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EPS are supposed to be among the causes of membrane fouling in membrane bioreactors (MBR). In this work they are measured as total proteins and total polysaccharides. Theoretical and empirical considerations of biomass membrane filtration lead to the conclusion that EPS in the water phase is decisive for the filterability of activated sludge. In this study therefore different ways of separating the water phase from the biomass are investigated, where a simple filtration over a paper filter turned out to be sufficient. Subsequently, a simple batch test set up was used to investigate the influence of substrate conditions on the amount of EPS in the water phase. Dilution of the biomass does not result in changes. Dilution together with substrate addition leads to an increase both in proteins and polysaccharides. Replacement of the water phase leads to no significant changes in protein concentration, but polysaccharide concentration may vary considerably. This phenomenon is more pronounced after replacement of the water phase and substrate addition.  相似文献   

Although membrane bioreactors have attracted increasing attention in recent years, little research has been undertaken on the influence of the membrane separation on the microbial community composition. This paper compares the startup behaviour and the performance of the subsequent eight months of a membrane bioreactor with a conventional activated sludge pilot plant. Both plants were operated in parallel at the same sludge age and treated the same domestic wastewater. The identification of the nitrifying community composition using fluorescent in situ hybridization revealed only minor differences between the two reactors for both ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria. Accordingly, both systems exhibited the same maximum nitrification rates. Confocal laser scanning microscopy showed that the aggregates formed by nitrifying bacteria were located mostly in the inner part of the flocs and were overgrown by heterotrophic bacteria. It is concluded that the membrane separation itself does affect neither the nitrifying community composition nor the nitrification performance. However, impacts on kinetic parameters are emphasized.  相似文献   

为确定滹沱河源头松散岩类孔隙水硝酸盐污染特征及其迁移过程,2016年3月选择源头繁峙县地下水共8个采样点进行分析。结果显示:地下水常量元素Ca~(2+)离子含量明显大于Na~+离子,且两者之间存在明显的负相关关系;Na~+离子与Cl~-离子含量存在比较明显的正相关关系;沿地下水流程,HCO-3离子含量存在减小的趋势,但相对变幅较小,是最主要的阴离子成分;Cl~-离子含量随着地下水流程的增加而增大,且相对变幅变化较大。基本上反映了地下水动态为入渗-径流为主、入渗-径流-蒸发为辅,地下水化学作用以溶滤作用为主、间杂浓缩作用的特点;滹沱河源头地下水硝态氮污染比较严重。采样点的NO3-含量介于3.6~28.7 mg/L,平均值为14.3 mg/L,超标率达75%,郝家湾以下所有样点全部超标;随着硝酸盐含量的增加,δ15N无明显的降低现象,且本次取样的δ15N/δ18O均不为2∶1的比例,加之积极交替的地表水、地下水环境,说明研究区基本未发生反硝化作用;δ~(15)N、δ~(18)O溯源分析结果表明,12.5%的样点受到生活污水和家畜粪便的污染;87.5%的样点受到土壤溶滤、生活污水和家畜粪便、化肥和降雨的共同污染,相应的贡献率分别为62%、22%、16%。同时表明该区正发生着有机质的矿化作用和硝化作用。  相似文献   

A novel annular gap reactor was designed to create a controlled shear environment in which aerobic granular sludge could be developed. The bacterial and eukaryal community structures during two aerobic granular sludge experiments were tracked using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). The first granule cultivation experiment, using an organic loading rate of 1.6 kg/m3d COD, resulted in biomass that was dominated by filamentous bacteria and Zoogloea ramigera colonies. A second experiment with a higher organic loading rate of 6 kg/m3d COD developed a granule-like morphology but was ultimately dominated by filamentous fungi. Species identification via DGGE band purification and DNA sequencing closely matched the observed sludge morphology and behavior.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the effect of inoculating membrane bioreactor (MBR) sludge in a parallel-operated overloaded conventional activated sludge (CAS) system. Modelling studies that showed the beneficial effect of this inoculation were confirmed though full scale tests. Total nitrogen (TN) removal in the CAS increased and higher nitrate formation rates were achieved. During MBR sludge inoculation, the TN removal in the CAS was proven to be dependent on MBR sludge loading. Special attention was given to the effect of inoculation on sludge quality. The MBR flocs, grown without selection pressure, were clearly distinct from the more compact flocs in the CAS system and also contained more filamentous bacteria. After inoculation the MBR flocs did not evolve into good-settling compact flocs, resulting in a decreasing sludge quality. During high flow conditions the effluent CAS contained more suspended solids. Sludge volume index, however, did not increase. Laboratory tests were held to determine the threshold volume of MBR sludge to be seeded into the CAS reactor. Above 16-30%, supernatant turbidity and scum formation increased markedly.  相似文献   

Monitoring activated sludge settling properties using image analysis.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The goal of this study is to develop a monitoring system for activated sludge properties, as this is an essential tool in the battle against filamentous bulking. A fully automatic image analysis procedure for recognising and characterising flocs and filaments in activated sludge images has been optimised and subsequently used to monitor activated sludge properties in a lab-scale installation. The results of two experiments indicate that the image information correlates well with the Sludge Volume Index. It is shown that, at the onset of filamentous bulking, there is an increase in total filament length on the one hand, and a change in floc shape on the other hand.  相似文献   

A submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) and a conventional activated sludge system (CAS) were compared in parallel over a period of more than 260 days on treating synthetic ammonia-bearing inorganic wastewater without sludge purge under decreased hydraulic retention times (HRTs). Conversion of NH4(+)-N to NO3(-)-N was achieved with an efficiency of over 98% at an HRT > or = 10 h in the SMBR, while similar performance was obtained at an HRT > or = 20 h in the CAS. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified 16S rDNA was used to monitor variations of community structures in the two systems. With the prolongation of operation, the number of DGGE bands in the SMBR gradually increased from the initial 11 bands to the final 22 bands, whereas that in the CAS varied in a range between 13 and 183 Sequence analysis indicates that Nitrosomonas sp. and Nitrospira sp. were the dominating nitrification species responsible for ammonia and nitrite oxidation, respectively. Heterotrophic bacteria like Pseudomonas sp. and Flavobacteria sp. existed in both of the systems although only inorganic wastewater was fed. Substantive accumulation of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in the SMBR was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy and EPS analysis.  相似文献   

In this study a single-well, "push- pull" test method is adapted for determination of in situ denitrification rates in groundwater aquifers. The rates of stepwise reduction of nitrate to nitrite, nitrous oxide, and molecular nitrogen were determined by performing a series of push-pull tests. The method consists of the controlled injection of a prepared test solution ("push") into an aquifer followed by the extraction of the test solution/ground water mixture ("pull") from the same location. The injected test solution consists of ground water containing a nonreactive tracer and one or more biologically reactive solutes. Reaction rate coefficients are computed from the mass of reactant consumed and/or product formed. A single Transport Test, one Biostimulation Test, and four Activity Tests were conducted for this study. Transport tests are conducted to evaluate the mobility of solutes used in subsequent tests. These included bromide (a conservative tracer), fumarate (a carbon and/or source), and nitrate (an electron acceptor). Extraction phase breakthrough curves for all solutes were similar, indicating apparent conservative transport of the solutes prior to biostimulation. Biostimulation tests were conducted to stimulate the activity of indigenous heterotrophic denitrifying microorganisms and consisted of injection of site ground water containing fumarate and nitrate. Biostimulation was detected by the simultaneous production of carbon dioxide and nitrite after each injection. Activity tests were conducted to quantify rates of nitrate, nitrite, and nitrous oxide reduction. Estimated zero-order degradation rates decreased in the order nitrate > nitrite > nitrous oxide. The series of push-pull tests developed and field tested in this study should prove useful for conducting rapid, low-cost feasibility assessments for in situ denitrification in nitrate-contaminated aquifers.  相似文献   

A time series analysis using an sutocorrelation function (ACF) was used to assess the relative importance of density (DD) and non density-dependent - (NDD) factors on microfauna abundance of a two-stage activated sludge pilot plant treating industrial effluents. Although some previous work has detected a carrying capacity for the total microfauna abundance in both reactors, ACF showed a general pattern of non-density dependent abundance regulation. Stationarity due to density-dependent factors was observed for the two major species in the first reactor, the sessile Opercularia asymmetrica and the crawling Chilodonatella minuta. There was no evidence of bacterial competition and only weak evidence of floc surface competition. It is possible that the main driving factor in the first reactor was the constant wasting rate. In the second reactor, the microfauna was clearly dependent on substrate fluctuations, attaining densities one order of magnitude higher than in the first reactor. This was probably a consequence of its longer sludge age. An 8-day oscillation period was detected only in the first reactor, while a second oscillation of about 30 days was observed in both the first and second reactors. ACF was shown to be a simple method for discriminating between DD and NDD factors influencing species and total abundance dynamics.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the potential for microbial degradation of estrogens, and the products formed, activated sludge collected from Korea (ASK) and night soil-composting microorganisms (NSCM) were used to degrade estrogens. Results showed that both ASK and NSCM degraded almost 100% of the natural estrogens estrone (E1), 17beta-estradiol (E2), and estriol (E3) from initial concentrations of 20-25 mg/L, while synthetic estrogen, ethynylestradiol (EE2), was not degraded. Analysis of degradation products of E2 by using HPLC-ECD and a consecutive first-order reaction calculation confirmed that E2 was sequentially degraded to E1, which was further degraded to other unknown compounds by ASK and NSCM. We then used the yeast two-hybrid assay to show that the unknown degradation products did not appear to possess estrogenic activity when E1, E2 or E3 were degraded to below the detection limit after 14 days of incubation, indicating that ASK and NSCM not only degrade natural estrogens, but also remove their estrogenic activities.  相似文献   

In activated sludge systems the mechanically treated wastewater is biologically cleaned by biomass (activated sludge). The basic requirement of an efficient biological wastewater treatment is to have as a high biomass concentration in the biological reactor (BR) as possible. The activated sludge balance in activated sludge systems is controlled by the settling, thickening, scraper mechanism in the secondary settling tank (SST) and sludge returning. These processes aim at keeping maximum sludge mass in the BR and minimum sludge mass in the SST even in peak flow events (storm water flow). It can be, however, only reached by a high SST performance. The main physical processes and boundary conditions such as inhomogeneous turbulent flow, geometrical features of the SST, wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) load, return sludge flow, sludge volume index etc. all influence settling thickening and sludge returning. In the paper a novel mass transport model of an activated sludge system is presented which involves a 2-dimensional SST model coupled with a mixed reactor model of the biological reactor. It makes possible to investigate different sludge returning strategies and their influence on the sludge balance of the investigated activated sludge system, furthermore, the processes determining the flow and concentration patterns in the SST. The paper gives an overview on the first promising model results of a prevailing peak flow event investigation at the WWTP of Graz.  相似文献   

More stringent effluent and cost requirements are increasing the need for better control of wastewater treatment plants. In an activated sludge process, the nitrogen removal efficiency may be improved by adding an external carbon source. In this paper, automatic control of the nitrate level by regulating external carbon flow is discussed. More specifically, an iterative tuning procedure for the controller is outlined. Iterative controller design schemes aim at tuning high performance controllers of low complexity using closed loop data. The basic strategy used in this paper is an iterative pole placement controller design procedure. The suggested approach is compared with conventional design in a simulation study.  相似文献   

A new sludge treatment process combining a high MLSS membrane bioreactor with sludge pretreatment techniques was studied in pilot-scale experiments. The membrane bioreactor (MBR) was adopted for high efficiency aerobic digestion. The combination of alkaline-ozone treatment of the mixed liquor in the MBR reactor accelerated the biodegradation process by enhancing biodegradability of the sludge. The hydraulic retention time (HRT) of the reactor was set as 3.1 days and the DO level was 1 mg/L on average. After 5 months of operation, the accumulative total solids reduction was more than 70%. Removal efficiency of volatile solids and non-volatile solids were 76% and 54%, respectively. It was found that a considerable portion of the non-volatile solids was dissolved into ions and then flushed out with the effluent. Also, about 41% and 28% of T-N and T-P in the raw sludge were removed although no biological nutrient removal process was adopted. The experiment was run smoothly without significant membrane fouling, even at the relatively high levels of MLSS concentration (11,000-25,000 mg/L). It is concluded that the newly proposed process can significantly increase the sludge reduction efficiency with much shorter retention times.  相似文献   

不排泥运行条件下膜生物反应器污泥活性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考察了不排泥运行情况下膜生物反应器(MBR)中污泥活性的变化以及硝化菌群的分布情况。研究结果表明,在一年多的试验运行期间,反应器内污泥浓度逐渐增加,尽管进水水质波动,但出水水质比较稳定;随着运行时间的延续,污泥的活性有所变化,比耗氧速率从运行初始的18.3mgO2/(gVSS.h)减少至第314天时的8.63mgO2/(gVSS.h);在总细菌中活细菌的比例明显下降,而上清液中DNA的浓度没有明显增加。表明运行稳定后MBR污泥中的微生物大部分处于内源呼吸状态。采用NSO190和NSO1225两种探针探测了硝化菌群在不同污泥粒径中的分布,以分析不同粒径的污泥硝化活性。结果表明,粒径越小硝化菌群越密集,而相应的硝化速率也越快。  相似文献   

Potential of activated sludge ozonation.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The disposal of sewage sludge and the agricultural use of stabilised sludge are decreasing due to more stringent regulations in Europe. An increasing fraction of sewage sludge must therefore be dewatered, dried, incinerated and the ashes disposed of in landfills. These processes are cost-intensive and also lead to the loss of the valuable phosphate resources incorporated in the sludge ash. The implementation of processes that could reduce excess sludge production and recycle phosphate is therefore recommended. Partial ozonation of the return sludge of an activated sludge system significantly reduces excess sludge production, improves the settling properties of the sludge and reduces bulking and scumming. The solubilised COD will also improve denitrification if the treated sludge is recycled to the anoxic zone. However, ozonation partly kills nitrifiers and could therefore lead to a decrease of the effective solid retention time of the nitrifier, thus reducing the safety of the nitrification. This paper discusses the effect of ozonation on sludge reduction, the operating stability of nitrification, the improvement of denitrification and also presents an energy and cost evaluation.  相似文献   

The disposal of sewage sludge and the agricultural use of stabilised sludge are decreasing due to more stringent regulations in Europe. An increasing fraction of sewage sludge must therefore be dewatered, dried, incinerated and the ashes disposed of in landfills. These processes are cost-intensive and also lead to the loss of valuable phosphate resources incorporated in the sludge ash. The implementation of processes that could reduce excess sludge production and recycle phosphate is therefore recommended. Disintegration of biological sludge by mechanical, thermal and physical methods could significantly reduce excess sludge production, improve the settling properties of the sludge and reduce bulking and scumming. The solubilised COD could also improve denitrification if the treated sludge is recycled to the anoxic zone. However, disintegration partly inhibits and kills nitrifiers and could therefore shorten their effective solid retention time, thus reducing the safety of the nitrification. This paper discusses the potential of disintegration on sludge reduction, the operating stability of nitrification, the improvement of denitrification and also presents an energy and cost evaluation.  相似文献   

The presence of a short circuit flow in a denitrifying activated sludge tank was identified and modelled. Tracer tests with pulse addition of lithium salt were used to investigate the hydraulics of the tank. The lithium concentration in the effluent was detected and residence time distribution (RTD) curves were generated. Hydraulic models based on completely stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) in series were generated from the RTD curves and the models were compared. The short circuit problem was successfully described using the Martin model, where the inflow is divided into two strands. Each strand was modelled as a number of CSTRs in series. At a normal flow the results of the model show that the tank has 12.8% dead volume, 85.8% main volume and 1.3% short circuiting volume. The inflow was divided into 91.9% entering the main volume and 8.1% entering the short circuiting volume. The mean velocity of the short circuiting stream was estimated to 0.4 m/s. At maximum flow the short circuiting stream was even larger and handled 24.3% of the flow. The short circuiting stream was identified in the upper part of the tank due to the position of the inlet and the outlet. The configuration of a tank including the use of baffles, the geometry of the inlet and mixer configuration should be considered carefully if short circuiting is to be avoided.  相似文献   

Many systems contain populations of individuals. Often, they are regarded as a lumped phase, which might, for some applications, lead to inadequate model predictive power. An alternative framework, Population Balance Models, has been used here to describe such a system, activated sludge flocculation in which particle size is the property one wants to model. An important problem to solve in population balance modelling is to determine the model structure that adequately describes experimentally obtained data on for instance, the time evolution of the floc size distribution. In this contribution, an alternative method based on solving the inverse problem is used to recover the model structure from the data. In this respect, the presence of similarity in the data simplifies the problem significantly. Similarity was found and the inverse problem could be solved. A forward simulation then confirmed the quality of the model structure to describe the experimental data.  相似文献   

In this work, sludge was submitted to aerobic dynamic substrate feeding. Two sequencing batch reactors were operated, with acetate or propionate as carbon substrates. When acetate was used the system only produced a homopolymer of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB). In order to maximize the PHB production, tests with different concentrations of acetate and ammonia were preformed. The best results (67.2% of PHB by cell dry weight) were obtained for 0.7 Nmmol/l of ammonia and 180 Cmmol/l of acetate. The PHB cell content was further improved by pulse addition of substrate, three times 60 Cmmol/l of acetate, reaching a value of 78.5%. Propionate can be used as a precursor for hydroxyvalerate. In conjunction with other substrates, it allows for the formation of copolymers, which present better processing properties on commercial applications. Tests with different concentrations of propionate and ammonia were performed. Under the operating conditions used, the maximum PHA accumulated inside cells was 34.8%, with 30 Cmmol/l of propionate and no ammonia.  相似文献   

Anaerobic digestion is an effective technology to convert cellulosic wastes to methane and hydrogen. Heat-treatment is a well known method to inhibit hydrogen-consuming bacteria in using anaerobic mixed cultures for seeding. This study aims to investigate the effects of heat-treatment temperature and time on activated sludge for fermentative hydrogen production from alpha-cellulose by response surface methodology. Hydrogen and methane production was evaluated based on the production rate and yield (the ability of converting cellulose into hydrogen and methane) with heat-treated sludge as the seed at various temperatures (60-97 degrees C) and times (20-60 min). Batch experiments were conducted at 55 degrees C and initial pH of 8.0. The results indicate that hydrogen and methane production yields peaked at 4.3 mmol H2/g cellulose and 11.6 mmol CH4/g cellulose using the seed activated sludge that was thermally treated at 60 degrees C for 40 min. These parameter values are higher than those of no-treatment seed (HY 3.6 mmol H2/g cellulose and MY 10.4 mmol CH4/g cellulose). The maximum hydrogen production rate of 26.0 mmol H2/L/d and methane production rate of 23.2 mmol CH4/L/d were obtained for the seed activated sludge that was thermally treated at 70 degrees C for 50 min and 60 degrees C for 40 min, respectively.  相似文献   

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