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纵向通风隧道内火灾烟气流动的控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了纵向通风隧道火灾和相关烟气形成现象。利用计算机流体动力模型模拟烟气流动,获得可以与试验数据进行比较的预测结果。在Richardson数字基础上,采用了不同参考稳定值,结果发现,直接利用火灾热释放速率所获得的温度值会产生最有用的结果。试验结果与数值预测结果的比较发现,两者吻合较好。笔者验证了利用容积测定火源模拟火灾的情况。结果的准确性很大程度上取决于对墙和屋顶的热传递。  相似文献   

火灾时隧道内烟流流动状态试验研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过大比例火灾模型试验,研究火灾时隧道内烟流流动状态、烟流速度变化以及通风对烟流流动状态的影响。试验模型隧道长100m,内径1.8m。火源采用燃烧床盛放油料模拟,试验中设定了A、B、C三个火灾规模用以模拟实际隧道火灾场景。试验结果表明,点火后,隧道内火区、火区下游烟流速度在2~8min内增加很快,明显大于点火前风速,且其增幅随通风风速、火灾规模的不同而变化。同时,随着火势的逐渐减弱隧道内烟流速度也逐渐减小,并趋于初始风速。试验结果建议对于一般的限制或禁止油罐车通行的隧道,火灾时,隧道内应尽快建立起2~3m/s的纵向风流以抑止烟气的逆流。  相似文献   

Heat exhaust coefficient of transversal smoke extraction system in tunnel under fire is studied by experimental means with a 1:10 model tunnel using Froude scaling. Heat exhaust coefficient is defined as the proportion of the heat exhausted by individual exhaust inlet, smoke duct and exhaust fans in total heat released by the fire in the tunnel, respectively. Results of a series of fire tests in a model tunnel are presented. Heat exhaust coefficient of single exhaust inlet and the smoke duct are strongly influenced by the configuration of the exhaust inlets. Heat exhaust coefficient of the exhaust fans varies in the range of 13–20% and is smaller than the heat exhaust coefficient of the smoke duct which varies from 17% to 83% and tends to be about 35% with the increase of the total area of the exhaust inlets. Activating small number of the exhaust inlets is beneficial for enhancing the heat exhaust coefficient of the smoke duct. The heat exhaust coefficient of the smoke duct and exhaust fans is high when the exhaust inlets are set close to the fire. Due to the cooling effect of the solid boundaries on the smoke while traveling in the tunnel and smoke duct, the heat exhaust coefficient of the exhaust fans in unilateral exhaust mode is slightly smaller than that in bilateral exhaust mode.  相似文献   

以某综合管廊为研究背景,利用PyroSim模拟软件建立的仿真计算模型,研究了设立挡烟垂壁、改变防火门开启程度、增设排烟设施等情况下的烟气蔓延规律.研究发现:在烟气未充满管廊时,挡烟垂壁会使烟气蔓延速度降低,烟气蔓延速度与挡烟垂壁高度成反比;防火门打开会使火灾烟气蔓延至相邻防火分区,烟气蔓延速率与防火门开启程度成正相关;...  相似文献   

To assess the impact of heat smoke in tunnel with vertical shafts, the maximum temperature of smoke beneath ceiling is researched theoretically and experimentally in this paper. A theoretical prediction model for maximum temperature of smoke beneath ceiling is built using dimensional analysis. A numerical model is built and calibrated with the full-scale experiment data. The calibrated numerical model is used to simulate the maximum temperature of smoke under different conditions with different shaft geometry. At last, the proposed theoretical model was formulated and compared with Kurioka model, experimental data and simulation data. The results show that the proposed theoretical model can give a better prediction for the tendency. It can be used to predict the maximum temperature of smoke beneath ceiling of tunnel with vertical shafts by taking the shaft geometry and arrangements effect into account.  相似文献   

In this work, a numerical model of tunnel fire is developed and aimed to investigate the influence of cross-sectional fire locations on critical velocity and smoke flow characteristic. It is shown that the critical velocity for a fire next to the wall is obviously higher than that for a fire in the middle or on the left/right lane. The ratio is estimated to be 1.12. The predictions of critical velocity from ‘small-fire’ models show a good agreement with that for a fire in the middle or on the left/right lane from CFD. The tunnel height at the fire location is proposed to be instead of the hydraulic tunnel height in the ‘big-fire’ model of Wu and Bakar for a fire next to the wall. The smoke moves backward in a tongue like form as the ventilation velocity is lower than the critical velocity. The back-layering length of a fire in the middle is shown to be approximate twice than that on the left/right lane under the same ventilation velocity, although they share the same critical velocity. Whereas a relatively short back-layering length for a fire next to the wall under the velocity of 2.6 and 2.7 m/s. In addition, a snaky high-temperature profile on the top wall at the initial downstream is observed for a fire on the left lane and next to the wall, and finally a steady and layered smoke flow. The likely cause of this phenomenon is subsequently explained in this study.  相似文献   

阐述了翔安隧道左线进行的热烟测试,包括试验方法、工况设置、测量数据的确定与分析,试验同时采用了甲醇和汽油两种燃料.试验发现,火灾初期烟流速度较小,翔安隧道采用的分段纵向排烟方式可以有效控制烟气扩散,为了保证人员疏散安全,隧道风机系统应按照火情发展合理组织运行.  相似文献   

建立单孔隧道模型,采用FDS 数值模拟分析不同高度的组合挡板对隧道机械排烟的影响。结果表明,相较于普通排烟口,安装组合挡板可以有效提高隧道机械排烟效率,改善排烟口处气体压力场的分布状态,减小垂直方向的排烟风速,加大水平方向的排烟风速,从而降低吸穿现象发生概率。经模拟验证,发现组合挡板高度是影响吸穿现象发生的重要因素,组合挡板会使排烟口前方烟层厚度变小,当烟层厚度小于挡板高度时就会发生吸穿现象。通过比较挡板高度分别为50、65、80、95、110 cm 几种情况的模拟效果,发现H=50 cm 工况排烟口处的烟气浓度最高,单位时间排烟量最大,排烟效果最好。  相似文献   

通过数值计算,研究顶部开口自然通风隧道火灾火源–竖井间距对烟气流动特征与竖井排烟效率的影响。考虑因素有火源–竖井间距、竖井断面尺寸。结果表明:随着火源–竖井间距的增大,竖井前方来流烟气的质量流量增大,且竖井的排烟效率逐渐降低,竖井内空气卷吸量减少;当火源–竖井间距较小时,竖井更有利于排出更多的热量,竖井后方的温度降低幅度更大,烟气可以被控制在更小的范围内。此外,随着竖井截面尺寸的增大,竖井的排烟效率增加,且增大竖井的宽度更有利于增加竖井的排烟量。因此建议当相邻竖井的间距较大时,可适当增加竖井的截面尺寸和竖井高度。  相似文献   

对不同入口风速和隧道高宽比情况下隧道内的烟气运动进行模拟,分析隧道内的烟气分布情况.结果表明:随着入口风速的增大,隧道内整体的烟气浓度会逐渐降低.入口风速过大,加强了气流的湍流程度,使烟气层较早降至路面,隧道断面提前充满烟气,使火源附近近地面处的烟气浓度过高.当入口风速较小时,火源上部的部分烟气会逆着风向流动,产生回流现象,所研究工况下烟气不发生回流的临界入口风速为2.2 m/s左右.横截面积相同的情况下,隧道高宽比越小,烟气上升高度越高,隧道下部烟气量越少,利于救援和人员疏散.  相似文献   

采用数值模拟方法,研究隧道长度对火灾烟气质量流量及烟气层厚度的影响。隧道长度分别设定为100,200,300,400,500 m。结果发现:设定条件下,烟气蔓延距离大于200 m时,烟气沉降明显,烟气质量流量和厚度呈现先增大后变小的趋势;烟气层下方存在诱导气流,二者之间的剪切作用共同影响烟气质量流量和厚度的变化;200 m范围内,诱导气流的速度随着与火源距离的增加而增大,主要是由于烟气层温度较高,浮力效应较强,从而卷吸下层冷空气,导致烟气质量流量和厚度增大,下方诱导气流空间减小,导致速度增加;200 m范围外,烟气层温度大幅降低,浮力效应减弱,诱导气流惯性力在二者剪切作用下占据主要作用,从而卷吸上层烟气,导致烟气质量流量和厚度减小。  相似文献   

通过数值计算方法,研究了顶部开口自然通风隧道竖井的排烟效率。考虑了火源热释放速率、竖井高度、长度和宽度及竖井位置的影响,并与竖井排烟效率计算模型进行对比。研究结果发现:竖井的排烟效率随竖井高度的增加而略微增大;竖井的排烟效率基本不随火源热释放速率的变化而变化;随着竖井长度和宽度地增加,排烟效率大幅增加;此外,当竖井位于顶棚中央时,排烟效率较位于顶棚一侧的排烟效率高,且烟气控制效果好。此外,竖井排烟效率模型可以较好地预测不同竖井尺寸和位置的排烟效率。  相似文献   

针对目前国内环形公路隧道的特点,通过全尺寸环形公路隧道实体火灾试验,考察了环形公路隧道发生火灾时采用集中排烟方式的排烟效果,分别对上坡和下坡两种工况进行分析,获得了集中排烟的具体方式和参数,结果证明在环形公路隧道火灾中采用集中排烟方式能够有效控制隧道中的烟气,可为人员安全疏散和火灾救援赢得时间,试验可以为相应环形公路隧道防排烟标准制订提供参考.  相似文献   

为研究单室墙角火火灾壁面烟熏痕迹特征,采用1/3尺寸火灾试验还原单室墙角火火灾,测定壁面不同点的温度及烟气蔓延速度,研究火源在不同位置时的壁面烟熏痕迹特征;利用PyroSim软件模拟烟气蔓延过程。结果表明:火源位于房间中间时,在屋顶呈现圆形痕迹;火源在墙角时,两边侧墙和墙角顶部形成明显烟熏痕迹;墙角火在墙角位置的温度和烟气蔓延速度高于房间中间起火;试验结果与模拟结果吻合。试验结果可为调查墙角火火灾提供理论及试验依据。  相似文献   

通过对海拔为4100m的高海拔隧道进行全尺寸火灾试验,揭示高海拔隧道火灾烟气下沉及温度场变化特征。试验采用三种不同尺寸火源(0.8m2、1.0m2、2.0m2),对隧道火灾烟气蔓延特征、火区最高温度、隧道拱顶纵向温度分布进行研究。试验研究结果表明:隧道火灾试验初期及燃烧稳定阶段,火源附近隧道上层烟气与下层冷空气分界明显,火灾后期烟气下沉严重;较小风速有利于高海拔隧道小规模火灾烟气逆流层纵向和垂向蔓延的控制。隧道火灾温度场研究表明:隧道火灾温升速率随火源热释放率增大而增加;火源附近20m范围内温度衰减速率较快,远火源区域隧道拱顶纵向温度衰减较慢,趋于平缓;通过对火源上方拱顶烟气温度分析,发现隧道火灾探测采用差温报警模式较定温报警模式更加有效,并得出10℃/min的温升速率可基本满足高海拔隧道小规模火灾的初期报警;隧道拱顶纵向温度分布规律导致火源远场烟气下沉严重而近火源区域烟气层化较好的特征。高海拔隧道火灾温度分布特性试验研究,可为高海拔隧道火灾动力特性研究提供依据,为高海拔隧道人员疏散逃生提供指导及建议。  相似文献   

Smoke layer interface height is an important parameter in fire safety science. In this paper, a series of experiments were conducted in a 1/6th scale model tunnel for determining the smoke layer interface height in medium scale tunnel fire scenarios. The commonly used approaches, including visual observation, N-percentage rule and integral method are reviewed firstly. Then, considering the subjectivity and empiricism of previous approaches, a buoyancy frequency method is put forward based on the vertical temperature distribution in tunnel, which has definite physical meaning and eliminates the subjectivity of previous methods. The smoke layer thicknesses determined by buoyancy frequency method are compared with the results of visual observation, N-percentage rule (N = 10, 20, 30) and integral ratio method, respectively. The comparison results reveal that the smoke layer thicknesses determined by buoyancy frequency method fit best with the visual values for all the experimental conditions. While the calculated values by integral ratio method are lower than the visual values. In addition, the selection of optimum N values for the N-percentage rule in different cases is also discussed.  相似文献   

摘 要:为了解决特长海底隧道发生火灾时的排烟问题,提出利用服务通道和联络横通道辅助送风的通风方案。利用火灾动力学模拟软件(FDS),建立隧道火灾通风模型,通过研究通风排烟时服务隧道内补风量与横通道开启数量对火灾烟气的控制效果,确定通风系统的技术参数。结果表明:火灾发生时,事故隧道内纵向通风风速2 m/s,同时开启火源上游3 个横通道,并在服务隧道两端各施加1.3 m/s 纵向通风风速,既可将烟气控制在火源一侧,同时不影响人员安全疏散,其控烟效果与通风网络解算结果一致。采用横通道辅助送风的通风方案,控制特长海底隧道内火灾烟气蔓延是具有理论可行性的。  相似文献   

Some modifications on Suzuki’s multi-layer zone model (MLZ) have been done to predict temperature and smoke distribution of a tunnel fires, i.e., the radiation heat loss of fire source is taken into account and a four-surface radiation heat transfer model is introduced. Like Suzuki’s model, as a special long and narrow space, the tunnel space is also divided into a number of layers in vertical direction and regions in longitudinal direction. The physical properties like temperature and species (CO, CO2, etc.) are assumed uniform in every zone like two-zone model. However, the different heat transfer model is introduced. The MLZ model prediction is compared with the experiments of USTC and CFD model (FDS). It shows good agreement between the model prediction, experiments and CFD models (FDS). And the MLZ model needs less time than CFD model.  相似文献   

工程设计中的防火及防排烟问题   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
徐明 《暖通空调》2002,32(5):34-36,33
从各防火规范的相关条文出发,分析探计了工程实际中常见的地下室设置机械排烟系统的原则、加压送风与楼层数等问题,并提出了解决方法。  相似文献   

Numerical and theoretical work was conducted to investigate the effect of tunnel cross section on critical velocity for smoke control in longitudinally ventilated tunnel fires. The results show that for small fires, the critical velocity decreases with both the increasing tunnel height and tunnel width. For large fires, the critical velocity significantly increases with the increasing tunnel height but is independent of tunnel width. Different calculation models are compared with a focus on effect of tunnel cross section. A new correlation is proposed to account for the effect of tunnel width based on the previous model.  相似文献   

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