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以山西晋中南地区赤霞珠为材料,采用高效液相色谱-质谱联用技术(HPLC-MS),研究不同叶幕形和每株留穗量对所酿造的干红葡萄酒中单体酚类物质种类和浓度的影响。结果表明,相比于直立叶幕,V形叶幕可提高成熟葡萄果实的成熟度,V葡萄酒中酰化花色苷的含量(33.46 mg/L)和非花色苷单体酚类物质的总量(286.25 mg/L)分别是直立形叶幕的2.80倍和2.18倍。在直立叶幕下,适当的减少单株果穗数量,可增加葡萄酒中花色苷单体酚类物质的种类和含量,此外随着每株留穗量的减少,非花色苷单体酚类物质总量有逐渐增多的趋势。在山西晋中南地区,对于赤霞珠而言,适度减少每株留穗量或运用V形叶幕栽培管理可以提高葡萄酒中单体酚类物质含量。  相似文献   

以6个品种的梨果实为原料,分别榨汁后接入酿酒酵母发酵制成梨酒。对6种梨酒的理化指标、有机酸含量和抗氧化物质含量等20项指标进行测定,采用描述性统计分析、主成分与聚类分析对梨酒品质进行评价。主成分分析的结果表明,梨酒中的总酸、总酚、酒石酸、可溶固形物、还原糖、干浸出物和单宁含量是评价梨酒品质的主要指标。聚类分析将6种梨酒聚为三类,其结果与感官评价的结果一致。 在6个品种梨中,南果梨最适于酿制梨酒,而黄冠梨则不适合加工酿制梨酒。  相似文献   

Few Australian wine companies have the resources to acquire consumer relevant information to assist their strategic decision-making. This exploratory study examined the relationship between Australian consumers' wine expertise and their self-reported wine related behaviours, such as wine purchasing and consumption. A measure of consumer wine expertise developed specifically for the Australian consumer, comprising a wine knowledge test and an aroma identification (sensory) test, was used to segment 61 wine consumers into three expertise levels. A large positive correlation between wine expertise and formal wine training was demonstrated. Data showed that females dominated the low and males the high expertise groups, respectively. The high expertise level consumers spent more on wine, purchased more bottles and fewer casks per month and consumed more wine in a week than the low and medium expertise groups. Analysis revealed significant differences between the styles of wine consumed by the various expertise levels. A combination of Factor and Cluster analyses generated three distinct consumer segment profiles based on wine purchase drivers. These preliminary data indicate that wine consumers' wine behaviour may be influenced by their wine expertise.  相似文献   

Honey legislation has been addressed to establish the minimum marketing level of the product and the need for consumer protection through correct denominations. Research oriented toward assessment of floral origin and physicochemical properties may increase the commercial value of these products. The characteristics of thirty‐one honeys produced in the Entre‐Douro e Minho region in Portugal were studied. Pollen features and some physicochemical parameters (moisture, ash, pH, free acidity, electrical conductivity, hydroxymethylfurfural contain, apparent sucrose, reducing sugars and diastase activity) were determined. The samples were found to meet international honey specifications. The present study found a linear regression between the ash content of honeys and their specific conductivity. Five samples are listed as Eucalyptus honey, one sample as Citrus honey, and twenty‐five samples as multifloral honeys. Of the total, 87.1% exceeded the quality parameters and should be labelled as ‘virgin’ honey.  相似文献   

The commercial wine spirit used for this study revealed that the aldehyde content mainly comprises acetaldehyde but other aldehydes such as propionaldehyde, 2‐methylbutyraldehyde, isovaleraldehyde, methylglyoxal, benzaldehyde and others are also present in significant amounts. A typical grape must was used to assess the influence of wine spirit in the analytical and sensorial characteristics of fortified wines. Decreasing levels of anthocyanins, as well the increase in the red colour and tanning capacity, were observed, and seem to be positively correlated with the increase of the aldehyde content present in the wine spirits used to fortify the must. Using the CIE L*a*b* system, this aldehyde content present in the spirit used seemed to be correlated with the decrease of the wines' lightness (darkening effect), the displacement of the hue angle to higher values (yellowing effect) and the increase of the chromaticity (colour saturation) of the wines. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

黄酒的营养价值、保健功能及产品创新   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
详细分析了传统黄酒的营养、保健成分,提出以多粮组合酿造新品黄酒,减少酒精含量.采用现代科技来开拓创新,改变黄酒的传统结构,优化黄酒营养保健功能。  相似文献   

为了更好地保护传统产品,通过对桑椹和杨梅特性分析,介绍了桑椹酒和杨梅酒生产工艺流程及操作方法,同时给出了这两种酒的感官指标、理化指标和卫生指标。  相似文献   

用植物原料制成的黄酒曲药具有多种保健功能。主要介绍了黄酒曲药的制作工艺及要点。  相似文献   

Chemistry of copper in white wine: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Copper is one element in wine that has considerable notoriety. While current winemaking practice tends to minimise the amount of copper that results from vineyard and winery sources, the addition of copper(II), either as its sulfate or citrate, to remove sulfidic off‐odours may result in an elevated concentration in the finished (bottled) wine. Residual copper in white wine has been linked to oxidative and reductive spoilage processes, although the mechanisms are at times speculative. The presence of copper has been implicated in haze formation (copper casse) and linked to protein instability. More recent concerns include the coexistence of residual copper and hydrogen sulfide in wine stored under low oxygen conditions. The chemistry of copper is important in both white and red wine. While there are some overlapping issues, especially with respect to sulfidic off‐odours, both white and red wine display their own unique chemistry. Thus, this review describes the state of knowledge of copper in white wine, differentiating between evidence‐based claims and speculation. It also identifies areas of research that will provide a much clearer understanding of the role of copper in wine spoilage.  相似文献   

汪玉杰  郭辉  杨兴元 《中国酿造》2022,41(4):239-246
吐鲁番是新疆最早酿造葡萄酒和葡萄酒企业最多的区域,也是新疆四大葡萄酒生产地之一。借助实地调查、访谈法,发现目前该产区定位不清楚,产区推广不够导致产区公共品牌影响力低;葡萄酒制造相关配套匮乏,企业生产成本高,经营收益较低,无法有效聚焦更优质生产要素以促成产业提质升级。为破解此困境,建议该产区充分依托本地葡萄知名度,将吐鲁番打造成中国“白兰地之都”,打响葡萄酒产区品牌知名度;继续强化对葡萄酒产业发展的统筹管理,在融资、人才、土地等方面优化现有的产业支持政策,提升葡萄酒产业集聚水平;充分发挥吐鲁番市旅游资源和葡萄酒庄相互内嵌的天然优势,打造一批“葡萄酒+旅游”双向融合的旅游产品,实现吐鲁番葡萄酒一、二、三产业的融合。  相似文献   

葡萄酒中的多糖及其作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了葡萄酒中多糖的来源、多糖对葡萄酒酒石稳定性、蛋白质稳定性及感官质量等方面的影响,探讨了提高葡萄酒中多糖含量的工艺途径等。  相似文献   

Red wine astringency: a review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The chemical and physical basis for red wine astringency is reviewed. Models describing the physiological foundation of astringency are presented and compared. The phenolic and other red wine components that evoke astringency are described, together with their sensory properties and the factors that affect their perception. The paper also presents a detailed account of the chemical properties of saliva and the possible modes of interaction between these and red wine phenolics that lead to the necessary physical changes in saliva required to elicit astringency. Reasons for differences in astringency perception across oral sites and amongst individual tasters are also discussed. It is concluded that whilst great advances have been made in the field of red wine phenolic chemistry in recent years, a better understanding of the effect of wine polyphenol-salivary protein interaction on the rheological properties of saliva is required in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of red wine astringency.  相似文献   

沙棘酒发酵生产的试验报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵先维 《酿酒》2002,29(6):68-70
将发酵法生产沙棘果酒的全过程,进行了切实;并对生产过程中,有关菌种的选择,发酵温度与质量的关系,前酵过程中的生态变化,进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The objective of the research is to investigate whether the strategic dynamics of wineries that operate in a wide homogeneous territorial system can result in a relational space and play the role of a wine cluster, and if so, how. For this purpose, a group of Italian wine cooperatives has been analysed through a framework that attempts to integrate all the most relevant quantitative and qualitative components of a local territorial system. The study has been carried out in three steps: identifying the elements of the wine cluster, bringing each element into a specific matrix of analysis and recreating the matrices within a synthesis framework. The results show that the cluster is not identified with the wine region. Instead, it is formed through the homogeneity of the businesses' strategic orientations, which has led to a specific territorial identity.  相似文献   

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