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针对冷链食品运输包装对低温瓦楞纸箱的特殊需求,深入广州、深圳多家纸箱使用企业和生产企业进行了走访调查和试样采集,在深入分析普通瓦楞纸箱性能指标的基础上,采取低温条件下处理试样并对试样技术指标进行检测的方法,对低温包装瓦楞纸箱的各项性能指标进行了实验论证,提出了适合冷链食品运输包装用低温瓦楞纸箱的各项性能指标标准和检测方法,解决了冷链食品运输包装中常出现的塌箱、破损等问题。  相似文献   

Time temperature indicators (TTIs) are devices used for recording thermal history and indicating the remaining shelf life of perishable products throughout their storage, distribution and consumption. This is achieved by the irreversible change of colour resulting from the cumulative effects of time and temperature. When applied in intelligent packaging, TTI can provide visual information that is easily accessible, and thus, consumers can judge from the visual information whether the food has deteriorated, which helps to assure the quality and safety of food. TTI can be classified into several different groups including chemical TTI, physical TTI, biological TTI, and other new types of TTI based upon different principles of colour change. Although these kinds of TTI can basically provide effective information about food quality, there are still a number of problems with them in the food supply chain, such as migration of toxic substances, the inaccuracy of temperature monitoring and the high cost in the area of commercial application. However, there are also some scientific methods to solve the aforementioned problems of TTI. In this paper, the latest research of TTI is summarized, its status and its main problems are elaborated and the prospect of its development is envisaged, aiming to provide reference and support for researchers in this realm. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

目的 让消费者通过鲜奶包装上的可视化鲜奶储存温度标识识别鲜奶是否按规定的温度储存,降低时间温度指示标签技术的成本,使其更易应用于鲜奶包装。方法 通过设计3种不同类型的时间温度指示标签,帮助消费者识别鲜奶的存放温度是否合适。结果 油墨消色型和油墨显色型时间温度指示标签适合瓶装鲜奶的储存温度识别,扩散型时间温度指示标签适合利乐包装鲜奶的储存温度识别。结论 可视化储存温度识别包装技术可确保鲜奶质量安全,让消费者放心购买,同时也提升了奶制品企业品牌的形象。  相似文献   

朱文娴  聂子恒  王浩东  王力 《包装工程》2022,43(11):198-204
目的 解决微波复热冷链食品时包装材料及微波输入功率选择的问题。方法 通过对照实验法,利用物理场仿真软件COMSOL Multiphysics 5.6来建立速冻食品微波复加热模型,模拟采用4种常见速冻食品外包装材料,在800 W功率下将一份初始温度为-18℃的速冻土豆泥通过微波复加热至65℃,研究升温过程中物块中心温度和时间速率曲线,以及物料达到目标温度时横切面温度场分布情况。然后在此基础上控制包装材料这个单一变量,分别改变输入功率和物料形状。结果 铝箔制的包装材料中的物料微波加热速率最快,所用的时间为10 s;达到目标温度时,不同包装材料下,pp塑料制的物料体温度差最小,加热相对最均匀;不同形状下,菱形柱体的物料温度差最小,加热相对最均匀;不同微波功率下,6 kW微波功率实现目标温度消耗电能最少。结论 铝箔制的包装材料微波加热速率最快,pp塑料制的包装材料微波加热物料受热均匀性最佳,菱形柱体形状的物料在微波加热时均匀性最佳,选择输入功率为6 kW时加热效益最大。  相似文献   

食品包装用凝胶型二氧化碳指示标签研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在前期研究的基础上,以质量分数为5%且质量之比为3:2的甲基红和溴百里酚蓝混合溶液为二氧化碳指示剂,甲基纤维素和甘油为主要成胶材料,制备了凝胶型二氧化碳含量指示标签。研究了凝胶与指示溶液在变色过程中的吻合度,及运用该凝胶制备指示膜的最佳配方。研究结果表明:适量浓度甲基纤维素制备的凝胶与指示溶液变色吻合度较高,对指示剂颜色变化无影响,可作为指示标签的主要成膜材料;结合甲基纤维素凝胶的黏度、变色响应时间、挂壁百分比及流延性能等指标,确定出成胶的最适甲基纤维素添加质量分数范围为1.6%~1.8%;运用甲基纤维素质量分数为1.6%~1.8%凝胶制备指示膜的过程中,适宜的甘油添加量可以使成膜表面光滑、平整,并有利于水分的保持;最终确定指示标签的最佳制备条件为甲基纤维素的添加质量分数为1.8%,甘油的添加体积分数为4%。  相似文献   

目的 食品智能包装是一种能够感知食品品质变化并反馈给消费者的新型包装技术,通过总结静电纺丝纳米纤维在食品智能包装中的研究进展,为未来智能包装技术的发展提供借鉴。方法 介绍静电纺丝装置的原理及其影响因素,举例介绍适用于静电纺丝技术的各种生物基食品包装材料,总结静电纺丝技术在不同智能包装技术中的最新应用进展,并分析静电纺丝技术的优势。结论 静电纺丝纳米纤维具有孔隙率高、比表面积大、材料选择灵活、非热工艺等优点,将它与智能包装集成应用可提高智能包装膜的稳定性和灵敏性,进一步提高了智能包装膜的性能。  相似文献   

The consumer's role in the packaging value chain thinking has increased. This paper identifies the basic functions of packaging as well as the importance of the visual and structural elements from the consumer's view. However, it is unclear what packaging experts associate with consumers' packaging interactions. Professionals working in the field are still in the key position of defining directions in the packaging industry. The paper investigates how professionals perceive consumer interactions with packaging, and identifies challenges in consumer‐centred packaging development. The research materials were collected from 14 theme interviews with representatives of higher education, packaging research and packaging design agencies. As a result, five narratives and five challenges for consumer‐centred packaging development were constructed. The narratives describe the following: (a) the symbiotic product–packaging relationship; (b) the everyday context highlighted in purchase and use situations; (c) how consumers become aware of packages; (d) a fashion system of packaging; and (e) everyday routines and rituals involving packaging. The aims of the paper are to raise the awareness of how professionals perceive consumer interaction with packaging, to provide insight into factors relevant for consumer‐centred packaging development in industry and to identify the potential challenges, from the professionals' view, for adopting a consumer‐centred model. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王程  刘振华  赵吉敏  陈文阁  唐凯 《包装工程》2019,40(23):223-230
目的促进智能包装技术发展,进一步拓展智能包装在军用食品包装领域的应用。方法明确智能包装的概念及其在食品领域的应用类型,从现代战争对军用食品包装现实需求入手,从防护功能、管控功能角度,论证了在军用食品包装上应用智能包装的优越性,同时预测了可能面临的问题及未来发展趋势。结果智能包装在军用食品包装领域的应用,对军用食品的包装质量、供应链管理、储备管理效益都有明显的优化,将对现代军事条件下的后勤保障起到良好的推动作用。结论将智能包装应用于军用食品包装领域,既是其应用范围拓展的有益尝试,又可以很好地满足现代战争需求,因此要在军用食品的智能包装研发上加大投入,深入研究。  相似文献   

目的 研究储运包装技术在生鲜食品冷链物流中的应用进展,并提出目前存在的问题。方法 对生鲜食品的生物特性进行分析,综述生鲜食品对包装的基本要求、生鲜食品的物流模式、生鲜食品的包装材料种类及生鲜食品新型功能性储运包装的研发现状。结果 现有的物流模式和包装方式在一定程度上保障了生鲜食品的到货品质,然而并未完全满足消费者的需要,为了更好地满足人们的消费需求,对生鲜储运包装技术的研究方向提出了建议。结论 目前对生鲜食品控温不当问题的入手点多停留在物流运输系统和蓄冷剂的研究上,对于包装保温材料的研究不多,因此还需进一步加大力度开发新型无公害、功能性储运包装技术。  相似文献   

高琳  易凯  蔡锋  徐胜华  吴敏  鲁鹏 《包装工程》2020,41(7):125-133
目的研究光学系统领域内用于监测水果、蔬菜、肉类等食品新鲜度的可视化智能包装技术手段,掌握相关原理,从而减少食物浪费。方法简述智能包装技术的概念和特点,阐明智能包装指示食物新鲜度的现状,根据食物不同特点,对几种不同指示新鲜度的应用进行阐述。结果智能包装的应用便于食品质量检测,可实现产品的可追溯性,大大提高了包装的智能性和信息性,促进了食品安全检测系统的发展。结论智能包装有助于消费者对食物可食性的判断,从而减少食源性疾病的发生和食物的浪费。智能包装在国内的发展仅处于起步阶段,需要国家的大力支持以及包装科研者的不懈努力,才能促进智能包装在食品领域更好地发展。  相似文献   

The diffusion of time–temperature indicators (TTIs), attached as labels onto the packages of perishable food and non‐food products (intelligent packaging), is growing more and more. Aside from checking product shelf‐life, TTI devices can be used to monitor the distribution chain in real conditions. In this respect, the performances of some very common TTIs (A 12 Fresh Check, Lifelines Technologies) were extensively investigated in this work. The aim was to establish a procedure for an accurate, objective and reproducible estimate of the darkening progress of the sensitive area of the indicators and to discover a reliable data treatment to estimate the ‘effective temperature’, Teff, namely a fictitious average temperature that can replace the overall temperature fluctuations experienced by a packaged fresh food. The image analysis approach was found very useful for an accurate and sensitive definition of the information provided by the indicators, leading to the evidence of a very slow darkening of the sensitive region, even at ?22°C. The kinetic parameterization of TTI responses was implemented in an EXCEL worksheet so as to directly evaluate Teff on the basis of a set of label brightness values acquired by image analysis. Comparing the calculated ‘effective temperature’ with the average temperature recorded with conventional devices, the reliability of the TTI tags and the accuracy of this procedure was demonstrated. Taking into account the low cost of the TTI tags, their wide usage can be suggested to monitor the various steps of the real distribution chain of a given product, namely, transport, bench and home storage. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

何青萍 《包装工程》2022,43(1):167-176
目的分析预警型智能包装的应用研究现状和设计要素,为智能技术在食品包装安全中的应用提供理论指导和应用依据。方法在厘清预警型智能包装概念的前提下,对国内外预警型智能包装的相关文献进行梳理和分析,并对其进行分类研究。结果按照技术原理,将预警型智能包装分为智能材料预警型、信息传导预警型、结构智能预警型等3种,设计时应注意包装预警效果的艺术化表现、包装预警机制的模式设计以及包装预警技术与设计的耦合。结论对预警型智能包装的研究丰富了包装设计理论,预警型智能包装将向着更加智能、精确和成熟的方向发展。  相似文献   

Vertical form–fill–seal (VFFS) machines are widely used to form bags for packaging products such as confectionary and snack food. One critical component of the machine is the forming shoulder, which needs to manipulate, without damage, the packaging material from a flat state into a tube. Some models of the geometry of the shoulder are available and have been used to help with its design and manufacture. However, there currently exists no theoretical basis for determining the geometry of the forming shoulder needed to process particular packaging materials. This paper investigates the application of Euler's theory for material flow around cylinders to the case of forming shoulders used in vertical form–fill–seal systems. It is shown that the theory is indeed applicable, and an inequality relation between the measured coefficient of friction of the material and the forming shoulder parameters is established. It is further shown how this can be used to direct the design of a forming shoulder for a particular application. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to design new antimicrobial nanocomposites with properties for food packaging application, films of polypropylene random copolymer (PPR), PPR/Poly‐β‐pinene (PβP), PPR/clay and PPR/PβP/clay were prepared by melt extrusion. Structural, morphological, mechanical, barrier, antimicrobial properties and thermal stability of the films were determined. PPR and PβP always form a homogeneous system in the amorphous phase; in the binary PPR/clay system, PPR molecules intercalate the clay galleries; in the ternary PPR/PβP/clay system, the miscibility between PPR and PβP prevents the intercalation of the PPR macromolecules into the clay galleries. The addition of clay and PβP increased the thermal stability and the tensile mechanical properties of PPR and reduced the oxygen transmission rate and the water vapor transmission rate compared with plain PPR. Films of nanomaterials containing PβP provided a reduction of the test microorganisms (Escherichia coli 25922) of 24% comparing to the control (PPR/clay film). Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

罗聃 《包装学报》2012,4(4):55-57
食品软包装的应用误区主要表现在企业和消费者两个方面:企业对食品软包装缺乏深入研究与认识,在应用时对材料与所包装食品是否相适宜缺乏足够的研究;消费者对塑料软包装的相关知识缺乏足够的了解,在使用食品软包装时,往往不够科学。针对这种应用误区,未来食品软包装应着重研发新型材料,如多适应性、抗氧化、可食性等食品软包装材料,建立食品软包装安全管理体系,并加强食品软包装科学使用的宣传等。  相似文献   

温度测控系统在全自动包装机中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
温度测量与控制系统是全自动包装机不可缺少的温度测控部件,研究要求较高的控制精度和成本较低的测控模块,采用单片机作为数字控制器,并将温度仪表的分散控制转换为集中管理,即双路温度测量和控制于一体,实现真正意义上温度测量及控制的综合管理.克服了传统温度测控系统体积大、测控精度低、电路较复杂及测试困难、价格较高等问题.  相似文献   

Electrospray ionization‐mass spectrometry analysis revealed rapid migration of cyclic oligomers from polylactide (PLA) packaging when stored in contact with 96% ethanol. The mass losses in contact with water, 3% acetic acid, 10% ethanol and isooctane were 3 to 5 times smaller and no migration of cyclic oligomers was observed. The presence of cyclic oligomers in the original PLA films and their solubility in ethanol, thus, explains the rapid mass loss for PLA in contact with ethanolic food simulant. On prolonged ageing no further mass loss was observed in 96% ethanol, whereas mass loss in aqueous food simulants increased because of hydrolysis of PLA matrix or the cyclic oligomers to water‐soluble linear products. The mass losses were generally somewhat smaller for the stereocomplex material compared with the poly‐l ‐lactide materials. Similar trend was observed for solvent uptakes, which is easily explained by the higher degree of crystallinity and stronger secondary interactions in the stereocomplex material. The use of ethanol as a fatty food simulant for PLA materials could, thus, lead to overestimation of the overall migration values. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

程淑艳 《包装工程》2018,39(11):148-152
目的建立固相萃取-气相色谱法(SPE-GC-ECD)测定塑料食品包装材料中7种短链氯化石蜡(SCCPs)的检测技术。方法利用丙酮和正己烷的混合溶液在50℃下超声萃取塑料食品包装材料中7种SCCPs成分,SCCPs经硅胶固相萃取柱净化,采用气相色谱-电子捕获检测器进行定性与定量测定。结果在0.1~100.0 mg/kg范围内,SCCPs质量浓度与色谱峰面积呈良好的线性关系,线性相关系数均大于0.9997;检出限为0.01~0.10 mg/kg,加标回收率为86.4%~102.7%,相对标准偏差为1.2%~3.7%。结论该方法准确度高、精密度好、检出限低,可为塑料食品包装材料中SCCPs的检测提供新方法。  相似文献   

Migrates from plastic food packaging were tested for oestrogen activity by yeast oestrogen screen and subsequently analysed by gas chromatography—mass spectrometry and high‐performance liquid chromatography—mass spectrometry to identify oestrogen‐active chemicals. Plastic samples were migrated according to EC 10/2011 with worst case scenarios being used. Food simulants consisted of either 10–95% ethanol or ultrapure water. Migrates were concentrated afterwards by solid phase extraction. Food contact material tested included polyethylene terephthalate, polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene and composite films. Oestrogenic activity ranging from 0.7 to 59 ng/l 17ß‐estradiol equivalents was detected in seven out of 42 samples tested. The highest activity was found in a composite film sample. All 11 polyethylene terephthalate samples tested negative for oestrogen activity. A number of chemicals with known or supposed oestrogen activity were identified in migrates of oestrogen‐active samples. These include butylated hydroxytoluene, 1,3‐diphenylpropane, 1,2‐diphenylcyclobutane and dibutyl phthalate. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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