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慢性非传染性疾病已成为当前人类的重大威胁。国际研究表明,2008年全球5 700万人死亡,其中的63%(3 600万人)死于慢性非传染性疾病;80%的非传染性疾病所致死亡(2 900万人)发生在低收入和中等收入国家。WHO预测,如果按目前的情况继续发展,到2030年每年死于慢性非传染性疾病的人数将增加至5 500万人。在中国,伴随着工业化、城镇化、老龄化进程的加快和国民生活方式的快速变迁,居民慢性病患病率、死亡率呈持续快速增长趋势。因此,慢性非传染性疾病流行的应对,是中国当前必须尽快考虑的重大问题。本文在总结中国重大慢性病流行状况、分析中国慢性病防控中存在的主要问题和关键影响因素以及总结前期项目探索经验的基础上,对中国慢性病防控应制定和采取的策略及防控体系建设工作要点提出了建议:如相关政府部门都应制定相应政策;建立结构合理、系统内任务分工明确,协调、高效的工作体系;从制度、工作规范与要求上推行"整合医学"的发展,从而提高中国慢性病防控工作效能与效益等。  相似文献   

孙鹤芳 《中国测试》2021,(4):I0011-I0011
党的十八大之后,"国内大循环"、"国内国际双循环"是我国经济学研究领域的高频词汇,与其相关的课题研究也是当下经济学研究的热点,吸引着国内社会各界的关注。《国内大循环:经济发展新战略与政策选择》(中国人民大学出版社)一书由贾根良教授所著,是我国最新的与国内大循环相关的论著。作者以美国20世纪"国内大循环经济发展战略"案例研究为基础,同时结合了作者多年来对美国学派政治经济学研究成果,采用比对的思路就我国"国内大循环"发展格局的战略构想进行了研究和设计,是当下我国经济学领域与"国内大循环"有关的最新论著。  相似文献   

公共自行车是市民出行的重要交通工具,为提升公共卫生安全以及降低公共自行车骑行人员出行风险,杭州研制了《疫情期间城市公共自行车卫生防控规范》。该标准明确了疫情期间公共自行车卫生防控的等级划分、运营、物资和信息管理的要求,从硬件、人员、服务等方面予以防控规范。尤其在防控等级的划分上,结合浙江省风险评估五色地图区域的规定,以服务站点为单位,根据区域位置、运营情况等将站点疫情防控等级分为高、较高、中、较低和低风险五个等级。在对骑行人员的管理上,设置与"杭州健康码"相结合的验证方式租借公共自行车。在此标准的指导下,杭州公共自行车卫生防控已经规范实施到主城区和周边区县市的服务站点。  相似文献   

当前,开展我国感染病发展战略研究,提出适宜我国国情的感染病学科体系与防控研究战略对促进我国社会和谐稳定和经济持续发展具有重要意义。本文分析了我国感染病流行与防控现状,系统阐述了开展我国感染病发展战略研究的意义;同时参考国际上感染病学科体系建设及防控研究经验,结合我国感染病学科体系与防控研究取得的成就与面临的挑战,提出了我国感染病学科体系与防控研究战略举措及建议。  相似文献   

动植物卫生与食品安全相互关联。作为全球热点,该领域密切关系消费者健康和生态安全。土耳其在"一带一路"国家战略中占有重要地位,其动植物卫生与食品安全法律法规众多,互成体系。本文从抽样分析的原则方法切入,探究土耳其这些法律法规中QI(质量技术基础)要素的规律和应用现状,了解其动植物卫生、食品安全国家治理体系。在我国构建具有中国特色协调一致的NQI良好规范和构架的过程中,有必要加强对国外NQI要素应用的研究把握。  相似文献   

随着科学的进步,在现今经济研究中,数学方法的应用不仅仅起到工具性作用,还成为经济理论向经济现实过渡的桥梁。数学,作为一门人类思维的重要语言,应用于经济研究中,不仅有助于经济理论的形成与发展,还有大大提高了经济学的交流、积累以及传播的效率。而经济预测与决策作为降低经济活动风险度的的先行动作,它的精准离不开数学严谨的推导、精确的表述。  相似文献   

中国载人航天“飞船起步"的战略思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对我国载人航天的概念研究、技术途径论证,以及中国载人航天发展的战略思考和“飞船起步"的决策过程进行了分析与小结,提出了我国发展现代宏大工程应站在国家发展的全局上进行深层次的战略思考。  相似文献   

正食源性微生物威胁食品安全,食源性致病菌也是导致食源性疾病的主要核心原因之一。近些年食源性致病菌的检测监测、预测评估及预警防控技术都获得了较快发展,也有很多与食品包装密切结合的领域和方向,特别是特定包装材料对食源性致病菌的防控作用研究;特定包装条件下食源性致病菌的生长/残存/失活模型的构建和应用;在食品微生物方面,不同气调包装条件对食品货架期和保质期的品质控制;以及新型包装方式下食品微生物的风险评估及决策研究等。食品包装和微生物安全将是食品安全防控及工程应用的重要研究热点之一。  相似文献   

正食源性微生物威胁食品安全,食源性致病菌也是导致食源性疾病的主要核心原因之一。近些年食源性致病菌的检测监测、预测评估及预警防控技术都获得了较快发展,也有很多与食品包装密切结合的领域和方向,特别是特定包装材料对食源性致病菌的防控作用研究;特定包装条件下食源性致病菌的生长/残存/失活模型的构建和应用;在食品微生物方面,不同气调包装条件对食品货架期和保质期的品质控制;以及新型包装方式下食品微生物的风险评估及决策研究等。食品包装和微生物安全将是食品安全防控及工程应用的重要研究热点之一。  相似文献   

正食源性微生物威胁食品安全,食源性致病菌也是导致食源性疾病的主要核心原因之一。近些年食源性致病菌的检测监测、预测评估及预警防控技术都获得了较快发展,也有很多与食品包装密切结合的领域和方向,特别是特定包装材料对食源性致病菌的防控作用研究;特定包装条件下食源性致病菌的生长/残存/失活模型的构建和应用;在食品微生物方面,不同气调包装条件对食品货架期和保质期的品质控制;以及新型包装方式下食品微生物的风险评估及决策研究等。食品包装和微生物安全将是食品安全防控及工程应用的重要研究热点之一。  相似文献   

重大慢性非传染性疾病包括心脑血管疾病、癌症、呼吸系统疾病、糖尿病等,其流行给全球居民健康造成了重大威胁。为进一步对慢性病进行有效预防控制,促进健康、推动经济和社会发展,2014年中国工程院立项并开展了"重大慢性非传染性疾病防治的国际对比研究"项目,对国内外慢性病预防控制情况以及可供我们借鉴的经验进行了详细分析。本文从慢性病发病概况入手,分析了各种疾病的预防控制措施,并对不同国家的慢性病预防控制体系进行比较,凝练有益经验和方法,提出了增强我国慢性病预防控制的措施和建议。  相似文献   

This paper reviews contemporary quantitative approaches to programme selection and resource allocation in preventive health care. For this purpose it is first shown that preventive health programmes are strategic investments. Then we give reasons why cost-effectiveness analysis is our preferred general frame of reference. Within this framework several representative quantitative policy models are discussed next. In the field of chronic illnesses we focus on the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, the main causes of death and disability in the industrialized countries. Examples from the field of contagious diseases relate to tuberculosis and malaria control, and to the spread of the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Finally, we present the case of innovation in preventive health technology from a strategic investment angle.  相似文献   

Public opinion is influential in the policymaking process, making it important to understand the factors that influence popular support or opposition to public health policies. Researchers and policymakers tend to agree that scientific evidence can inform decision-making, but this influence has not been explored sufficiently, especially in the area of injury prevention. This paper considers the potential for the communication of evidence-based research and public health data to influence opinion about legislation that could reduce road-related injury. We conducted a nationally-representative online survey to assess public attitudes toward four road-safety laws; ignition interlock, school zone red-light cameras, restrictions on infotainment systems, and children's bicycle helmets. For each law, we assessed initial support and then provided a research-informed statistic on either the injury risk posed or the law's efficacy reducing risk and re-examined the law's support or opposition. The survey was completed by 2397 U.S. adults. Each law was initially supported by a majority of respondents, with greatest support for ignition interlock (74.4%) and children's bicycle helmets (74.8%). Exposure to research-informed statements increased legislative support for 20–30% of respondents. Paired analyses demonstrate significant increases toward supportive opinions when comparing responses to the initial and research-informed statements. The study demonstrates considerable public support for evidence-based road-related laws. Overall support was augmented by exposure to research data. Injury prevention practitioners can capitalize on this support in efforts to build support for legislation that would prevent injury. Researchers should be encouraged to expand their efforts to share research results with both the public and policymakers.  相似文献   

Global health continues to face increasing challenges owing to a variety of reasons that include the almost constant changes in disease appearance and evolution. Most, but not all, of these changes affect low-income countries and are influenced by climate change. Tracking the recent and anticipated changes in the demographics and global distribution of these changes is essential for evolving effective new methods for dealing with the problems. The recent recognition by the United Nations of the importance of non-communicable diseases is a major positive step. For the sake of this paper, the following diseases were chosen: dengue and malaria, to highlight the role of climate change on vector-borne diseases. Drug-resistant tuberculosis illustrates the role of globalization and reduced resources on disease evolution. The continuing rise in cardiovascular mortality and morbidity, particularly in resource-poor countries is largely attributed to lack of preventive and therapeutic measures against such conditions as hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis and congenital heart disease as well as neglected diseases, of which Chagas and rheumatic heart disease will be discussed further.  相似文献   

Air conditioning is a non-critical application for fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) where decisions about servicing faults should involve the use of economics. Existing methods for evaluating impacts of faults on equipment performance only consider some individual factors such as the equipment coefficient of performance (COP) or cooling capacity. This paper develops an overall economic performance degradation index (EPDI) for air conditioning equipment that includes the combined effects of degradations in COP, cooling capacity, and sensible heat ratio (SHR). EPDI quantifies the performance degradation caused by faults based on economics so it can be used as part of the decision making process in an overall FDD system. Furthermore, EPDI can be used along with estimates of typical field performance degradations to assess the economic benefits associated with the application of automated FDD. A case study is presented where EPDI was applied to measurements for an existing unit where faults were artificially introduced.  相似文献   

杨雨时  胡书可 《包装工程》2020,41(12):50-54
目的在当前全球爆发的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情,以及频发的地震灾害的背景条件下,基于服务设计思想对突发灾害及突发公共卫生事件情况下的救灾安全进行分析。方法从服务设计的概念出发,研究用户在突发灾害及突发公共卫生事件下的动态需求。结论在对突发灾害及突发公共卫生事件下用户救灾安全的服务设计过程中,对于物理触点、救灾产品来说,应该保证其有易用、通用、美观及适用的特点,同时应该加强灾前的预防教育。数字触点设计上应该保障公众的知情权,提高公众的控制感;人工触点的设计上,采取心理干预服务,对于肺炎患者应该采用短程整合式的疗法。对于老年人出现的逆反心理要耐心地引导。在未来的发展中,设计与人类安全的关系值得深入挖掘。  相似文献   

张晓  许晓云  李洁  杨爱慧  杨冬梅 《包装工程》2018,39(12):197-202
目的探究老年人参与式的慢性病社区医疗服务设计方法及流程。方法以老年慢性病的社区医疗为背景,结合用户参与模式从服务设计的层面对社区医疗的设计方法及设计流程进行探讨。结果得出在用户参与模式指导下的服务设计方法及流程,并以老年慢性病的社区医疗为背景进行方法探究。结论通过用户参与模式的社区医疗服务设计理论框架的建立,提高了服务设计过程中的用户参与度,通过引导老年人参与到慢性病社区医疗的服务设计过程中,提高社区医疗服务的合理性和设计结果的适用性,为相关领域的服务设计活动提供了可借鉴的理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

Quality control of materials and structures is an important issue, also for GLARE. During the manufacturing stage the processes and materials should be monitored and checked frequently in order to obtain a qualified product. During the operation of the aircraft, frequent monitoring and inspections are performed to maintain the quality at a prescribed level. Therefore, in-service inspection methods are applied, and when necessary repair activities are conducted. For the quality control of the GLARE panels and components during manufacturing, the C-scan method proves to be an effective tool. For in-service inspection the Eddy Current Method is one of the suitable options. In this paper a brief overview is presented of both methods and their application on GLARE products.  相似文献   

Background Applied ethics plays a critical role in engineering, health, business, and law. Applied ethics is currently a required component of the pre‐practice education for these professions, yet the literature suggests that challenges remain in how we define, instruct, and assess professions‐based ethics education. Purpose Based on the on going debate associated with the instruction and assessment of applied engineering ethics, an exploratory investigation was performed to determine what could be learned by looking across professions. Scope /Method Ethics, as an educational topic, can be very broad in scope. This study was limited to literature at the intersection of ethics terminology, historical development, instruction, and assessment within engineering, health, business, and law. Many references associated with each profession and the input of profession‐specific content experts informed the literature survey. Conclusions Ethics within the engineering, health, business, and law professions have historically developed in isolation. Even case studies, which the engineering profession seems to have adopted from law, are framed differently within engineering. There are common lines of debate related to instructional methods, curricular methods, and instructor qualifications, but no profession has resolved these debates. A common trend in applied ethics research is a focus on assessment of student learning, rather than evaluation of instructional methods and/or curriculum incorporation methods. Assessment tools have been developed and applied widely for many years in several of the health care sub‐disciplines, business and law. An engineering‐specific applied‐ethics assessment tool has recently been developed, but has yet to see extensive application.  相似文献   

Prospects of plasma medicine: Applications of Tissue Tolerable Plasmas (TTP) Based on the current knowledge on the physical properties and biological effects of tissue tolerable plasma (ttp) potential perspectives of plasma medicine are discussed. Currently, the foundations for the following medical applications of ttp are developed by an interdisciplinary research team: Prevention and/or treatment of diseases such as chronic wounds, skin and mucosal infectious diseases, localized tumors, promotion of angiogenesis, and tissue ablation Inhibition and/or elimination of biofilms by prevention of biofilm development due to surface treatment and/or plasma steered application of antimicrobial active layers with drug delivery function on foreign objects implanted into humans (implantable prosthesis, contact lenses, stents etc.) as well as elimination of biofilms by direct action of ttp on surfaces and tissues (chronic wounds, tooth surface, prosthesis) promotion of the incorporation of implants into viable tissue by changing the surface of materials (hydrophobicity) Promotion of penetration of topically applied drugs with therapeutic results Assessment of veterinary indications Improved cleaning performance in reprocessing of medical devices by surface modification.  相似文献   

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