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Competition from low wage countries and the adoption of free market strategies have forced manufacturing firms to recognise and implement productivity enhancement strategies. This research defines a holistic sustainability index embedding several performance indices. The aim of this study was to establish a relevant framework that would assess the current situation of an industry through aggregation of environmental, social, economical as well as manufacturing variables. The proposition has its roots in trends and gaps in the sustainability literature of manufacturing industries and is based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. A list of indicators measuring the industry performance based on an AHP scoring methodology is proposed. The next stages include grouping industries according to common deficiencies across the four dimensions and establishing a cooperation framework. The food manufacturing industry is the main target in this study and will benefit from adopting sustainable long-term policies. By recognising the importance of social–environmental sustainability and taking the initiative to pursue it, profits will grow as a positive effect of such policies. The added value is twofold: (1) coupling all sustainability dimensions, often addressed in silos and (2) integrating manufacturing indicators which enable the analysis of interrelationships with sustainability.  相似文献   

Agile manufacturing systems work in a constantly changing global market, particularly assembly systems at the last stage of product differentiation. Meanwhile, sustainability is becoming a key issue for manufacturing strategy. This paper formulates a systemic criterion of sustainability in agile manufacturing and computes it through flexibility and complexity. It is defined as a ratio of utility and entropy as a sustainability measurement. Under a unified framework, utility allows one to quantify the contributions to agility, in particular system flexibility. Complexity is measured by entropy. Thus, an original complementary role of flexibility and the complexity of the system are proposed. Developed from the distribution of system states, the systemic approach to sustainability in terms of output evolution is enriched. Based on a simple assembly line integer model simulation, a first quantitative analysis illustrates the concepts introduced.  相似文献   

To satisfy the needs of a demanding and competitive market, Amtrol-Alfa decided to allocate its resources in a new innovative composite cylinder. The CoMet cylinder consists of a thin steel inner liner, wrapped in a commingled glass and polypropylene fibre inside a plastic jacket, which exceeded our expectations. Safety and environment are on the top of Amtrol-Alfa’s priorities. As such, the manufacturing of the CoMet cylinder has no dangerous emissions to the environment, in comparison with thermoset traditional processes, and uses inert products such as PP and HDPE. Regarding recyclability, the steel can be reprocessed, the commingled fibres can be chopped and used in injection processes, including the HDPE exterior jacket that can also be chopped and re-injected. The use of only recyclable products contributes to a better environment. The design was thoroughly studied, so that the handling is less aggressive to the costumer. The cylinder exterior is also very important, not only because the new design may look more ergonomic and elegant, but also because it is cleaner and safer. CoMet lightweight cylinder integrates in one cylinder, the Past and the Future, the Proven and the Innovation, in an elegant compromise.  相似文献   

Policies on sustainable development have resulted in the wide concern about economic, safety, and environmental-friendly chemical production. This work focuses on the development of a holistic methodology that enables the evaluation and comparison of process sustainability in an integrated system. This methodology is proposed based on material and energy flows, process parameters, and process configuration. It uses a set of criteria, including inherent safety, potential environmental impact, and economic aspects. These criteria as the basis for determining the integrated index can be used to perform sustainability assessment for process alternatives under investigation. The multi-criteria decision analysis procedure is presented to conduct the integrated assessment based on qualitative and quantitative analysis. As a case study, ethanol production process, i.e., ethylene-derived feedstock process (A1) and straw cellulose-derived feedstock process (A2) are used to illustrate the proposed methodology. Results showed that A1 had advantage over A2 for the economic aspect while A2 had better performance in the environmental and safety aspects. A2 is the prior option from the point of view of comprehensive evaluation.  相似文献   

Quality inspections are performed in almost every production system to prevent nonconforming products from reaching final customers or end users. Quality inspections are typically performed referring to specific inspection procedures, depending on the production process. Two general inspection paradigms may be identified: online inspection and offline inspection. These are differentiated by the way in which inspections are made. The paper presents a recent survey on new studies on inspection procedures for both paradigms. The main novelty of the study is the identification of new research perspectives in such a highly explored field. New schemes of analysis allow highlighting the research areas which are not adequately covered by the literature. A brief examination of some bibliometric aspects is also proposed.  相似文献   

The process of service composition and optimal selection (SCOS) is an important issue in cloud manufacturing (CMfg). However, the current studies on CMfg and SCOS have generally focused on optimising the allocation of resources against quality of service (QoS), in terms of e.g. cost, quality, and time. They have seldom taken the perspective of sustainability into discussion, although sustainability is indispensable in the CMfg environment. Addressing this gap, we aim to (1) propose a comprehensive method to assess the sustainability of cloud manufacturing (SoM) in terms of the economic, environmental, and social aspects; (2) establish a multi-objective integer bi-level multi-follower programming (MOIBMFP) model to simultaneously maximise SoM and QoS from the perspectives of both platform operator and multiple service demanders; and (3) design a hybrid particle swarm optimisation algorithm to solve the proposed MOIBMFP model. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is more feasible and effective than the typical multi-objective particle swarm optimisation algorithm when solving the proposed model. In other words, the proposed model and algorithm suggest better alternatives to meet the needs of the platform operator and service demanders in the CMfg environment.  相似文献   

In this work, the electrochemical oxidation of an actual industrial wastewater with conductive-diamond anodes has been studied. The wastewater is the effluent of a fine chemicals plant. This effluent consists of an aqueous solution of solvents (ketones and alcohols) with a high concentration of aromatic compounds coming from the raw materials, intermediates and products of the different processes of the plant and its COD is around 6000 mg dm(-3). The electrolyses were carried out in a discontinuous operation mode under galvanostatic conditions, using a bench-scale plant equipped with a single compartment electrochemical flow cell. The conductive-diamond electrochemical oxidation (CDEO) allowed achieving the complete mineralization of the waste with high current efficiencies. These efficiencies seem to strongly depend on the concentration, pH and temperature but not on the current density (in the range studied). This confirms that besides the hydroxyl radicals mediated oxidation, CDEO combines other important oxidation processes such as the direct electrooxidation on the diamond surface and the oxidation mediated by other electrochemically formed compounds generated on this electrode. Other two advanced oxidation processes (ozonation and Fenton oxidation) have been also studied in this work for comparison purposes. Both technologies were able to treat the wastes, but they obtained very different results in terms of efficiency and mineralization. The efficiency of ozonation and electrochemical oxidation were very similar (especially during the first stages), although the energy consumption required by the electrochemical process to remove at fixed percentage of COD or TOC was significantly smaller than that of ozonation. The possible accumulation of carboxylic acid as final products excludes the use of Fenton oxidation as a sole treatment technology.  相似文献   

Additive manufacturing (AM) has rapidly changed both large- and small-scale production environments across many industries. By re-envisioning parts from the ground up, not limited to the challenges presented by traditional manufacturing techniques, researchers and engineers have developed new design strategies to solve large-scale materials and design problems worldwide. This is particularly true in the world of alloy design, where new metallic materials have historically been developed through tedious processes and procedures based primarily on casting methodologies. With the onset of directed energy deposition (DED) and powder bed fusion (PBF)-based AM, new alloys can be innovated and evaluated rapidly at a lower cost and considerably shorter lead time than has ever been achieved. This article details the advantages, challenges, applications, and perspectives of alloy design using primarily laser-based AM. It is envisioned that researchers in industry and academia can utilize this work to design new alloys leveraging metallic AM processes for various current and future applications.  相似文献   

When business practices shift from a traditional open supply chain to a closed loop instead, the environmental and societal issues are efficiently integrated in business development. However, even an efficiently integrated shift introduces a number of trade-offs due to the contradictory goals that emerge from that business’s economical, environmental and social dimensions. In this paper, we propose a multi-objective mixed integer mathematical problem for a generic closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) network to rationalise how a system’s product recovery helps to improve manufacturing sustainability. The CLSC network proposed in this study consists of a hybrid manufacturing facility, warehouse, distribution centres, collection centres and a hybrid recovery facility (HRF). The proposed model determines the best location for the HRF and optimal flow of products, recovered parts and material in the network while it simultaneously maximises profit, saves activity costs, helps to decrease the harmful effects of the manufacturing process and makes a positive impact on societal development. To validate the model, a numerical illustration with the help of a case study from an electrical manufacturing industry is offered. The results authenticate the approach of the model towards the fulfilment of various environmental regulations. A sensitivity analysis, completed on demand, and the return rate also assists decision-makers to manage their decisions with a broader insight towards manufacturing sustainability.  相似文献   

Two manufacturing standards are discussed and compared, namely, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Good Manufacturing Practices and the International Standards Organization 9000 (ISO 9000) series. Conclusions are drawn relative to quality improvement strategies.  相似文献   

The search for superior production performance has been used by companies to overcome competition in the current global economic scenario. Efficient manufacturing connected to environmental initiatives provides a company with favourable conditions for maintaining uniform and continuous improvement in its competitive performance, while providing operational versatility to respond quickly to volatile markets. As production is one of the most expensive areas for a company, many organisations have sought a new management model for their production system that provides substantial productivity gains, cost saving opportunities and higher customer satisfaction. This study proposes a model of production management and an implementation method integrating the principles of lean manufacturing and sustainability, supported by cultural transformation at the company. Its objective was to achieve productivity gains and improvements on customer satisfaction, as well as develop the ability to provide quick responses to market changes in a globalised economy. The implementation of the proposed model should be gradual, initially addressing fundamental principles, and should operate simultaneously with, and in the same environment as, workforce development and organisational transformation initiatives, to create sustainable improvements.  相似文献   

We present a planning model for chemical commodities related to an industry case. Commodities are standard chemicals characterized by sales and supply volatility in volume and value. Increasing and volatile prices of crude oil-dependent raw materials require coordination of sales and supply decisions by volume and value throughout the value chain to ensure profitability. Contract and spot demand differentiation with volatile and uncertain spot prices, spot sales quantity flexibility, spot sales price–quantity functions and variable raw material consumption rates in production are problem specifics to be considered. Existing chemical industry planning models are limited to production and distribution decisions to minimize costs or makespan. Demand-oriented models focus on uncertainty in demand quantities not in prices. We develop an integrated model to optimize profit by coordinating sales quantity, price and supply decisions throughout the value chain. A two-phase optimization approach supports robust planning ensuring minimum profitability even in case of worst-case spot sales price scenarios. Model evaluations with industry case data demonstrate the impact of elasticities, variable raw material consumption rates and price uncertainties on planned profit and volumes.  相似文献   

In Italy and many European countries, energy production from biomass is encouraged by strong economic subsidies so that biomass energy plants are getting large diffusion. Nevertheless, it is necessary to define the environmental compatibility taking into account global parameters as well as environmental impacts at regional and local scales coming from new polluting emissions. The environmental balances regarding new energy plants are of primary importance within very polluted areas such as Northern Italy where air quality limits are systematically exceeded, in particular for PM10, NO2, and ozone. The paper analyzes the renewable energy scenario relating to manure anaerobic digestion and biogas production for the Province of Cuneo, N–W Italy, and the environmental sustainability of the possible choices. The study is focused on energy producibility, heat and power, nitrogen oxides and ammonia emissions, GHG (greenhouse gases) balances dealing also with indirect releases of CH4 and N2O, as well as emissions due to energy crops production. The most important conclusion that can be drawn is that the production of renewable energy from anaerobic digestion could cover up to 13 % of the Province electricity consumption, but sustainability in terms of CO2 emissions can be reached only through an overriding use of agricultural waste products (manure and by-products instead of energy crops) and cogeneration of thermal energy at disposal; the application of the best available techniques to waste gas cleaning, energy recovery, and digestate chemical–physical treatments allows positive emissive balances.  相似文献   

Open systems have been of interest to the research and industrial community for decades, e.g. software development, telecommunication, and innovation. The presence of open manufacturing enterprises in a cloud calls for broadly interpretable models. Though there is no global standard for representation of digital models of processes and systems in a cloud, the existing process modelling methodologies and languages are of interest to the manufacturing cloud. The models residing in the cloud need to be configured and reconfigured to meet different objectives, including complexity reduction and interpretability which coincide with the resilience requirements. Digitisation, greater openness, and growing service orientation of manufacturing offer opportunities to address resilience at the design rather than the operations stage. An algorithm is presented for complexity reduction of digital models. The complexity reduction algorithm decomposes complex structures and enhances interpretability and visibility of their components. The same algorithm and its variants could serve other known concepts supporting resilience such as modularity of products and processes as well as delayed product differentiation. The ideas introduced in the paper and the complexity reduction algorithm of digital models are illustrated with examples. Properties of the graph and matrix representations produced by the algorithm are discussed.  相似文献   

Rapid and cost-effective scalability of the throughput of manufacturing systems is an invaluable feature for the management of manufacturing enterprises. System design for scalability allows the enterprise to build a manufacturing system to supply the current demand, and upgrade its throughput in the future, in a cost-effective manner, to meet possible higher market demand in a timely manner. To possess this capability, the manufacturing system must be designed at the outset for future expansions in its throughput to enable growths in supply exactly when needed by the market. A mathematical method that maximises the system throughput after reconfiguration is proposed, and an industrial case is presented to validate the method. The paper offers a set of principles for system design for scalability to guide designers of modern manufacturing systems.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic analysis has greatly helped to compare and to improve the energy efficiency of all kinds of technological processes, and recently we have also attempted to analyse some important biochemical processes under intracellular conditions. This work has pointed to some key strategies on sustainable process operation, such as the exceptionally high thermodynamic efficiencies of chemical and solar energy conversion in living cells.From this it was expected that the sustainability strategies of specific biochemical processes and those of the ecosphere as a whole could be of guidance to current technological processes, especially now that there is a growing demand from government and industry to effectively deal with sustainability aspects in process analysis. Our focus on this issue has led to methodologies to quantify technological aspects of sustainability by making use of thermodynamic principles. Three indicators were constructed to express three technological aspects of process sustainability. First, an indicator for the sustainability of resource utilization considers the thermodynamic input and the availability the resources used in the process. Secondly, an efficiency indicator focuses on the conversion and loss of thermodynamic quantities in the process itself. Thirdly, an indicator for environmental compatibility takes into account the thermodynamic input required to prevent possible negative side effects of the process, such as global warming or water pollution. The three indicators are used to reflect on (un)sustainable characteristics of current technological processes compared to biochemical processes. Finally, we address the drawbacks of combining indicator values to express overall sustainability.  相似文献   

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