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B.I.O. Ade-Omowaye N.K. Rastogi A. Angersbach D. Knorr 《Journal of food science》2002,67(5):1790-1796
ABSTRACT: Osmotic dehydration of red paprika was studied using a combined sucrose (5 to 45 g/100 g) and sodium chloride (0 to 15 g/100g) solution. The effective diffusion coefficients for water and solute were determined using the slope method based on the Fickian diffusion model. The effects of concentration of sucrose, sodium chloride and their complex interaction on water and solute diffusion coefficients as well as on equilibrium moisture and solid contents were studied using central composite rotatable design of experiments. The graphical optimization showed that at optimum conditions (sucrose concentration and sodium chloride concentration were 21.86 g/100 g and 2.02 g/100 g, respectively), the following criteria were achieved: water diffusion coefficient (Dew ) 0.80 × 10−9 m2 /s, solid diffusion coefficient (Des 0.82 × 10−9 m2 /s, equilibrium moisture content (m∞) 6.85 kg/kg, and equilibrium solid content (s∞) 2.00 kg/kg. 相似文献
The water status, texture properties, sugars, and total carotenoid of dehydrated yellow peach slices pretreated with or without osmotic dehydration (OD) combined with heat pump drying were studied. In this study, different osmotic agents were used, namely, sucrose and isomaltooligosaccharide (IMO) with 30 °Brix for 1, 3, and 5 h. Results showed that the dehydrated samples pretreated by sucrose-OD with the best shape and cell structure showed lower hardness compared to the dehydrated yellow peach slices with IMO-OD pretreatment and without OD pretreatment. Notably, the highest total carotenoid content was found in dehydrated yellow peach slices pretreated by IMO-OD, followed by samples without OD, and samples with sucrose-OD pretreatment. In addition, the lowest aW (0.517) was obtained in samples with IMO-OD for 5 h, which was beneficial for storage. The assessment of water status and total carotenoid content of dehydrated yellow peach slices showed that IMO-OD pretreatment could better improve the quality of dehydrated fruits. Moreover, the use of IMO in OD treatment was a good alternative to sucrose. 相似文献
Charles Tortoe John Orchard Anthony Beezer 《Journal of the science of food and agriculture》2007,87(7):1284-1291
Osmotic dehydration studies on two cellulosic plant materials—Golden Delicious and Cox apple—and two starchy plant materials—banana and potato—showed that the amount and rate of water loss occurred in the following descending order: Golden Delicious > Cox > potato > banana. Temperature, concentration and immersion time of samples in the osmotic solution played a significant effect on amount and rate of water loss in all commodities in a descending order as follows: 55 > 40 > 32.2 °C; 0.70 > 0.60 > 0.50 > 0.40 g kg?1; and 30 > 60 > 90 > 120 min, respectively. A corresponding uptake of solids from the osmotic solution occurred, the rate been greatest over the first 30 min, before declining significantly thereafter. The diffusion coefficients for water loss (Deff, w) measured by the method of slopes on the water loss rate curves conducted at 32.2, 40 and 55 °C for 0.40, 0.50, 0.60 and 0.70 g kg?1 sucrose concentration solutions were higher for cellulosic plant materials than starchy plant materials. Significant variations occurred in efficiency index (WL/SG) between cellulosic and starchy plant materials. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
Anabel Rodriguez Mario Soteras Laura Campañone 《International Journal of Food Science & Technology》2021,56(12):6474-6483
The objective of the present work was to evaluate the combined effect of the application of edible coatings (sodium alginate and low methoxyl pectin) and different osmotic dehydration conditions (sucrose solution: 40 and 60 °Brix, temperatures: 20 and 40°C and times: 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 h) on pear cubes (water loss, solid gain, performance ratio, the total colour differences, mechanical properties, phenolic content and sensory analysis). The results indicated that samples coated with low methoxyl pectin and treated under 60 °Brix for 16 h at both temperatures (20 and 40°C) presented the best process performance. Statistical analysis showed that the application of the coatings resulted in greater firmness and stiffness of the pear cubes at the end of osmotic dehydration. Besides, alginate coating best preserved the phenolic content (31.4%) than uncoated (26.04%) and pectin-coated (20.77%) ones. However, total colour differences were not improved with the use of edible coatings (alginate or pectin). In terms of quality, the samples coated with both hydrogels had good overall acceptability by the evaluators and good mechanical properties. However, further studies are required to decrease the difference in colour and leaching of bioactive compounds in pear cubes due to the osmotic dehydration treatment. 相似文献
海鳗盐渍过程中的渗透脱水规律研究 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9
研究了海鳗在盐渍过程中的渗透脱水规律。海鳗经盐渍发生了物理、化学和组织的变化。温度对鱼体盐渍的重量变化影响不是决定性的,食盐浓度是影响鱼体重量变化的关键因素;温度和浓度对于食盐渗透速度的影响是显著的,并且为正相关。电镜显示经过盐渍后的肌肉组织结构变硬和嚼密。在盐卤中氨基酸随着盐渍温度的提高溶出的数量增加。随着盐渍浓度的提高,盐卤中的氨基酸溶出的数量减少。而鱼体肌肉蛋白质的分解,盐渍浓度对其有较大影响。这些研究对于海鳗的腌制生产具有实际指导意义。 相似文献
Patrícia Moreira Azoubel & Francinaide Oliveira da Silva 《International Journal of Food Science & Technology》2008,43(7):1276-1280
Osmotic dehydration of mango in sucrose solution as influenced by temperature (30–50 °C), immersion time (60–150 min) and solution concentration (40–60% w/w) was studied through response surface methodology. Responses of water loss and solid gain were fitted to polynomials, with multiple correlation coefficients ranging from 0.72 to 0.95, respectively. The fitted functions were optimised for maximum water loss and minimised incorporation of solids in order to obtain a product resembling non-processed fruit. Optimum conditions to obtain water removal >25% with solid uptake lower than 6% could be obtained using a 44% (w/w) sucrose solution concentration, temperatures up to 38 °C and immersion times up to 80 min. 相似文献
Concentration profiles in apple tissue during osmotic dehydration were studied and compared with simultaneous structural changes. Experiments were conducted in apple slices (20 and 30 mm thick) at 20, 30, 40 and 50°C. After treatments, water and solutes were analyzed in serial slices 1.5 mm thick. The occurrence of an “Advancing Disturbance Front,” (ADF) was proposed to describe the mass transfer. The ADF is located at a distance df to the interface, where the reduced driving force (Y) was 0.99. At distances d>df (undisturbed zone) neither compositional nor structural changes were observed. Advancing constant rates for the ADF were determined, showing slight temperature dependence. A generalized equation Y=f(d/df) described and fitted all the experimental data. 相似文献
ABSTRACT Processing times required to achieve a target level of soluble solids were determined in apple pieces during sequential osmotic dehydrations carried out with reused sucrose syrup, in which new loads of fruits were charged in each turn. Effective diffusivities for water and sucrose in apple pieces were experimentally determined as a function of syrup soluble solids. A computer program was written to predict soluble solids change both in apple pieces and in syrup during the sequential osmotic dehydration process. Experimental data on the change of soluble solids for apples and syrup for 10 batches arranged in 2 sets of 5 were obtained. A good agreement between observed and predicted values of soluble solids in both fruit and the syrup was obtained, with root mean square values ranging from 1.3% to 4.6%. 相似文献
Manoj Mundada Bahadur Singh Swati Maske 《International Journal of Food Science & Technology》2010,45(8):1732-1738
For the optimisation of osmotic dehydration by response surface methodology, the experiments were conducted according to Central Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD) with three variables at five levels. The low and high levels of the variables were 40 and 50 °C for osmotic solution temperature, 45 and 55°Bx for sucrose solution concentration, 60 and 100 min for duration of dipping in osmotic solution, respectively. The fruit to solution ratio was kept 1:4 (w/w) during all the experiments. Before dipping the arils in sucrose solution, the freezing of the whole pomegranate at ?18 °C was carried out to increase the permeability of the outer cellular layer of the arils. The arils were further convectively dehydrated at 60 °C air temperature up to final moisture content of 10% (wb) to make it a shelf stable product. The optimum conditions for osmotic solution concentration, temperature and process duration were 55°Bx, 40 °C and 100 min, respectively. 相似文献
The water effective diffusion coefficient of sardine sheets during vacuum pulse osmotic dehydration was determined. Sardine sheets (20.1×15.0×6.4 mm3) were osmotic dehydrated at brine concentrations between 0.15 and 0.27 g NaCl/g, and temperatures between 32 and 38 °C. The water effective diffusion coefficient ranged approximately from 1.46×10−10 m2/s to 2.41×10−10 m2/s. In general, diffusion coefficient increased with increasing concentration and temperature. Dependence on temperature followed an Arrhenius relationship, regardless of concentration Diffusion coefficient at 0.18 g NaCl/g was found to be the most temperature sensitive (Ea=39.62 kJ/mol) while that at 0.15 g NaCl/g was the least temperature sensitive (Ea=23.67 kJ/mol). The water effective diffusion coefficient was empirically correlated with concentration and temperature of osmotic solution. A high degree of correlation was observed between predicted and experimental values of the water effective diffusion coefficient (R2=0.856). 相似文献
Arianne D. Viana Jefferson L.G. Corrêa Ariana Justus 《International Journal of Food Science & Technology》2014,49(3):726-732
Fodder palm, a great source of nutrients for human and animals, grows even in arid climates. Pulsed vacuum osmotic dehydration is an efficient process for obtaining semidehydrated food. It was used to slice cladodes of fodder palm. The independent variables used were temperature (30–50 °C), pulsed vacuum pressure (50–150 mbar) and NaCl concentration (5–15 g per 100 g solution). The response variables were water activity (aw), moisture content (X), colour parameters, water loss (WL), solid gain (SG) and weight reduction (WR). The pulsed vacuum osmotic dehydration process was optimised for minimum values of aw, X and SG, and maximum values of chroma. The experimental data obtained with the optimum condition (100 mbar; 10 gNaCl per 100 g solution, 44 °C) were near the estimated ones. For example, WL, aw and ?E, and their error were 8.15 g per 100 g, 11%; 0.985, 0.3% and 6.15, 15.2%, respectively. 相似文献
真空、脉冲真空和常压下蓝莓渗透脱水的研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
研究了真空渗透脱水、脉冲真空渗透脱水和常压渗透脱水下蓝莓水分含量和水分活度的变化规律,结果表明:真空渗透脱水时,蓝莓的水分含量和水分活度降低得最快。真空渗透脱水、脉冲真空渗透脱水、常压下渗透脱水蓝莓的有效水分扩散率分别为1.6777×10^-9、1.3629×10^-9、0.5679×10^-9m^2/s。真空渗透脱水、脉冲真空渗透脱水、常压下渗透脱水的有效固性物扩散率分别为9.1705×10^-10、6.3919×10^-10、5.1007×10^-10m^2/s。 相似文献
Sirirak Siramard Sanguansri Charoenrein 《International Journal of Food Science & Technology》2014,49(9):2136-2141
The effect of the ripening stage and infusion with calcium lactate and sucrose on the quality and microstructure of frozen mango was investigated. Partially ripe and ripe mangoes cubes were infused in 1% calcium lactate solution or a combination of 1% calcium lactate and 50% sucrose solution for 1 h before freezing at ?20 °C and stored for 14 days. After thawing, both the partially ripe and ripe mangoes treated with the combination of calcium lactate and sucrose exhibited the highest firmness value, sensory firmness score and lowest drip loss. Light microscope images also illustrated less damage to the cell wall of mango pretreated with calcium and sucrose. The calcium‐reinforced structure of the fruit and osmotic dehydration with sucrose reduced the freezable water content and consequently limited ice crystal damage. Furthermore, partially ripe mango was more suitable for freezing than ripe mango due to its stronger cell wall structure. 相似文献
The mass transfer kinetics during osmotic dehydration of pomegranate arils in osmotic solution of sucrose was studied to increase palatability and shelf life of arils. The freezing of the whole pomegranate at -18 °C was carried out prior to osmotic dehydration to increase the permeability of the outer cellular layer of the arils. The osmotic solution concentrations used were 40, 50, 60°Bx, osmotic solution temperatures were 35, 45, 55 °C. The fruit to solution ratio was kept 1:4 (w/w) during all the experiments and the process duration varied from 0 to 240 min. Azuara model and Peleg model were the best fitted as compared to other models for water loss and solute gain of pomegranate arils, respectively. Generalized Exponential Model had an excellent fit for water loss ratio and solute gain ratio of pomegranate arils. Effective moisture diffusivity of water as well as solute was estimated using the analytical solution of Fick's law of diffusion. For above conditions of osmotic dehydration, average effective diffusivity of water loss and solute gain varied from 2.718 × 10(-10) to 5.124 × 10(-10) m(2)/s and 1.471 × 10(-10) to 5.147 × 10(-10) m(2)/s, respectively. The final product was successfully utilized in some nutritional formulations such as ice cream and bakery products. 相似文献
蓝莓渗透脱水的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在不同的渗透温度 ( 4 5~ 65℃ )条件下 ,高果糖浆和蔗糖的有效水分扩散率 (Dm)分别为( 4 90 60~ 5 2 3 66)× 1 0 - 10 m2 /s和 ( 3 5 5 1 8~ 4 0 1 0 9)× 1 0 - 10 m2 /s,有效固形扩散率 (Ds)分别为( 2 7740~ 3 691 5 )× 1 0 - 10 m2 /s和 ( 1 3 1 63~ 2 691 5 )× 1 0 - 10 m2 /s的规律。在渗透脱水处理过程中Dm 和Ds 随处理温度升高而增加。经高果糖浆 ( 70°Brix)渗透脱水的蓝莓的平均体积比随温度升高而稍微下降。其相对密度随温度的升高也略有增加 相似文献
樱桃番茄渗透预处理热风干燥特性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了提高干制品的营养保留率和品质,进行了渗透预处理联合热风干燥的工艺路线的实验研究。以樱桃番茄为例,分别对不同浓度(50%,70%)蔗糖溶液常压渗透以及真空渗透处理后热风干燥的干燥时间、干燥速率、样品体积比、Vc保留率、硬度、颜色等参数分别进行测定和比较。结果表明:渗透预处理可以除去新鲜樱桃番茄中的大部分自由水,从而减少其热风干燥时间,使产品在高温中的暴露时间减少,从而缩短整体干制时间、提高干制效率及营养品质。经渗透预处理的樱桃番茄干制产品的体积比和Vc保留率要比直接热风干燥的产品增加,而硬度大大下降;其中经浓度为50蔗糖溶液真空渗透预处理后干燥产品的体积比、Vc保留率以及硬度是直接70℃热风干燥的1.72、2.26和0.12倍;而且产品的色泽更加接近新鲜原料,使产品的口感和感官品质更好。研究表明,渗透预处理联合热风干燥是1种很有发展前景的制干工艺。 相似文献
以葡萄糖溶液浓度(10%~40%)和温度(35~65℃)为影响因素,研究了莴笋渗透脱水的动力学过程。分别使用Azuara模型和Fick第二扩散定律计算出了平衡时刻的失水率、固形物增加率以及相应的水分和固形物有效扩散系数。设计了均匀实验,通过曲面拟合的方法得到了水分、固形物有效扩散系数与因素的回归方程。结果表明:失水率随着葡萄糖溶液浓度增加而增大,但随着温度的升高而降低;固形物增加率随着溶液浓度和温度的增加而增加。Azuara模型可用来预测失水率和固形物增加率,通过曲面拟合得到的有效扩散系数回归方程拟合性较高。有效扩散系数反映了失水率和固形物增加率达到平衡时刻的快慢程度。 相似文献
蘑菇渗透脱水规律的研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
对蘑菇片在糖溶液中的脱水规律进行初步的试验研究。通过多因素正交试验,得出影响蘑菇渗透脱水因素的主次顺序及因素间交互作用的关系;通过应用均匀试验,建立了蘑菇渗透脱水的回归数学模型,其理论值与实测值具有很好的一致性;利用回归模型,建立了不同条件下的渗透脱水规律预测表。 相似文献