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Cheese yield is strongly influenced by the composition of milk, especially fat and protein contents, and by the efficiency of the recovery of each milk component in the curd. The real effect of milk composition on cheesemaking ability of goat milk is still unknown. The aims of this study were to quantify the effects of milk composition; namely, fat, protein, and casein contents, on milk nutrient recovery in the curd, cheese yield, and average daily yield. Individual milk samples were collected from 560 goats of 6 different breeds. Each sample was analyzed in duplicate using the 9-laboratory milk cheesemaking assessment, a laboratory method that mimicked cheesemaking procedures, with milk heating, rennet addition, coagulation, curd cutting, and draining. Data were submitted to statistical analysis; results showed that the increase of milk fat content was associated with a large improvement of cheese yield because of the higher recovery of all milk nutrients in the curd, and thus a higher individual daily cheese yield. The increase of milk protein content affected the recovery of fat, total solids, and energy in the curd. Casein number, calculated as casein-to-protein ratio, did not affect protein recovery but strongly influenced the recovery of fat, showing a curvilinear pattern and the most favorable data for the intermediate values of casein number. In conclusion, increased fat and protein contents in the milk had an effect on cheese yield not only for the greater quantity of nutrients available but also for the improved efficiency of the recovery in the curd of all nutrients. These results are useful to improve knowledge on cheesemaking processes in the caprine dairy industry.  相似文献   

High pressure homogenization (HPH) is a novel technology that promotes fat globule size reduction and microbial inactivation, but little research exists on the fate of milk fat lipids. This work studied the effect of HPH (0–350 MPa) of raw cow, goat and ewe milks on the fatty acid total content and profile to elucidate whether this technology has a major impact on the lipid fraction of milk and especially on CLA isomers. Fatty acids in processed milks were determined by GC-FID and CLA isomers by Ag+-HPLC.Our results indicate that the total amount of fat extracted from the milk samples decreased as the homogenization pressure increased, whereas no significant differences were found in the fatty acid composition, especially in the PUFA and CLA isomers profile of raw milk treated by HPH process up to 350 MPa.Industrial relevanceThe absent of significant modifications of the fatty acids content and CLA isomers profile in milk by using high-pressure homogenization is relevant in the development of nonthermal technologies able to pasteurize/sterilize foods, without the organoleptic, functional, and chemical alterations associated to thermal processing.  相似文献   

Twenty Boer x Spanish goats, at the age range of 90–118 days, were assigned to two dietary treatments, with 10 animals fed a grain ration (G) and the other 10 grazed in rangeland. The grain ration contained sorghum grain (67.5%), cottonseed hulls, dehydrated alfalfa meal, cottonseed meal, soybean meal, molasses, and mineral and vitamin supplements. Animals were slaughtered at the age range of 206–234 days. Intramuscular fat (IF) and the diet specimens — representative samples of G and the parts of range plants (RPs) that goats were expected to have consumed — were analyzed for fatty acid composition. The percentage of 16:0 was higher in RPs than in G, but not different between IF from range goats and that from grain-fed goats. Total unsaturated fatty acid (UFA) percentage was higher in G than in RPs. The major UFAs were 18:2 and 18:3 in RPs, and 18:1 and 18:2 in G. In IF, 18:1 constituted more than two-thirds of UFAs, regardless of diet type.  相似文献   

Extruded oilseeds were fed to 24 dairy cows to study the influence on the conjugated linoleic acid content of milk and cheese. Cows were fed one of three diets that contained forage and grain in a ratio of 47:53. A control diet containing 13.5% soybean meal was compared with diets containing 12% full fat extruded soybeans or 12% full fat extruded cottonseed. The control, extruded soybean, and extruded cottonseed diets contained 2.73, 4.89, and 4.56% fatty acids, respectively. Measurements were made during the last 5 wk of the 8-wk experiment. The DM intakes and 3.5% fat-corrected milk yields were higher for cows fed the extruded soybean and extruded cottonseed diets than for cows fed the control diet. A tendency for lower fat and protein contents in the milk of cows fed the extruded soybean and extruded cottonseed diets was detected. Most of the C18 fatty acids were increased in the milk and cheese when extruded soybeans and cottonseeds were fed. The conjugated linoleic acid content in milk and cheese increased a mean of 109% when full fat extruded soybeans were fed and increased 77% when cottonseeds were fed compared with the conjugated linoleic acid content when the control diet was fed. Processing the milk into cheese did not alter the conjugated linoleic acid content. The conjugated linoleic acid content of milk and cheese can be increased by the inclusion of full fat extruded soybeans and full fat extruded cottonseeds in the diets of dairy cows.  相似文献   

羊奶干酪加工过程中酸度及乳成分变化规律的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以西农莎能奶山羊的新鲜奶为原料,添加EZAL MA011乳酸发了剂,研究羊奶干酪加工过程中酸度和乳成分变化规律,以及不同凝乳酶对它们的影响。结果表明,羊奶干酷加工过程中,酸度缓慢上升,而不同凝乳酸对酸度无显著影响;从鲜奶至消毒奶,乳成分基本不变;加发酵剂后,乳脂和乳蛋白基本不变,乳糖明显下降;加凝乳酶后各种乳成分显著下降。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content of milk from cows offered diets rich in linoleic and linolenic acid. In experiment 1, 36 cows were assigned to a control and five treatment groups. Cows in the control group received a diet containing 51% forage and 49% grain on a dry matter basis. In the treatment group, grain was partly replaced by either 18% raw cracked soybeans, 18% roasted cracked soybeans, 3.6% soybean oil, 2.2% linseed oil, or 4.4% linseed oil. Experimental diets were fed for 5 wk. Average CLA contents in milk fat from wk 2 through 5 were 0.39% in control and 0.37, 0.77, 2.10, 1.58, and 1.63% of total fatty acids in the raw soybean, roasted soybeans, soybean oil, 2.2% linseed oil, and 4.4% linseed oil treatments, respectively. In experiment 2, 36 cows were assigned to a control and 5 treatment groups. Cows in the control group received a diet containing 55% forage and 45% grain. In the treatment groups, grain was partly replaced by soybean oil at 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, or by linseed oil at 1.0% of the dietary dry matter. Experimental diets were fed for 5 wk. Average CLA contents in milk fat from wk 2 through 5 were 0.50% in control and 0.75, 0.76, 1.45, 2.08, and 0.73% of total fatty acids in 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 soybean oil and 1.0% linseed oil treatments, respectively. Diets rich in linoleic or linolenic acid can increase CLA content of milk when dietary oil is accessible to the rumen microorganisms.  相似文献   

刘亚东  宋秋  支潇  霍贵成 《食品工业科技》2012,33(18):171-173,189
脂肪酸的组成和位置分布影响乳脂肪的物理和营养特性。本文测定了马奶和母乳总脂肪酸组分并且通过脂肪酶水解马奶和母乳脂肪,薄层色谱分离出2-甘油一酯,甲酯化后气相色谱测定了母乳和马奶中sn-2脂肪酸。结果表明,母乳中棕榈酸、油酸、亚油酸含量分别为19.07%、36.43%、23.73%,马奶中含量分别为24.47%、17.40%、4.78%。母乳sn-2位脂肪酸中饱和脂肪酸占59.41%,其中含棕榈酸48.36%,肉豆蔻酸6.00%,马奶sn-2位脂肪酸中饱和脂肪酸占71.46%,含棕榈酸47.00%,肉豆蔻酸12.48%。母乳脂肪酸的分布并非随机的,马奶脂肪酸分布类似于母乳,为母乳脂肪替代物的研究提供一定的数据支持及底物参考。  相似文献   

A study was made of free fatty acid composition and sensory characteristics (odour and taste) in regionally-produced Spanish goat cheeses. The most abundant FFAs were oleic, palmitic, stearic, capric and myristic acid which together accounted for roughly 85% of total FFAs. These cheeses generally underwent a lower degree of lipolysis than did other goat cheeses. Panellists judged the cheeses as having considerable odour and flavour intensity. However, both total FFA content and sensory attributes varied considerably among cheeses due, in all likelihood, to differences in ripening time and to production by different manufacturers. Principal component analysis generated three principal components (PC) that accounted for 70% of total variance; the variables that best correlated with them were long-chain and medium-chain free fatty acids (PC1), brine odour, bitterness and goat milk odour (PC2) and short-chain free fatty acids (PC3).  相似文献   

牛乳中共轭亚油酸(CLA)的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
共轭亚油酸(CLA)是亚油酸的同分异构体的混合物,主要来源于牛乳、乳制品及反刍物食品的天然成分。本文就CLA的抑癌和降血脂等多种生理功能及其作用机理,阐述了CAL作为一种新型营养物质的潜力。  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of dietary conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) supplementation on cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12 isomer content and on the fatty acid composition of subcutaneous adipose tissue and intramuscular lipids of biceps femoris, the lipids of 24 dry cured Parma hams, obtained from Large White pigs fed isoenergetic diets supplemented with either 0 (CON) or 0.25% (T1) CLA from 97 to 172kg live weight, were analysed by Ag(+)-HPLC and capillary GLC. The dietary treatment had no influence on lipid content of BF and subcutaneous adipose tissue but increased (P<0.01) the content of both isomers, more markedly in the latter tissue. CLA supplementation increased (P<0.01) myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic and total saturated fatty acids, and decreased oleic and eicosenoic acids in both tissues. In adipose tissue, an increase (P<0.05) in stearic acid content was observed. Supplementing the finishing diet of heavy pigs with CLA has thus shown to be an effective tool for increasing the CLA content in cured ham and, also, the saturated:unsaturated ratio of the lipids, a positive effect from a technological point of view. From a human nutritional standpoint, the changes occurring in fatty acid composition negatively affect the atherogenic and thrombogenic indexes, but probably these changes are of no particular concern, as they would only partly offset the progressive increase in the degree of unsaturation of heavy pig lipids that has occurred in recent years, as a consequence of reduced adipose depots in carcasses.  相似文献   

This study investigated the genotypic and phenotypic diversity in 34 isolates of enterococci obtained during ripening of Batzos cheese from raw goat milk and characterized phenotypically as Enterococcus durans. RAPD-PCR, plasmid profiling and PFGE were used to study the genetic variability and distinguish closely related isolates. Species recognition by means of RAPD-PCR was in agreement with the phenotypic identification for 29 strains. One strain was characterized as Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis by RAPD-PCR and four strains were grouped with the Enterococcus faecium reference strain. All strains were vancomycin sensitive, while 10 strains showed beta-haemolytic reaction on human blood and the majority of them (88.9%) showed decarboxylase activity on tyramine. All strains exhibited antagonistic activity against Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes and the majority inhibited Enterococcus faecalis. Isolates displayed weak acidifying ability and low proteolytic activities when grown in milk for 24h. However, their caseinolytic activity after growth in milk for seven days was significant with preference for alphas-casein degradation.  相似文献   

To overcome the seasonal shortage of goat milk in mixed milk cheese manufacture, pasteurized goat milk curd and high-pressure-treated raw goat milk curd manufactured in the spring were held at −24°C for 4 mo, thawed, and mixed with fresh cow milk curd for the manufacture of experimental cheeses. Control cheeses were made from a mixture of pasteurized cow and goat milk. The microbiota of experimental and control cheeses was studied using culture-dependent and culture-independent techniques. Bacterial enumeration by classical methods showed lactic acid bacteria to be the dominant population in both control and experimental cheeses. In total, 681 isolates were grouped by partial amplified rDNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) into 4 groups and identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing as Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis (563 isolates), Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides (72 isolates), Lactobacillus spp. (34 isolates), and Lc. lactis ssp. cremoris (12 isolates). Temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TTGE) analysis of cheese showed (1) the predominance of Lc. lactis in all cheeses; (2) the presence of Leu. pseudomesenteroides population in all cheeses from d 15 onward; (3) the presence of a Lactobacillus plantarum population in control cheese until d 15 and in experimental cheeses throughout the ripening period. Due to the most diverse and complete set of peptidases present in the genus Lactobacillus, the prevalence of this population in experimental cheeses could give rise to differences in cheese flavor between experimental and control cheeses.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of rapeseed oilcake used for feeding sheep on the content of fatty acids (FA), tocopherols, retinoids, and cholesterol of milk and cheese, and on the sensory properties of cheese. Indoor animal feeding (in winter) is the highest cost of production for cheesemakers, and the inclusion of locally produced rapeseed oilcake in the concentrate feed formulation can reduce the cost of cheese production, as long as the quality of the cheese is not altered. The experiment was carried out in March (mid lactation) with 72 Latxa sheep from an experimental farm located in the Basque Country (northern Spain). Two homogeneous groups of animals (n = 36) were set to receive each a different diet based on commercial or rapeseed concentrate, respectively, and forage (Festuca hay). Animal production parameters were individually recorded for each feeding group, whereas bulk milk from each group was used for cheesemaking trials. The rapeseed concentrate had higher amounts of unsaturated FA (mainly C18:1 cis isomers, C18:2 cis-9,cis-12 and C18:3 cis-9,cis-12,cis-15) and tocopherols than the commercial concentrate. The inclusion of rapeseed oilcake in the diet of dairy sheep did not compromise animal production parameters or milk gross composition. Bulk milk and cheese from sheep fed rapeseed concentrate showed higher content of unsaturated FA and tocopherols than those from sheep fed commercial concentrate. No differences were observed in the content of retinoid in milk and cheese between feeding groups, whereas the cholesterol content was slightly lower in cheese made with milk from sheep fed rapeseed concentrate. Thus, milk and cheese from sheep fed rapeseed concentrate had a healthier lipid profile. In addition, the inclusion of rapeseed oilcake in the diet of sheep did not change the typical sensory attributes of Protected Denomination of Origin Idiazabal cheese. Therefore, rapeseed concentrate could be a good local resource for feeding sheep to improve the nutritional quality of dairy products and to provide higher returns to farms.  相似文献   

Genetically engineered goats expressing elevated levels of the antimicrobial enzyme lysozyme in their milk were developed to improve udder health, product shelf life, and consumer well-being. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of lysozyme on the development of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) throughout the cheese-making process. Raw and pasteurized milk from 7 lysozyme transgenic goats and 7 breed-, age-, and parity-matched nontransgenic controls was transformed into cheeses by using industry methods, and their microbiological load was evaluated. The numbers of colony-forming units of LAB were determined for raw and pasteurized goat milk, whey, and curd at d 2 and at d 6 or 7 of production. Selective plating media were used to enumerate lactococcal species separately from total LAB. Although differences in the mean number of colony-forming units between transgenic and control samples in raw milk, whey, and cheese curd were non-significant for both total LAB and lactococcal species from d 2 of production, a significant decrease was observed in both types of LAB among d 6 transgenic raw milk cheese samples. In pasteurized milk trials, a significant decrease in LAB was observed only in the raw milk of transgenic animals. These results indicate that lysozyme transgenic goat milk is not detrimental to LAB growth during the cheese-making process.  相似文献   

Antifungal lactic acid bacteria (ALAB) biodiversity was evaluated in raw milk from ewe, cow and goat over one year period. Lactic acid bacteria were enumerated using 8 semi-selective media, and systematically screened for their antifungal activity against 4 spoilage fungi commonly encountered in dairy products. Depending on the selective medium, between 0.05% (Elliker agar) and 5.5% (LAMVAB agar) screened colonies showed an antifungal activity. The great majority of these active colonies originated from cow (49%) and goat (43%) milks, whereas only 8% were isolated from ewe milk. Penicillium expansum was the most frequently inhibited fungus with 48.5% of colonies active against P. expansum among the 1235 isolated, followed by Mucor plumbeus with 30.6% of active colonies, Kluyveromyces lactis with only 12.1% of active colonies and Pichia anomala with 8.7% of active colonies. In the tested conditions, 94% of the sequenced active colonies belonged to Lactobacillus. Among them, targeted fungal species differed according to the Lactobacillus group, whose presence largely depended on year period and milk origin. The Lb. casei and Lb. reuteri groups, predominantly recovered in summer/fall, were overrepresented in the population targeting M. plumbeus, whereas isolates from the Lb. plantarum group, predominantly recovered in spring, were overrepresented in the population targeting K. lactis, the ones belonging to the Lb. buchneri group, predominantly recovered in spring, were overrepresented in the population targeting P. anomala. Raw milk, especially cow and goat milks from the summer/fall period appeared to be a productive reservoir for antifungal lactobacilli.  相似文献   

Many studies with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) indicate that it has a protective effect against mammary cancer. Because dairy products are the most important dietary sources of CLA, we have investigated the CLA concentrations and additionally the fatty acid profiles and chemical composition of several commercial, traditional, Greek yogurts from different geographical origin. The fat content of yogurts was in the order of goat < cow < sheep. Cow, sheep and goat milk yogurts contain respectively 0.128–1.501, 0.405–1.250 and 0.433–0.976 g CLA/100 g fat. Low-fat milk yogurts showed lower values of c-9, t-11 CLA content on lipid basis compared to full-fat yogurts. Samples from mountain areas showed average c-9, t-11 CLA content higher than those from prairie districts. The highest amounts of saturated fatty acids (SFA) were found in low-fat yogurts, of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) in sheep milk yogurts and of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) in low-fat cow milk yogurts.  相似文献   

Organic producers, traders, and consumers must address 2 issues related to milk: authentication of the production system and nutritional differentiation. The presence of hippuric acid (HA) in goat milk samples has been proposed as a possible marker to differentiate the feeding regimen of goats. The objective of this work is to check the hypothesis that HA could be a marker for the type of feeding regimen of goats by studying the influence of production system (conventional or organic) and feeding regimen (with or without grazing fodder). With this purpose, commercial cow and goat milk samples (n = 27) and raw goat milk samples (n = 185; collected from different breeds, localizations, and dates) were analyzed. Samples were grouped according to breed, feeding regimen, production system, and origin to compare HA content by ANOVA and honestly significant difference Tukey test at a confidence level of ≥95%. Hippuric acid content was obtained by analyzing milk samples with capillary electrophoresis. This method was validated by analyzing part of the samples with HPLC as a reference technique. Sixty-nine raw goat milk samples (of the total 158 samples analyzed in this work) were quantified by capillary electrophoresis. In these samples, the lowest average content for HA was 7 ± 3 mg/L. This value corresponds to a group of conventional raw milk samples from goats fed with compound feed. The highest value of this group was 28 ± 10 mg/L, corresponding to goats fed compound feed plus grass. Conversely, for organic raw goat milk samples, the highest concentration was 67 ± 14 mg/L, which corresponds to goats fed grass. By contrast, the lowest value of this organic group was 26 ± 10 mg/L, which belongs to goats fed organic compounds. Notice that the highest HA average content was found in samples from grazing animals corresponding to the organic group. This result suggests that HA is a good marker to determine the type of goats feeding regimen; a high content of HA represents a diet based mainly or exclusively on eating green grass (grazing), independently of the production system. Hence, this marker would not be useful for the actual organic policies to distinguish organic milk under the current regulations, because organic dairy ruminants can be fed organic compound feed and conserved fodder without grazing at all.  相似文献   

Food Science and Biotechnology - Cheese ripening involves lactose metabolism, lipolysis and proteolysis, which are affected by many factors. The aim of this study was to assess changes due to...  相似文献   

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