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The auto-regressive moving-average (ARMA) model with time-varying parameters is analyzed. The time-varying parameters are assumed to be a linear combination of a set of basis time-varying functions, and the feedback linear estimation algorithm is used to estimate the time-varying parameters of the ARMA model. This algorithm includes 2 linear least squares estimations and a linear filter. The influence of the order of basis time-varying functions on parameters estimation is analyzed. The method has the advantage of simple, saving computation time and storage space. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show the validity of this method.  相似文献   

A Mathematical Model for the Geodesic Winding of Surfaces of Rotation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
AMathematicalModelfortheGeodesicWindingofSurfacesofRotationHUANGKaibang;WANGYongzhang;FUHongya;CHURenxin;SUNGuoqiang黄开榜,王永章,富...  相似文献   

TheModelIdentificationandParameterForecastofElectrophonicLoudspeaker¥WANGShizhong;SHENYi;DENGYing(王世忠,沈毅,邓樱)(Dept.ofAstronaut...  相似文献   

TheStabilityofRunge-KuttaMethodsforSystemsofDelayDifferentialEquations¥WANGXiaobiao;LIUMingzhu(王晓彪)(刘明珠)(Dept.ofMathematics,Har...  相似文献   

AMathematicalModelforDouble-Rear-AngleBorerTANGYuyong;JIANGKun;ZHANGXueqi(唐余勇,蒋锟,张学奇)(Dept.ofMaths.,HarbinInstituteofTechnolo...  相似文献   

MathematicalModelontheManufactureofBlade-rootPreciseMillLIUPin;DONGZengfu;TIANKehua;TANGYuyong(刘品)(董增福)(田克华)(唐余勇)(Dept.ofPrec...  相似文献   

ATwo-StageApproachofIntegratedParameterIdentificationandStateEstimationZHOULu;WUYaohua;HUANGWenhu;WENXin(周露)(吴瑶华)(黄文虎)(闻新)(De...  相似文献   

Aimed at defects of the gear-position decision in an automatic mechanical transmission, a method of synthetic shift schedule of 5-speed gear-position is presented, which is based on the fuzzy discernment of the driver intention and the road characteristics. A contrastive experimental analysis between the synthetic gear-position decision method and the traditional gear-position decision method is given by analyzing Santana 2000.  相似文献   

The computational methods of a typical dynamic mathematical model that can describe the differential element and the inertial element for the system simulation are researched. The stability of numerical solutions of the dynamic mathematical model is researched. By means of theoretical analysis, the error formulas, the error sign criteria and the error relationship criterion of the implicit Euler method and the trapezoidal method are given,the dynamic factor affecting the computational accuracy has been found, the formula and the methods of comput-ing the dynamic factor are given. The computational accuracy of the dynamic mathematical model like this can be improved by use of the dynamic factor.  相似文献   

The bifurcation solution of the nonnegative steady-state of a reaction-diffusion system was investigated.The combination of the sturm-type eigenvalue and the theorem of bifurcation was used to study the local coexis-tence solutions, and obtain the stability of bifurcation solutions. The system model describes predator-prey inter-action in an unstirred chemostat.  相似文献   

根据加速度计参数模型辨识的需要,通过采集加速度计零偏,分析了数据的特点,结合最小二乘、递推最小二乘、最大似然估计3种系统辨识方法,建立起零偏数据相关的数学模型,再通过对模型进行仿真,观察参数变化曲线趋势,把模型参数和辨识之后的模型参数作对比,证明了模型的可靠性。  相似文献   

在现代控制理论的基础上,根据火力发电厂单元机组的结构,结合各个参数之间的动态关系,在前人研究成果的基础上,给出了一种普遍意义下火电单元机组数学模型的参数估计方法,并试着给出对其数学模型平衡点的分析方法,最后以实例证明了此方法的可靠性与实用性.  相似文献   

本文对AR(n,0)模型的参数估计公式进行推导,并用一个实例给出AR(3,0)摸型在预报问题中的应用。  相似文献   

为了研究依从性对药物效果的影响,对一种结构线性模型,结合最小二乘和拟似然的思想,提出了一种新的参数估计方法,并在一般的条件下,证明了参数估计的相合性和渐近正态性.计算机模拟表明,这种方法不仅计算简单,有好的大样本性质,而且对于中小样本也有小的均方误差.  相似文献   

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