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Deformation and fracture mechanisms of sandwich and multilayer beams composed of aluminum foam core and ceramic face sheets under four-point bending condition were investigated in situ by surface displacement analysis (SDA) software. The toughening mechanism of the beams was discussed and a model was given for the computation of the fracture energy of the beams. Beams containing foam core with 5-, 10-, and 20-mm thickness and Al2O3 face sheets of 0.5-and 1-mm thickness were prepared. The results show that collapse of the beams is by two basic modes, indentation (ID) and face plate failure (PF). The SDA results illustrated that indentation is localized compression on the portion of the beam adjacent to the loading rollers, where displacement and strain are at the maximum. In PF, the beam entirely bends. It is also found that before collapse of the beams with pure PF mode, the foam core undergoes uniform compressive deformation, which contributes most to the fracture energy of the beams. As for the beams with ID characteristic, the localized compressive deformation plays a key role rather than the uniform compressive deformation in the fracture energy of the beam. The total fracture energy W of a beam under bending condition is proposed as W=W UC+W LC+W CB+W PF where W UCis the energy of uniform compressive deformation of the foam core, W LCis the energy of localized compression of the foam core and W CBand W PFare the bending fracture energy of the monolithic foam core and ceramic face sheet, respectively. For the beams with pure PF mode, W LCis zero. The estimated values of the fracture energy are in good agreement with the measured fracture energy of the beams.  相似文献   

An ever increasing demand for high-performance ceramic coatings has made it inevitable for developing techniques with precise control over the process parameters to enable the fabrication of coatings with the desired microstructure and improved structural properties. The literature on plasma sprayed nanostructured ceramic coatings such as of Al2O3, Cr2O3, and their composites obtained using reconstituted nano sized ceramic powders has been reviewed in this study. Ceramic coatings due to their enhanced properties are on the verge of replacing conventional ceramic coatings used for various applications like automotive systems, boiler components, power generation equipment, chemical process equipment, aircraft engines, pulp and paper processing equipment, land-based and marine engine components, turbine blades etc. In such cases, the advantage is greater longevity and reliability for realizing the improved performance of ceramic coatings. It has been observed that the plasma sprayed nanostructured ceramic coatings show improvement in resistance to wear, erosion, corrosion, and mechanical properties as compared to their conventional counterparts. This article reviews various aspects concerning the plasma sprayed ceramic coatings such as (i) the present understanding of formation of plasma-spray coatings and factors affecting them, (ii) wear performance of nanostructured Al2O3, Cr2O3 and their composite ceramic coatings in comparison to their conventional counterparts, and (iii) mechanisms of wear observed for these coatings under various conditions of testing.  相似文献   

The effect of Al2O3 concentration on the density and structure of CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 slag was investigated at multiple Al2O3 mole percentages and at a fixed CaO/SiO2 ratio of 1. The experiments were conducted in the temperature range of 2154 K to 2423 K (1881 °C to 2150 °C) using the aerodynamic levitation technique. In order to understand the relationship between density and structure, structural analysis of the silicate melts was carried out using Raman spectroscopy. The density of each slag sample investigated in this study decreased linearly with increasing temperature. When the Al2O3 content was less than 15 mole pct, density decreased with increasing Al2O3 content due to the coupling of Si (Al), whereas above 20 mole pct density of the slag increased due to the role of Al3+ ion as a network modifier.  相似文献   

High temperature oxidation of alumina-forming MAX phases, Ti2AlC and Cr2AlC, were examined under turbine engine environments and coating configurations. Thermogravimetric furnace tests of Ti2AlC showed a rapid initial transient due to non-protective TiO2 growth. Subsequent well-behaved cubic kinetics for alumina scale growth were shown from 1273 K to 1673 K (1000 °C to 1400 °C). These possessed an activation energy of 335 kJ/mol, consistent with estimates of grain boundary diffusivity of oxygen (~375 kJ/mol). The durability of Ti2AlC under combustion conditions was demonstrated by high pressure burner rig testing at 1373 K to 1573 K (1100 °C to 1300 °C). Here good stability and cubic kinetics also applied, but produced lower weight gains due to volatile TiO(OH)2 formation in water vapor combustion gas. Excellent thermal stability was also shown for yttria-stabilized zirconia thermal barrier coatings deposited on Ti2AlC substrates in 2500-hour furnace tests at 1373 K to 1573 K (1100 °C to 1300 °C). These sustained a record 35 µm of scale as compared to 7 μm observed at failure for typical superalloy systems. In contrast, scale and TBC spallation became prevalent on Cr2AlC substrates above 1423 K (1150 °C). Cr2AlC diffusion couples with superalloys exhibited good long-term mechanical/oxidative stability at 1073 K (800 °C), as would be needed for corrosion-resistant coatings. However, diffusion zones containing a NiAl-Cr7C3 matrix with MC and M3B2 particulates were commonly formed and became extensive at 1423 K (1150 °C).  相似文献   

Phase-equilibrium data and liquidus isotherms for the system “MnO”-CaO-(Al2O3+SiO2) at silicomanganese alloy saturation have been determined in the temperature range of 1373 to 1723 K. The results are presented in the form of the pseudoternary sections “MnO”-CaO-(Al2O3+SiO2) with Al2O3/SiO2 weight ratios of 0.55 and 0.65. The primary-phase fields have been identified in this range of conditions.  相似文献   

The phase equilibria and liquidus temperatures in the binary SiO2-ZnO system and in the ternary Al2O3-SiO2-ZnO system at low Al2O3 concentrations have been experimentally determined using the equilibration and quenching technique followed by electron probe X-ray microanalysis. In the SiO2-ZnO system, two binary eutectics involving the congruently melting willemite (Zn2SiO4) were found at 1448±5 °C and 0.52±0.01 mole fraction ZnO and at 1502±5 °C and 0.71±0.01 mole fraction ZnO, respectively. The two ternary eutectics involving willemite previously reported in the Al2O3-SiO2-ZnO system were found to be at 1315±5 °C and 1425±25 °C, respectively. The compositions of the eutectics are 0.07, 0.52, and 0.41 and 0.05, 0.28, and 0.67 mole fraction Al2O3, SiO2, and ZnO, respectively. The results of the present investigation are significantly different from the results of previous studies.  相似文献   

In this article, the effect of CaS formation on the evolution of Al2O3-CaO inclusions in low-carbon Al-killed and Ca-treated steel during the solidification process is investigated through high-temperature confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). The inclusions started as mostly liquid-globular inclusions that did not agglomerate with each other on the melt surface but during solidification were seen to change shape into an irregular morphology. The shape change was found to be due to the reaction between the Al2O3-CaO inclusions with the dissolved S and Al in the melt, resulting in the formation of dense CaS shells around the inclusions. The melt composition during solidification, estimated from the observed solid δ-front advance rate, was compared to the thermodynamic limit for CaS precipitation. The observed growth rate of the CaS shell was found to initially increase with decreasing temperature because of the higher, solid δ-front advance rates at lower temperatures, which results in higher rates of S and Al partitioning. Once CaS had precipitated, the inclusions were found to form agglomerates on the melt surface because of fluid flow, initially, and later, the capillary depression.  相似文献   

Aiming at devising new mold flux for Ce-bearing stainless steel, a fundamental investigation on the effect of Ce2O3 on properties of the CaO-Al2O3-Li2O-Ce2O3 slag was provided by the present work. The results show that adding Ce2O3 could decrease the viscosity of the slag due to its effects on decreasing the polymerization of the slag. The crystalline process was restrained by increasing the content of Ce2O3, and the crystalline phases also can be influenced by the slag structure. The crystalline phases were transferred from LiAlO2 and CaO to LiAlO2 and CaCeAlO4 with the addition of Ce2O3 to the slag, which could be well confirmed by the structure of the unit cell of the crystals.  相似文献   

An innovative approach of super gravity was proposed to separate fine Al2O3 inclusions from liquid steel in this study. To investigate the removal behaviors of inclusions, the effects of different gravity coefficients and time on separating the inclusions were studied. The results show that a large amount of Al2O3 inclusions gathered at the top of the sample obtained by super gravity, whereas there were almost no inclusions appearing at the bottom. The volume fraction and number density of inclusions presented a gradient distribution along the direction of the super gravity, which became steeper with increasing gravity coefficient and separating time. As a result of the collision between inclusions, a large amount of inclusions aggregated and grew during the moving process, which further decreased the removal time. The experimental required removal time of inclusions is close to the theoretical values calculated by Stokes law under gravity coefficient G ≤ 80, t ≤ 15 minutes, and the small deviation may be because the inclusion particles are not truly spherical. Under the condition of gravity coefficient G = 80, t = 15 minutes, the total oxygen content at the bottom of the sample (position of 5 cm) is only 8.4 ppm, and the removal rate is up to 95.6 pct compared with that under normal gravity.  相似文献   

A technological approach permitting one to obtain laminated Al2O3-Al cermet is considered. The industrial PAP-2 powder with laminated particles served as the starting crude. The powder billets were obtained by compaction under pressure (P) from 100 to 1000 MPa and thermally treated in air by heating in the furnace to 600°C. It is established that either the solid-phase sintering or reaction sintering of the billets in the mode of filtration combustion can be achieved depending on the value of P. In the produced composite, the content of the oxide phase varies from 5 to 40%, while the density and strength upon bending vary in the limits 2.53–2.00 g/cm3 and 330-98 MPa, respectively. The laminated structure of the material is retained after thermal aging in air at t= 600°C for no less than 1000 h.  相似文献   

A magnesium-based composite with 1.1 volume percentage of nanosized Al2O3 particulates reinforcement was fabricated using an innovative disintegrated melt deposition technique followed by hot extrusion. Al2O3 particulates with an equivalent size of 50 nm were used as reinforcement. Microstructural characterization of the materials revealed grain refinement of magnesium matrix due to incorporation, retention, and uniform distribution of reinforcement. Physical properties characterization revealed that the addition of nano-Al2O3 particulates as reinforcement improves the dimensional stability of pure magnesium. Mechanical properties characterization revealed that the presence of nano-Al2O3 particulates as reinforcement leads to a significant increase in microhardness, dynamic elastic modulus, 0.2 pct yield strength (YS), ultimate tensile strength (UTS), and ductility of pure magnesium. The results revealed that the combined tensile properties of these materials are superior when compared to Mg reinforced with much higher volume percentage of SiC. An attempt is made in the present study to correlate the effect of nano-Al2O3 particulates as reinforcement with the microstructural, physical, and mechanical properties of magnesium.  相似文献   

The phase formation in and the microstructure of titanium carbonitride-titanium nickelide alloys with aluminum oxide Al2O3 nanopowder additions are studied by X-ray diffraction, electron-microscopic, and electron-probe microanalyses. The phase interaction is characterized by the redistribution of nonmetallic elements and aluminum between refractory and binding phases with the formation of a nonstoichiometric titanium-aluminum (Ti,Al)(C,N) carbonitride and a titanium-aluminum nickelide. The number of forming phases and their compositions are controlled by the kinetic parameters of the process.  相似文献   

Nanopowders of ZrO2–Y2O3–CeO2 and ZrO2–Y2O3–CeO2–Al2O3 systems are investigated with the purpose of studying the influence of pH of the dispersed medium on the solubility of nanopowder particles of a complex composition in an aqueous medium after membrane filtration and centrifugation to further prepare the stable dispersions necessary for toxicological investigations of nanoparticles. Concentrations of elements remaining in a supernatant after the sample preparation, which includes membrane filtration and centrifugation, are measured by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy. It is established that that the largest aggregative stability of the nanopowder dispersion without the Al2O3 additive corresponds to the optimal range of pH 5.5–9.5, while with the Al2O3 additive, it is region pH 7.0. The results evidence that, when dispersing these powders, the hydrosol of yttrium oxyhydroxide, which is dissolved at pH < 6.0, is formed. When dissolving in water of the powder with the Al2O3 additive in the neutral medium, aluminum hydroxide is formed; in the acidic medium (pH < 6), it is replaced by main soluble aluminum salts; and in the alkali medium (pH > 7), amphoteric aluminum hydroxide is dissolved because of the formation of aluminates.  相似文献   

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