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The effects of temperature on the A-B transition of DNA in fibers are determined by fiber X-ray diffraction and measurement of variations of the fiber length with the relative humidity (r.h.). It is observed that the transition from the A to the B helical form occurs at higher r.h. when the temperature is raised. At 7 degrees C, this transition is complete for a r.h. of 88% while the A form remains stable at that same r.h. and is even maintained for r.h. values up to 92% when the temperature is 37 degrees C. The interpretation of the present experimental results is given in terms of hydration effects in which the entropic contribution of the solvent molecules is dominant.  相似文献   

For cosmetic reasons, hand prostheses are provided with cosmetic gloves. Their pleasing appearance, however, is accompanied by poor mechanical behavior, resulting in a negative influence on prosthesis operation. Glove stiffness is high and nonlinear, and internal friction in the glove material causes energy dissipation (hysteresis). In this article, two methods for reducing hysteresis in cosmetic gloves are proposed, that may be applied independently or in combination. Glove modification. Altering the mechanical properties of the glove itself is the first method that is presented. It was found possible to reduce both stiffness and hysteresis about 50% by forming grooves into the inside of the glove. Together with the evaluation of this method, several properties of the cosmetic glove were determined. Motion optimization. Additionally, a second method for reducing hysteresis was developed. The amount of hysteresis is influenced by the way the glove is forced to deform. The prosthesis mechanism, determining this deformation, was designed for minimum hysteresis and maximum cosmesis. For the prosthesis-glove combination used in this study, thumb motion optimization reduced hysteresis by about 65%.  相似文献   

Clinical and epidemiological studies provide strong data for a relationship between prenatal ethanol exposure and the risk for abuse in adolescent and young adult humans. However, drug-acceptance results in response to fetal exposure have differed by study, age at evaluation, and experimental animal. In the present study, the authors tested whether voluntary ethanol intake was enhanced in both the infantile and adult rat (15 and 90 days of age, respectively), as a consequence of chronic fetal drug experience. Experimental rats were exposed in utero by administering ethanol to a pregnant dam in a liquid diet during gestational Days 6-20. Compared with those for isocaloric pair-fed and ad lib chow control animals, the results for experimental animals demonstrated that fetal exposure significantly increased infantile affinity for ethanol ingestion without affecting intake patterns of an alternative fluid (water). Heightened affinity for ethanol was absent in adulthood. Moreover, the results argue against malnutrition as a principal factor underlying the infantile phenomenon. These data add to a growing literature indicative of heightened early postnatal acceptance patterns resulting from maternal use or abuse of ethanol during pregnancy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

M2, an integral membrane protein of influenza A virus, was purified from either influenza A virus-infected CV-1 cells or from Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells infected with a recombinant-M2 baculovirus. The purified protein, when incorporated into phospholipid bilayer membranes, produced ion-permeable channels with the following characteristics: (1) The channels appeared in bursts during which unit conductances of diverse magnitudes (25-500 pS) were observed. (2) The most probable open state was usually the lowest unit conductance (25-90 pS). (3) The channels were selective for cations; tNa = 0.75 when 150 mM NaCl bathed both sides of the membrane. (4) Amantadine reduced the probablity of opening of the high conductance state and also the conductance of the most probable state. (5) Reducing pH increased the mean current through the open channel as well as the conductance of the most probable state. (6) The sequence of selectivity for group IA monovalent cations was Rb > K > Cs approximately Na > Li. The pH activation, amantadine block and ion selectivity of the M2 protein ion channel in bilayers are consistent with those observed on expression of the M2 protein in oocytes of Xenopus laevis as well as for those predicted for the proposed role of an ion channel in the uncoating process of influenza virus. The finding that the M2 protein has intrinsic ion channel activity supports the hypothesis that it has ion channel activity in the influenza virus particle.  相似文献   

The effects of acute ethanol exposure during the prenatal phase of Bergmann glia cell (Bgc) generation were evaluated in three postnatal days. Ethanol exposed rats showed Bgc with reduced soma size, decreased number and width of their fibers, and increased fiber length, when compared with control animals. These differences, however, were significant at postnatal day 12. Our results demonstrate that acute, prenatal exposure to ethanol during critical stages of brain development disrupts Bgc early postnatal development.  相似文献   

Development of gut IgA plasma cells was studied in early postnatal under- and overnutrition. Female mice were allowed to suckle in litters of 4, 9 or 20 pups to produce a state of obesity (litter of 4) or protein-energy malnutrition (litters of 20). Litters of nine were considered as control groups. Overfeeding during the suckling period did not change the development and the number of IgA plasma cells of the small intestine. By contrast, the weanling protein-energy malnourished mice had shorter intestines, reduced weight of gut mucosal, muscular and serosal layers and reduced length of villi. However, protein-energy malnutrition, when limited to the suckling period, had no marked effect on the development of IgA plasma cells. A diminished number of these cells was observed only when a more severe and prolonged state of malnutrition was induced.  相似文献   

In order to investigate how the selectively lesioned cholinergic system at the early postnatal age influences adult learning behavior, the effects of postnatal administration of ethylcholine mustard aziridinium ion (AF64A), a selective cholinergic neurotoxin, on the acquisition of 2 kinds of learning tasks were examined. Rat pups received an intraventricular injection of AF64A (1.0 or 2.0 nmol) or saline on postnatal day 8, and in adulthood (at 3 months of age), they were tested with the acquisition of passive avoidance response (PAR) and 8-arm radial maze learning. In PAR testing, a significant impairment was observed in male AF64A-treated rats. In addition, in the radial maze task, AF64A-treated rats needed significantly more trials to acquire the task as compared with saline-treated animals. Histological examination after behavioral testings revealed a marked reduction of acetylcholinesterase-stained fibers in the hippocampus and dentate gyrus of the AF64A-treated groups, while there were no detectable changes in the striatum or cerebral cortex. The results suggest that early postnatal AF64A administration induced learning deficits in adulthood which were associated with long-lasting cholinergic denervation in hippocampal formation.  相似文献   

In the experiments on the developing albino rats it was investigated the influence of the lesion of dorsolateral funiculus of the spinal cord on the age-related inhibition of the spontaneous periodic motor activity and late long-lasting discharges evoked by stimulation of n. tibialis controlateralis and recorded in m. gastrocnemius. The relative hyperactivity and increased duration of long-lasting discharges after the end of the second week was observed independently of the age of operated animal (3, 5, 10, 12 days after birth).  相似文献   

The early development of the inner ear is largely determined by two members of the neurotrophic family: brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin 3 (NT-3). Little information is available on the role of these neurotrophins during the late stages of vestibular development in the rat which take place during the first postnatal weeks. At this period where terminal synaptogenesis and maturation occur, we have investigated the expression and the activity of BDNF, the most important neurotrophin in the vestibular system. Using different experimental approaches, we show that BDNF is released by vestibular epithelia on postnatal day 3 (P3) and continues to have a trophic effect on vestibular neurones in vitro. Immunocytochemistry coupled to confocal microscopy revealed a remarkable evolution in BDNF localization during later stages of development. Whereas BDNF is present in both supporting cells and hair cells at P3, its distribution gradually changed and is highly compartmentalized within the upper part of supporting cells at P8 and P15. In parallel, we observed the presence of a truncated form of the BDNF receptor in sensory hair cells. These results suggest an original role for supporting cells, which could be involved in the release of BDNF during the late stages of synaptogenesis in mammalian vestibular epithelia. In particular, BDNF could participate to the set up of the calyx, a specific nerve structure surrounding type I vestibular hair cells.  相似文献   

The development of acinar and ductal cells of the mouse submandibular gland was studied using field emission SEM, conventional TEM and HVTEM methods. The specimens, at 15 and 18 days of gestation and 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, 30, 90 and 180 postnatal days were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde solution in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.3). At 15 and 18 days of gestation, the structure of mouse submandibular gland contains acinar and ductal cells in proliferation. The cytoplasmic organelles such as mitochondria, granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatuses are scattered in the cytoplasm. At 18 prenatal days only several acinar cells present immature secretory granules in the apical portion. In this stage the acinar and ductal cells are enveloped by bundles of fine collagen fibrils disposed in several directions. There are also numerous capillaries located closely to the acinar cell membranes. In the aging stages of 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 30 postnatal days, the histo-differentiation of acinar, intercalated and ductal cell components are observed. At newborn day one the cytoplasmic organelles start to place themselves around the nucleus. Several immature secretory granules are observed at day one, however, they increase in the aging days. At postnatal day 30, the cytoplasms of acinar and ductal cells are filled with a large number of secretory granules of different sizes. The stacks of granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus and some vesicles and free ribosomes are noted. The intercellular membranes are attached by desmosomes and cytoplasmic interdigitations. The luminal surface shows several small projections of microvilli. An electron-dense line of basement membranes followed by fine collagen fibrils are recognized. Delicate capillaries are found in the outer surface of acinar cells. At postnatal day 90 and 180 the acinar, intercalated and striated ductal cells reveal numerous secretory granules in the apical portion. The acinar cells showed basal nuclei and the parallel arrangement of granular endoplasmic reticulum. The mitochondria are located at the base of ductal cells showing a typical pattern of cristae. In these stages the intercellular digitations of cytoplasmic protrusions and desmosomes are also noted. The cytoplasm of myoepithelial cells are seen along the cell membranes. The spongy-like structures constituting the basement membrane are followed by bundles of fine collagen fibers.  相似文献   

2115 cases of chest neoplasms were registered during the first six months of 1995 in Pulmonary Outpatient Departments in Poland. In 865 (40.8%) patients squamous cell cancer was diagnosed, in 344 (16.2%)--small cell lung cancer, in 174 (8.2%)--adenocarcinoma, in 107 (5%) other types of lung cancer and in 5.6% of cases--lung cancer with undefined histology. Predominated subjects aged from 60 to 69 years (43.5%). Lung cancer under 50 years of age was observed significantly more often among women (25.8%) than among men (13.5%). Moreover adenocarcinoma was much more frequent among women than men and significantly more cases of lung cancer were recorded in nonsmoking women. Diagnosis was established during the first 4 weeks in 38.9% of patients but 23.6% of patients have waited for it more than 39 weeks. Surgical treatment was advised in 16.9% of subjects, radiotherapy in 14.3% and 26.4% of patients underwent chemotherapy. Treatment analysis was presented according histological type of lung cancer. Occupation, performance status, clinical stage of the disease, prevalence of cancer in patients families were also analysed.  相似文献   

Bubble formation in the inferior vena cavae (IVC) of dead rats was investigated after 6-15-h exposures to air at 123 atm abs (12.5 MPa) and decompression to 1 atm abs at 13.6 atm/min (1.4 MPa/min). The maximum estimated air-supersaturation attained in the IVCs after decompression was 6.1-18.3 atm (0.6-1.8 MPa). Bubbles were detected by light microscopy, buoyancy, and underwater dissection. No bubbles formed in 42 blood-filled IVCs that were isolated from the circulation by ligatures, but bubbles were always observed in unisolated IVCs (P < 0.000005). Other isolated IVCs were filled with tap water, water and bubbles, or water and iron filings. Bubbles formed in 13% of the IVCs filled with tap water, in 16% of the IVCs containing water with preexisting bubbles, and in 80% of the IVCs containing water with iron filings. Results indicate that at the air supersaturations attained in the isolated IVCs a) blood is resistant to de novo bubble formation; b) preexisting bubbles are dissolved by compression; c) bubbles in water originate from preexisting gas nuclei; and d) iron filings harbor gas nuclei that are able to survive 122 atm (12.4 MPa) overpressures and form bubbles on subsequent decompression.  相似文献   

Rats were trained in six sessions to locate a submerged platform in a circular water-maze. They were exposed to a 1 mT, 60 Hz magnetic field for one hour in a Helmholtz coil system immediately before each training session. In addition, one hour after the last training session, they were tested in a probe trial during which the platform was removed and the time spent in the quadrant of the maze in which the platform was located during the training sessions was scored. Control animals were sham-exposed using the exposure system operating with the coils activated in an anti-parallel direction to cancel the fields. A group of "non-exposed" control animals was also included in the study. There was no significant difference between the magnetic field-exposed and control animals in learning to locate the platform. However, swim speed of the magnetic field-exposed rats was significantly slower than that of the controls. During the probe trial, magnetic field-exposed animals spent significantly less time in the quadrant that contained the platform, and their swim patterns were different from those of the controls. These results indicate that magnetic field exposure causes a deficit in spatial "reference" memory in the rat. Rats subjected to magnetic field exposure probably used a different behavioral strategy in learning the maze.  相似文献   

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