation codes, FEAST-METAL emphasizes more mechanistic, less empirical models, whenever available. Specifically, fission gas release and swelling are modeled with the GRSIS algorithm, which is based on detailed tracking of fission gas bubbles within the metal fuel. Migration of the fuel constituents is modeled by means of thermo-transport theory. Fuel–clad chemical interaction models based on precipitation kinetics were developed for steady-state operation and transients. Finally, a transient intergranular creep-fracture model for the clad, which tracks the nucleation and growth of the cavities at the grain boundaries, was developed for and implemented in the code. Reducing the empiricism in the constitutive models should make it more acceptable to extrapolate FEAST-METAL to new fuel compositions and higher burnup, as envisioned in advanced sodium reactors.FEAST-METAL was benchmarked against the open-literature EBR-II database for steady state and furnace tests (transients). The results show that the code is able to predict important phenomena such as clad strain, fission gas release, clad wastage, clad failure time, axial fuel slug deformation and fuel constituent redistribution, satisfactorily.  相似文献   

The paper presents the behavior and properties analysis of the low enriched uranium fuel compared with the original high enriched uranium fuel. The MNSR reactor core was modeled with both fuel materials and the reactor behavior was studied during the steady state and abnormal conditions. The MERSAT code was used in the analysis. The steady state thermal hydraulic analysis results were compared with that obtained from the experimental results hold during commissioning the Syrian MNSR. Comparison with experimental data shows that the steady-state behavior of the HEU core was accurately predicted by the MERSAT code calculations. The validated model was then used to analyze LEU cores with two proposed UO2 fuel pin designs. With each LEU core, the steady state and 3.77 mk rod withdrawal transient were run and the results were compared with the available published data in the literatures for the low enriched uranium fuel core. The results reveal that the low enriched uranium fuel showed a good behavior and the peak clad temperatures remain well below the clad melting temperature during reactivity insertion accident.  相似文献   

The evolution of the clad temperature during a Reactivity Initiated Accident plays a key role in the accidental sequence because it strongly influences the rod mechanical resistance against failure. The present study aimed at quantifying the heat transfer in NSRR experiments. Transient boiling curves were determined by inverse conduction calculations of NSRR experiments in which the clad outer surface temperature had been measured by spot-welded thermocouples. Critical Heat Fluxes (CHFs) as high as 13 MW/m2 have been obtained, highlighting a considerable increase compared to stationary pool boiling conditions. The elevated CHFs are due to the intense transient fluid vaporization at the surface induced by a fast clad heating rate. A transient boiling model has been implemented in the SCANAIR code on the basis of the physical interpretation of the boiling curves. A good agreement between computed and experimental clad temperatures is obtained for high burnup fuel tests as for fresh fuel tests.  相似文献   

The CRATER code has been developed by Electricité de France, Service d'Etudes et Projets Thermiques et Nucléaires, to predict the thermal and mechanical behaviour of LWR fuel rod in transient conditions. From the thermal standpoint it is a 2-D code (r, z) using as boundary conditions the primary coolant conditions. From the mechanical standpoint it is a 1-D code (r) since the fuel length over all is much greater as compared to the clad radius. The clad ballooning and its oxydation in the high temperature range are taken into account. Nevertheless there is an axial coupling through the inner gas of the rod. The Mechanical and thermal computations are coupled particularly because of the heat transfer evaluation through the fuel-clad gap. The initial conditions of the transient are in the case of a fresh rod generated by the Crater code. However if irradiated rods are considered the input data at the beginning of the transient are provided from other codes like the COMETHE code. As an example the mechanical and thermal behaviour of the 17 × 17 fuel rod during a power transient following a control rod ejection has been evaluated.  相似文献   

Heat transfer and fluid flow studies related to spent fuel bundle of a research reactor in fuelling machine has been carried out. When the fuel is in reactor core, the heat generated in the fuel bundle is removed by heavy water under normal reactor operation. However, during the de-fuelling operation, the fuel bundle is exposed to air for some period called dry period. During this period, the decay heat from fuel bundle has to be removed by air flow. This flow of air is induced by natural convection only. In this period, the temperatures of fuel and clad rise. If clad temperature rises beyond a certain limit, structural failure may occur. This failure can result into release of fission products from fuel rod. Hence the temperature of clad has to be within specified limit under all conditions. The objective of this study is to estimate the clad temperature rise during the dry period.In the CFD simulation, the turbulent natural convection flow over fuel and radiation heat transfer are accounted. Standard k-? model for turbulence, Boussinesq approximation for computing the natural convection flow and IMMERSOL model for radiation are used.The steady state and transient CFD simulation of flow and heat is performed, using the CFD code PHOENICS. The steady state analysis provides the maximum temperature the clad will attain if fuel bundle is left exposed to air for sufficiently long time. For safe operation, the clad temperature should be limited to a specified value. From steady state CFD analysis, it is found that steady state clad temperature for various decay powers is higher than the limiting value. Hence transient analysis is also performed. In the transient analysis, the variation of clad temperature with time is predicted for various decay powers. Safe dry time, i.e. the time required for clad to reach the limiting value, is predicted for various decay powers. Determination of safe dry time helps in deciding the time available to the operator to drop the bundle in light water pool for storage. The analysis is found useful in optimizing the de-fuelling process.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role of the core disruptive accident (CDA) in the safety evaluations and licensing of Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors (LMFBR). Parametric studies of transient overpower (TOP) accidents based on calculations for SNR-300 using the HOPE computer code are presented. Major uncertainties in TOP analysis are identified and discussed with emphasis on the need for reliable fuel failure criteria. A series of calculations illustrating the possible behavior of the U.S. LMFBR demonstration plant following a loss-of-flow (LOF) accident without scram using the SAS-IIIA computer code are described. It is shown that for a beginning of life (BOL) core and end of equilibrium cycle (EOEC) core, the reactivity effects from sodium voiding and clad motion can lead to further sustained reactivity additions from subsequent fuel motion and FCI driven sodium voiding. In these calculations we have used the fuel enthalpy criterion which predicts clad failure around the core midplane. For the EOEC case these effects can add sufficient reactivity to take the system above prompt-critical (LOF driven TOP) and into hydrodynamic disassembly. For the BOL case the sodium void may not be sufficient to bring the system near sustained prompt-critical. However, clad motion appears to be effective in raising the reactivity to prompt-criticality. These results are based on clad failure dynamics modeling in SAS-IIIA. Further work is needed in the area of fuel-clad behavior under severe transients before definitive conclusions can be drawn regarding the applicability of current clad failure models at high clad temperatures (>1000°C). The potential significance of a new concept in CDA analysis called the “transition phase” is briefly mentioned.  相似文献   

The course of reactivity insertion in a pool type research reactor, with scram disabled under natural circulation condition is numerically investigated. The analyses were performed by a coupled kinetic–thermal–hydraulic computer code developed specifically for this task. The 10-MW IAEA MTR research reactor was subjected to unprotected reactivity insertion (step and ramp) for both low and high-enriched fuel with continuous reactivity feedback due to coolant and fuel temperature effects. In general, it was found that the power, core mass flow rate and clad temperature under fully established natural circulation are higher for high-enriched fuel than for low enriched fuel. This is unlike the case of decay heat removal, where equal clad temperatures are reported for both fuels. The analysis of reactivity represented by the maximum insertion of positive reactivity ($0.73) demonstrated the high inherent safety features of MTR-type research reactor. Even in the case of total excess reactivity without scram, the high reactivity feedbacks of fuel and moderator temperatures limit the power excursion and avoid consequently escalation of clad temperature to the level of onset of nucleate boiling and sub-cooled void formation. The code can also be modified to provide an accurate capability for the analyses of research reactor transients under forced convection.  相似文献   

During reactor operation, many complex changes occur in fuel rod which affects its thermal, mechanical and material properties. These changes also affect the reactor response to the transient and accident situations. Realistic simulation of fuel rod behavior under transients such as reactivity-initiated accident (RIA) is of great significance. In this study, thermal hydraulic analysis code THEATRe (Thermal Hydraulic Engineering Analysis Tool in Real-time) has been modified by addition of fuel rod behavior models for dynamic simulation of nuclear reactor. Transient changes in gas-gap parameters were taken into account by modeling the gas-gap behavior. Thermo-mechanical behavior of fuel rod is modeled to take into account the thermal, elastic and plastic deformation. To simulate RIA, point reactor kinetics model is also incorporated in the THEATRe code. To demonstrate the transient fuel rod behavior, AP1000 reactor is modeled and three hypothetical RIA cases are simulated. The RIA is considered at three different reactor power levels, i.e. 100, 50 and 1% of nominal power. The investigated parameters are fuel temperature, cladding stress and strain, fuel and cladding thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficient in gas-gap. Modified code calculates the fuel rod temperatures according to updated fuel, clad and gas-gap parameters at the onset of steady-state operation and during the transient. The modified code provides lower steady-state fuel temperature as compared to the original code. Stress and strain analyses indicate that the hoop and radial strain is higher at high power locations of the fuel rod; therefore, gap closure process will initially occur in the central portion of the fuel rod and it should be given more emphasis in the safety analysis of the fuel rod and nuclear reactor during accidents and transients.  相似文献   

The FRED fuel rod code is being developed for thermal and mechanical simulation of fast breeder reactor (FBR) and light-water reactor (LWR) fuel behaviour under base-irradiation and accident conditions. The current version of the code calculates temperature distribution in fuel rods, stress-strain condition of cladding, fuel deformation, fuel-cladding gap conductance, and fuel rod inner pressure. The code was previously evaluated in the frame of two OECD mixed plutonium-uranium oxide (MOX) fuel performance benchmarks and then integrated into PSI's FAST code system to provide the fuel rod temperatures necessary for the neutron kinetics and thermal-hydraulic modules in transient calculations. This paper briefly overviews basic models and material property database of the FRED code used to assess the fuel behaviour under steady-state conditions. In addition, the code was used to simulate the IFA-503.2 tests, performed at the Halden reactor for two PWR and twelve VVER fuel samples under base-irradiation conditions. This paper presents the results of this simulation for two cases using a code-to-data comparison of fuel centreline temperatures, internal gas pressures, and fuel elongations. This comparison has demonstrated that the code adequately describes the important physical mechanisms of the uranium oxide (UOX) fuel rod thermal performance under steady-state conditions. Future activity should be concentrated on improving the model and extending the validation range, especially to the MOX fuel steady-state and transient behaviour.  相似文献   

Power cycling endurance experiments have been conducted in order to establish the relative endurance capabilities of commercial AGR type fuel pins and to determine the significance of the prime operating parameters. The information accumulated relates to 20/25/Nb and nitrided 20/25/Ti stainless steel clad fuel pins with hollow fuel pellets, operating at coolant pressures of 400 and 600 psi and clad temperatures in the range 680–840°C. The data has provided a basis for the validation of the SLEUTH-SEER model for this fuel type, and in the analysis the experimental observations are compared with model predictions in order to give an impression of the reliability of the code in commercial AGR applications. It is concluded that in the clad temperature range 700–800°C the SLEUTH-SEER code predicts the power cycling endurance of 20/25/Nb stainless steel clad fuel pins to within a factor 2.  相似文献   

Nuclear safety analysis remains of crucial importance for both the design and the operation of nuclear reactors. Safety analysis usually entails the simulation of several selected postulated accidents, which can be divided into two main categories, namely reactivity insertion accident (RIA) and loss of flow accident (LOFA). In this paper, thermal-hydraulic simulations of fast LOFA accident were carried out on the new core configuration of the material test research reactor NUR. For this purpose, the nuclear reactor analysis PARET code was used to determine the reactor performance by calculating the reactor power, the reactivity and the temperatures of different components (fuel, clad and coolant) as a function of time. It was observed that during the transient the maximum clad temperature remained well below the critical temperature limit of 110 °C, and the maximum coolant temperature did not exceed the onset of nucleate boiling point of 120 °C. It is concluded that the reactor can be operated at full power level with sufficient safety margins with regard to such kind of transients.  相似文献   

The FRAP-T6 computer code was developed to model the transient performance of light water reactor fuel rods during reactor transients ranging from mild operational transients to large break loss-of-coolant accidents. The code models all of the thermal, structural, and chemical phenomena needed for the complete evaluation of light water reactor fuel rod performance. The code was developed using rigorous quality assurance procedures and a large assessment data base. The results of assessment show that the code accurately models the response of light water reactor fuel rods.  相似文献   

在气冷CANDU式燃料组件之中,辐射换热也是不容忽视的一部分。特别是在出现了系统失压/失流事故时,辐射换热将会成为保证燃料安全的主要冷却手段。本文中针对CANDU式压力管编制了针对压力管几何条件下的一维辐射换热瞬态程序。程序中采用将燃料元件棒转化为同心圆环的方式简化辐射角的计算,并加入了隔层辐射模型,使模型更加贴近实际。采用分别将程序中的几个模块的计算结果与CFX计算结果对比的方式来达到程序验证的目的,验证结果显示程序RHTPB具有良好的表现,能够满足于反应堆安全计算的需要。  相似文献   

基于多物理场耦合框架MOOSE,采用五方程两相流模型开发了模块化程序ZEBRA,实现了高阶时间、空间离散格式两相流动传热问题的求解。采用Bartolomei开展的垂直圆管过冷沸腾实验对ZEBRA进行验证,在不同热流密度、质量流密度、压力工况下,将程序计算值与实验值进行了数值验证和计算分析。结果表明:ZEBRA中五方程模型预测值与实验值符合良好,沸腾起始点和空泡份额的预测合理,表明ZEBRA初步具备了处理两相流问题的能力。  相似文献   

The effects of using different clad materials on the dynamics of a material test research reactor were studied. For this purpose, the aluminum clad of an MTR was replaced separately with stainless steel-316 and zircaloy-4. Simulations were carried out to determine the reactor performance under reactivity insertion and loss-of-flow transients. Nuclear reactor analysis code PARET was employed to carry out these calculations. It was observed that during the fast reactivity insertion transient, Al cladded fuel attained the maximum reactor power of 59.34 MW, while stainless steel-316 cladded attained 48.74 MW and zircaloy-4 cladded attained maximum power of 55.87 MW. During the slow reactivity insertion transient, Al cladded fuel attained the maximum reactor power of 12.38 MW, while stainless steel-316 cladded attained 12.23 MW and zircaloy-4 cladded attained maximum power of 12.34 MW. During the loss-of-flow transients, the reactor power of the stainless steel-316 cladded fuel remained slightly lower than the other two. The fuel temperature of stainless steel-316 and zircaloy-4 cladded fuels remained higher due to poor fuel–clad gap conductance.  相似文献   

The response of fuel elements to fast thermal transients have great implications to the safety of LMFBR's. In this article, fission gas swelling and release, and clad stress and strain are computed for a carbide fuel element during several fast thermal transients as a function of steady stae power and percent burnup. The computations are made with the UNCLE-T-BUBE code which allows for equilibrium and nonequilibrium fission gas bubbles. In some of the transients, the code UNCLE-T-BUBE predicts fuel-clad gap closure, attended with a high clad hoop stress, whereas UNCLE-T does not. It is also found that allowing for nonequilibrium fission gas bubbles strongly affects fuel swelling and clad strain but has negligible effect on gas release.  相似文献   

Analysis of reactivity induced accidents in Pakistan Research Reactor-1 (PARR-1) utilizing low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel, has been carried out using standard computer code PARET. The present core comprises of 29 standard and five control fuel elements. Various modes of reactivity insertions have been considered. The events studied include: start-up accident; accidental drop of a fuel element on the core; flooding of a beam tube with water; removal of an in-pile experiment during reactor operation etc. For each of these transients, time histories of reactor power, energy released and clad surface temperature etc. were calculated. The results reveal that the peak clad temperatures remain well below the clad melting temperature during these accidents. It is concluded that the reactor, which is operated safely at a steady-state power level of 10 MW, with coolant flow rate of 950 m3/h, will also be safe against any possible reactivity induced accident and will not result in a fuel failure.  相似文献   

In the thermal design of nuclear reactor cores, specified design limits (temperatures and linear power rating) should not be exceeded by the operating values of certain elements (coolant, clad and fuel). However, a certain number of channels or fuel pins could be permitted to exceed the specified limits without affecting the reactor's safety while still allowing reliable operation. An expansion of the method of correlated temperatures, developed for coolant temperature analysis, was performed to enable clad temperature and fuel centerline melting analyses for reactor core reliability studies. Since generation of random numbers is involved, calculational procedures, tailored to designer needs, were developed in order to reduce computational time. The method is applied to a typical LMFBR core and results are presented for various assumed clad and fuel design limits.  相似文献   

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