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通过热致变分析研究工厂化加工奶的类别特征(Ⅱ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2 结果与讨论2 1 酸溶性乳清蛋白图 1所示为原料奶和各热处理奶的典型色谱图。随着热处理强度的增加 ,主要乳清蛋白的峰面积响应值是减少的。酸溶性乳清蛋白水平 (原奶中约5 4% β LG ,2 3 %α LA ,6 %BSA )的分析较分析其它指示物具有一定的优越性(Pearce ,1989) ,因为热变性在新鲜原奶中并不存在 ,而且其量相对于蛋白质总量来说是保持稳定比例的 ,因而无需在每一次检测热变性时还作一次原料奶的分析。表 2列出了不同热处理情况下各蛋白质的平均值。与预期的结果相同 ,随着热处理强度的增加 ,热变性程度依次增加。但各种蛋…  相似文献   

Hydroxymethyfurfural (HMF) content and loss of available lysine were measured as indices of heat damage in various Spanish commercial milks (pasteurized, UHT sterilized and in-bottle sterilized milks) with similar processing dates. HMF level was determined by the traditional colorimetric procedure and by the reversed-phase HPLC method. Available lysine was measured by an alternative method with o -phthaldialdehyde as fluorescent marker. A significative relationship has been found between the HMF content and loss of available lysine and both are suitable for use as heat-induced indices. When loss of lysine ( y ) was expressed as percentage and HMF ( x ) as μ m , the function of the correlation line was, y =0.47x−0.089 ( r =0.958, P <,0.005).  相似文献   

复原乳鉴别指标探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
金瑛  刘艳琴 《中国乳品工业》2006,34(8):43-45,62
选择适宜的鉴别指标,确定并完善复原乳的鉴定方法,不但可为质量监督检验机构的检测和监督工作提供技术支持.而且可有效保护消费者的利益。可以通过检测牛奶在长时间贮藏过程中产生的荧光物质.或检测牛奶中脂肪酸组成分的变化来鉴别鲜奶与复原乳,但难以排除某些干扰因素的影响。近年来复原乳鉴定指标的研究热点主要集中在奶制品经热处理后其中的热损害产物。有两种化学反应产物可用来评价:(1)降解产物:热不稳定组分的降解、变性、失活,如乳清蛋白或酶;(2)新形成物质:如乳果糖或美拉德反应的产物。目前国际上通常用糠氨酸和乳果糖作为评估热处理和贮存对奶制品质量影响的指标。然而各指标也不可避免的存在一定的局限性,因此可能需要不止一个指标来进行综合评价。  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(9):7747-7759
We determined seasonal variations in the composition and characteristics of bovine milk, as well as heat-induced changes in the physicochemical properties of the milk, in a typical seasonal-calving New Zealand herd over 2 full milking seasons. Fat, protein, and lactose contents varied consistently during the year in patterns similar to those of the lactation cycle. Seasonality also had significant effects on milk calcium, ionic calcium, fat globule size, buffering capacity, and ethanol stability, but not on casein micelle size. The ratio of casein to total protein did not vary significantly over the season, but late-season milk had the highest content of glycosylated κ-casein (G-κ-CN) and the lowest content of α-lactalbumin in both years. We observed significant between-year effects on protein, total calcium, ionic calcium, pH, and casein:total protein ratio, which might have resulted from different somatic cell counts in the 2 years. Compared with heating at 90°C for 6 min, UHT treatment (140°C for 5 s) induced greater dissociation of κ-casein, a similar extent of whey protein denaturation, a lower extent of whey protein–casein micelle association, and a larger increase in casein micelle size. Indeed, UHT treatment might have triggered significant dissociation of G-κ-CN, resulting in aggregation among the casein micelles and increased apparent mean casein micelle diameter. Seasonality had significant effects on the partitioning of G-κ-CN between the micelle and the serum phase, the extent of whey protein–casein micelle association under both heating conditions, and the casein micelle size of the UHT milk.  相似文献   

The chemical stability of residues of different antiparasitic macrocyclic lactone compounds in milk subjected to thermal treatment was assessed. Concentrations of ivermectin (IVM), moxidectin (MXD) and eprinomectin (EPM) in sheep milk, equivalent to those measured in vivo in milk excretion studies, were subjected to 65°C over 30 min or to 75°C for 15 s. Residue concentrations of IVM, MXD and EPM in milk were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) (fluorescence detection) before and after heat treatment of the drug-fortified milk samples. No evidence of chemical loss was obtained in either of the thermal treatments under evaluation. The stability of the parent compounds in milk was evidenced by the lack of bioconversion products (metabolites) after both thermal treatments. Only very minor changes on drug concentrations were observed at the end of the treatments, which fell within the limits of the variation of the validated analytical method. In conclusion, residue concentrations of macrocyclic lactones are unaffected by industrial-simulated milk thermal procedures. Based on the reported findings, it can be postulated that residue concentrations of IVM, MXD and EPM measured in raw sheep milk may be used to estimate consumer exposure and dietary intake for these veterinary drugs.  相似文献   

热加工中牛乳热损伤监控技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了牛乳在热加工过程中的化学变化,介绍了几种牛乳热损伤监控标识物(如热敏性酶类,蛋白质变性产物,美拉德反应产物和乳糖异构化产物)的特点,并详细论述了已有的牛乳热损伤监控技术:对变性β-乳球蛋白含量的监控,对糠氨酸和乳果糖含量综合水平的监控,对羟甲基糠醛含量的监控,以及以变性蛋白质(以色氨酸的荧光强度计,FTry)和美拉德反应荧光产物(FAMP)的聚集量为基础,评估牛乳热加工损伤程度的FAST方法。  相似文献   

目的 鉴别豆浆中是否有豆浆伴侣存在。方法 制备含有不同浓度豆浆伴侣的豆浆, 加入硫酸镁, 计算沉淀凝固物的含量。结果 硫酸镁溶液不能使豆浆伴侣沉淀, 但能使大豆蛋白凝固, 进而能快速鉴别豆浆中是否含有豆浆伴侣。结论 此方法简便、可行。  相似文献   

This study investigated casein-whey protein interactions in high-protein milk dispersions (5% protein wt/wt) during heating at 90°C for 1.5 to 7.5 min at 3 different pH of 6.5, 6.8, and 7.0, using both conventional methods (gel electrophoresis, physicochemical properties) and fluorescence spectroscopy. Conventional methods confirmed the presence of milk protein aggregates during heating, similar to skim milk. These methods were able to help in understanding the denaturation and aggregation of milk proteins as a function of heat treatment. However, the results from the conventional methods were greatly affected by batch-to-batch variations and, therefore, differentiation could be drawn only in nonheated samples and samples heated for a longer duration. The front-face fluorescence spectroscopy was found to be a useful tool that provided additional information to conventional methods and helped in understanding differences between nonheated, low-, and high-heated samples, along with the type of sample used (derived from liquid or powder milk protein concentrates). At all pH values, tryptophan maxima in nonheated samples derived from powdered milk protein concentrates presented a blue shift in comparison to samples derived from liquid milk protein concentrates, and tryptophan maxima in heated samples presented a red shift. With the heating of the sample, Maillard emission and excitation spectra also showed increases in the peak intensities from 408 to 432 and 260 to 290 nm, respectively. As the level of denaturation increased with heating, a marked differentiation can be seen in the principal component analysis plots of tryptophan, Maillard emission, and excitation spectra, indicating that the front-face fluorescence technique has a potential to monitor and classify samples according to milk protein interactions as a function of pH and heat exposure. Overall, it can be said that the pattern of protein-protein interactions in high-protein dispersions was similar to the observation reported in skim milk systems, and fluorescence spectroscopy with chemometrics can be used as a rapid, nondestructive, and complementary method to conventional methods for following heat-induced changes.  相似文献   

牛乳是天然营养品,微生物极易在其中繁殖,病源菌和其他有害菌也常存其中,这些微生物是造成牛乳腐败变质的主要原因。为了探讨不同杀菌方式对牛乳杀菌效果的优劣,对牛乳微波杀菌和热力杀菌进行了对比试验。通过试验表明:微波杀菌不同功率条件下,600W时杀菌效果最好,同时也表明微波杀菌比热力杀菌效果好。  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of heating temperatures and reconstituted milk on heat treatment indicators in milk by comparing the heat damage between raw milk and raw milk plus reconstituted milk (composite milk). The contents of lactulose, furosine, beta-lactoglobulin, and lactoperoxidase were determined after the heat indicators were heated to 65 to 115 °C for 15 s both in raw milk and composite milk. In the raw milk, the lactulose and furosine contents increased with increased heating temperature, while the beta-lactoglobulin content and lactoperoxidase activity decreased. The lactulose and furosine contents were increased after the addition of reconstituted milk. The reconstituted milk also significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the concentration of beta-lactoglobulin in the milk. Both heat treatment and an addition of reconstituted milk decreased the lactoperoxidase activity significantly (P < 0.05), and the lactoperoxidase activity was undetectable at 85 °C. The ratios of lactulose to furosine in pasteurized milk were higher than that in composite pasteurized milk. It is concluded that lactulose, furosine, and beta-lactoglobulin are suitable indicators of high heat pasteurization or raw milk, while lactoperoxidase may be used in monitoring mild heat pasteurization. Practical Application: Adequate heat treatment is necessary to destroy the microbes in raw milk. However, excessive heat treatment can result in inactivation of active compounds or loss of nutrients. The present study showed that the concentrations of lactulose, furosine, beta-lactoglobulin, and the activity of lactoperoxidase are sensitive to processing temperature and can serve as indicators of milk pasteurization.  相似文献   

The ultrafiltration (UF) of sheep milk is carried out in concentration mode in order to evaluate the variation of the rennet clotting properties of the concentrates as a function of the volumetric concentration factors up to a value of 2.0. The UF unit is equipped with 25.5 cm2 of membrane surface area. The cellulose acetate laboratory – made membrane has a molecular weight cut-off of 7000 Da. The evolution pattern of the rennet clotting properties of the skimmed sheep milk feed and UF retentates was assessed by the Optigraph. A significant increase on curd firmness and rate of curd firming was detected with the increase of the protein concentration, while RCT show a tendency to increase with milk protein content. The variation of curd firmness and rate of curd firming with the protein concentration was linear and correlations were established.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(4):2326-2337
The composition of seasonal pasture-produced milk is influenced by stage of lactation, animal genetics, and nutrition, which affects milk nutritional profile and processing characteristics. The objective was to study the effect of lactation stage (early, mid, and late lactation) and diet on milk composition in an Irish spring calving dairy research herd from 2012 to 2020 using principal component and predictive analytics. Crude protein, casein, fat, and solids increased from 2012 to 2020, whereas lactose concentration peaked in 2017, then decreased. Based on seasonal data from 2013 to 2016, forecasting models were successfully created to predict milk composition for 2017 to 2020. The diet of cows in this study is dependent upon grass growth rates across the milk production season, which in turn, are influenced by weather patterns, whereby extreme weather conditions (rainfall and temperature) were correlated with decreasing grass growth and increasing nonprotein nitrogen levels in milk. The study demonstrates a significant change in milk composition since 2012 and highlights the effect that seasonal changes such as weather and grass growth have on milk composition of pasture-based systems. The potential to forecast milk composition at different stages of lactation benefits processers by facilitating the optimization of in-process and supply logistics of dairy products.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to compare the multiple trait prediction (MTP) model estimate of 305-d lactation yield with the 305-d daily milk yield data from on-farm automated meters and software and to examine the accuracy of electronic identification (ID). Twenty-four-hour milk and component yields are calculated by using milk weights and samples collected 8 to 10 times/yr by Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) organizations. Daily milk weights were collected from cows on 20 Canadian farms that used parlor milking systems with electronic ID and that were enrolled in a regular DHI program. A total of 10,175 DHI test days from 1,103 cows with complete 305-d lactation yields were entered into the MTP model, and lactation yields were predicted. Test days were grouped into first, second, and third and greater lactations and within each lactation group, days in milk were categorized in 3 stages (5 to 60, 61 to 120, and 120 to 305 d in milk) for a total of 9 classes. Agreement analysis was used to compare the 305-d sum of daily milk to the MTP 305-d lactation yield predictions by using inputs from test days throughout the lactations. Results indicated that the MTP model overestimated lactation yields across all parity groups, ranging from 310 to 1,552 kg in parity 1, 640 to 2,000 kg in parity 2, and 567 to 1,476 kg in parity 3 and greater. A preliminary examination of electronic ID accuracy was conducted on 4 farms. Two electronic ID systems were examined for cow ID accuracy by verifying the ID number appearing in the parlor with the corresponding ear tag number. There were no ID errors on 3 of 4 farms tested and only a very small number of errors (3/80) on the fourth farm, indicating that the electronic ID systems used in milking parlors identify cows accurately.  相似文献   

近红外快速检测奶粉乳清粉成分研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用Perten8620近红外奶粉分析仪检测奶粉的近红外光谱特性,建立了奶粉近红外检测的校准模型。结果表明,近红外检测技术无需称重和化学试剂,可在1min以内快速检测奶粉和乳清粉的蛋白、脂肪、水分等指标,其准确性和精度可以达到在国际允许的误差范围内。根据近红外技术可能在短时间内收集大量样品的光谱图,开发了新检测项目的校准曲线。  相似文献   

通过牦牛乳与其他哺乳动物(反刍动物、马属动物、骆驼和人)乳进行产奶量、泌乳期和常规营养成分(蛋白质、脂肪、乳糖、干物质、灰分、矿物质和维生素)的比较分析,得出奶牛的泌乳期最长,产奶量最高,乳中的常规营养成分含量存在种间差异,但呈现出一定的种属特性。反刍动物乳中蛋白质、脂肪、干物质和灰分含量较高,矿物元素和维生素含量丰富;骆驼乳中常规营养成分含量介于反刍动物乳与马属动物乳之间;马属动物乳中的乳糖含量较高;人乳中除乳糖成分外其余常规营养成分普遍低于其他哺乳动物乳。   相似文献   

Milk protein concentrate (MPC) powders (~81% protein) were made from skim milk that was heat treated at 72°C for 15 s (LHMPC) or 85°C for 30 s (MHMPC). The MPC powder was manufactured by ultrafiltration and diafiltration of skim milk at 50°C followed by spray drying. The MPC dispersions (4.02% true protein) were prepared by reconstituting the LHMPC and MHMPC powders in distilled water (LHMPCw and MHMPCw, respectively) or milk permeate (LHMPCp and MHMPCp, respectively). Increasing milk heat treatment increased the level of whey protein denaturation (from ~5 to 47% of total whey protein) and reduced the concentrations of serum protein, serum calcium, and ionic calcium. These changes were paralleled by impaired rennet-induced coagulability of the MHMPCw and MHMPCp dispersions and a reduction in the pH of maximum heat stability of MHMPCp from pH 6.9 to 6.8. For both the LHMPC and MHMPC dispersions, the use of permeate instead of water enhanced ethanol stability at pH 6.6 to 7.0, impaired rennet gelation, and changed the heat coagulation time and pH profile from type A to type B. Increasing the severity of milk heat treatment during MPC manufacture and the use of permeate instead of water led to significant reductions in the viscosity of stirred yogurt prepared by starter-induced acidification of the MPC dispersions. The current study clearly highlights how the functionality of protein dispersions prepared by reconstitution of high-protein MPC powders may be modulated by the heat treatment of the skim milk during manufacture of the MPC and the composition of the solvent used for reconstitution.  相似文献   

屋顶奶贮藏期品质变化的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了市售屋顶型纸盒包装纯鲜牛奶(以下简称“屋顶奶”)开封后在不同温度下(0、4、7℃)贮藏过程中微生物、脂肪质量分数和滴定酸度等指标的变化。结果表明,在不同的贮藏温度下,微生物数量在开始的5d内变化不大,到贮藏后5d则不断增加;脂肪质量分数在起始的2~3d内基本稳定,随后几天逐渐下降;酸度在起始的3则内出现下降趋势,在随后的3~5d出现波动,接着又出现回升。总之,随着贮藏温度的升高,屋顶奶品质变化进程加快,但在贮藏期内以上指标均达到质量标准。  相似文献   

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