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加强水管理 保障水安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据我国水安全的形势和特点,保障水安全不仅要进一步加强水利基础设施建设、夯实水安全的工程基础,还必须特别注重从深化改革、创新机制、完善制度等方面着手,切实强化水管理,为水安全提供有力保障。  相似文献   


This article addresses the emergence and interrelation of food, energy, and water security in terms of resource use and the ensuing societal and environmental outcomes. For decades, food security and energy security have been well-accepted, operational concepts. Water security is the latest entrant, yet the implications of water insecurity for food, energy and earth systems resilience have not been adequately considered. This article examines how and why this is so – particularly with growing water scarcity and insecurity that may compete with energy and food security – and emphasizes the critical need to link water-energy-food nexus approaches to earth systems resilience.  相似文献   

黑河流域近期治理对生态环境与粮食安全的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
秦大庸  鲁欣  张占庞  刘俊 《水利学报》2006,37(10):1278-1282
论述了黑河流域近期治理规划实施后对区域粮食安全的促进与保障作用。通过黑河流域近期治理过程中基础设施的建设,不仅可以有效地改善整个区域的生态环境状况,而且改造了基本农田和水利基础设施,提高了水资源的利用效率和水土资源的生产能力,达到了储粮于地、寓粮于源的目的。结果表明:到2010年可提高区域水土资源生产能力15%~20%,如遇短期区域及周边地区粮食短缺,在保证流域生态基本需水前提下,可连续3~5年启用这些“粮食生产后备基地”,达到增产粮食15%~20%的目的,其对下游生态仅造成局部可恢复性影响,流域下游地下水埋深平均下降幅度在0.4m以内。  相似文献   

确保粮食安全和环境可持续发展的水土资源利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要讨论灌溉农业所面临的挑战.随着人均可用水量的不断下降,灌溉农业必须提高水资源利用效率,同时进一步采用有利于环境的经营和管理方式.灌溉界面临的压力是如何通过提高作物产量和用水效率来实现生产率的最大化.今后的发展方向是以更加高效率、有成效的方式利用水资源,而实现从"提高每滴水的粮食产量"向"少用水,多产粮"的转变,则有助于该目标的实现.为了尽可能减小外在因素的影响,将来的努力方向是在全面性和整体性上下工夫.  相似文献   

David Kaczan  John Ward 《国际水》2013,38(3):283-294
There is a general consensus that agricultural water scarcity contributes to the severe levels of poverty observed in Africa. However, the results of analyses to determine whether a lack of water is either actively contributing to the poverty observed, or when it is incidental, have been inconsistent. This paper examines the extent to which country-level water statistics and poverty/development statistics align. The authors find limited correlation, suggesting either that the water–poverty relationship is relatively inconsequential, or more likely, that the aggregated nature of these statistics obscures the actual relationship. The authors suggest that variables that better capture spatial heterogeneity may help rectify this.  相似文献   

上海市水环境生态安全评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从“状态—压力—响应”指标框架体系出发,针对上海市水环境生态系统的现状特点,从时间变化和空间对比分析角度分别建立了上海市水环境生态安全评价指标体系;利用标准化和变异系数法确定各指标的标准化值和权重,采用综合指数评价法得到安全评价的综合指数值。在此基础上采用等级划分法,建立起综合指数值与生态安全评判的等级关系。各指标层的变化趋势揭示了上海市水环境生态安全的现状和发展趋势,即中心城区的水环境生态安全等级普遍低于郊区;在年际变化上,状态指标层评价值呈下降趋势,需要持续保护水环境生态系统;而压力和响应指标层评价值不断上升,保证了总体的良性发展趋势。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to analyze the political economy of food-water security in the water-scarce Middle East and North Africa region. The study deploys the lens of virtual water trade to determine how the region's economies have met their rising food-water requirements over the past three decades. It is shown that the region's water and food security currently depend to a considerable extent on water from outside the region, ‘embedded’ in food imports and accessed through trade. The analysis includes blue (surface and groundwater) and green water resources.  相似文献   

水库型饮用水水源地生态安全评价及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中小水库型饮用水水源地生态安全评价进行了研究。构建了4个层次的安全评价指标体系,考虑了影响水源地水质、水量的内外各种因素,如人口密度、森林覆盖率等。通过数据归一化处理和权重分析,计算了指标的安全性指数值以判断安全度。生态安全评价体系应用于天台县桐坑溪水库饮用水水源地,结果表明指标层中污染防治和环境管理能力是影响该水源地安全的敏感指标,这两项的安全度分别为差和中等。由此提出近期水源地环境保护中应采取的对策和措施。  相似文献   

区域水安全系统评价新方法探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于可持续发展理论的压力-状态-响应概念框架,探讨了区域水安全评价指标体系的建立,并改进已有的遗传投影寻踪评价方法,构造了基于多目标决策理想点法(TOPSIS)的相对贴近度概念的投影目标函数,利用蒙特卡罗方法产生的大样本数据,建立了一种适合于区域水安全系统评价的新方法(模型)——遗传投影寻踪-理想点插值模型(GPP-IPIM),并将其成功地应用于我国广东省北江下游及其三角洲地区水安全系统评价,评价结果具有直观性、合理性和通用性。对评价结果基于不确定性分析的敏感性进行分析,结果表明GPP-IPIM是一种稳定、有效的区域水安全系统评价方法,并可应用于各种水资源系统评价问题。  相似文献   

Sybase数据库自1996年以来在广西水文系统及防汛部门得到了广泛的应用,数据库系统的安全与管理已成为系统管理中最为重要的工作。为此,结合历年来在系统管理中的一些经验,从内外网、用户角色管理、数据库操作权限、数据备份、日常维护等方面对Sybase数据库的安全和管理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

投影寻踪技术在瓦房店市水资源安全评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用统计软件DPS中的投影寻踪综合评价法选取最优投影方向,以最优投影方向所对应的投影特征量作为评价依据,得出瓦房店市水资源分区各区的水资源安全状况:松树库上地区为安全性最高区域,回头河为安全性最低区域。研究表明,该方法对水资源安全评价有较好的评价能力。  相似文献   

开展了水资源及水资源安全的基础理论,沿海城市水资源安全的内涵、外延及其特征等的研究与辨析,综述了水资源安全保障或发展的相关理论、技术手段或方法、政策与对策等方面的研究与实践进展;分析评估了华东沿海城市水资源特性、现状及安全保障问题;以上海水资源安全保障为例,研究提出了新时期及未来华东沿海城市水资源安全保障或发展的战略体系与框架,该框架体系包括目标层、体系层、战略层、战术层和保障层等。  相似文献   

人类对水资源的过度开采严重威胁着水生态安全。本文基于水生态安全的理念,提出了维持区域水生态健康的标准-"水量干涉限"的概念;然后以区域水量平衡方程为基础,论证了区域蒸散发量与区域生态耗水量相等,并以此理论为基础推导出了水量干涉限估算公式;再以水量干涉限公式为基础,构造了区域实际水量干涉度估算公式;在实际水量干涉度不超过水量干涉限的情况下,才能保证区域水生态的安全。最后,通过两个实例来说明水量干涉限和干涉度的实际应用。  相似文献   

三江源地区饮水安全问题探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用青海省2005年和2009年两年度三江源饮水不安全人口数据,利用ArcGis9.3软件建立三江源地区农牧区饮水安全地理信息系统,分析了三江源地区饮水安全现状。结果表明:三江源地区普遍存在饮水不安全的问题,2009年饮水不安全人口达到总人口的一半;同时农牧民饮水不安全人口分布具有局部集中的现象,其中分布比较集中的区域为玉树州东南部地区、果洛州中部地区、海南州和黄南州的地区;饮水不安全人口占总人口的比例比较高的区域为:玉树州的东南部地区与果洛州的中部地区,到达0.6以上;三江源地区饮水不安全的主要类型是用水方便性差和水质不合格,另外水量不足、保证率不足等不安全类型也普遍存在。  相似文献   

社会经济安全条件下区域需水量预测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种"社会经济安全"的量化方法(SD方法);将需水量预测方法和社会经济安全量化方法结合起来,建立了社会经济安全条件下的需水量预测模型(SSWDP模型);列举了在郑州市的应用实例。应用表明,建立的SSWDP模型可以较客观地分析社会经济安全状况及影响因素,确定社会经济安全条件下的区域需水量,为区域发展规划、供水工程规划以及节水规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Several recent studies warn that under ‘Business-as-Usual’ a water crisis is impending, suggesting that appropriate actions need to be taken on the water supply and demand side. While many measures to alleviate water scarcity are within the water sector, it is increasingly recognized that many drivers, policies and institutions outside the water sector have large and real implications on how water is being allocated and used. Important drivers for water use include population and income growth, urbanization, trade and other macroeconomic policies, environmental regulations and climate policy. While some of these processes and trends, especially those at global level, may prove difficult to influence directly, it is important to understand their linkages with water issues to analyze the relative impact of various policies in the agricultural and water sectors on water and food security. The strong linkages between economic trends, agricultural policies and water use call for an integrated and multidisciplinary modelling approach. The WATERSIM model, developed by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is a suitable tool to explore the impacts of water and food related policies on global and regional water demand and supply, food production and the environment. This paper introduces the WATERSIM model and, using some preliminary results, illustrates the importance of global economic trends on food and water outcomes.  相似文献   

This viewpoint analyzes the Jordanian water strategy to investigate how water scarcity is framed, and what solutions are suggested. It also analyzes how the framings and discourses have changed in the two versions of the strategy, why, and their implications. The Jordanian national water strategy has been overlooked by the literature of hydropolitics. The analysis here also contributes by showing the interplay between discourses of scarcity and policy solutions.  相似文献   

邯郸市水资源严重短缺,供需矛盾突出,农业用水已很难得到保证,对农业发展产生了重大影响。各级政府要牢固树立发展节水农业的战略思想,采取积极有效措施,促进农业实现可持续发展。建议尽快制定节水农业专项规划和地方性法规,加强农业综合节水技术集成。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展和人口的增加,我国能源和粮食需求持续增加,水资源短缺对其制约日益显现。为更深入地研究水资源、能源和粮食之间的关系,采用31个省、自治区、直辖市的实测统计并与定额推算相结合的方法,对能源开发利用和粮食生产种植的用水总量和过程进行分析。结果表明:2015年,煤炭开采洗选、火电行业、煤化工行业中的合成氨、炼焦行业的用水量分别占煤炭全生命周期用水量的2.9%~4.4%、90.4%~94.8%、1.5%~2.6%、0.8%~2.7%,煤炭全生命周期用水量合计达506.7亿~531.5亿m~3,占工业用水总量的38.0%~39.8%;农田灌溉用水量占农业用水总量的87.7%,实际亩均灌溉用水量394m~3,单位粮食产量的用水量为543.3m~3。研究成果可为水、能源、粮食之间的关系提供参考。  相似文献   

This preliminary study (March–October, 1994) describes the effects of an inter-basin water transfer (IBT) on discharge and benthic macro-invertebrate community structure. The IBT from Theewaterskloof, an impoundment on the Riviersonderend system, to the Berg River in the Western Cape, South Africa is part of the water supply system for Greater Cape Town. Transfers occur during summer for irrigation and rainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss) farming in the Berg catchment and lead to greatly elevated summer discharges in the recipient river: 4500% in late summer (March) and 830% in autumn (May). During winter and spring, when the transfer ceases, discharges revert to normal winter volumes below the outlet. A decrease in taxon richness of the invertebrate communities was observed below the transfer outlet, compared to the river above the transfer. Sensitive families such as the heptageniid Ephemeroptera and leptocerid Trichoptera were not recorded below the outlet during transfer months (March and May). On the other hand, collector-predators such as the hydropsychid trichopterans showed large increases in numbers during the same transfer months, when compared against above-outlet samples: 240 and 80 individuals m−2, in March and May, from above the IBT, versus 46 994 and 5600 individuals m−2 below the IBT. This change was probably due to the introduction of live zooplankton to the receiving river from the source reservoir. Dendrograms and MDS-ordination diagrams showed that, in summer, invertebrate communities sampled at the two sites above and below the IBT were between 52 and 56% similar, while in winter and spring, in the absence of water releases similarities were higher (>70%) in July and October. There were also seasonal differences between invertebrate communities sampled in different months, but, during water release months, MDS-ordination diagrams showed clear grouping of communities according to position above or below the IBT, rather than month. Results to hand indicate a ‘reset’ of the entire benthic invertebrate community during winter and spring when no transfers occur. Of concern is the potential for the transfer of cyanophyte blooms (commonly of the genus Anabaena) from the source reservoir to the Berg River: transfers of non-toxic, malodorous geosmin, a cyanophyte exudate which has affected the flesh of rainbow trout farmed in the Berg catchment, have already been reported. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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