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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of the relief of obstruction on the ultimate function of the affected renal unit in urinary tuberculosis, and to identify predictors of functional recoverability. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Of a total of 82 patients with urinary tuberculosis presenting over 7 years, 38 with evidence of upper tract obstruction were analysed. All patients were assessed with pre-operative excretory urography, urinary mycobacterial cultures and serum chemistry. Patients with subnormally functioning kidneys were assessed with baseline renal scans. Preliminary intervention in the form of JJ stenting or percutaneous nephrostomy (PCN) was carried out in patients with reasonable renal function. Function was reassessed after 4 weeks to detect evidence of improvement and factors which could affect the outcome were determined. RESULTS: Thirty-eight patients had documented upper tract obstruction, of whom six had bilateral obstruction (total of 44 renal units). Ten renal units were not functioning at presentation, with a mean (SD) glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 3.0 (5.73) mL/min, and no preliminary intervention was performed. In the remaining 34, preliminary intervention was carried out before definitive surgery (JJ stenting in 14, PCN in 15 and PCN followed by antegrade JJ stenting in five); 21 of these renal units were salvaged but 13 were lost despite overcoming the obstruction. Three of the 13 units deteriorated from having acceptable pre-treatment GFRs to becoming non-functional. Good renal cortical thickness, a low grade of renal involvement (Semb 1 or 2), the presence of more distal disease in the form of ureteric stricture and a GFR of > 15 mL/min were good predictors of renal recovery after diversion. CONCLUSIONS: The loss of some renal units seems inevitable in patients with urinary tuberculosis, despite advances in chemotherapy. Having pre-operative predictors of renal recovery may ensure optimal patient selection, thereby reducing the number of procedures and economic burden on the patient who does not require intervention.  相似文献   

Assessment of dually diagnosed patients consists of three steps: detection, diagnosis, and specialized assessment for treatment planning. Each of these is informed by recent research.  相似文献   

Signal detection analysis was used to test three hypotheses for repetitive thoughts and behaviors characteristic of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Patients might have (a) low sensitivity for the difference between having seen something or having imagined seeing it, (b) a high criterion for this discrimination, or (c) difficulty associating context with information in memory. Subjects judged viewed words or imagined words and later indicated which were actually seen. Patients with OCD discriminated seen from imaged words significantly better than normal control subjects, as evidenced by higher d′ scores on a recognition memory task. Groups did not differ in response criterion, β, used to decide whether words had been seen or imaged. Implications for the study of OCD from an information-processing perspective are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors sought to replicate their previous finding of reduced response to diazepam in patients with panic disorder, to test whether this effect was specific for panic disorder, and to determine whether this reduced response was merely an artifact of resistance to sedation from anxiety-related overarousal. METHOD: The effects of four increasing intravenous doses of diazepam on saccadic eye movement velocity and accuracy (the latter being a saccadic variable that is unaffected by sedation), short-term memory, and self- and observer-rated sedation were assessed in 18 patients with panic disorder, 15 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, and 14 normal comparison subjects. The ratios of effect to blood level areas under the curve for both ascending and descending limbs of the effect/blood level curves were compared for each variable. RESULTS: Patients with panic disorder showed significantly less diazepam effect on saccadic velocity and accuracy for the ascending limb of the blood level curve than comparison subjects. Patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder showed similar differences from comparison subjects but only for saccadic velocity. There were no group differences in diazepam effects on memory and sedation. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with panic disorder are less sensitive than comparison subjects to diazepam. Although this difference is not an artifact of resistance to sedation, it may not be specific for panic disorder but rather may reflect a more nonspecific aspect of anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

Prior research has reported a relation between physical attractiveness and severity of mental disorder, with less attractive people being more maladjusted. However, because these two variables have been measured simultaneously, it has not been possible to separate cause from effect. To clarify this question, in this study we first measured physical attractiveness, social competence, and perceived risk of developing a mental disorder in 280 college women. Seven months later, we measured the subjects' self-perception of having a mental disorder. Women who were more attractive were higher in social competence and lower in perceived risk of mental disorder. More attractive women were also lower in self-perception of mental disorder 7 months later. This relation between attractiveness and self-perception of mental disorder remained significant even after controlling for the Time 1 measures (social competence, perceived risk of mental disorder, and age). The implications of these findings for the hypothesized role of attractiveness in the determination of adjustment are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of a new, compact, dynamic diffusion cell for in vitro transdermal permeation. These so-called Kelder-cells were developed as an automated alternative to the static Franz diffusion cells. The new cells were used in combination with the ASPEC-system (automatic sample preparation with extraction columns) which was initially designed for the automation of solid-phase extractions. Three variables were tested to optimize the performance of the new cell system: injection height into the inlet compartment, volume flowing through the receptor compartment and temperature. Experiments were performed using the tritium labelled anticholinergic [3H]dexetimide permeating through an artificial membrane (Silastic). The injection height of the needle into the inlet compartment of the cell should be programmed at -34 mm to ensure complete air tightness, thus forcing the buffer to flow through the cell. The volume of buffer flow through the receptor compartment is important in maintaining sink conditions: a volume of 117 microliters was chosen to replace the total content of the cell (84 microliters) every 2 min. The temperature was precisely controlled in a thermostatic cabinet to minimize variations in experimental conditions. For [3H]dexetimide, an increase in temperature of 20 degrees C reduced the lag time by a factor of approximately two, however the influence on the flux was negligible. The data for the Kelder-cells were comparable with static Franz diffusion cells at a pseudo-steady state, however Kelder-cells have the advantage of automatic sampling, continuous replacement of the receptor solution, and unattended operation over at least 24 h.  相似文献   

To evaluate the prevalence of dihydropyrimidinuria (DHPuria), we analyzed urine samples from 21,200 healthy Japanese infants, and found two cases of DHPuria without clinical symptoms. Based on this result, we estimated the prevalence to be approximately 1/10,000 births in Japan. In addition, we analyzed pyrimidine catabolism on a previously reported family with an adult DHPuria case. We newly identified the sister of the propositus as the second case of DHPuria in this family, because she excreted large amounts of dihydrouracil and dihydrothymine. The parents and the child of the propositus showed slight increases of dihydrouracil and dihydrothymine. This is the first family with 2 cases of DHPuria, indicating that DHPuria is an inherited condition. To determine the inheritance of DHPuria in this family and to examine the risk of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) toxicity, a uracil loading test was performed on the parents. Urinary dihydrouracil concentrations in the parents after the loading were several times higher than those in normal control persons, the finding being consistent with DHPuria heterozygotes. This, along with data on the propositus, his sister, and his child, indicates that DHPuria is an autosomal recessive condition. In addition, DHPuria homozygotes may have a high risk of 5-FU toxicity, while the risk is relatively low in heterozygotes.  相似文献   

Neural correlates of saccade planning in 6-month-old infants were investigated by high-density event-related potentials. Subjects made saccades to a target stimulus following a time gap from fixation stimulus offset (gap trials) or with the fixation stimulus still present (overlap trials). Like adults, infants were slower to make a saccade to the target when the fixation stimulus was still present. Strikingly, infants did not show clear evidence of the pre-saccadic components observed in adults which are thought to reflect cortical saccade planning processes. They did, however, show a left frontal positivity, which we suggest reflects cortical disinhibition of the colliculus initiated by fixation stimulus offset, and clear post-saccadic lambda waves. These results indicate that the frontal cortex already plays a role in action control by 6 months of age, while other aspects of cortical action planning may not yet be present in certain task situations.  相似文献   

As a nation, we are becoming aware that a significant number of children develop severe neuropsychiatric disorders. Unfortunately, knowledge of DSM-IV criteria does not always help the child and family social worker identify children with these disorders. Early onset schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, and severe depression can cause child behaviors that differ markedly from symptoms manifested by adults with serious mental illness. This article provides specific information for screening and treating children who develop long-term neuropsychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Normal and abnormal personality development can be quantified in terms of 15 specific steps in the self-organization of character as a complex adaptive system. Character is measured as three dimensions of Self-directedness, Cooperativeness, and Self-transcendence, each with five components corresponding to steps in personality development. Each of these steps is differentially influenced by heritable temperament dimensions, antecedent steps in character development, and life experiences. Predictions about the nonlinear dynamics of personality development, such as equifinality and multifinality, are confirmed in longitudinal data about individuals representative of the general population. The stepwise development of character determines large differences between individuals in their risk of psychopathology, as well as varying degrees of maturity and health.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to test the hypothesis that patients with both major depressive disorder and panic disorder exhibit more clinical symptoms and have a more protracted course of illness than patients with major depressive disorder only. METHOD: The authors compared standardized clinical evaluations (from Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia interviews) of 119 patients with major depressive disorder only and 57 patients with major depressive disorder and concurrent panic disorder. Clinical and demographic variables were included. RESULTS: The patients with both disorders reported symptoms of major depressive disorder earlier in life and also required treatment and hospital admission earlier in life. Many clinical features during the index episode were significantly more severe in the patients with both disorders. A logistic regression identified a "panic index" consisting of the symptoms of somatic anxiety, phobia, indecisiveness, and feelings of inadequacy. Scores on this index allowed proper classification of patients to either of the two diagnostic groups with high reliability. CONCLUSIONS: In major depressive disorder, the presence of panic disorder is suggestive of a more severe and precocious form of illness.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that the prevalence of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is significantly higher in specially selected populations as compared to the general population. The goal of the current study was to evaluate prevalence of BDD in Turkish patients with mild acne presenting to a dermatologist for treatment. This study was the first empirical investigation of BDD in acne patients in Turkey. One hundred fifty-nine outpatients diagnosed with acne who consulted to the dermatology clinic were included in the study. The diagnosis of BDD was based on DSM-IV criteria and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID-I). A study-specific questionnaire was administered to document and investigate the demographic and clinical characteristics of the cases. Fourteen (8.8%) patients were diagnosed with BDD. Three (21.4%) patients with acne and BDD also had concomitant psychiatric diagnoses. All of the patients were psychiatric management-naive, never received any psychological or physical treatments. BDD was a common psychiatric condition in acne cases. We suggest that dermatologists should routinely explore symptoms and screen such patients for BDD.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: It is not clear whether obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in the context of Tourette's syndrome (TS) is the same as that disorder found in patients with OCD alone. This study evaluated the severity and characteristics of the obsessive-compulsive symptoms in adult patients with OCD and TS compared to adult patients with OCD alone. METHOD: Thirteen subjects with both DSM-III-R TS and OCD and 13 subjects with OCD alone were recruited. Obsessive-compulsive severity was determined by using the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale. The Tourette Syndrome Association Unified Tic Rating Scale was administered to determine tic severity, and the adult version of the Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Checklist was used to detect a history of childhood attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). RESULTS: Subjects with OCD alone had very few obsessions and compulsions that were not also experienced by subjects with both TS and OCD. In contrast, subjects with TS and OCD were significantly more likely to report obsessions involving nonviolent images, excessive concern with appearance, and need for symmetry. Touching, blinking or staring, and counting compulsions were also significantly more common in this group. Eight subjects with OCD and TS had a childhood history of ADHD, compared to none of the pure OCD subjects. CONCLUSION: There are subtle but definite differences in symptomatology of subjects with pure OCD compared to those with OCD and TS consistent with putative differences in pathophysiology between the 2 groups, i.e., abnormalities in the serotonergic system in OCD patients and serotonergic and dopaminergic abnormalities in those with OCD and TS. These observations may be consistent with genetic heterogeneity within both OCD and TS.  相似文献   

Managed mental health care has developed a system of care-giving that does not recognize that acceptable and effective services must acknowledge individual differences and cultural or racial identities. This approach is unacceptable in an era when a psychology of differences is necessary to provide services for nearly one-third of the population. This paper suggests that the adequacy of contemporary psychoparmacological and psychological interventions for multicultural populations is either unknown or unsatisfactory. Historically, interventions in the United States were designed primarily for Euro-Americans and thus were culture-specific in derivation. Managed care has reduced the availability and quality of these interventions for all patients and further limited the range of possible options. Culturally competent mental health services are described and related to quality of care. A societal agenda for implementing cultural competence is suggested.  相似文献   

The evolutionary theory of the concept of mental disorder as harmful dysfunction that Wakefield (see record 1999-03409-002) proposed (a) does not correspond to how the term disorder is used in psychiatric nosology or in clinicians' everyday practice; (b) does not cover the territory to which the term reasonably could be applied; and (c) is not especially useful for research, clinical, or social purposes. The broad concept of disorder is a polythetic, not a monothetic, concept. As such, there need be no essential characteristic, criterion, or single prototype of disorder. Instead, multiple prototypes with varying features are used to group together a wide range of disparate phenomena by analogy. Useful refinements of our concepts of disorder have come from analyses of the nature of action and intentionality. What are most needed now are careful analyses of the social embedding of our concepts in cultural knowledge and practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Heat exposure has been shown to stimulate GH release, but the specificity and the reproducibility have not been determined, and the test has not been compared with validated GH stimulation tests in adulthood. We therefore tested the specificity and the reproducibility of the heat exposure test in healthy subjects and compared the results with those obtained with the insulin-tolerance test (ITT). DESIGN: Ten healthy non-obese men, aged 31.3+/-4.80 years, underwent four GH stimulation tests in random order: two ITTs and two heat exposure tests. In the heat test, subjects were placed in a hot bath with water temperature at 40.3+/-0.11 degrees C for 45 min, resulting in an identical (P = 0.477) significant increase in tympanic temperature of 1.26+/-0.05 and 1.41+/-0.07 degrees C in the two tests. RESULTS: Peak GH response to the heat exposure test was less than the peak GH response to ITT (5.25+/-1.72 vs 15.5+/-3.17 microg/l, P = 0.006). Furthermore the specificity (arbitrary cut-off level = 3 microg/l) of the heat test was lower than of the ITT (8/17 vs 18/20, P = 0.006). The coefficient of variation did not differ between the two tests (heat test 0.31, ITT 0.36, P = 0.77). Peak GH values in the individual tests were highly correlated (heat, r = 0.908, P = 0.002; ITT, r = 0.815, P = 0.004). Reproducible increments in the circulating levels of stress hormones were observed during ITT. but these hormones remained largely unchanged during heat exposure. CONCLUSIONS: The heat exposure test is not a reliable GH stimulation test compared with the ITT in adults. This study documents that the ITT has a high specificity and reproducibility in the diagnosis of GH deficiency in adulthood. We propose that the heat exposure test is not used in the diagnosis of this condition in adulthood.  相似文献   

We examined potential mechanisms by which angiotensin subtype-2 (AT2) receptor stimulation induces net fluid absorption and serosal guanosine cyclic 3',5'-monophosphate (cGMP) formation in the rat jejunum. L-arginine (L-ARG) given intravenously or interstitially enhanced net fluid absorption and cGMP formation, which were completely blocked by the nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitor, N-nitro-L-arginine methylester (L-NAME), but not by the specific AT2 receptor antagonist, PD-123319 (PD). Dietary sodium restriction also increased jejunal interstitial fluid cGMP and fluid absorption. Both could be blocked by PD or L-NAME, suggesting that the effects of sodium restriction occur via ANG II at the AT2 receptor. L-ARG-stimulated fluid absorption was blocked by the soluble guanylyl cyclase inhibitor 1-H-[1,2,4]oxadiazolo[4, 2-alpha]quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ). Cyclic GMP-specific phosphodiesterase in the interstitial space decreased extracellular cGMP content and prevented the absorptive effects of L-ARG. Angiotensin II (ANG II) caused an increase in net Na+ and Cl- ion absorption and 22Na+ unidirectional efflux (absorption) from the jejunal loop. In contrast, intraluminal heat-stable enterotoxin of Escherichia coli (STa) increased loop cGMP and fluid secretion that were not blocked by either L-NAME or ODQ. These findings suggest that ANG II acts at the serosal side via AT2 receptors to stimulate cGMP production via soluble guanylyl cyclase activation and absorption through the generation of NO, but that mucosal STa activation of particulate guanylyl cyclase causes secretion independently of NO, thus demonstrating the opposite effects of cGMP in the mucosal and serosal compartments of the jejunum.  相似文献   

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