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应用时域有限差分(FDTD)法,结合时域近场一远扬转换公式,公析矩形波导斜切口面的辐射特性。分析的斜切口面是把矩形波导管两个窄边同时渐削,宽边尺寸保持不变形成的辐射口面,应对EDTD法分析,较好地解决了波导边缘的绕射问题,计算了主要辐射方向图,为这种波导斜切口面天线的分析提供一种方便有效的方法。  相似文献   

机载螺旋天线辐射特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用螺旋的半圆近似法计算了阿基米德螺旋天线的辐射场。应用几何绕射理论(GTD)导出了机载螺旋天线辐射场的计算公式。计算结果与实测结果进行了比较,两者吻合较好。  相似文献   

通过参照金属环天线的构造,自行研制了方环等离子体天线,并借鉴金属天线的测量方法,建立等离子体天线测试系统,对该天线的阻抗特性、辐射特性进行了实验研究.发现,输入电阻在160~350MHz都靠近50Ω,电抗接近0,驻波比低于2,具有非常宽的带宽.而且在频率较低的情况下该天线的增益和与之构造相同的方环金属天线接近.在200MHz试验频率下方环等离子体天线具有较高的方向性.  相似文献   

为了弥补现有高功率微波武器辐射天线的不足,提出了等离子体通道天线(PCA),研究了该天线的辐射特性.根据PCA的工作原理,将PCA等效为电子在横向旋转、轴向漂移的均匀冷磁化等离子体束,且认为该等离子体束的横截面为沿轴向不改变的圆形;推导出了一般性天线的辐射方向函数;结合麦克斯韦方程和本构关系,得出了PCA的色散方程,求出PCA的表面波波矢.重点讨论了PCA的辐射特性随等离子体密度、天线长度、半径及纵向速度的变化,得出一些有益的结论,为PCA的实现打下坚实的理论基础.  相似文献   

轨道角动量(OAM)复用传输是一种新兴的无线电传输技术。利用单馈电点环形微带矩形贴片天线的辐射特性来产生C波段OAM的螺旋波束,并制作出环形OAM阵列天线。为验证OAM阵列天线的传输性能,将OAM天线与通用软件无线电外设(USRP)相结合,利用软件无线电(SDR)技术搭建一个OAM无线传输系统。经实验证明该系统可在真实的信道环境中实现音频信号的实时传输。鉴于OAM复用传输技术具有传输安全性好、频谱利用率高的优势,OAM系统的搭建在无线通信中具有一定实际意义,在未来通信领域具有潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

毫米波扩展半球透镜/物镜天线系统辐射特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用射线追踪和场积分的方法分析了扩展半球透镜/物镜天线系统的辐射特性,给出了计算结果,表明该系统具有良好的辐射特性。通过改变扩展半球透镜的扩展长度,可以实现集成电路与各种准光系统的耦合,具有很强的实用价值。  相似文献   

从空间多径信道角度出发,分析其信道特性,给出了一种在暗室环境中的多天线探头测试方法。通过实际测量,分析三种不同LTE多天线设备在SCME城区宏(微)小区多径空间单簇模型场景中的吞吐量性能差异。  相似文献   

介质覆盖微带天线辐射特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

采用有限元-边界积分方程方法(FE-BI)系统分析了不同结构参量变化对双臂圆锥对数螺旋(CLS)天线性能的影响。分析了不同工作频率对圆锥螺旋天线方向图的影响,改变螺旋线包角对其性能进行了讨论;研究了圆锥半张角对辐射特性的影响。研究表明:螺旋线包角和圆锥半张角对有限长CLS天线的辐射方向性有较大影响,实际应用中应充分考虑。  相似文献   

A laser-mirror system incorporated into an antenna pattern range is capable of aligning the antenna tower to measure the radome boresight error of large antennas to within 0.1 mrad angular accuracy. The simplicity of the alignment system makes it relatively easy to position the antenna, with or without its radome to a preestablished mechanical reference plane. Hence, deflection of the antenna tower system due to different loadings can be determined which otherwise would be undetected with most range facilities.  相似文献   

July 11, 2002, marks the 40th anniversary of the first transatlantic transmission of a live TV signal via an active satellite (Telstar 1), between the United States and France (followed shortly by England). This event has been recognized by the IEEE as an electrical engineering milestone. The radome and antenna in Pleumeur-Bodou, France, which now form the basis for a telecommunications museum, have been designated as a national historical site by the French government. The author shares some impressions of this historical engineering milestone  相似文献   

The influence of the dielectric material on the input impedance of covered/loaded biconical antennas is analytically investigated. Novel and accurate analytical expressions for the input impedance of the covered/loaded bicon are proposed based on the mode matching technique. The boundary conditions are also enforced to obtain several simultaneous equations for the discrete modal coefficients inside the radiating region. Study of the input impedance of the whole multilayered structure is accomplished by the cascade connection of mediums as characterized by their constitutive parameters. New and accurate analytical formulas for the covered/loaded biconical antennas are derived and successfully validated through a proper comparison with the results obtained with the commercial software CST Microwave Studio.  相似文献   

提出了一种适用于分层等离子体鞘套、高超声速飞行器以及天线一体化求解的修正多层薄介质片(Multi-Layer Thin Dielectric Sheet,ML-TDS)方法.该方法只需在相关参考面上进行面剖分,避免了对覆盖于机体表面等离子体的海量体剖分,从而大幅降低了待求未知量和计算量.详细介绍了修正ML-TDS方法,通过与体面积分方程方法和面积分方程方法的对比展示了其在分析分层等离子体鞘套覆盖下天线辐射特性问题中的优势.基于高速飞行器表面等离子体鞘套和天线间的互耦模型,分别计算了飞行器上单天线和双天线在等离子体鞘套和飞行器平台影响下的辐射特性.该方法可对等离子体鞘套包覆的飞行器和天线实现一体化的建模和计算,数值结果准确,计算复杂度低,是研究分层等离子体鞘套电磁效应较为便捷的数值分析工具.  相似文献   

The application of genetic algorithm (GA) optimization to the design and analysis of planar monopole antennas is presented. GA is first used to optimize the impedance matching bandwidth of two particular planar element shapes, the bow-tie (BT) and reverse bow-tie (RBT). The results of this study indicate that the RBT can achieve a significantly wider bandwidth with a much smaller size than the traditional BT. In a follow-on study, GA is used to generate arbitrarily shaped planar monopole designs, which exhibit improved broadband performance and/or reduced size compared with the RBT. The designs generated by the GA demonstrate a better tradeoff between matching bandwidth and electrical size compared with planar monopole designs previously characterized in the literature. Analysis of results from simulation and measurement are presented, which provide insight into the operation of these antennas as well as the key parameters that lead to improved performance. Finally, a performance bound is generated to relate the bandwidth limitation of planar monopoles to size.  相似文献   

波束成形天线相比较定向天线具有波束集中,抗干扰能力强等特点,配备波束成形天线的节点间通信复杂,造成网络同步困难。文中提出一种分簇网络时间算法解决基于波束成形天线网络同步问题,算法分为选举,分簇,同步三个阶段,选举阶段选举网络根节点,分簇阶段工作于定向天线且网络时间异步场景下,利用网络根节点作为分簇的初始节点完成网络分簇,同步阶段利用簇间同步与簇内迭代完成全网节点同步。仿真分析了算法的开销并能够促使网络时间收敛。  相似文献   

Performance degradation of dielectric radome covered antennas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Performance is evaluated by a method based on the reciprocity theorem. The asymptotic expression for the radome Green's function that allows the characterization of the radome by itself, independently of any specific antenna, is identified. The concept of the modified aperture distribution, which radiating in free space produces the same pattern as the radome-covered antenna, is introduced. It can be used for the design of the radome stratification and for the optimization of the antenna location. On the basis of the formulation of a computer code has been developed that analyzes the degradation induced by radomes with surfaces and dielectric stratifications that can be defined numerically. Theoretical predictions and experimental results are compared  相似文献   

Ray analysis of two-dimensional radomes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The fields transmitted from a line source through a two-dimensional curved dielectric layer of variable thickness are constructed by geometric-optical ray tracing that accounts for multiple reflections on the concave side, where the source is located, as well as for reflections between the layer boundaries. Moreover, internally trapped rays, excited by evanescent tunneling, are included when source and observer are near the layer boundaries but laterally displaced along it. By applying Poisson summation to the ray series, the multiple reflected contributions, for weakly tapered configurations, can be summed to yield trapped and leaky local modes guided along the layer, as well as a "collective" ray field that incorporates a plane layer transmission coefficient, with curvature and slope corrections, instead of the conventional coefficients for individual boundaries. Detailed calculations are performed for the special cases of a circularly curved layer of constant thickness and a tapered layer with nonparallel plane boundaries. For the former, the various ray-optically derived solutions agree completely with those obtained from a rigorous analysis. For the latter nonseparable configuration, no rigorous solution is available. With direct summation of conventional ray fields taken as a reference, extensive numerical results demonstrate the economies effected by the collective ray formulation and the importance of including the curvature or slope corrections in the equivalent slab transmission coefficients.  相似文献   

阵列天线的遗传算法综合   总被引:20,自引:16,他引:20  
提出了一种基于排序的实数码遗传算法并用于阵列天线的方向图综合。该算法对简单遗传算法的编码方式、选择策略、交叉和变异操作进行了改进,使搜索效率有了很大的提高,有效地避免了早期收敛。在实例设计中体现出优良特性,获得了比有关文献更好的结果。  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的天线阵方向图零点生成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遗传算法是一种高效的搜索算法.在对遗传算法的发展,基本思想,特点等方面作简要概述的基础上,将该算法应用于唯幅度控制的天线阵方向图零点生成.展示了其广泛的适用性及处理天线阵列综合问题的卓越能力,获得了比已有文献更好的效果.  相似文献   

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