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张鸿骏  武延军  张珩  张立波 《软件学报》2020,31(10):3038-3055
散列表(hash table)作为一类根据关键码值(key value)提供高效数据访问的数据索引结构,其广泛应用于各类计算机应用中,尤其是在对性能要求极高的系统软件、数据库以及高性能计算领域.在网络、云计算和物联网服务方面,以散列表为核心结构已经成为缓存系统的重要系统组件.然而,随着大规模数据量的大幅度增加,以多核CPU为核心设计散列表结构的系统已经逐渐出现性能瓶颈,亟需进一步改进散列表的高性能和可扩展性.随着通用图形处理器(graphic processing unit,简称GPU)的日益普及以及硬件计算能力和并发性能的大幅度提升,各类以并行计算为核心的系统软件任务在GPU上进行了优化设计并得到可观的性能提升.由于存在稀疏性和随机性,采用现有散列表的并行结构直接在GPU上应用势必会带来高频次的内存访问和频繁的总线数据传输,影响了散列表在GPU上的性能发挥.重点分析了缓存系统中散列表索引的内存访问、命中率与索引开销,提出并设计了一种适应GPU的混合访问缓存索引框架CCHT(cache cuckoo hash table),提供了两种适应不同命中率和索引开销要求的缓存策略,允许写入与查询操作并发执行,最大程度地利用了GPU硬件的计算性能与并发特性,减少了内存访问与总线传输.通过在GPU硬件上的实现与实验验证,CCHT在保证缓存命中率的同时,性能优于其他用于缓存索引的散列表.  相似文献   

张宇  张延松  陈红  王珊 《软件学报》2016,27(5):1246-1265
通用GPU因其强大的并行计算能力成为新兴的高性能计算平台,并逐渐成为近年来学术界在高性能数据库实现技术领域的研究热点.但当前GPU数据库领域的研究沿袭的是ROLAP(relational OLAP)多维分析模型,研究主要集中在关系操作符在GPU平台上的算法实现和性能优化技术,以哈希连接的GPU并行算法研究为中心.GPU拥有数千个并行计算单元,但其逻辑控制单元较少,相对于CPU具有更强的并行计算能力,但逻辑控制和复杂内存管理能力较弱,因此并不适合需要复杂数据结构和复杂内存管理机制的内存数据库查询处理算法直接移植到GPU平台.提出了面向GPU向量计算特性的混合OLAP多维分析模型semi-MOLAP,将MOLAP(multidimensionalOLAP)模型的直接数组访问和计算特性与ROLAP模型的存储效率结合在一起,实现了一个基于完全数组结构的GPU semi-MOLAP多维分析模型,简化了GPU数据管理,降低了GPU semi-MOLAP算法复杂度,提高了GPU semi-MOLAP算法的代码执行率.同时,基于GPU和CPU计算的特点,将semi-MOLAP操作符拆分为CPU和GPU平台的协同计算,提高了CPU和GPU的利用率以及OLAP的查询整体性能.  相似文献   

Li  Jianjiang  Deng  Zhaochu  Du  Panpan  Lin  Jie 《The Journal of supercomputing》2022,78(4):4779-4798

The Sunway TaihuLight is the first supercomputer built entirely with domestic processors in China. On Sunway Taihulight, the local data memory (LDM) of the slave core is limited, so data transmission with the main memory is frequent during calculation, and the memory access efficiency is low. On the other hand, for many scientific computing programs, how to solve the storage problem of irregular access data is the key to program optimization. Software cache (SWC) is one of the effective means to solve these problems. Based on the characteristics of Sunway TaihuLight structure and irregular access, this paper designs and implements a new software cache structure by using part of the space in LDM to simulate the cache function, which uses new cache address mapping and conflicts solution to solve high data access overhead and storage overhead in a traditional cache. At the same time, the SWC uses the register communication between the slave cores to share on the different slave core LDMs, increasing the capacity of the software cache and improving the hit rate. In addition, we adopt a double buffer strategy to access regular data in batches, which hides the communication overhead between the slave core and the main memory. The test results on the Sunway TaihuLight platform show that the software cache structure in this paper can effectively reduce the program running time, improve the software cache hit rate, and achieve a better optimization effect.


张延松  张宇  王珊 《软件学报》2018,29(3):883-895
以MapD为代表的图分析数据库系统通过GPU、Phi等新型众核处理器来支持高性能分析处理,在面向复杂数据模式时连接操作仍然是重要的性能瓶颈.近年来,异构处理器逐渐成为高性能计算的主流平台,内存连接性能的研究从多核CPU平台扩展到新兴的众核处理器,但众多的研究成果并未系统地揭示连接算法性能、连接数据集大小、硬件架构之间的内在联系,难以为未来异构处理器平台的数据库提供连接平台优化选择策略.本文以面向多核CPU、Xeon Phi、GPU处理器平台的内存连接优化技术为目标,通过优化内存哈希表设计,实现以向量映射替代哈希映射操作,消除哈希代价对内存连接算法的影响,从而更加准确地测量内存连接算法在多核CPU的cache大小、Xeon Phi的cache大小、Xeon Phi的并发多线程、GPU的SIMT(单指令多线程)机制等硬件相关因素影响下的性能特征.实验结果表明,缓存与并发多线程机制是提高内存连接算法性能的重要影响因素.缓存机制对于满足cache大小的连接操作具有性能优势,而GPU的并发多线程机制则在较大表的连接操作中具有较高的性能,Xeon Phi则在满足其L2 cache大小的连接操作中具有最高性能.实验结果揭示了内存连接操作性能与异构处理器硬件特性的联系,为未来异构处理器平台内存数据库查询优化器提供了优化策略.  相似文献   

阵列众核处理器由于其较高的计算性能和能效比已经广泛应用于高性能计算领域。而要构建未来高性能计算系统处理器必须解决严峻的"访存墙"挑战以及核心协同问题。通常的阵列处理器,其核心多采用单线程结构,以减少开销,但是对访存提出了较高的要求。引入硬件同时多线程技术,针对实验中单核心多线程二级Cache利用率较低的问题,提出了一种共享二级Cache划分机制。经实验模拟,通过上述优化的共享二级Cache划分机制,二级指令Cache失效率下降18.59%,数据Cache失效率下降6.60%,整体CPI性能提升达到10.1%。  相似文献   

内存键值存储系统中索引方法决定了系统的时间性能和空间开销,是改进和优化的关键因素。哈希索引提供了O(1)时间复杂度的访问操作,但会产生存储冲突,引起访问性能下降。为此,提出了一种基于位图的键值存储哈希优化方法,可以避免存储冲突提升访问性能。该方法将共前缀的键哈希到同一个块,减少键存储空间;在块内使用层次位图结构,全域位图表示所有键的后缀部分来避免存储冲突,摘要位图支持快速定位和范围查询加速。实验结果表明,优化后的哈希索引在多种负载上均能取得较高吞吐量并具有良好的并发性能,同时内存占用较现有方案大大降低。  相似文献   

Recent graphics processing units (GPUs), which have many processing units, can be used for general purpose parallel computation. To utilise the powerful computing ability, GPUs are widely used for general purpose processing. Since GPUs have very high memory bandwidth, the performance of GPUs greatly depends on memory access. The main contribution of this paper is to present a GPU implementation of computing Euclidean distance map (EDM) with efficient memory access. Given a two-dimensional (2D) binary image, EDM is a 2D array of the same size such that each element stores the Euclidean distance to the nearest black pixel. In the proposed GPU implementation, we have considered many programming issues of the GPU system such as coalesced access of global memory and shared memory bank conflicts, and so on. To be concrete, by transposing 2D arrays, which are temporal data stored in the global memory, with the shared memory, the main access from/to the global memory enables to be performed by coalesced access. In practice, we have implemented our parallel algorithm in the following three modern GPU systems: Tesla C1060, GTX 480 and GTX 580. The experimental results have shown that, for an input binary image with size of 9216 × 9216, our implementation can achieve a speedup factor of 54 over the sequential algorithm implementation.  相似文献   

Implementations of relational operators on GPU processors have resulted in order of magnitude speedups compared to their multicore CPU counterparts. Here we focus on the efficient implementation of string matching operators common in SQL queries. Due to different architectural features the optimal algorithm for CPUs might be suboptimal for GPUs. GPUs achieve high memory bandwidth by running thousands of threads, so it is not feasible to keep the working set of all threads in the cache in a naive implementation. In GPUs the unit of execution is a group of threads and in the presence of loops and branches, threads in a group have to follow the same execution path; if some threads diverge, then different paths are serialized. We study the cache memory efficiency of single- and multi-pattern string matching algorithms for conventional and pivoted string layouts in the GPU memory. We evaluate the memory efficiency in terms of memory access pattern and achieved memory bandwidth for different parallelization methods. To reduce thread divergence, we split string matching into multiple steps. We evaluate the different matching algorithms in terms of average- and worst-case performance and compare them against state-of-the-art CPU and GPU libraries. Our experimental evaluation shows that thread and memory efficiency affect performance significantly and that our proposed methods outperform previous CPU and GPU algorithms in terms of raw performance and power efficiency. The Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm is a good choice for GPUs because its regular memory access pattern makes it amenable to several GPU optimizations.  相似文献   

The Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) for solving fluid flow is naturally well suited to an efficient implementation for massively parallel computing, due to the prevalence of local operations in the algorithm. This paper presents and analyses the performance of a 3D lattice Boltzmann solver, optimized for third generation nVidia GPU hardware, also known as ‘Kepler’. We provide a review of previous optimization strategies and analyse data read/write times for different memory types. In LBM, the time propagation step (known as streaming), involves shifting data to adjacent locations and is central to parallel performance; here we examine three approaches which make use of different hardware options. Two of which make use of ‘performance enhancing’ features of the GPU; shared memory and the new shuffle instruction found in Kepler based GPUs. These are compared to a standard transfer of data which relies instead on optimized storage to increase coalesced access. It is shown that the more simple approach is most efficient; since the need for large numbers of registers per thread in LBM limits the block size and thus the efficiency of these special features is reduced. Detailed results are obtained for a D3Q19 LBM solver, which is benchmarked on nVidia K5000M and K20C GPUs. In the latter case the use of a read-only data cache is explored, and peak performance of over 1036 Million Lattice Updates Per Second (MLUPS) is achieved. The appearance of a periodic bottleneck in the solver performance is also reported, believed to be hardware related; spikes in iteration-time occur with a frequency of around 11 Hz for both GPUs, independent of the size of the problem.  相似文献   

Persistent indexing structures are proposed in response to emerging non-volatile memory(NVM)to provide high performance yet durable indexes.However,due to the lack of real NVM hardware,many prior persistent indexing structures were evaluated via emulation,which varies a lot across different setups and differs from the real deployment.Recently,Intel has released its Optane DC Persistent Memory Module(PMM),which is the first production-ready NVM.In this paper,we revisit popular persistent indexing structures on PMM and conduct comprehensive evaluations to study the performance differences among persistent indexing structures,including persistent hash tables and persistent trees.According to the evaluation results,we find that Cacheline-Conscious Extendible Hashing(CCEH)achieves the best performance among all evaluated persistent hash tables,and Failure-Atomic ShifT B+-Tree(FAST)and Write Optimal Radix Tree(WORT)perform better than other trees.Besides,we find that the insertion performance of hash tables is heavily influenced by data locality,while the insertion latency of trees is dominated by the flush instructions.We also uncover that no existing emulation methods accurately simulate PMM for all the studied data structures.Finally,we provide three suggestions on how to fully utilize PMM for better performance,including using clflushopt/clwb with sfence instead of clflush,flushing continuous data in a batch,and avoiding data access immediately after it is flushed to PMM.  相似文献   

The aim of the hierarchical cache memories that are equipped for GPUs is the management of irregular memory access patterns for general purpose workloads. The level-1 data cache (L1D) of the GPU plays an important role for its ability in the provision of high bandwidth and low-latency data accesses. Unfortunately, the GPU L1D may become a performance bottleneck due to facing many performance challenges such as cache contention and resource congestion. These critical issues come from a large number of simultaneous requests from the SIMT cores to the limited-capacity L1D. We observe that many applications have a large number of requests with a very low reuse probability, resulting in the GPU performance degradation. To overcome these challenges, we propose an efficient cache bypassing mechanism that can periodically filter the access stream and make an accurate bypassing decision to improve the efficiency of the L1D. The proposed technique uses a small storage amount to save the tag array of the L1D for the early miss prediction before it makes the bypassing decision. The experiment results reveal that the proposed technique significantly increases the cache efficiency and the GPU performance.  相似文献   

GPUs are widely used in modern high-performance computing systems. To reduce the burden of GPU programmers, operating system and GPU hardware provide great supports for shared virtual memory, which enables GPU and CPU to share the same virtual address space. Unfortunately, the current SIMT execution model of GPU brings great challenges for the virtual-physical address translation on the GPU side, mainly due to the huge number of virtual addresses which are generated simultaneously and the bad locality of these virtual addresses. Thus, the excessive TLB accesses increase the miss ratio of TLB. As an attractive solution, Page Walk Cache (PWC) has received wide attention for its capability of reducing the memory accesses caused by TLB misses. However, the current PWC mechanism suffers from heavy redundancies, which significantly limits its efficiency. In this paper, we first investigate the facts leading to this issue by evaluating the performance of PWC with typical GPU benchmarks. We find that the repeated L4 and L3 indices of virtual addresses increase the redundancies in PWC, and the low locality of L2 indices causes the low hit ratio in PWC. Based on these observations, we propose a new PWC structure, namely Compressed Page Walk Cache (CPWC), to resolve the redundancy burden in current PWC. Our CPWC can be organized in either direct-mapped mode or set-associated mode. Experimental results show that CPWC increases by 3 times over TPC in the number of page table entries, increases by 38.3% over PWC in L2 index hit ratio and reduces by 26.9% in the memory accesses of page tables. The average memory accesses caused by each TLB miss is reduced to 1.13. Overall, the average IPC can improve by 25.3%.  相似文献   

The possibility of porting algorithms to graphics processing units (GPUs) raises significant interest among researchers. The natural next step is to employ multiple GPUs, but communication overhead may limit further performance improvement. In this paper, we investigate techniques reducing overhead on hybrid CPU–GPU platforms, including careful data layout and usage of GPU memory spaces, and use of non-blocking communication. In addition, we propose an accurate automatic load balancing technique for heterogeneous environments. We validate our approach on a hybrid Jacobi solver for 2D Laplace’s Equation. Experiments carried out using various graphics hardware and types of connectivity have confirmed that the proposed data layout allows our fastest CUDA kernels to reach the analytical limit for memory bandwidth (up to 106 GB/s on NVidia GTX 480), and that the non-blocking communication significantly reduces overhead, allowing for almost linear speed-up, even when communication is carried out over relatively slow networks.  相似文献   

As neuroimaging algorithms and technology continue to grow faster than CPU performance in complexity and image resolution, data-parallel computing methods will be increasingly important. The high performance, data-parallel architecture of modern graphical processing units (GPUs) can reduce computational times by orders of magnitude. However, its massively threaded architecture introduces challenges when GPU resources are exceeded. This paper presents optimization strategies for compute- and memory-bound algorithms for the CUDA architecture. For compute-bound algorithms, the registers are reduced through variable reuse via shared memory and the data throughput is increased through heavier thread workloads and maximizing the thread configuration for a single thread block per multiprocessor. For memory-bound algorithms, fitting the data into the fast but limited GPU resources is achieved through reorganizing the data into self-contained structures and employing a multi-pass approach. Memory latencies are reduced by selecting memory resources whose cache performance are optimized for the algorithm's access patterns. We demonstrate the strategies on two computationally expensive algorithms and achieve optimized GPU implementations that perform up to 6× faster than unoptimized ones. Compared to CPU implementations, we achieve peak GPU speedups of 129× for the 3D unbiased nonlinear image registration technique and 93× for the non-local means surface denoising algorithm.  相似文献   

Providing a real-time cloud service requires simultaneously retrieving a large amount of data. How to improve the performance of file access becomes a great challenge. This paper first addresses the preconditions of dealing with this problem considering the requirements of applications, hardware, software, and network environments in the cloud. Then, a novel distributed layered cache system named HDCache is proposed. HDCahe is built on the top of Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Applications can integrate the client library of HDCache to access the multiple cache services. The cache services are built up with three access layers an in-memory cache, a snapshot of the local disk, and a network disk provided by HDFS. The files loaded from HDFS are cached in a shared memory which can be directly accessed by the client library. In order to improve robustness and alleviate workload, the cache services are organized in a peer-to-peer style using a distributed hash table and every cached file has three replicas scattered in different cache service nodes. Experimental results show that HDCache can store files with a wide range in their sizes and has the access performance in a millisecond level under highly concurrent environments. The tested hit ratio obtained from a real-world cloud serviced is higher than 95 %.  相似文献   

曹旻  刘文中 《计算机科学》2015,42(6):175-180
针对多类型多访问模式应用的需求,在GDSF算法的基础上,引入平均访问间隔和最近访问间隔两个特性以增强算法的适应性;建立缓存结构模型,通过双关键字索引机制,快速索引缓存对象,降低系统开销;对超过一定大小的文件采取后缀预取策略以增加缓存中数据对象的个数.在课题应用背景下,与传统算法的对比实验表明,该方法能够减少缓存的平均请求等待时间,提高对象命中率和字节命中率,增强了缓存替换算法对多类型多请求模式应用的适应性.  相似文献   

局部敏感哈希LSH算法是有效的高维数据索引方法,如何生成哈希函数是算法的关键部分。LSH算法的哈希函数是基于p-稳态分布随机生成的,为了提高算法性能就需要增加哈希表的数量,但这会增加算法的空间复杂度。改进后的LSH算法(I-LSH)在生成哈希函数时不需要有标记的训练样本,而是仅仅利用数据点的分布信息构造投影方向。实验结果表明,在不显著降低检索性能的情况下,ILSH有效地降低了内存的使用量,适合处理大规模数据。  相似文献   

高岚  赵雨晨  张伟功  王晶  钱德沛 《软件学报》2024,35(2):1028-1047
并行计算已成为主流趋势. 在并行计算系统中, 同步是关键设计之一, 对硬件性能的充分利用至关重要. 近年来, GPU (graphic processing unit, 图形处理器)作为应用最为广加速器得到了快速发展, 众多应用也对GPU线程同步提出更高要求. 然而, 现有GPU系统却难以高效地支持真实应用中复杂的线程同步. 研究者虽然提出了很多支持GPU线程同步的方法并取得了较大进展, 但GPU独特的体系结构及并行模式导致GPU线程同步的研究仍然面临很多挑战. 根据不同的线程同步目的和粒度对GPU并行编程中的线程同步进行分类. 在此基础上, 围绕GPU线程同步的表达和执行, 首先分析总结GPU线程同步存在的难以高效表达、错误频发、执行效率低的关键问题及挑战; 而后依据不同的GPU线程同步粒度, 从线程同步表达方法和性能优化方法两个方面入手, 介绍近年来学术界和产业界对GPU线程竞争同步及合作同步的研究, 对现有研究方法进行分析与总结. 最后, 指出GPU线程同步未来的研究趋势和发展前景, 并给出可能的研究思路, 从而为该领域的研究人员提供参考.  相似文献   

伍世刚  钟诚 《计算机应用》2014,34(7):1857-1861
依据各级缓存容量,将CPU主存中种群个体和蚂蚁个体数据划分存储到一级、二级和三级缓存中,以减少并行计算过程中数据在各级存储之间的传输开销,在CPU与GPU之间采取异步传送和不完全传送数据、GPU多个内核函数异步执行多个流的方法,设置GPU block线程数量为16的倍数、GPU共享存储器划分大小为32倍的bank,使用GPU常量存储器存储交叉概率、变异概率等需频繁访问的只读参数,将输入串矩阵和重叠部分长度矩阵只读大数据结构绑定到GPU纹理存储器,设计实现了一种多核CPU和GPU协同求解最短公共超串问题的计算、存储和通信高效的并行算法。求解多种规模的最短公共超串问题的实验结果表明,多核CPU与GPU协同并行算法比串行算法快70倍以上。  相似文献   

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