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The correlation-function potential-harmonic and generalized-Laguerre-function expansion method (CFPHGLF) of drectly solving the Schordinger equation in few -body systems is presened and applied to the n^1S(n=1-4) states of the helium atom.It can be found that the present eigenenergies for 2^1S,3^1S and 4^1S states are much better than those from the potential-harmonic and generalized-Laguerre-function method(PHGLF) previously published in Int J Quantum Chem,1995,55:47;and that they agree well with the exact Hylleraas Ci values.However,the eigenenergy for the gound state 1^1S is not as good as that from the PHGLF method because of omitting the potential harmonic(PH) basis relevent to electron-electron correlation.The results are also simply discussed relative to some other hyperspherical harmonic(HH) and PH methods.  相似文献   

TheoreticalstudyoninteractionofneonlikeGeX-raylasersingainsaturationWangGuang-Yu(王光裕)(InstituteofAppliedPhysicsandComputation...  相似文献   

Parallel-channel two-phase flow systems under ocean conditions suffer from very serious parallel-channel instability, depending on the inherent characteristics of each channel and operating conditions. The influences of ocean conditions on the instability of parallel channel are very intensive. The trajectory of mass flow is very complex, sometimes even chaos occurs. The traditional methods cannot analyze such curves effectively. In this paper, Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) method is used to analyze the complex curve of mass flow. Based on this method the oscillation curve can be decomposed. Some basic motions and inherent characteristics can be shown by the decomposition. The accurate analysis of the influence of ocean conditions can be achievable. The onset of inherent parallel-channel instability is also analyzed.  相似文献   

快堆一回路钠具有高放射性,无法使用γ谱仪直接测量其中的放射性核素,本文介绍了一种在线监测放射性核素的技术。设计了可组合和拆分的分段准直器,通过拆分准直器可以提高探测效率,而通过组合准直器可以降低死时间效应。采用点源模拟法对γ谱仪进行效率刻度,6种标准点源的能量区间包括了所有待测核素的能量范围。采用本技术对中国实验快堆一回路钠的监测结果表明,现阶段监测到的放射性核素为~(24)Na、~(22)Na以及~(124)Sb,由本研究中的效率刻度计算,~(124)Sb的放射性活度为104 Bq/g量级。  相似文献   

中国实验快堆蒸汽发生器为直流式,启动方式与压水堆核电厂的有较大区别,启动过程较为复杂。本文对中国实验快堆蒸汽发生器启动工况进行了研究,并将运行参数与理论设计参数进行了比较。结果表明,运行参数理论计算值与试验值基本吻合。提出了蒸汽发生器启动运行的优化方案,以指导运行人员操作,有效地保障了中国实验快堆功率运行试验的开展。  相似文献   

针对采用传统简化模型计算反应堆辐照监督管快中子注量率出现的计算结果与实测值误差较大问题,对计算模型进行改进,建立堆芯燃料组件内部结构的精细化计算模型,并将传统简化模型、改进的精细化模型的计算结果与实测值进行比较.结果表明,辐照监督管改进的精细化计算模型的计算结果相对于实测值的误差大幅降低.  相似文献   

杨佳音  王勇 《辐射防护》2018,38(2):123-131
中国实验快堆是我国建设的第一座钠冷快中子反应堆,2014年实现满功率运行。本文主要阐述中国实验快堆气载放射性物质的来源、堆内迁移以及向环境释放的路径,得出正常工况以及事故工况下放射性物质通过哪些路径向环境排放,目的是有助于了解中国实验快堆通过哪些路径对环境产生放射性影响,从而建立并保持对放射性危害的有效防御,以保护人员、社会和环境免受危害,防止工作人员和公众接受超剂量的放射性照射。  相似文献   

中国实验快堆典型钠阀作为系统重要的涉钠设备,直接影响着反应堆系统的安全运行。中国实验快堆工程在调试和运行阶段面临着钠阀门带来的一系列问题。本文应用CFD软件计算了两种运行工况下典型钠阀稳态温度场分布,分析了保温层厚度一定、高度不同的情况下,钠阀门的温度场分布结果,并与实验结果进行了对比,证明结果是合理的有意义的。  相似文献   

利用Monte Carlo程序模拟研究了放射治疗过程中污染电子的产生规律及剂量学特性,并进一步研究充氦及安置铅过滤板两种方法减少污染电子的效果.结果表明:污染电子主要来源于加速器机头和空气的散射,并随射野面积和初级光子束能量的增加而增加;充氦能够有效地减少初级光子束与空气反应产生的污染电子;安置铅过滤板能够有效减少机头...  相似文献   

In order to measure the amount of nuclear materials in the fuel debris produced in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, we have designed a measurement system based on a Fast Neutron Direct Interrogation (FNDI) method. In particular, we have developed a fast response detector bank for fast neutron measurements by Monte Carlo simulations. The new bank has more than one order of magnitude faster response compared to the standard ones. We have also simulated the nondestructive measurements of the nuclear materials in homogeneously mixed fuel debris with various matrices which contain stainless steel (JIS SUS304), concrete, and various control-rod (CR) contents in the designed system. The results show that if the debris contains less than 1.0 vol% of CR component and more than 2.5 vol% of spent fuel component, the fissile materials in the debris can be measured by using the designed system.  相似文献   

缝丝法强流离子束发射度测量中系统误差的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邹宇斌  郭之虞 《核技术》2004,27(10):744-748
本文分析了缝丝法测量强流离子束发射度时系统误差的主要来源,并用模拟计算的方法研究了不同误差来源所带来的误差大小。对于rms发射度测量,因缝采样、忽略缝宽和丝直径、以及空间电荷效应所引起的系统误差均可忽视,而短缝采样和设置较大的阈值则会引起显著的系统误差。  相似文献   

姚惠英  陈暨跃 《核技术》1993,16(2):103-106
用质子X荧光分析法(PIXE)分析了15只小白鼠的S180纤维肉瘤和正常组织中15种元素含量,采用自身对照形式研究痕量元素变化,以消除生物个体的差异。另取健康小鼠作空白,数据作统计分析,结果发现Fe、Zn、As和Cu/Zn以及多种元素比值有明显的差异,并讨论了这些元素与肿瘤的关系。  相似文献   

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