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风力机叶片动态性能与仿生特性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以750kW水平轴风力机为研究对象,利用ANSYS复合材料单元,建立了风力机叶片数值模型。应用叶片结构振动有限元方法,从植物叶片叶脉动、静态特性出发,研究分析了风力机叶片叶素形状与材料铺层因素对其振动模态的影响,并初步探讨了风力机叶片仿生植物叶片的可行性。结果表明:不同的叶素形状可以改变叶片惯性矩,惯性矩越小,叶片的振动性能越好,与植物叶片振动特性相似;叶片材料的铺层分布对其振动模态的影响存在一定的规律,并与植物叶片叶脉分布规律相对应;两种因素对振动模态的影响效果可以叠加。 相似文献
建立复合材料风力机叶片铺层模型,针对叶片结构进行动态特性分析,主要通过模态分析研究了气动载荷对叶片固有频率的影响。借助ANSYS(有限元分析软件)复合材料模块,根据叶片几何和铺层参数实现叶片建模,并通过实验值验证了有限元模型的准确性。基于叶素-动量理论计算获得叶片极限气动载荷,以极限载荷的20%为载荷步,分析了叶片结构特性受载荷影响的变化趋势。结果表明:叶片所受载荷增加会导致叶片各阶固有频率下降,同时其摆振振型对应的固有频率受载荷影响较大;气动载荷会削弱叶片各微元段向平衡位置恢复的能力,导致叶片截面刚度下降,进而引起叶片固有频率降低。 相似文献
被动流动控制技术在改善和提升风力机叶片气动性能方面有着越来越广泛的应用,因其结构简单、无需消耗额外能量且成本较低等优势广受重视。为此,分别阐述了涡流发生器、格尼襟翼、叶尖小翼、开缝翼型、仿生结节及沟槽被动流动控制技术的工作原理、控制效果、参数设置、优化设计及应用等情况,展望了被动流动控制技术应用的发展趋势。该技术趋于多种流动控制方法的联合控制,其优化设计也趋于多学科、多目标发展,相应的优化设计方法也需深入开发。分析被动流动控制技术的现状及发展趋势,可为相关研究与应用提供具体的参考及实现途径。同时,风力机叶片被动流动控制技术的结构参数控制规律、多目标优化以及多种被动流动控制技术联合控制也是本课题组下一步工作的重点。 相似文献
风力发电机叶片的振动问题会影响风力发电机的安全运行及功率输出。针对叶片振动控制问题,采用主动调频质量阻尼器(TMD)设计主动控制策略,建立完整的机械及电气耦合模型。基于欧拉-拉格朗日法建立并网变速运行条件下的双馈感应风力机(DFIG)整体动力学模型,包括叶片、塔架的耦合,机械及电气由传动系统耦合。分析湍流载荷、变速诱导力及电网动态对叶片面内振动的影响,文章扩展了现有的模型,考虑了阻尼器停止力,完善了动力学模型,设计了约束系统和H∞鲁棒控制策略。仿真结果表明,提出的模型准确可靠,控制策略能有效减小叶片面内振动,阻尼器行程满足叶片许可的工作空间。此外,数值研究表明,在发生电网故障的情况下,控制器对于风轮速度变化具有鲁棒性。 相似文献
大型风力机叶片模态性能及振动分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为研究大型风力机叶片铺层参数对叶片动态性能的影响、防止叶片发生共振、减小叶片挠度、改善叶片结构力学性能和提高风力机安全性,建立了5 MW风力机叶片的有限元模型,通过改变铺层材料和铺层角度实现不同的叶片结构,并对成型叶片进行了模态分析;采用CFD方法获得叶片表面载荷,分析不同风速下不同铺层结构叶片振动性能,结果表明:复合材料铺层角度能影响叶片固有频率,叶片低阶振型以挥舞和摆振为主,高阶模态出现扭转;增加0°铺层纤维比例可提高低阶固有频率,45°铺层能提高叶片抗扭能力;叶片振动位移沿叶片展向呈非线性增长,风速越大叶片挠度越大;碳纤维可有效提高叶片固有频率,减小叶片挠度。 相似文献
风力发电机叶片主要材料玻璃纤维环氧树脂增强复合材料(GFRP)的损伤,会造成叶片寿命减少甚至断裂,必须进行损伤检测。采用声发射方法可分析GFRP复合材料损伤特性,实现在线监测叶片性能。该文采用声发射b值特征来表征GFRP损伤程度,并通过主成分分析和k-均值++算法进行声发射参数聚类来分析GFRP损坏模式。结果表明:1)对整个声发射事件进行b值分析,观察到GFRP试样在断裂前b值呈明显下降趋势,表明b值的变化率可作为材料断裂的预警信号。2)根据主成分分析9种声发射参数所占主成分比重,选择声发射信号的幅度、峰值频率两个特征参数。通过k-均值++算法对特征参数进行聚类分析,发现拉伸过程的声发射信号分为了4个簇,并找到每个簇的特征频率。3)通过使用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对GFRP试样拉伸断口进行观察,得到4个簇分别对应于基体开裂、纤维/基体脱粘、分层和纤维断裂4种损伤模式。基于声发射b值分析方法适用于GFRP损伤特性研究,可在风力发电机叶片损伤检测领域推广。 相似文献
Load control on a dynamically pitching finite span wind turbine blade using synthetic jets 下载免费PDF全文
The feasibility of active flow control, via arrays of synthetic jet actuators, to mitigate hysteresis was investigated experimentally on a dynamically pitching finite span S809 blade. In the present work, a six‐component load cell was used to measure the unsteady lift, drag and pitching moment. Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry (SPIV) measurements were also performed to understand the effects of synthetic jets on flow separation during dynamic pitch and to correlate these effects with the forces and moment measurements. It was shown that active flow control could significantly reduce the hysteresis in lift, drag and pitching moment coefficients during dynamic pitching conditions. This effect was further enhanced when the synthetic jets were pulsed modulated. Furthermore, additional reduction in the unsteady load oscillations can be observed in post‐stall conditions during dynamic motions. This reduction in the unsteady aerodynamic loading can potentially lead to prolonged life of wind turbine blades. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
P. MalhotraR.W. Hyers J.F. ManwellJ.G. McGowan 《Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews》2012,16(1):284-292
Since the blades are one of the most critical components of a wind turbine, representative samples must be experimentally tested in order to ensure that the actual performance of the blades is consistent with their specifications. In particular, it must be demonstrated that the blade can withstand both the ultimate loads and the fatigue loads to which the blade is expected to be subjected during its design service life. In general, there are basically two types of blade testing: static testing and fatigue (or dynamic) testing. This paper includes a summary review of different utility-scale wind turbine blade testing methods and the initial design study of a novel concept for tri-axial testing of large wind turbine blades. This new design is based on a blade testing method that excites the blade in flap-wise and edgewise direction simultaneously. The flap motion of the blade is caused by a dual-axis blade resonance excitation system (BREX). Edgewise motion is delivered by the use of two inclined hydraulic actuators and linear guide rail system is used to move the inclined actuators in the flap-wise direction along the blade motion. The hydraulic system and linear guide rail requirements are analyzed and an initial cost estimate of the proposed system is presented. Recommendations for future work on this proposed system are given in the final section of this work. 相似文献
A computational model of rain erosion of wind turbine blades is presented. The model is based on the transient fluid–solid coupled finite element (FE) analysis of rain droplet/coating interaction and fatigue degradation analysis. The fatigue analysis of the surface degradation is based on multiaxial fatigue model and critical plane theory. The random rain fields are constructed computationally, and the estimated droplet sizes are included in FE model to acquire a library of load histories. Subsequently, the resulted nonproportional multiaxial high cycle fatigue problem is solved to assess the damage and lifetimes of the coatings. The approach can be used to design new coating systems withstanding longer service times. 相似文献
P. K. Chaviaropoulos 《风能》1999,2(2):99-112
The scope of this article is to investigate the aeroelastic stability of wind turbine blade sections subjected to combined flap/lead–lag motion. The work is motivated by recent concern about destructive ‘edgewise' vibrations of modern, half‐megawatt‐scale, blades. The aeroelastic governing equations derive from the combination of a spring–mass–damper equivalent of the structure and a ‘non‐stationary' aerodynamic model. The aerodynamic model used in the present context is the differential dynamic stall model developed at ONERA. The resulting equations of motion are linearized and their stability characteristics are investigated in terms of the system entries, expressed through suitable, non‐dimensional, structural and aerodynamic parameters. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献