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Students are often used in research as research subjects or to validate/pilot questionnaires. It is known that response rates to requests to participate in research projects vary as a function of a number of factors. This research brief examines the effect of the communication medium on response rate by comparing an oral request for participation with an email request. Email and oral communication, specifically public oral communication, are the two easiest and presumably most common approaches faculty members have to access students to request their participation in research. Results show that an impersonal email to a mailing list is the worst way researchers can approach students to request participation, with there being no difference between making the request by personalized email or orally.  相似文献   

面向复杂的决策问题,提出基于贝叶斯决策网在智能决策支持系统中的应用,通过决策网可以直接计算不同行动方案下的效用,直接为决策者服务。文章深入阐述了贝叶斯决策网的语义、语法、效用函数的构造和详细探讨了在求解复杂决策问题中决策模型构建和推理算法实现的方法和途径。最后建立了供应链管理中零售商预定冰激凌的实例,实际运行表明把基于贝叶斯决策网的智能决策系统用于复杂决策问题是有效的,尤其适用于多角色参与的决策问题。  相似文献   

Intelligent vehicle systems have introduced the need for designers to consider user preferences so as to make several kinds of driving features as driver friendly as possible. This requirement raises the problem of how to suitably analyse human performance so they can be implemented in automatic driving tasks. The framework of the present work is an adaptive cruise control with stop and go features for use in an urban setting. In such a context, one of the main requirements is to be able to tune the control strategy to the driver’s style. In order to do this, a number of different drivers were studied through the statistical analysis of their behaviour while driving. The aim of this analysis is to decide whether it is possible to determine a driver’s behaviour, what signals are suitable for this task and which parameters can be used to describe a driver’s style. An assignment procedure is then introduced in order to classify a driver’s behaviour within the stop and go task being considered. Finally, the findings were analysed subjectively and compared with a statistically objective one.  相似文献   

We provide a case study for the generation of pure hexahedral meshes for the numerical simulation of physiological stress scenarios of the human mandible. Du to its complex and very detailed free-form geometry, the mandible model is very demanding. This test case is used as a running example to demonstrate the applicability of a combinatorial approach for the generation of hexahedral meshes by means of successive dual cycle eliminations, which has been proposed by the second author in previous work. We report on the progress and recent advances of the cycle elimination scheme. The given input data, a surface triangulation obtained from computed tomography data, requires a substantial mesh reduction and a suitable conversion into a quadrilateral surface mesh as a first step, for which we use mesh clustering and b-matching techniques. Several strategies for improved cycle elimination orders are proposed. They lead to a significant reduction in the mesh size and a better structural quality. Based on the resulting combinatorial meshes, gradient-based optimized smoothing with the condition number of the Jacobian matrix as objective together with mesh untangling techniques yielded embeddings of a satisfactory quality. To test our hexahedral meshes for the mandible model within an FEM simulation we used the scenario of a bite on a ‘hard nut.’ Our simulation results are in good agreement with observations from biomechanical experiments.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a human centered design process for the marine industry to support naval architects and marine engineers in the integration of human element considerations in the design of ship systems. The proposed Human Centered Design methodology derives from codes and standards, including those for equipment certification. A case study, consisting of the design of a mooring winch and control station, is developed to illustrate the proposed approach. The referred case study is selected since a significant number of fatal accidents and severe injuries occur during mooring operations. Furthermore, the results of a human centered intervention on the identified deficiencies should be easily perceived by industry stakeholders, thereby increasing the stakeholder's willingness to integrate the human element in systems design. To this end, design deficiencies identified in the mooring workspace and control station of a containership are first presented. Afterwards, two control panel layouts are recommended following the proposed Human Centered Design approach. A preliminary assessment of the control panel layouts regarding their compliance with existing standards and guidelines is carried out. Additionally, this study indicates that mooring workspace and equipment design deficiencies are related to the limited deck space, which is primarily maximized for ship cargo.  相似文献   

寇鸿飞 《测控技术》2018,37(11):16-19
国际上通常采用模拟低温环境灭火瓶压力方法开展民机发动机舱灭火剂浓度测试,该方法由于未考虑到低温环境对灭火剂扩散影响,目前不被FAA建议使用,因此提出一种基于临界低温释放的测试方法。首先通过计算获取灭火瓶临界低温条件确定灭火瓶释放温度;然后建立以Statham高精度分析仪为核心测试设备,并通过理论计算结果和布置原则确定测试采样管安装位置;最后设计出适用于本试验的测试程序。测试结果表明,灭火瓶环境温度对灭火剂浓度有重要影响,通过所建立的测试流程和方法顺利获取临界低温条件下灭火剂浓度,所测12个测试采样点符合适航条款中浓度要求。  相似文献   

In this paper, we review recent applications of the Dempster-Shafer theory (DST) of belief functions to auditing and business decision-making. We show how DST can better map uncertainties in application domains than Bayesian theory of probabilities. We review the applications in auditing around three practical problems that challenge the effective application of DST, namely, hierarchical evidence, versatile evidence, and statistical evidence. We review the applications in other business decisions in two loose categories: judgment under ambiguity and business model combination. Finally, we show how the theory of linear belief functions, a new extension to DST, can provide an alternative solution to a wide range of business problems.  相似文献   

Does conventional human factors wisdom meet the needs of a state-of-the-art computer graphics display system? This case study suggests that human factors lags behind computer technology.  相似文献   

基于GIS的人居环境气候舒适度评价——以河南省为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王汶  鲁旭 《遥感信息》2009,(2):104-109
人居环境科学是一门以包括乡村、集镇、城市等在内的所有人类聚居形式为研究对象的科学,它的研究内容非常广泛,涉及政治、社会、文化、技术等各个方面。而在人居环境评价的各项指标中,气候因子是最为重要、最为基础的因子之一。通过对人居环境的定义及评价指标的分析,着重研究利用地理信息系统进行气候舒适度评价的方法,以便为人居环境的综合评价提供基础依据。  相似文献   

With the advent of autonomous vehicles society will need to confront a new set of risks which, for the first time, includes the ability of socially embedded forms of artificial intelligence to make complex risk mitigation decisions: decisions that will ultimately engender tangible life and death consequences. Since AI decisionality is inherently different to human decision-making processes, questions are therefore raised regarding how AI weighs decisions, how we are to mediate these decisions, and what such decisions mean in relation to others. Therefore, society, policy, and end-users, need to fully understand such differences. While AI decisions can be contextualised to specific meanings, significant challenges remain in terms of the technology of AI decisionality, the conceptualisation of AI decisions, and the extent to which various actors understand them. This is particularly acute in terms of analysing the benefits and risks of AI decisions. Due to the potential safety benefits, autonomous vehicles are often presented as significant risk mitigation technologies. There is also a need to understand the potential new risks which autonomous vehicle driving decisions may present. Such new risks are framed as decisional limitations in that artificial driving intelligence will lack certain decisional capacities. This is most evident in the inability to annotate and categorise the driving environment in terms of human values and moral understanding. In both cases there is a need to scrutinise how autonomous vehicle decisional capacity is conceptually framed and how this, in turn, impacts a wider grasp of the technology in terms of risks and benefits. This paper interrogates the significant shortcomings in the current framing of the debate, both in terms of safety discussions and in consideration of AI as a moral actor, and offers a number of ways forward.  相似文献   

首先介绍了MPLS网络的基本原理和转发等价类FEC的概念;随后分析二分树查找引擎的数学模型,并设计出一种切实可行的硬件电路;最后,通过仿真和综合,验证其电路。  相似文献   

This study aims to gain greater insight into scheduling expertise by comparing the work of experts and novices when designing a university timetable. We assumed that the scheduling activity would take place within two dual spaces: the constraints space (CS) and the objects space (OS). Constraints are defined in the strictest sense as relations between variables that cannot be represented in the solution (timetable), whereas objects are constraint satisfactions that can be thus represented. The study shows that experts were more likely than novices to use external representations as activity support. They satisfied many constraints with partially defined objects. On the contrary, novices devoted a long time to managing constraints in their heads before defining only fully specified objects (concrete objects). The objects space could be a suitable activity support for experts. Novices, on the other hand, could benefit from support in managing constraints and translating constraints into objects. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

数据库原理实践教学过程中不同程度地存在一些问题,主要是对课程实践教学环节认识不足,出现重理论教学,轻实践教学现象,课程实验、实习缺乏开放性和自主性,满足不了实践教学的需要。针对数据库原理实践教学过程中的问题,本文提出运用案例驱动的教学模式,提高学生的实践能力;引导学生自我学习、主动学习;提高教师自身的综合素质和业务水平  相似文献   


Kroumiria Mountains (northwestern Tunisia) have experienced major fires, making them the main loss reason of Tunisian forested areas. The ability of accurately forecasting or modeling forest fire areas may significantly aid optimizing fire-fighting strategies. However, there are still limitations in the empirical study of forest fire loss estimation because the poor availability and low quality of fire data. In this study, a stochastic approach based on Markov process was developed for the prediction of burned areas, using available meteorological data sets and GIS layers related to the forest under analysis. The Self-organizing map (SOM) was initially used to classify spatiotemporal factors influencing the fire behavior. Subsequently, the SOM clusters were incorporated into a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) framework to model their corresponding burned areas. Results achieved using a database of 829 forest fires records between 1985 and 2016, showed the appropriateness of the HMM approach for the prediction of burned areas compared with a state-of-the art machine learning methods. The transition probability matrix (TPM) and the emission probability matrix (EPM) were also analyzed to further understand the spatiotemporal patterns of fire losses.  相似文献   

This study examines the antecedents of individual innovative behaviour in short‐term innovation camp conditions. Innovation is increasingly a joint activity conducted in various kinds of temporary settings that collect widely diverse people together for a brief time to work on a particular problem. As innovativeness of interplaying individuals is key for the success of collaborative innovation, it is important to study what factors enhance individual innovative behaviour in temporary settings. Data from 103 innovation camp participants were the basis of PLS‐SEM analysis. Results show that individual creative self‐efficacy, perceived task orientation and experimentation have significant effects on individual innovative behaviour. In contrast, participative safety, support for innovation, and vision are not associated with individual innovativeness. These findings suggest that the antecedents of individual innovativeness in temporary settings differ from those identified in conventional groups, pointing to a new field for future research.  相似文献   

Social media plays a significant role in rapid propagation of information when disasters occur. Among the four phases of disaster management life cycle: prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery, this paper focuses on the use of social media during the response phase. It empirically examines the use of microblogging platforms by Emergency Response Organisations (EROs) during extreme natural events, and distinguishes the use of Twitter by EROs from digital volunteers during a fire hazard occurred in Australia state of Victoria in early February 2014. We analysed 7982 tweets on this event. While traditionally theories such as World System Theory and Institutional Theory focus on the role of powerful institutional information outlets, we found that platforms like Twitter challenge such notion by sharing the power between large institutional (e.g. EROs) and smaller non-institutional players (e.g. digital volunteers) in the dissemination of disaster information. Our results highlight that both large EROs and individual digital volunteers proactively used Twitter to disseminate and distribute fire related information. We also found that the contents of tweets were more informative than directive, and that while the total number of messages posted by top EROs was higher than the non-institutional ones, non-institutions presented a greater number of retweets.  相似文献   

Social networking sites feature significantly in the lives of many young people. Where these young people are bilingual, social networking sites may have an important role to play in terms of minority language use and in shaping perceptions of that language. Through a quantitative and qualitative study, this paper investigates the use of language in social networking sites by young Welsh speakers, focussing particularly on Facebook. Language choice and behaviour, factors influencing that behaviour, and attitudes towards use of the Welsh language in Information Technology are explored. The data suggests that there are a number of different factors at play, and that it is necessary to consider language behaviour in social networking sites in the context of offline language behaviour.  相似文献   

随着海洋在国家政治、经济、资源等方面重要性的提升,对海岛开发利用、管理和保护等具有重要意义的海岛地表覆盖研究逐渐受到关注.针对传统的大范围地表覆盖提取速度慢、效率低的问题,基于Google Earth Engine(GEE)地学大数据平台,以作为生态重点保护区的印度尼西亚的苏拉威西岛为研究区,开展海岛地表覆盖提取及变化...  相似文献   

The Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice encourages software engineers to undertake positive actions and to resist pressures to act unethically.  相似文献   

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