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The AI methodology of qualitative reasoning furnishes useful tools to scientists and engineers who need to deal with incomplete system knowledge during design, analysis, or diagnosis tasks. Qualitative simulators have a theoretical soundness guarantee; they cannot overlook any concrete equation implied by their input. On the other hand, the basic qualitative simulation algorithms have been shown to suffer from the incompleteness problem; they may allow non-solutions of the input equation to appear in their output. The question of whether a simulator with purely qualitative input which never predicts spurious behaviors can ever be achieved by adding new filters to the existing algorithm has remained unanswered. In this paper, we show that, if such a sound and complete simulator exists, it will have to be able to handle numerical distinctions with such a high precision that it must contain a component that would better be called a quantitative, rather than qualitative reasoner. This is due to the ability of the pure qualitative format to allow the exact representation of the members of a rich set of numbers.  相似文献   

A general method of conflictless arbitrary permutation of large data elements that can be divided into a multitude of smaller data blocks was considered for switches structured as the Cayley graphs. The method was specified for arbitrary permutations in the generalized hypercubes and multidimensional grids, and their characteristics were considered.  相似文献   

The derivative based approach to solve the optimal toll problem is demonstrated in this paper for a medium scale network. It is shown that although the method works for most small problems with only a few links tolled, it fails to converge for larger scale problems. This failure led to the development of an alternative genetic algorithm (GA) based approach for finding optimal toll levels for a given set of chargeable links. A variation on the GA based approach is used to identify the best toll locations making use of location indices suggested by Verhoef (2002).  相似文献   

We present a deep X-ray mask with integrated bent-beam electrothermal actuator for the fabrication of 3D microstructures with curved surface. The mask absorber is electroplated on the shuttle mass, which is supported by a pair of 20-m-thick single crystal silicon bent-beam electrothermal actuators and oscillated in a rectilinear direction due to the thermal expansion of the bent-beams. The width of each bent-beam is 10 m or 20 m and the length and bending angle are 1 mm and 0.1 rad, respectively, and the shuttle mass size is 1 mm × 1 mm. For 10-m-wide bent-beams, the shuttle mass displacement is around 15 m at 180 mW (3.6 V) dc input power. For 20-m-wide bent-beams, the shuttle mass displacement is around 19 m at 336 mW (4.2 V) dc input power. Sinusoidal cross-sectional PMMA microstructures with a pitch of 40 m and a height of 20 m are fabricated by 0.5 Hz, 20-m-amplitude sinusoidal shuttle mass oscillation.This research, under the contract project code MS-02-338-01, has been supported by the Intelligent Microsystem Center, which carries out one of the 21st centurys Frontier R & D Projects sponsored by the Korea Ministry of Science & Technology. Experiments at PLS were supported in part by MOST and POSCO.  相似文献   

Linear logic, introduced by J.-Y. Girard, is a refinement of classical logic providing means for controlling the allocation of resources. It has aroused considerable interest from both proof theorists and computer scientists. In this paper we investigate methods for automated theorem proving in propositional linear logic. Both the bottom-up (tableaux) and top-down (resolution) proof strategies are analyzed. Various modifications of sequent rules and efficient search strategies are presented along with the experiments performed with the implemented theorem provers.  相似文献   

The “explicit-implicit” distinction   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Much of traditional AI exemplifies the explicit representation paradigm, and during the late 1980's a heated debate arose between the classical and connectionist camps as to whether beliefs and rules receive an explicit or implicit representation in human cognition. In a recent paper, Kirsh (1990) questions the coherence of the fundamental distinction underlying this debate. He argues that our basic intuitions concerning explicit and implicit representations are not only confused but inconsistent. Ultimately, Kirsh proposes a new formulation of the distinction, based upon the criterion ofconstant time processing.The present paper examines Kirsh's claims. It is argued that Kirsh fails to demonstrate that our usage of explicit and implicit is seriously confused or inconsistent. Furthermore, it is argued that Kirsh's new formulation of the explicit-implicit distinction is excessively stringent, in that it banishes virtually all sentences of natural language from the realm of explicit representation. By contrast, the present paper proposes definitions for explicit and implicit which preserve most of our strong intuitions concerning straightforward uses of these terms. It is also argued that the distinction delineated here sustains the meaningfulness of the abovementioned debate between classicists and connectionists.  相似文献   

Summary This paper deals with the statistical efficiency of estimation methods for passage times in closed, multiclass networks of queues with priorities. Informally, a passage time is the time for a job to traverse a portion of the network. Such quantities are important in computer and communication system models, and in this context, quantities other than mean values are of interest. We consider here the efficiencies of the marked job method for passage time simulation (based on the tracking of a distinguished job) and the decomposition method in which observed passage times for all of the jobs enter in the construction of point and interval estimates. We show that the decomposition method is superior in that, for simulations of equal length, it produces tighter confidence intervals. We also calculate theoretical values for variance constants entering into central limit theorems used to obtain confidence intervals for mean passage times. These results provide a means of quantifying the relative efficiency of the decomposition method.  相似文献   

Summary We propose and compare two induction principles called always and sometime for proving inevitability properties of programs. They are respective formalizations and generalizations of Floyd invariant assertions and Burstall intermittent assertions methods for proving total correctness of sequential programs whose methodological advantages or disadvantages have been discussed in a number of previous papers. Both principles are formalized in the abstract setting of arbitrary nondeterministic transition systems and illustrated by appropriate examples. The sometime method is interpreted as a recursive application of the always method. Hence always can be considered as a special case of sometime. These proof methods are strongly equivalent in the sense that a proof by one induction principle can be rewritten into a proof by the other one. The first two theorems of the paper show that an invariant for the always method can be translated into an invariant for the sometime method even if every recursive application of the later is required to be of finite length. The third and main theorem of the paper shows how to translate an invariant for the sometime method into an invariant for the always method. It is emphasized that this translation technique follows the idea of transforming recursive programs into iterative ones. Of course, a general translation technique does not imply that the original sometime invariant and the resulting always invariant are equally understandable. This is illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

Previous studies of A* tree-searching have modeled heuristics as random variables. The average number of nodes expanded is expressed asymptotically in terms of distance to goal. The conclusion reached is that A* complexity is an exponential function of heuristic error: Polynomial error implies exponential complexity and logarithmic accuracy is required for polynomial complexity.This paper eliminates simplifying assumptions of earlier studies. Error is replaced by a concept called discrepancy, a measure of the relative attractiveness to A* of a node for expansion when that node is compared with competing nodes on the solution path. According to our model, in order to have polynomial A* complexity, it is not necessary to have the logarithmic accuracy described in previous studies. Another way is for a heuristic's values to vary, or cluster, near a central function which grows at least as fast as distance to goal. Generally, logarithmic variation or less is adequate. For one class of heuristics considered, the faster this central function grows, the more is variation from it tolerated.This research has been funded by NCR Corporation.This research has been partially funded by a grant from NCR Corporation.  相似文献   

An important motivation for the object-oriented paradigm is to improve the changeability of the software, thereby reducing lifetime development costs. This paper describes the results of controlled experiments assessing the changeability of a given responsibility-driven (RD) design versus an alternative control-oriented mainframe (MF) design. According to Coad and Yourdon's OO design quality principles, the RD design represents a good design. The MF design represents a bad design. To investigate which of the designs have better changeability, we conducted two controlled experiments--a pilot experiment and a main experiment. In both experiments, the subjects were divided in two groups in which the individuals designed, coded and tested several identical changes on one of the two design alternatives.The results clearly indicate that the good RD design requires significantly more change effort for the given set of changes than the alternative bad MF design. This difference in change effort is primarily due to the difference in effort required to understand how to solve the change tasks. Consequently, reducing class-level coupling and increasing class cohesion may actually increase the cognitive complexity of a design. With regards to correctness and learning curve, we found no significant differences between the twodesigns. However, we found that structural attributes change less for the RD design than for the MF design. Thus, the RD design may be less prone to structural deterioration. A challenging issue raised in this paper is therefore the tradeoff between change effort and structural stability.  相似文献   

Horst  Steven 《Minds and Machines》1999,9(3):347-381
Over the past several decades, the philosophical community has witnessed the emergence of an important new paradigm for understanding the mind.1 The paradigm is that of machine computation, and its influence has been felt not only in philosophy, but also in all of the empirical disciplines devoted to the study of cognition. Of the several strategies for applying the resources provided by computer and cognitive science to the philosophy of mind, the one that has gained the most attention from philosophers has been the Computational Theory of Mind (CTM). CTM was first articulated by Hilary Putnam (1960, 1961), but finds perhaps its most consistent and enduring advocate in Jerry Fodor (1975, 1980, 1981, 1987, 1990, 1994). It is this theory, and not any broader interpretations of what it would be for the mind to be a computer, that I wish to address in this paper. What I shall argue here is that the notion of symbolic representation employed by CTM is fundamentally unsuited to providing an explanation of the intentionality of mental states (a major goal of CTM), and that this result undercuts a second major goal of CTM, sometimes refered to as the vindication of intentional psychology. This line of argument is related to the discussions of derived intentionality by Searle (1980, 1983, 1984) and Sayre (1986, 1987). But whereas those discussions seem to be concerned with the causal dependence of familiar sorts of symbolic representation upon meaning-bestowing acts, my claim is rather that there is not one but several notions of meaning to be had, and that the notions that are applicable to symbols are conceptually dependent upon the notion that is applicable to mental states in the fashion that Aristotle refered to as paronymy. That is, an analysis of the notions of meaning applicable to symbols reveals that they contain presuppositions about meaningful mental states, much as Aristotle's analysis of the sense of healthy that is applied to foods reveals that it means conducive to having a healthy body, and hence any attempt to explain mental semantics in terms of the semantics of symbols is doomed to circularity and regress. I shall argue, however, that this does not have the consequence that computationalism is bankrupt as a paradigm for cognitive science, as it is possible to reconstruct CTM in a fashion that avoids these difficulties and makes it a viable research framework for psychology, albeit at the cost of losing its claims to explain intentionality and to vindicate intentional psychology. I have argued elsewhere (Horst, 1996) that local special sciences such as psychology do not require vindication in the form of demonstrating their reducibility to more fundamental theories, and hence failure to make good on these philosophical promises need not compromise the broad range of work in empirical cognitive science motivated by the computer paradigm in ways that do not depend on these problematic treatments of symbols.  相似文献   

Personalization and adaptation techniques are an interesting opportunity to design new services on-board vehicles. In this context, in fact, the need of an individual user to receive the right service at the right time and in the right way is more critical than in other cases, where personalization and adaptation already showed interesting advantages. At the same time, this context of application can provide new interesting insights for user modeling and adaptation. In the paper we present an architecture for providing personalized services on-board vehicles and we discuss an application to the case of tourist information. We focus on the choices we made to design an on-board system which was as less intrusive and distracting as possible and that could adapt its recommendations, the way it presents them and its own behavior to the user's preferences/interests and to the context of interaction (especially the driving conditions).  相似文献   

On the Axioms of Scale Space Theory   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We consider alternative scale space representations beyond the well-established Gaussian case that satisfy all reasonable axioms. One of these turns out to be subject to a first order pseudo partial differential equation equivalent to the Laplace equation on the upper half plane {(x, s) d × | s > 0}. We investigate this so-called Poisson scale space and show that it is indeed a viable alternative to Gaussian scale space. Poisson and Gaussian scale space are related via a one-parameter class of operationally well-defined intermediate representations generated by a fractional power of (minus) the spatial Laplace operator.  相似文献   

Harnad's proposed robotic upgrade of Turing's Test (TT), from a test of linguistic capacity alone to a Total Turing Test (TTT) of linguisticand sensorimotor capacity, conflicts with his claim that no behavioral test provides even probable warrant for attributions of thought because there is no evidence of consciousness besides private experience. Intuitive, scientific, and philosophical considerations Harnad offers in favor of his proposed upgrade are unconvincing. I agree with Harnad that distinguishing real from as if thought on the basis of (presence or lack of) consciousness (thus rejecting Turing (behavioral) testing as sufficient warrant for mental attribution)has the skeptical consequence Harnad accepts — there is in factno evidence for me that anyone else but me has a mind. I disagree with hisacceptance of it! It would be better to give up the neo-Cartesian faith in private conscious experience underlying Harnad's allegiance to Searle's controversial Chinese Room Experiment than give up all claim to know others think. It would be better to allow that (passing) Turing's Test evidences — evenstrongly evidences — thought.  相似文献   

Summary A framework is proposed for the structured specification and verification of database dynamics. In this framework, the conceptual model of a database is a many sorted first order linear tense theory whose proper axioms specify the update and the triggering behaviour of the database. The use of conceptual modelling approaches for structuring such a theory is analysed. Semantic primitives based on the notions of event and process are adopted for modelling the dynamic aspects. Events are used to model both atomic database operations and communication actions (input/output). Nonatomic operations to be performed on the database (transactions) are modelled by processes in terms of trigger/reaction patterns of behaviour. The correctness of the specification is verified by proving that the desired requirements on the evolution of the database are theorems of the conceptual model. Besides the traditional data integrity constraints, requirements of the form Under condition W, it is guaranteed that the database operation Z will be successfully performed are also considered. Such liveness requirements have been ignored in the database literature, although they are essential to a complete definition of the database dynamics.


Classical Logic Symbols (Appendix 1) for all (universal quantifier) - exists at least once (existential quantifier) - ¬ no (negation) - implies (implication) - is equivalent to (equivalence) - and (conjunction) - or (disjunction) Tense Logic Symbols (Appendix 1) G always in the future - G 0 always in the future and now - F sometime in the future - F 0 sometime in the future or now - H always in the past - H 0 always in the past and now - P sometime in the past - P 0 sometime in the past or now - X in the next moment - Y in the previous moment - L always - M sometime Event Specification Symbols (Sects. 3 and 4.1) (x) means immediately after the occurrence of x - (x) means immediately before the occurrence of x - (x) means x is enabled, i.e., x may occur next - { } ({w 1} x{w 2}) states that if w 1 holds before the occurrence of x, then w 2 will hold after the occurrence of x (change rule) - [ ] ([oa1, ..., oan]x) states that only the object attributes oa1, ..., oa n are modifiable by x (scope rule) - {{ }} ({{w}}x) states that if x may occur next, then w holds (enabling rule) Process Specification Symbols (Sects. 5.3 and 5.4) :: for causal rules - for behavioural rules Transition-Pattern Composition Symbols (Sects. 5.2 and 5.3) ; sequential composition - ¦ choice composition - parallel composition - :| guarded alternative composition Location Predicates (Sect. 5.2) (z) means immediately after the occurrence of the last event of z (after) - (z) means immediately before the occurrence of the first event of z (before) - (z) means after the beginning of z and before the end of z (during) - ( z) means before the occurrence of an event of z (at)  相似文献   

Adaptive control is considered for a two-dimensional linear discrete-time plant with randomly drifting parameters. The certainty equivalent minimum variance control law along with the projection-like identification algorithm are used. The stability of the parameter estimates and exponential stability of the closed-loop system are proved in the absence of any persistent excitation assumption.  相似文献   

In this paper, we define what we call a unitary immersion of a nonlinear system. We observe that, for classical Hamiltonian systems, this notion contains, in some sense, the concept of quantization. We restrict our attention to degree-zero unitary immersions, where all observation functions must be represented by operators of the type multiplication by a function. We show that the problem of classifying such degree-zero unitary immersions of a given nonlinear system is not obvious. In some cases, we solve this problem.Chargé de Recherche au CNRS.Maître de Conférences.  相似文献   

Changes and interrelations among computer usage, computer attitude, and skill transfer of elderly Japanese computer users were investigated over a one-year period. Each participant, aged 60 to 76 years, was provided with one touchscreen-based computer specialized for e-mail handling for 12 months. Participants usage of the computer, mouse and/or keyboard, and computer attitudes were investigated. The results showed that the Liking factor of the computer attitude scale was a possible predictor of computer usage. The results suggested the existence of four different types of users adaptation to computers, according to a combination of the Liking and Confidence dimensions of computer attitude.  相似文献   

If there is to be a new, substantive area of teaching and research that combines competence in specific areas of the humanities with computer science understandings and skills, such teaching and research needs to be led by persons who themselves are competent in both the humanities and in computer science, rather than by a team of persons who represent a division of labors along the lines of idea persons and technical persons. The new kind of teaching and research that might result is pointed to by describing a connectionist, neural network approach to the study of metaphor.Christian Koch is associate professor of computer science at Oberlin College with teaching and research interests in the area of the interrelationship of computing and the liberal arts (from physics to philosophy).  相似文献   

An experiment was performed to test a distinct-window conferencing screen design as an electronic cue of social status differences in computer-mediated group decision-making. The screen design included one distinct window to symbolize high-status, and two nondistinct windows to symbolize low-status. The results indicated that the distinct-window screen design did produce status affects in groups of peers making decisions on judgmental problems. Randomly assigned occupants of the distinct window had greater influence on group decisions and member's attitudes than occupants of nondistinct windows.The authors would like to thank Shyam Kamadolli and Phaderm Nangsue, the programmers who developed the software used in this experiment. We would also like to thank the editor and our three anonymous reviewers for exceedingly helpful comments on an earlier draft of this article.  相似文献   

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