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The process of epithelial stratification was studied in the embryonic chick corneal eipthelium between 10 and 21 days of incubation. Information was collected on the DNA synthetic activity occurring in individual cell layers, on cell density changes in the basal layer, and on mitotic spindle orientation in each cell layer before, during, and upon the completion of alyer formation. Prior to the initiation of stratification, mitotic spindles are oriented parallel to the basement membrane interface. This orientation changes to predominantly vertically directed spindles as layer formation proceeds. Later, the majority of the spindles are horizontally aligned once more. This pattern was observed as each successive cell layer formed. The possible relationship between the spindle data and that obtained on DNA synthetic activity and cell density changes is discussed in terms of the role these factors might play in layer formation in the cornea, as well as in other stratified epithelia.  相似文献   

Even before birth and the onset of sensory experience, neural activity plays an important role in shaping the vertebrate nervous system. In the embryonic chick visual system, activity in the retina before vision has been implicated in the refinement of retinotopic maps, the elimination of transient projections, and the survival of a full complement of neurons. In this study, we report the detection of a physiological substrate for these phenomena: waves of spontaneous activity in the ganglion cell layer of the embryonic chick retina. The activity is robust and highly patterned, taking the form of large amplitude, rhythmic, and wide-ranging waves of excitation that propagate across the retina. Activity waves are most prominent and organized between embryonic days 13-18, coinciding with the developmental period during which retinal axons refine their connections in their targets. The spatial and temporal features of the patterns observed are consistent with the role of activity patterns in shaping eye-specific projections and retinotopic maps but inconsistent with the hypothesis that they specify lamina-specific projections in the tectum. Antagonists of glutamatergic and glycinergic transmission and of gap junctional communication suppress spontaneous activity, whereas antagonists to GABAergic transmission potentiate it. Based on these results, we propose that spontaneous activity in the ganglion cells is regulated by chemical inputs from both bipolar and amacrine cells and by gap junctional coupling involving ganglion cells.  相似文献   

The developmental changes in monoamine oxidase (MAO) activities towards 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and beta-phenylethylamine (PEA) in chick retina were investigated. The whole pattern of the developmental changes in MAO activity towards 5-HT was similar to that towards PEA, even though the activity towards 5-HT was much lower than that towards PEA during the period from the 12th day of incubation to the 14th day after hatching. The MAO activities on the 12th day of incubation were low and increased remarkably until the 18th day of incubation. Then they remained unchanged until the 7th day after hatching; therefore, they decreased. The activities measured on the 14th day after hatching are on the same level as those of an adult. The multiplicity of MAO in the retinae of a chick on the 12th day of incubation and of an adult was also studied with specific inhibitors. The result showed that the major part of MAO in chick retina is type B enzyme; that type A MAO in the retina of an adult is, however, relatively higher than that in the retina of the embryo on the 12th day of incubation. It was found that an appreciable amount of MAO activity towards 5-HT in chick retina is due to type B MAO.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine phosphatase zeta (PTPzeta/RPTPbeta) is a proteoglycan-type receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatase specifically expressed in the brain. In addition to the transmembrane form (PTPzeta-A), the extracellular splice variant (PTPzeta-S) occurs as a major soluble chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan in the brain. We prepared antibodies which specifically recognize PTPzeta-A and -S, and analysed the carbohydrate structures on the two PTPzeta isoforms in the developing chick brain. Immunoprecipitation experiments using these antibodies revealed that almost all of the keratan sulphate recognized by a monoclonal antibody (5D4) was exclusively bound to PTPzeta-A and PTPzeta-S. Addition of keratan sulphate to these proteoglycans markedly increased from embryonic day (E) 11, in contrast to the addition of Le(x) and HNK-1 carbohydrates, which gradually increased during development in accordance with expression of the core proteins, suggesting that keratan sulphate modification plays some specific roles. Moreover, at the early embryonic stage keratan sulphate was observed only in several restricted regions, especially at boundary regions such as the roof plate of the tectum, the zona limitans intrathalamica in the diencephalon, and the mesencephalon-metencephalon boundary. At the mesencephalon-metencephalon boundary, keratan sulphate modification of PTPzeta isoforms was specifically observed from E3 to E6 on a ring of cells encircling the neural tube and their radially oriented processes, which were identified as radial glial fibres. This expression pattern of keratan sulphate spatiotemporally corresponded well to the formation of the fovea isthmi, a groove separating the mesencephalon from the metencephalon. These results suggest that carbohydrates including keratan sulphate on PTPzeta isoforms play important roles in brain development by modulating the cell-cell and/or cell-substrate interactions mediated by these molecules.  相似文献   

Plasminogen activators are considered to be involved in several developmental events. The present work aims at characterizing the developmental pattern of expression of plasminogen activators in the chick cerebellum. Soluble fractions derived by ultracentrifugation from Triton X-100 treated membrane fractions were used for determination of the enzyme activity with a radial fibrinolytic assay. By using specific inhibitors and different anti-plasminogen activators antibodies it is shown that only one type of the enzyme, the urokinase-type plasminogen activator, is expressed during the cerebellum ontogeny. Our results show the existence of a bimodal pattern of enzyme activity with two peaks that temporally coincide with the processes of massive neuronal migration, neurite outgrowth and synapse formation and plasticity. It is proposed that plasminogen activator could play a role in these developmental events and that its pattern of variability is developmentally regulated.  相似文献   

Proliferation of lipolysosomes is one of the characteristic aspects of embryonic chick hepatocytes. Formation of lipolysosomes is observed in the well-developed trans-Golgi network, with the highest frequency occurring from 11 to 14 days of incubation. The lipolysosomes usually contain a small and electron-dense lipid inclusion; however, during development, they gradually enlarge with an accompanying reduction in the electron density of the inclusion. Lipolysosomes isolated from neonatal chick liver homogenates were mainly composed of esterified cholesterol and showed considerably high activity of lysosomal enzymes. Moreover, the lipolysosome fraction is clearly shown to be a function of intralysosomal lipolysis via acid lipase. This accumulation of esterified cholesterol within lipolysosomes might be attributed to an excessive uptake and conversion of plasma lipoproteins to lipolysosomes. This concept is supported by the appearance of an abundance of coated pits and both "early" and "late" endosomes. The major components of plasma lipoprotein are low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL), the cholesterol-rich lipoproteins, whose cholesterol content increases during the last week of incubation when the lipolysosomes quickly enlarge. Plasma lipoprotein particles are produced in the yolk sac epithelium from yolk very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and transferred via the vitelline circulation to the chick liver. After hatching, when the supply of nutrients from the yolk sac is terminated, lipolysosomes immediately decrease in size and number. The cholesterol and fatty acids released are useful as an energy source and lipid metabolism in general, especially after hatching. Food intake induces the use of and accelerates the disappearance of lipolysosomes. Instead of lipolysosomes, lipid droplets appear and increase in number and size with concomitant increases of triglyceride concentrations in the liver homogenates, suggesting that lipogenesis has begun in the chick hepatocyte.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that widespread programmed cell death exists in proliferative regions of chicken optic tectum during early development using a sensitive fluorescent ISEL method (FISEL+) and antibody staining for an antigen in dying cells. Several developmental stages from embryonic day (E) 3 to E18 were examined. FISEL+-positive cells were rare before E7 and between E9 to E12. However, massive labeling was observed in the ventricular zone (VZ) between stages E7.5 and E8. At this time extensive cell migration is underway and many labeled cells were found not only in the VZ (premigratory cells) but also in the intermediate zone and tectal plate (migratory cells). Many labeled cells were also found in upper tectal laminae at late developmental stages (E15 and E18).  相似文献   

Bombesin-like immunoreactivity (BLI) was detected by a specific radioimmunoassay in extracts of 15 human lungs from fetuses, neonates, infants and children. A higher concentration of lung BLI was found in the fetal/neonatal group (2053.2 +/- 316.3 ng bombesin/g protein, n = 6) compared to the infant/children group (416.3 +/- 64.3 ng/g, n = 9). The peaking of BLI in lungs during the fetal/neonatal period suggests an important function for this peptide in intrauterine life and neonatal adaptation.  相似文献   

Androgens are required for the development and function of the prostate. In a normal human prostate, androgens control the synthesis of proteins such as prostate-specific antigen and human glandular kallikrein. The prostate secretes these proteins as well as a number of other compounds to form the prostatic fluid. Using differential display PCR to detect novel androgen-regulated genes, clathrin heavy chain expression was identified as potentially being up-regulated by androgens in the prostate cancer cell line LNCaP. We report here that the clathrin heavy chain and light chain genes are regulated by androgens. Clathrin heavy chain messenger RNA was up-regulated by androgens in a concentration- and time-specific manner in the LNCaP cell line. Translation of clathrin heavy chain messenger RNA was stimulated by androgens. Steady state levels of clathrin light chains a and b were up-regulated in the presence of androgen in LNCaP cells. Clathrin gene expression was examined in normal rat prostates, and similar results were found. Clathrin heavy chain protein levels in the rat prostate are also affected by the androgen status of the animal. We hypothesize that clathrin may be involved in the exocytosis of androgen-regulated secretory proteins such as prostate-specific antigen and human glandular kallikrein.  相似文献   

Multi-photon transitions with two simultaneously interacting IR laser fields lead to final excited states with frequencies nnu = n1nu1 + n2nu2, with n the total number of photons absorbed and (n, n1, n2) = (2, 1, 1), (3, 2, 1), (4, 1, 3), etc. The nature of the actual transition is determined by shift measurements, where the lasers are frequency-tuned by deltanui in opposite directions keeping the sum frequency, nnu, resonant with the molecular transition. This technique opens a new spectral range for multi-photon transitions and a unique identification of the observed features. For n1 and n2 both positive the excitation will lead to a "normal" up-up multi-photon transition. Many three- and four-photon transitions in the nu3 vibrational ladder of SF6 could be resolved with a resolution of 1 MHz, as well as four new two-photon transitions. As long as n1 + n2 >/= 0, one of the two ni may be negative resulting in an, e.g., up-down excitation pathway with its particular selection rules. The up-down excitations are demonstrated both for one- and two-photon transitions using the frequency shift technique. The different possible excitation schemes which meet the resonance condition for these transitions lead to interference effects and local couplings to highly excited states. Changes in resonance frequency for a one-photon transition (n = 1), due to these effects, are demonstrated. Evidently, the radiative coupling of participating levels to high-lying or quasi-continuum states may drastically change for different deltanui leading both to ac Stark shift and transition probability variations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We investigated the sensitivity and specificity of exercise-induced T wave normalization (TWN) in infarct-related electrocardiographic leads (IRLs) for detection of residual viability in the infarct area. BACKGROUND: The meaning of exercise-induced TWN on IRLs is not yet well understood. Recent reports suggest that TWN during dobutamine echocardiography could indicate the presence of viable myocardium. METHODS: We evaluated 40 consecutive patients with a recent acute myocardial infarction and negative T waves in at least two IRLs. All patients underwent exercise testing; positron emission tomography (PET) with nitrogen-13 ammonia and fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose; and coronary angiography. RESULTS: Twenty-four patients showed exercise-induced TWN: 18 at a work load < or =50 W (group la) and 6 at a work load > or =75 W (group 1b); 16 patients did not show TWN (group 2). On the PET study, viability in the infarct area was present in 17 patients (94%) from group la, in only 1 (16%) from group 1b and in 4 (25%) from group 2 (p < 0.0001). The sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy of exercise-induced TWN, in comparison with residual viability, were, respectively, 82%, 67%, 75% for TWN at every work load and 77%, 94%, 85% for TWN at a work load < or =50 W. Moreover, the sensitivity and diagnostic accuracy of TWN at the low work load were higher for anterior infarctions (87% and 88%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Exercise-induced TWN on IRLs at low work loads is a sensitive and specific index for the presence of residual viability in the infarct area. Sensitivity and diagnostic accuracy of this sign are higher for anterior infarctions.  相似文献   

A segment of chick elastin cDNA cloned in the plasmid pBR322 was sequenced by the method of Maxam and Gilbert ((1977) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 74, 560-564) and the 192-base pair insert was found to be derived from the nontranslated region of the 3' end of the mRNA. The nick-translated cDNA was used to identify and to estimate the relative amounts of elastin mRNA in the developing chick embryo aorta by blot hybridization. A single species of 3.5 kilobases hybridized to the cDNA probe and this species increased greatly between day 7 and day 14 of embryonic development. This increase was paralleled by an increase in translatable aortic elastin mRNA and by the in vivo rate of elastin synthesis, demonstrating that the change in synthesis during development is largely controlled by the elastin mRNA content of the aorta.  相似文献   

Proteins and glycoproteins of membranes from developing chick red cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Membrane vesicles produced when chick erythroid cells are disrupted by nitrogen cavitation were isolated by centrifugation in a sucrose step gradient and purified on a linear sucrose gradient. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel analysis of isolated membranes shows eight to ten proteins and four to five glycoproteins. Membranes must be prepared with protease inhibitors, otherwise an endogenous activity degrades high molecular weight polypeptide components. Red cells from several stages of development (5- and 17-day embryos and adult chickens) all appear to have the same major embrane proteins. However, primitive erythroid cells from 5-day embryos lack a Mr = 40,000 glycoprotein that is present in definitive erythrocytes from 17-day embryos and from adult chickens; erythrocytes from young chicks show a decrease in the amount of a glycoprotein of Mr = 50,000. Lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination of intact 5-day embryonic red cells detects three surface components which comigrate with the membrane glycoproteins on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels.  相似文献   

The care for elderly patients is traditionally a task of the general practitioner and will be of increasing importance in the future. Medical considerations focus on the patient's functional abilities which should play a primary role. These should, however, not neglect the patient's resources for the development of social and mental competence. Medical interventions so far will also need social indications evaluating their importance in the every day life context of the individual patient. Based on scientific knowledge of geriatrics and gerontology there should be a wide-spread introduction of standardized instruments into geriatric diagnostics and evaluation. Geriatric screening may be one example. This will support the development of a special geriatric quality management in general practice. There is a need for further development of ambulatory rehabilitation for the elderly. The general practitioner in this field will have to control the teamwork with rehabilitation-professionals and professionals from the social support services.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Smooth muscle cells in the walls of the gastrointestinal tract are thought to derive solely from mesoderm surrounding the primitive gut. A population of neuroepithelial cells has recently been shown to migrate from the ventral part of the neural tube in the region joined by the vagus nerve. We sought to determine if these cells contributed to the development of the stomach and intestine. METHODS: Cells of the ventral hindbrain of chick embryos were tagged by replication-deficient retroviral vectors containing the lacZ gene, providing a permanent label that is transmitted without dilution as the cells divide. Embryos were processed for detection of labeled cells. Specific markers were used to determine differentiation of progeny in the gastrointestinal tract. RESULTS: Cells labeled in the ventral neural tube migrate in association with the vagus nerve. Labeled cells are found in the intestine and stomach after time for further migration and differentiation. Using a specific marker, they were clearly identified as smooth muscle cells. CONCLUSIONS: Some of the smooth muscle cells of the gastrointestinal tract are derived from precursor cells that originate in the ventral part of the hindbrain neural tube. Their developmental importance and functional significance remain to be determined.  相似文献   

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