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The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of inhibin/activin alpha, beta(A) and beta(B) subunits and follistatin in immature oocytes and in matured oocytes before and after IVF. Denuded oocytes were submitted to a whole-mount immunofluorescence procedure. Specimens were imaged and fluorescent intensities quantified by scanning laser confocal microscopy. Immunoreactivity for inhibin alpha subunit (both alpha(C) and pro-alpha regions), abundant in the ooplasm of immature oocytes, decreased after maturation (a 68% and 88% decrease, respectively; P < 0.001), but increased after IVF by 2- and 5.7-fold, respectively (P < 0.01). Intense staining for beta(A) was detected in immature oocytes (predominantly in the outer ooplasm and zona pellucida) but after maturation and fertilization it was localized mainly in the zona pellucida, perivitelline space and oolemma. Immunoreactivity for beta(A) in the ooplasm decreased by 58% after maturation (P < 0.001) but increased again by 75% after fertilization (P < 0.01). Immunoreactivity for beta(B) was localized mainly in the zona pellucida and did not change after maturation. However, immunoreactivity for beta(B) was not detected in the zona pellucida after fertilization, but remained unchanged in unfertilized oocytes. Immunoreactivity for follistatin was detected in the ooplasm and zona pellucida of immature oocytes but decreased progressively in the ooplasm after maturation (a 63% decrease; P < 0.001) and did not change after IVF. Examination of partially denuded cumulus-oocyte complexes confirmed abundant expression of alpha(C), pro-alpha, beta(A) and follistatin immunoreactivity in cumulus cells, whereas beta(B) subunit staining was weak or absent in cumulus cells, but intense in the zona pellucida. In conclusion, the present study shows that qualitative and quantitative changes in the distribution of inhibin/activin subunits and follistatin accompany oocyte maturation and fertilization. The possibility, indicated by these observations, that activin A and activin B may play distinct roles in bovine oocyte maturation and fertilization warrants further study.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that changes in the plasma concentrations of immunoreactive inhibin measured by radioimmunoassay occur in parallel with growth and regression of the testes during a reproductive cycle in adult Soay rams induced by exposure to an artificial lighting regimen of alternating 16 week periods of long days and short days. With the development of new two-site ELISAs for sheep inhibin A and inhibin B, we have re-examined the relationship between FSH and dimeric, biologically active inhibin in the reproductive cycle in adult Soay rams. No signal was generated by sheep testicular extract, ram or ewe plasma, or sheep ovarian follicular fluid in the inhibin B ELISA. In contrast, ram plasma contained significant activity in the inhibin A ELISA, which diluted in parallel to the inhibin A standard, and was abolished by preincubation of ram plasma with monoclonal antibodies specific for the betaA, but not the betaB, subunit. These results indicate that the ram is the first adult male mammalian species identified to date in which the testes produce and secrete dimeric inhibin A and not inhibin B. Northern blot analysis and immunocytochemistry confirmed the presence of alpha, betaA and betaB inhibin/activin subunit mRNA and protein in the testes of adult rams. Changes in plasma inhibin A concentrations occurred in parallel with the growth and regression of the testes during the long day: short day: long day lighting regimen in adult Soay rams, confirming our previous observations with immunoreactive inhibin. During the growth phase of the testes in the first 8 weeks of exposure to short days there was a positive correlation between plasma FSH and inhibin A concentrations, indicating that during this phase the secretion of inhibin A is stimulated by FSH and that inhibin A did not act as a negative feedback hormone on FSH secretion. From week 8.5 to week 16.0 of exposure to short days, there was a negative correlation between FSH and testosterone concentrations, but not inhibin, indicating that when inhibin concentrations are high, testosterone acts as the negative regulator of FSH secretion. Thus, in intact adult rams, when the testes are fully active it appears that inhibin A may sensitize the pituitary to the negative feedback effects of testosterone, at which time they act synergistically to maintain plasma concentrations of FSH.  相似文献   

Fallopian tubes from ten premenopausal women were collected and examined for the presence of inhibin, activin and its type IIA and IIB receptors (ActRIIA and ActRIIB) in the endosalpinx. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated clear staining for the betaA, betaB subunits and ActRIIA and ActRIIB that increased in intensity from the isthmus to the ampulla. No staining for the alpha subunit was observed. Whilst the staining of the betaA subunit and ActRIIA was seen in almost every epithelial cell, staining for the betaB subunit and ActRIIB was more variable. In situ hybridization and RT-PCR confirmed the presence of mRNA for the betaA, betaB subunits and ActRIIA and ActRIIB. These results indicated that the epithelium of the uterine tube is able to synthesize activin but not inhibin and has receptors for activin. Activins may thus act as paracrine regulators of tubal epithelial cell function, and embryonic activity may also bind to epithelial receptor and initiate intracellular processes that alter epithelial cell secretions.  相似文献   

We present a detailed study of the expression pattern of WD repeat and SOCS box-containing 2 (Wsb2) in mouse embryonic and adult gonads. Wsb2 was previously identified in a differential screen aimed at identifying the genes involved in male- and female-specific gonadal development. Wsb2 expression was analysed during mouse gonadogenesis by real-time PCR, whole-mount and section in situ hybridisation and immunofluorescence. Wsb2 mRNA expression was initially detected in gonads of both sexes from 11.5 days post coitum (dpc) until 12.0 dpc. By 12.5 dpc and thereafter, Wsb2 expression rapidly decreased in the female, while persisting in the male gonads. In foetal, newborn and juvenile testes, Wsb2 mRNA and protein were readily detected in the seminiferous cords within both Sertoli and germ cells. Wsb2 mRNA was present in spermatogonia, spermatocytes and in Sertoli cells of the adult mouse testis. The differential expression of Wsb2 in male versus female embryonic gonads suggests some male-specific role in gonad development, and its expression in the first wave of spermatogenesis indicates a role in germ cells. Real-time analysis of adult mouse testis tubules cultured in the presence of the Hedgehog signalling inhibitor, cyclopamine, showed a downregulation of Wsb2 mRNA after treatment which suggests that Wsb2 may be a target of Hedgehog signalling.  相似文献   

Germ cell proliferation, migration and survival during all stages of spermatogenesis are affected by stem cell factor signalling through the c-Kit receptor, the expression and function of which are vital for normal male reproductive function. The present study comprehensively describes the c-Kit mRNA and protein cellular expression profiles in germ cells of the postnatal and adult rodent testis, revealing their significant elevation in synthesis at the onset of spermatogenesis. Real-time PCR analysis for both mice and rats matched the cellular mRNA expression profile where examined. Localization studies in normal mouse testes indicated that both c-Kit mRNA and protein are first detectable in differentiating spermatogonia. In addition, all spermatogonia isolated from 8-day-old mice displayed detectable c-Kit mRNA, but 30-50% of these lacked protein expression. The c-Kit mRNA and protein profile in normal rat testes indicated expression in gonocytes, in addition to differentiating spermatogonia. However, in the irradiated adult rat testes, in which undifferentiated spermatogonia are the only germ cell type, mRNA was also detected in the absence of protein. This persisted at 3 days and 1 and 2 weeks following treatment with gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist to stimulate spermatogenesis recovery. By 4 weeks of GnRH antagonist treatment, accompanying the emergence of differentiating spermatogonia, both mRNA and protein were detected. Based on these observations, we propose that c-Kit mRNA and protein synthesis are regulated separately, possibly by influences linked to testis maturation and circulating hormone levels.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms underlying the control of corpus luteum lifespan in women are not fully understood. Oestradiol has various luteolytic, or luteotrophic, functions in some species, and as it is synthesised within the human corpus luteum, it is an excellent candidate molecule to be a paracrine regulator of luteal function. This study aimed to comprehensively investigate the expression, regulation and effects of oestrogen receptors (ER) in human luteal cells. Genomic oestrogen receptors ERalpha, ERbeta1 and ERbeta2 were immunolocalised in human corpora lutea from throughout the luteal phase. mRNA expression was investigated throughout the luteal phase and after luteal rescue with exogenous human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). The regulation of ER expression and oestradiol action was investigated in cultures of luteinised granulosa cells. ER subtypes ERbeta1 and ERbeta2 were localised throughout the luteal phase to steroidogenic cells in the human corpus luteum and cells of the surrounding stroma. Unlike follicular granulosa cells, steroidogenic cells in the corpus luteum showed minimal ERalpha immunostaining. The presence of endothelial cells in the granulosa cell layer with ERbeta1 and ERbeta2 positive nuclei was noted. ERbeta1 and ERbeta2 were differentially regulated across the luteal phase with ERbeta1 maximally expressed in the mid-luteal phase, while ERbeta2 expression was maximal in the early luteal phase. In vivo and in vitro, hCG had no long-term effect on ER expression, although in vitro hCG and oestradiol acutely down-regulated ERs. Treatment with oestradiol in vitro down-regulated 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 and inhibin betaA subunit confirming a functional oestradiol response. These data highlight functional and differentially regulated oestradiol reception in human luteal cells.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate androgen receptor (AR) expression in the developing human urogenital tract. The distribution of AR was examined in paraffin-embedded tissue sections of the lower urogenital tract using 55 human embryos of 8-12 weeks of gestation. Immunohistochemistry was performed for AR detection and gender was determined by polymerized chain reaction. There were no differences in the distribution of AR in male and female embryos at any stage of gestation. AR was present only in the mesenchymal tissues of the urogenital sinus at 8 weeks whilst the epithelium was negative, but after 9 weeks the epithelium also showed progressively more positive staining. In the phallus, AR staining was prominent. There was far less staining in the epithelium of the urethral groove from 8 to 10 weeks, whilst the mesenchyme of the urethral folds showed positive staining. At 11 and 12 weeks, both the urethral groove and folds showed uniform staining. The genital tubercle, genital swelling and bulbourethral gland precusors were also positively stained, although paramesonephric ducts were negative. Staining was observed in the mesonephric duct from 9 weeks. There was an absence of staining in the rectum at all stages of gestation. The expression of AR in an epithelium may be dependent upon the mesenchyme. Mesenchymal-epithelial interactions played an important role in development, as has been described in experimental animals. AR expression could play a part in the growth of the genital organs.  相似文献   

Melanocytes and cells of the nervous system are of common ectodermal origin and neurotrophins (NT) have been shown to be released by human keratinocytes. We investigated the expression and function of NT [nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), NT-3, NT-4/-5] and their receptors in human melanocytes. Human melanocytes produce all NT in different amounts, whereas they only release NT-4. NT-4 release is downregulated, whereas NT-3 is upregulated by ultraviolet (UVB) irradiation. Melanocytes treated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) express TrkA and TrkB, but not TrkC. NT fail to stimulate melanocyte proliferation, whereas they stimulate the synthesis of tyrosinase and tyrosinase-related protein-1 (TRP-1). Finally, NT-3, NT-4 and NGF increase melanin production. Taken together, these results demonstrate an intriguing interaction between melanocytes and the nervous system. We speculate that NT could be considered the target of therapy for disorders of skin pigmentation.  相似文献   

The bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) have been implicated in the paracrine regulation of ovarian follicular development. In this study, we investigated the expression of the BMP receptors (BMPRs) in sheep ovaries by immunohistochemistry and the effect of BMP2, a natural ligand for these receptors, on granulosa cells cultured in vitro. Ovaries from cyclic ewes were fixed, embedded in paraffin wax and cut into sections. The sections were rehydrated, submitted to microwave antigen retrieval and treated with polyclonal antibodies against BMPR1A, BMPR1B and BMPR2. Strong immunostaining for all three receptors was observed in the granulosa cell layer of follicles from the primary to late antral stages of development. Staining was also present in the oocyte, corpus luteum, ovarian surface epithelium and, to a lesser extent, the theca layer of antral follicles. For functional studies, granulosa cells were obtained from immature follicles 1-3 mm in diameter. The cells were cultured for 6 days in serum-free medium containing 1 ng oFSH-20 ml(-1) in the presence of 0, 3, 10 or 30 ng ml(-1) human recombinant BMP2. The medium was replaced every 2 days and oestradiol and inhibin A concentrations were measured in the spent medium. In the absence of BMP2, oestradiol and inhibin A production increased as the granulosa cells differentiated in vitro. The addition of the highest dose of BMP2 enhanced oestradiol production (P < 0.05) without affecting the proliferation of the cells. It is concluded that BMP receptors are present in sheep ovaries and that BMPs may have a role in the differentiation of granulosa cells by enhancing the action of FSH.  相似文献   

The regulation of inhibin secretion has not been elucidated fully in male ruminants. The aim of this study was to determine the relative importance of FSH and testosterone concentrations, and FSH receptors, in the control of secretion of immunoactive inhibin in rams. In Expt 1, temporal changes in hormone concentrations and testicular FSH binding were determined for two groups of rams (n = 4) kept under opposite, alternating 4 month periods of long (16 h light:8 h dark) and short (8 h light:16 h dark) days. Testicular biopsies (1-2 g) were collected when the testes were regressed, redeveloping, redeveloped and regressing. In Expt 2, separate groups of rams (n = 4) kept under natural photoperiod (latitude 45 degrees 48 minutes N) were designated as controls or passively immunized (for 3 weeks) with sufficient oestradiol antiserum to increase testosterone secretion without altering LH and FSH; this was done when the testes were regressed (non-breeding season) and redeveloped (breeding season). In both groups of rams (Expt 1), 'seasonal' increases in FSH concentrations began a few weeks earlier than did increases in inhibin concentrations. FSH reached maximum concentrations during testicular recrudescence, whereas numbers of FSH receptors in the testis and circulatory inhibin concentrations did not reach peak values until the testes were fully developed. Numbers of FSH receptors per testis, but not FSH concentration, were positively correlated (r = 0.65) with inhibin concentrations across the four stages of the testicular cycle. Near the end of testicular recrudescence early in the breeding season (Expt 2), relatively high FSH concentration was associated with increased abundance of FSH receptor mRNA (90%) and number of receptors (45%) in the testis and increased inhibin concentrations (50%), compared with when the testes were regressed. Moderate, physiological increases in testosterone secretion in immunized rams did not affect inhibin in either season. These results indicate that: (i) FSH stimulation of immunoactive inhibin secretion by Sertoli cells as testes recrudesce is via increases in secretion (early) and cognate receptors (late); (ii) FSH upregulates the synthesis of its own receptor late in recrudescence; and (iii) the positive correlation (r = 0.70) observed between circulatory testosterone and immunoactive inhibin does not reflect a causal relationship.  相似文献   

Oxytocin is present in the male reproductive tract and has been shown to increase contractility in the epididymis and to modulate steroidogenesis. This study investigated the effects of oxytocin in the testis in vivo, and the presence and cellular localization of oxytocin receptors in the reproductive tract of rams. During the breeding season, mature rams underwent efferent duct ligation before injection of either oxytocin (20 microg) or oxytocin plus an oxytocin antagonist (20 microg) into the testicular artery; the contralateral testicular artery received saline. Injection of oxytocin caused a significant increase (P < 0.05) in the concentration of spermatozoa collected from the rete testis. This effect was not observed after treatment with the oxytocin antagonist plus oxytocin. Western blot analysis performed using a specific oxytocin receptor antibody (020) identified a single immunoreactive band of 66 kDa in testicular and epididymal tissue. This band was present in uterine tissue but not in liver or muscle. Immunocytochemistry identified oxytocin receptors on Leydig and Sertoli cells of the testis, on epithelial cells throughout the epididymis, on peritubular smooth muscle cells in the cauda epididymidis, and on the epithelial cells and circular smooth muscle layer of the ductus deferens. These findings indicate that oxytocin can modulate sperm transport in the ram testis. A role for oxytocin in promoting sperm transit is supported by the localization of oxytocin receptors in the cauda epididymis and ductus deferens, and the presence of receptors on Leydig, Sertoli and epididymal epithelial cells provides further evidence that oxytocin may be involved in the local regulation of steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of peritubular myoid (PM) cells in the histogenesis of the fetal testis, understanding the origin and function of these cells has been hampered by the lack of suitable markers. The current study was aimed at identifying molecular markers for PM cells during the early stages of testis development in the mouse embryo. Expression of candidate marker genes was tested by section in situ hybridisation, in some instances followed by immunofluorescent detection of protein products. Collagen type-I, inhibinbetaA, caldesmon 1 and tropomyosin 1 were found to be expressed by early-stage PM cells. These markers were also expressed in subsets of interstitial cells, most likely reflecting their common embryological provenance from migrating mesonephric cells. Although not strictly specific for PM cells, these markers are likely to be useful in studying the biology of early PM cells in the fetal testis.  相似文献   

Ten mares were studied from February (winter anoestrus) to their second ovulation in the breeding season to investigate the relationship between resumption of ovarian cyclicity in the spring and circulating concentrations of FSH, inhibin A and inhibin isoforms containing pro- and -alphaC immunoreactivity. An additional four mares were studied during one oestrous cycle. Growth and regression of ovarian follicles were monitored by transrectal ultrasonography. The frequency of blood sampling varied from three times a week to once a day, depending on the follicular activity present. Concentrations of FSH, oestradiol, inhibin A and pro- and -alphaC isoforms were low during deep winter anoestrus when minimal follicular activity was present in the ovaries. During spring transition, an increase in FSH concentration preceded the emergence of each follicular wave. Concentrations of inhibins were significantly higher (P < 0.05) during growth of anovulatory follicles in spring transition than during winter anoestrus. Plasma concentrations of oestradiol and inhibin A were significantly higher (P < 0.001, P < 0.05, respectively) during the growth of preovulatory follicles than during the growth of transitional anovulatory follicles, but concentrations of inhibin pro-alphaC isoforms did not differ between the two types of follicle. During the oestrous cycle, there was a significant inverse relationship (P < 0.001) between concentrations of FSH and the inhibins. Plasma inhibin pro-alphaC isoforms, but not inhibin A, reached a peak on the day of ovulation. The results strongly indicate that FSH regulates growth of spring anovulatory and preovulatory follicles. Inhibins are likely to contribute to negative feedback on the release of FSH from the pituitary gland both during the transitional period and the breeding season in mares.  相似文献   

In the present study, we studied the potential regulation by rat myometrial alpha1-adrenergic receptors (alpha1-AR) of the newly identified Gh alpha protein/phospholipase C delta 1 (PLC delta 1) signaling pathway and compared myometrial inositol phosphates (InsP) production and activity of the uterine circular muscle in response to alpha1-AR activation between mid-pregnancy and term. For this, we quantified the level of rat myometrial alpha1-AR coupling to Gh alpha protein by photoaffinity-labeling, the cytosolic amount of PLC delta 1 enzyme by immunoblotting, and the expression level of alpha1-AR subtypes by RT-PCR. The results showed an increased level of alpha1-AR/Gh alpha protein coupling and the amount of PLC delta 1 at term (+147 and +65% respectively, versus mid-pregnancy). This was correlated with an up-regulation of alpha 1d-AR subtype (+70% versus mid-pregnancy). Incubation of myometrial strips with phenylephrine (Phe), a global alpha1-agonist, increased InsP production in a dose-dependent manner at both mid-pregnancy and term, but with an enhanced potency (tenfold decrease in EC(50) value) at term. Phe also dose-dependently induced contraction of the circular muscle at both mid-pregnancy and term. However, unlike InsP response, no amelioration of potency was observed at term. Similar results were obtained with the endogenous agonist norepinephrine. Our results show, for the first time, that rat myometrial alpha 1d-AR/Gh alpha/PLC delta 1 signaling pathway is up-regulated at term. This is associated with an increased potency of alpha1-AR to elicit InsP production but not uterine contraction at this period. It is thus hypothesized that alpha1-AR, through activation of Gh alpha/PLC delta 1 system, are not primarily involved in the initiation of labor but may rather regulate responses such as myometrial cell proliferation or hypertrophy.  相似文献   

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