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针对模辊式生物质压块成型机的成型模孔,通过理论分析和ANSYS仿真,研究了秸秆物料在模孔中的受力变化规律以及模孔参数对压强的影响,并建立了正交异性物料挤压成型的压强数学模型。通过正交试验,验证了模孔参数对压块成型的影响,并确定了玉米秸秆成型的最优参数组合。结果表明:秸秆物料在模孔内所受最大压强随锥角、长径比的增大而增大;物料在模孔中的成型过程可分为压缩、成型、保型3个阶段;在试验范围内,模孔的长径比、锥角、物料含水率及粒度均对秸秆压块的松弛密度影响显著,且影响顺序为长径比含水率粒度锥角;以松弛密度为评价指标时,最优参数组合为长径比6∶1、含水率15%、粒度5 mm、锥角10°。 相似文献
生物质成型燃烧成本较低,且经过致密成型后的生物质燃料密度和强度都得到提高,便于运输和燃烧.生物质致密成型技术按加热温度可以分为加热成型和常温高压成型两种.应用较多的成型燃料加工机有活塞冲压式、辊模挤压式、螺旋挤压式3种形式.很多发达国家早在20世纪初就已开始研究生物质成型技术,这些国家的成型设备专业化程度高,自动化程度好,热效率高,污染小,有合理的加工工艺.但由于设备价格高、耗电高、易结渣、原料产品单一,并不适合我国.我国在生物质成型方面的研究起步较晚,目前主要的生物质成型技术包括螺旋挤压技术、活塞冲压技术和辊模挤压成型技术,但与西方发达国家相比仍有较大差距.为了进一步促进我国生物质成型燃料的发展,建议国家应不断完善对生物质成型燃料研究及生产的扶持政策;生物质成型燃料装备不仅要考虑到节能,还应该与指定的原料基地相结合;加强生物质成型机理的研究,减少设备易损件的数量,降低能耗;开发研制以生物质成型物为原料的发电、供电一体化集成设备;在设备实用性、系列化上下功夫,不断降低成本,提高技术水平. 相似文献
基于ARIZ-91的咬合式双层辊模生物质成型机概念设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对现有环模压辊式生物质成型机可靠性差、辊模磨损严重、原料适应能力差等问题,文章应用发明问题解决算法(ARIZ)进行环模压辊式生物质成型机的创新概念设计。通过系统功能分析、问题模型分析、资源分析、确定最终理想解(IFR)和物理矛盾、物场分析等多个解决问题的工具,设计了咬合式双层辊模结构的新型生物质成型机。该生物质成型机采用双层压辊与双层环模相配合且辊模间隙可调式结构,并在环模块上设有加热装置;压辊和环模采用咬合式挤压结构,可以有效减少压辊和环模的磨损面积,增强压辊对物料的挤压作用。在产品概念设计中应用ARIZ,可以帮助设计人员快速明晰关键问题并提供多通道求解路径,克服传统经验、类比设计的局限,提升设计效率和质量。 相似文献
Biofuels are only alternative solution for liquid transportation fuels among different kinds of renewable energy. To avoid the competition with the food, cellulosic biomass has been proposed as feedstock for manufacturing of cellulosic biofuels. Costs associated with collection, transportation, and storage of cellulosic biomass account for more than 80% cost of the feedstock. By processing cellulosic biomass into high density pellets, handling efficiency of cellulosic feedstocks can be improved, leading to costs reduction in transportation and storage. Ultrasonic vibration-assisted (UV-A) pelleting is a recently developed pelleting method, which can not only produce higher density but also break the lignin shell, to some extent, to increase cellulose accessibility and then increase sugar and biofuel yield. The reported investigations on UV-A pelleting provided little information about the relationship between charring and pelleting temperature under different input variables of pelleting. In this paper, effects of different input variables of pelleting on both charring ratio and pelleting temperature were studied. This paper, for the first time, reported the relationship between charring ratio and pelleting temperature. The obtained results will be helpful in understanding the mechanism of UV-A pelleting and providing guide to control pellet charring for a higher biofuel yield. 相似文献
This paper considers laminated beams consisting of layers of different materials fastened together by thin adhesives. The stresses that result from subjecting the beam to temperature stimuli are calculated. The problem is treated by two-dimensional elasticity theory in conjunction with the variational theorem of complementary energy. A pair of governing differential equations is developed, and boundary conditions concerning stress-free surfaces and ends of the beam are satisfied. The calculation of the distributions of interlaminar normal and shear stresses shows that high stress intensity occurs in the end zones of the beam. Thus, the satisfaction of end conditions is of prime importance in the analysis of laminated structural elements. Delamination failure-when it occurs - will probably start at the ends of the beam, This agrees with observed failures of laminated structural elements subjected to stress-free end conditions. 相似文献
Metallic bipolar plates (BPPs) are regarded as the most promising substitute of traditional carbon‐based BPPs due to their good mechanical properties, electrical conductivity, high productivity, and low cost in mass production. However, conventional design guidelines on flow channels of carbon‐based BPPs are not perfectly valid to metallic BPPs due to the formability of thin metallic sheets, which are at risk of material rupture especially when flow channels decrease. The objective of this work is to develop a forming limit model to establish the relationship between the channel height and channel geometric dimensions by the micro stamping process, and the maximum channel height can be predicted to guide channel design of metallic BPPs from the formability perspective. Firstly, an instability criterion for micro‐scale forming was proposed to estimate when the rupture occurs during the forming process. Forming height as the function of channel features is established, and the limit of forming depth can be predicted. Series of micro stamping experiments with various dimensions are conducted to validate the accuracy of the model. Influences of main parameters on the channel forming limit and evaluation of channel design are discussed based on the model. The model in this study is an effective supplement to the channel design principle for metallic BPPs. Based on the model, design, fabrication, and testing of metallic BPPs will be done in the following research, Part II: Experiments. 相似文献
为了研究窄通道的流动沸腾换热特性,利用单面蒸汽加热的方式在竖直窄矩形通道中进行实验,分析了质量流量、入口过冷度等因素对换热特性的影响,并建立了适用于竖直窄矩形通道的流动沸腾换热预测关系式。基于目前大部分经验公式均忽略了入口过冷度对气泡生长过程的影响,导致流动沸腾换热预测精确度偏低,故考虑窄矩形通道的尺寸限制和流体表面张力影响,引入相关系数后建立了新的预测模型。结果表明:当质量流量增加或入口过冷度减小时,壁面温度先上升后下降,然后逐渐趋于稳定;同时入口过冷度的减小将大幅增大传热系数,而质量流量的变化对传热系数影响较小,并且在入口过冷度较高时,质量流量的影响进一步减弱;新的预测模型可在本实验工况范围内较好地预测窄矩形通道流动沸腾传热系数。 相似文献
为有效预测高压条件下矩形窄缝通道内的过冷沸腾传热系数,基于试验数据,对现有传热模型进行了评估,分析影响其预测效果的原因,并提出了新的预测关联式。所选数据是在截面尺寸60×2 mm的矩形窄缝通道内进行的,工况参数覆盖了板状燃料堆芯的实际运行工况,包括:压力p = 10–16 MPa,质量流速G = 500–1500 kg?m-2?s-1,热流密度q = 100–300 kW?m-2,流体过冷度ΔTsub = 0–37 °C。结果表明:充分发展沸腾的壁面过热度模型与本文的传热系数吻合较好,但大部分预测关联式会低估高压时的传热系数,同时在接近饱和点的低过冷区域,预测偏差也较大;强化类型传热关联式的预测效果不佳,影响预测偏差的主要因素为应用工况和通道条件。通过对实验数据进行线性回归分析,提出一个区分高低过冷度区间的壁面过热度模型,该模型的预测性能较为理想,平均绝对误差为3.54%,可为高压矩形窄缝通道的传热设计提供技术指导。 相似文献
微藻培养的生物量产率直接决定了其能源利用效率。传统的生物量测定需要依靠离线人工检测分析手段,不可避免地产生巨大的人力浪费和时间成本。基于ResNet、MobileNet以及EfficientNet三种深度卷积神经网络模型,将图像分析与微藻培养相结合,提出了一种能够识别藻种类别,同时直接通过图像信息拟合微藻图像-浓度的非线性映射关系并精确预测微藻生物量的检测方法。研究表明,三种模型对三种实验藻种(小球藻、红藻以及螺旋藻)的分类识别准确率均超过99%。其中,红藻得益于其颜色特征,具有最佳的预测表现。而ResNet对藻生物量预测性能最优,三种藻生物量在该模型下的预测决定系数R2分别为0.766 4、0.962 8和0.921 5。该方法基本满足了微藻培养过程中藻生物量的监测需求,为微藻能源化的工业过程监测提供了一种具有潜力的技术方案。 相似文献
Fabrication of metallic bipolar plate for proton exchange membrane fuel cells by rubber pad forming 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Yanxiong Liu 《Journal of power sources》2010,195(11):3529-8249
In this paper, the rubber pad forming process is used to fabricate the metallic bipolar plate for a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell, which has multi-array micro-scale flow channels on its surface. The rubber pad forming process has the following advantages: high surface quality and dimensional accuracy of the formed parts, low cost of the die because only one rigid die is required, and high efficiency. The process control parameters (rubber hardness, internal and outer radii, draft angle) of the rubber pad forming are analyzed by the finite element method using the commercial software Abaqus. After that, the rubber pad forming process is used to manufacture a metallic bipolar plate of SS304 stainless steel with perfect flow micro-channels. The results of this effort indicated that the rubber pad forming process is a feasible technique for fabricating the bipolar plates of PEM fuel cells. 相似文献