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A variety of adjunctive treatments have been shown to offer potential benefits for neonates with sepsis. Most are not available clinically and those that are available still should be considered experimental or limited in their use; however, these efforts are far from complete and should continue to evolve in the coming years. Efforts toward the rapid diagnosis of bacterial infections are a necessary component in the eventual implementation of these potential novel strategies. As a better understanding of the intricate mechanisms of neonatal sepsis is developed, it will be possible to provide patients with an increasingly effective array of treatment and prevention strategies.  相似文献   

In the past six years, 35 patients with thermal injuries have died with a diagnosis of endocarditis. The cause of death in 21 of the 22 patients with acute bacterial endocarditis (ABE) was directly related to complications arising from the ongoing sepsis. In only three cases was the diagnosis considered pre-mortem. The endocarditis was located in the right heart in 18, left heart in 9, and both sides in 8 cases. Associated venous thrombi were present in 14 instances, and 10 of these were septic thrombi. Staphylococcus was the primary organism in the blood in 17 of 22 patients with ABE. Clinically audible murmurs were present in only two patients. In no instance was ABE superimposed upon previously existing valvular disease. ABE can serve as a silent source of sepsis in the burn patient. The diagnosis should be suspected with persistantly positive blood cultures, especially for Staphylococcus aureus, in any burn patient in whom no other foci of sepsis can be identified. Vigorous methods of diagnosis and specific treatment are recommended.  相似文献   

A term, male neonate suddenly developed respiratory distress and severe cyanosis while undergoing exchange transfusion for hyperbilirubinaemia. Transfusion-related acute lung injury was diagnosed. Because of persistent hypoxaemia despite aggressive treatment, two doses of surfactant were administered, resulting in marked improvement. Conclusion: Transfusion-related acute lung injury may occur in neonates, and may be successfully treated by surfactant replacement.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Dietary arginine, glutamine, and fish oil each have been shown to improve resistance to infection. The purpose of this study was to assess the potential benefit of different combinations and amounts of these components on bacterial translocation and related mortality during gut-derived sepsis. METHODS: Balb/c mice were fed for 10 days with an AIN-76A diet supplemented with different combinations and percentages of arginine, glutamine, glycine, fish oil, and medium-chain triglycerides. Controls were fed a complete AIN-76A diet or chow. After 10 days of feeding, all animals were transfused. On day 15, the animals were gavaged with 10(10) 111In-radiolabeled or unlabeled Escherichia coli and given a 30% burn injury. Animals gavaged with unlabeled bacteria were observed for survival (n = 317). Groups that showed the best survival as well as control groups were gavaged with labeled bacteria and killed 4 hours postburn (n = 60) for harvest of mesenteric lymph nodes, liver and spleen. RESULTS: Mice fed diets enriched with 5% fish oil + 2% arginine, 2% arginine + 2% glutamine, or 5% fish oil + 2% glutamine had higher survival than control groups. The animals fed fish oil+glutamine had significantly reduced translocation to the liver and spleen. Animals fed arginine+glutamine had an enhanced ability to kill translocated organisms in the liver compared with other groups. Fish oil+arginine improved both barrier function and microbial killing. CONCLUSIONS: Feeding with arginine+glutamine, fish oil+arginine, or fish oil+glutamine supplemented diets positively affects the outcome in a gut-derived sepsis model.  相似文献   

Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) is an infrequent complication of hemotherapy. Antigranulocyte antibodies, most of them present in donor's serum, have been implicated in its pathogenesis. We describe a case of TRALI, following red blood cell transfusion, associated with an antigranulocyte antibody with NA1 specificity in the patient's serum.  相似文献   

This article reviews the new criteria for selecting the proper antimicrobial agent and dosage regimen for standard treatment of severe sepsis, with the intention of preventing septic shock. After introducing new concepts on the pathogenesis of sepsis and septic shock, the authors analyze the parameters of betalactam antibacterial activity, the antibiotic-induced release of bacterial endotoxin and the interrelationships between pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of antibiotics in the search for an optimum dosage regimen of antimicrobial mono- or polytherapy for severely ill septic patients admitted to the intensive care unit.  相似文献   

Recent evolution in the thinking of sepsis syndrome has provided a framework on which new clinical and basic research can be built. The separation of the inciting event and the cascade of subsequent physiologic changes has profound effects on how sepsis is thought of and ultimately how it will be treated. Early identification and treatment of infections and identifying patients at risk, to prevent SIRS, is the current role of Eps. Resuscitation of severe sepsis is more complex than other forms of shock and may require extensive resources if rapid admission or transfer to an intensive care unit is not available. As in many instances, the EP must be knowledgeable and skilled in the early identification and initial management of these patients until the definitive care can be provided. Modulation of the inflammatory response appears to be a prime prospect, but its practicality remains to be proved. Research and future roles of EPs include defining the population of ED patients at risk for SIRS and use of mediators of the inflammatory response. Emergency medicine is positioned in a critical point in the care of these patients.  相似文献   

The surgical approach to the acute biliary pathologies also today is often controversial. The choice of the right time to operate an acute patient is based either on personal clinical experiences, either under the statement that waiting for the resolution of the acute process could be preferable in the aim of reduce the surgical risk. This is the almost general tendency. Recently, some interesting articles issued by Swedish and German schools conducted as controlled trials on a great base of cases, try to emphasize the advantages of an early surgical therapy, particularly in the elderly patients. In these ones, in fact, the concomitance of cardiovascular, metabolic and immunodepressive pathologies makes more serious the complications too. In this article, the Authors refer on three clinical cases, all of which were quite different, and in which it was possible to identify a former septic hepato-biliary pathology. All the patients, upon hospital admission showed an acute pattern. In two cases it was an hepatic abscess, accompanied in one case by a "satellite" pulmonary abscess on the right lung. These two were treated conservatively, although by a TC-guided drainage of the liver abscesses. The third case, a localized choleperitoneum (biloma saccatus), underwent an operation. The accurate investigation on the clinical records of Authors' Department since 1980 to 1995 and in particular on the three referred cases seems to confirm that the importance of some complications after acute biliary pathology and their great morbidity must stimulate the surgeons to investigate always on the real causes of all clinical patterns, even if uncommon.  相似文献   

Severe tricuspid valve regurgitation and decreased pulmonary blood flow in neonatal Ebstein's anomaly with pulmonary atresia, may result in cardiac respiratory failure and hypoxemia. The poor natural course and lack of standard surgical treatment make treatment for neonatal Ebstein's anomaly very difficult. The Blalock-Taussig operation was performed for hypoxemia in Ebstein's anomaly associated with pulmonary atresia and severe tricuspid regurgitation on 36th day after birth. On the 63rd day after birth, tricuspid valve orifice closure and right atrium plication (Starnes procedure) were accomplished under cardiopulmonary bypass. Heart failure became controllable and the patient condition was satisfactory at one year after surgery.  相似文献   

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