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In this paper, we present WS‐TaaS, a Web services load testing platform built on a global platform PlanetLab. WS‐TaaS enables load testing process to be simple, transparent, and as close as possible to the real running scenarios of the target services. First, we briefly introduce the base of WS‐TaaS, Service4All. Second, we provide detailed analysis of the requirements of Web service load testing and present its conceptual architecture as well as algorithm design for improving resource utilization. Third, we present the implementation details of WS‐TaaS. Finally, we perform the evaluation of WS‐TaaS with a set of experiments based on the testing of real Web services, and the results illustrate that WS‐TaaS can efficiently facilitate the whole process of Web service load testing. Especially, comparing with existing testing tools, WS‐TaaS can obtain more effective and accurate test results. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对云服务应用的新特点,从云服务可信机理、云服务可信评估、组合云服务可信建模与评估、云服务供应商信誉评价与选择等方面,系统总结了软件服务化背景下云服务可信评估研究的相关进展,并展望了云服务可信评估未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

云计算环境下的服务调度和资源调度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云计算中的服务调度与资源调度对云计算的性能有重要影响,在分析现有云计算调度模式的基础上,针对云计算数据密集与计算密集的特点,提出分层调度策略以实现云计算中的服务与资源调度。分层调度策略对任务进行划分确定作业优先级,并通过数据局部性和总任务完成率对资源进行分配。数值评价部分应用分层调度与已有调度进行比较。实验结果表明,所采用的调度有效提高了资源利用率,为云服务的进一步研究提供了思路。  相似文献   

The growth in computer and networking technologies over the past decades established cloud computing as a new paradigm in information technology. The cloud computing promises to deliver cost‐effective services by running workloads in a large scale data center consisting of thousands of virtualized servers. The main challenge with a cloud platform is its unpredictable performance. A possible solution to this challenge could be load balancing mechanism that aims to distribute the workload across the servers of the data center effectively. In this paper, we present a distributed and scalable load balancing mechanism for cloud computing using game theory. The mechanism is self‐organized and depends only on the local information for the load balancing. We proved that our mechanism converges and its inefficiency is bounded. Simulation results show that the generated placement of workload on servers provides an efficient, scalable, and reliable load balancing scheme for the cloud data center. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于云计算的空间信息服务系统研究*   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
随着空间信息产业的发展,空间信息服务的需求越来越多,系统的可扩展性、可靠性和可用性的要求越来越高,为此提出了一种基于云计算的空间信息服务系统。系统的设计遵循应用即服务的思想,采用分布式文件系统、分布式数据库、并行编程模型(Map/Reduce)和工作流等技术,支持海量数据存储、资源目录和交换体系以及并行程序处理,可提供从数据到处理功能的一体化服务。最后以植被净初级生产力计算服务为例,对系统设计和关键技术进行了验证。实验证明,本系统具有可行性,能满足空间信息服务的多种需求。  相似文献   

针对基础设施即服务(IaaS)环境下多租户使用安全服务时由于安全资源有限和安全资源分配不均导致的效率低下问题,提出了一个租户安全资源调度框架。首先以最小最大公平算法为基础,结合Fair Scheduler的调度思想为租户设定了最小共享量和资源需求量属性;然后通过安全服务资源分配算法在保证租户最小共享量满足的前提下,尽可能公平地满足租户的资源需求;最后结合租户内任务调度和租户间资源抢占算法,实现了租户安全服务调度框架。实验结果表明,在随机资源分配条件下,安全服务资源分配算法与传统资源分配算法相比在资源利用率和作业效率上均有明显提高,安全服务调度框架可以有效解决多租户安全资源的分配和强占问题。  相似文献   

This paper presents a Platform of Extensible Workflow Simulation Service (Pewss), which we have developed to provide a cloud service for aiding research work in workflow scheduling. The simulation has been a major tool for performance evaluation and comparison in workflow scheduling research. However, researchers usually have to develop their own simulation programs with limited functionality, simply outputting summarized performance results. Pewss has been developed for easing and improving current practices in conducting performance simulations during studying of existing workflow scheduling algorithms or designing of new scheduling algorithms. Pewss has been designed based on the Software as a Service (SaaS) model, adopting a multiuser Web‐based client/server architecture. Conducting simulation experiments on Pewss, researchers simply have to implement the scheduling algorithm under study instead of a whole simulation environment, allowing them to focus on their research work without spending unnecessary efforts on the simulation implementation details. Pewss provides the visualization of a workflow execution schedule based on simulation results, offering a convenient way for researchers to gain an insight into the effectiveness, characteristics, and performance bottleneck of scheduling algorithms. As a multiuser environment, Pewss also provides functionality for researchers to facilitate comparative performance analysis and collaborative research works effectively. Pewss has been used in our research work on task‐parallel workflow scheduling and has been planned to be extended to support other types of workflow scheduling research problems, eg, mixed‐parallel workflows.  相似文献   

随着Google的崛起,云计算概念悄然进入大家的视野,计算技术发展的重点已经狄信息处理逐步过渡到了信息服务,打造信息服务平台已经变成云计算时代的主旋律。文章简单介绍了云计算的基本概念,云计算的主要类型,重点分析和研究了云计算时代平台战略的主要组成和关键技术.提出了平台战略的核心思想。  相似文献   

Cloud computing is emerging as an increasingly popular computing paradigm, allowing dynamic scaling of resources available to users as needed. This requires a highly accurate demand prediction and resource allocation methodology that can provision resources in advance, thereby minimizing the virtual machine downtime required for resource provisioning. In this paper, we present a dynamic resource demand prediction and allocation framework in multi‐tenant service clouds. The novel contribution of our proposed framework is that it classifies the service tenants as per whether their resource requirements would increase or not; based on this classification, our framework prioritizes prediction for those service tenants in which resource demand would increase, thereby minimizing the time needed for prediction. Furthermore, our approach adds the service tenants to matched virtual machines and allocates the virtual machines to physical host machines using a best‐fit heuristic approach. Performance results demonstrate how our best‐fit heuristic approach could efficiently allocate virtual machines to hosts so that the hosts are utilized to their fullest capacity. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

云数据中心异构物理服务器的能耗优化资源分配问题是NP难的组合优化问题,当资源分配问题规模较大时,求解的空间比较大,很难在合理时间内求得最优解。基于分而治之的思想,从调度模式方面提出可扩展分布式调度方法,即当云数据中心待调度的物理服务器的数量比较大时,将待调度的服务器划分为若干个服务器集群,然后在每个服务器集群建立能耗优化的资源分配模型,并利用约束编程框架Choco求解模型,获得能耗最优的资源分配方式。将提出的基于可扩展分布式调度方法的能耗优化云资源调度算法与非扩展调度算法进行实验比较,实验结果表明,提出的基于可扩展分布式调度方法的能耗优化云资源调度算法在大规模云资源分配上有明显的性能优势。  相似文献   

云计算的出现推进了不同应用领域的新发展,对医疗卫生行业更是提出了新的机遇和挑战.首先设计了提供医疗数据分析服务的医疗健康云平台框架以及部署.其次,在此平台上针对多租户请求应用,提出了基于队列模型的请求调度策略.实验结果验证此框架设计下提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

云计算环境下的知识服务是知识与服务的融合, 为知识管理、知识创新提供了新的发展方向。针对基于服务质量(QoS)的知识服务组合优化问题, 在云计算平台下实现和声搜索算法的并行化, 提出了云和声搜索算法。将Skyline方法和理想点法融入到云和声搜索算法中, 对云和声搜索算法进行改进, 提高了算法的运行效率, 确保了解的有效性。实验结果表明, 改进云和声搜索算法在求解知识服务组合优化问题上取得了较好的结果, 在解的质量以及算法的性能方面均有较好的表现。  相似文献   

基于煤矿企业对培训资源的需求分析,阐述了煤矿培训云资源服务平台特征,设计了平台的体系结构,给出了平台资源管理层和应用服务层的设计方法,介绍了理事会、会员制和公司化模式相结合的平台运行机制。煤矿培训云资源服务平台可为煤矿企业提供丰富的煤矿培训资源,增强各煤矿企业间的资源共享和信息交流。  相似文献   

In cloud computing environments in software as a service (SaaS) level, interoperability refers to the ability of SaaS systems on one cloud provider to communicate with SaaS systems on another cloud provider. One of the most important barriers to the adoption of SaaS systems in cloud computing environments is interoperability. A common tactic for enabling interoperability is the use of an interoperability framework or model. During the past few years, in cloud SaaS level, various interoperability frameworks and models have been developed to provide interoperability between systems. The syntactic interoperability of SaaS systems have already been intensively researched. However, not enough consideration has been given to semantic interoperability issues. Achieving semantic interoperability is a challenge within the world of SaaS in cloud computing environments. Therefore, a semantic interoperability framework for SaaS systems in cloud computing environments is needed. We develop a semantic interoperability framework for cloud SaaS systems. The capabilities and value of service oriented architecture for semantic interoperability within cloud SaaS systems have been studied and demonstrated. This paper is accomplished through a number of steps (research methodology). It begins with a study on related works in the literature. Then, problem statement and research objectives are explained. In the next step, semantic interoperability requirements for SaaS systems in cloud computing environments that are needed to support are analyzed. The details of the proposed semantic interoperability framework for SaaS systems in cloud computing environments are presented. It includes the design of the proposed semantic interoperability framework. Finally, the evaluation methods of the semantic interoperability framework are elaborated. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed semantic interoperability framework for SaaS systems in cloud computing environments, extensive experimentation and statistical analysis have been performed. The experiments and statistical analysis specify that the proposed semantic interoperability framework for cloud SaaS systems is able to establish semantic interoperability between cloud SaaS systems in a more efficient way. It is concluded that using the proposed framework, there is a significant improvement in the effectiveness of semantic interoperability of SaaS systems in cloud computing environments.  相似文献   

刘晓霞  刘靖 《计算机应用》2015,35(12):3530-3535
针对如何充分利用云基础架构层资源,满足上层云应用系统租户对应用系统容错的需求多样性和高可靠性要求的问题,提出一种面向租户和云服务提供商的、基于虚拟机部署策略的云平台容错即服务方法。该方法根据租户的特定容错需求适配适合的容错方法及容错级别,据此计算并最优化云服务提供商的收益和资源使用量,在此基础上对提供容错服务的虚拟机进行优化部署,充分利用底层虚拟机资源为租户的云应用系统提供更为可靠的容错服务。实验结果表明,所提方法能够在保障云服务提供商收益的基础上,为多租户云应用系统实现更灵活且可靠性更高的容错服务。  相似文献   

为了使云计算平台为大数据分析提供有效支持,提出一种大数据分析即服务(BDAaaS)的系统架构;首先,当用户向系统提交大数据分析应用(BDAA)时,通过接纳控制器评估任务的执行时间和成本并作出接纳决策;然后,通过服务等级协议(SLA)管理器根据任务的服务质量(QoS)需求制定SLA;最后,利用提出的整数线性规划(ILP)资源调度模型,以最小化执行成本为目标,在满足SLA下合理调度资源来执行任务;仿真结果表明,提出的方案能够有效降低任务执行时间,具有有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

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