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在我们学习城市住宅设计,翻阅以往的住宅设计资料时,发现五开间、一梯三户的单元住宅方案使用得很普遍,不仅北京常用,其它地区都普遍采用,覆盖面非常广。寿命也非常长,从五十年代到七十年代,几乎通行了二十年。一种住宅类型能有如此巨大的生命力,必须有其原因,说明它必然有自己的特点。  相似文献   

李凯生 《城市建筑》2010,(12):65-69
<正>毫无疑问,2010年不论对于个人还是国家而言,都是快速旋转的一年。时间作为种种琐碎或宏大的历史情节的幕后操作者,不允许世界做仔细思考就把它推向了漩涡。新近的国家课题,看来已经是不可避免的"货币战争"。  相似文献   

Lahdelma & Mahlanmǎki在芬兰驻东京大使馆建筑设计竞赛中拨得头筹;GH3事务所在Callwood公园国际规划设计大赛中获胜;DSDHA在伦敦滑铁卢广场设计竞赛中获胜;KPF在曼哈顿设计“One Jackson Square”豪华公寓搂;全球142个摩天大楼被迫下马;  相似文献   

Amiee 《中国厨卫》2009,(5):14-14,16
或许你天天都在和椅子打交道,却又一直忽略了它,但是,当你的视线接触到如此富有新意的椅子时,一定再也无法转移。  相似文献   

楼梯和窗户是居民天天面对的,它们就像一个人的呼吸气管和眼睛,特别重要。  相似文献   

建筑设计在给水厂建筑设计中的重视度越来越高,给水厂设计中常被弱视的生产性构建筑物的设计相比常规厂前区建筑物的建筑设计需要更多研究,其立面设计及其精细化的探索会有更多可能性。从构造的角度以及材料的角度进行了浅析,以为类似工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

围绕新形势下建筑设计与城市规划展开探讨,介绍了建筑设计与城市规划的主要内容,然后论述二者关系,提出了促进二者融合的主要策略,以期推动城市化建设的可持续发展。  相似文献   

唐炜 《山西建筑》2009,35(21):49-50
从建筑设计入手,就谁是建筑设计方案的决策者,建筑设计方案的决策内容、决策方法进行了简要论述,旨在通过决策最好的建筑设计方案,达到发展社会经济、改善城市风貌,提高民众生活的目的。  相似文献   

173型与168型长椅由整片钢板直接焊成,喇叭形的扶手造型极富特色。两款长椅的坐位结构均由直径为0,9cm的钢管、1.3cm-2,5cm的钢管与0.6cm厚的钢板组成,底部支架由铸钢制成,扣件为不锈钢材质,表面分别为黑色与亚银色聚酯纤维涂层。  相似文献   

液压缸性能测试试验台的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
液压缸是工程机械产品的重要部件之一,液压缸测试试验台是进行液压缸产品质量检测的必要设备,是液压缸质量监控的保障。介绍了液压缸性能试验台的系统组成、原理和特点,给出了台架结构,控制系统框图。  相似文献   

针对工程装备维修后试验设备存在的问题,采用模块式结构,共用动力及检测装置,提出了面向多部件底盘传动部件试验集成的思想。详细介绍了试验台的功能、系统组成、软硬件的实现及工作原理。  相似文献   

Modeling building evacuation during fire emergencies is an important issue. The social force model is a well-regarded evacuation modeling technique, and it has been integrated into the Fire Dynamics Simulator with Evacuation (FDS + Evac) of NIST to simulate building fire evacuation. However, these models still have limitations to be improved. First, occupants’ movement can be unrealistically prevented. For example, the corner of doors exerts unrealistic repulsive forces on occupants, so the simulated flow at narrow doors is much smaller than experimental data. Second, the degree of occupants’ competitiveness is not considered. Finally, current models are rarely validated by data form real-life emergencies, in which occupants may behave differently from normal situations. In this paper, new social forces are used to replace old ones to modify occupants’ collision avoidance: both time headway and time-to-collision are viewed as indicators of potential collisions, and social forces are active if time headway or time-to-collision reaches thresholds. A parameter is used to represent how the degree of occupants’ competitiveness affects their collision avoidance. The modified model is validated by both lab experiments and real emergency evacuation. First, the relation between simulated flow and door width in non-competitive situation is used for validation. In the simulation, 94 occupants, initially distributed in a 9 m - by - 4 m area, evacuate from a door. The simulated flow rates through doors of width ranging from 0.6 m to 1.2 m are consistent with the experimental data. Second, effects of competitiveness are studied. Simulation results show that whether competitiveness speeds up or slow down the evacuation through a door is affected by the initial number of occupants, door width, and other occupants outside the door. Finally, simulation results in competitive situation are consistent with data from a real-life emergency evacuation. The data used is extracted from a video recording occupants evacuating from an airport through a security gate in an earthquake. Simulation results are consistent with the real-life data in both the total evacuation time and the time when congestion occurred.  相似文献   

Spontaneous combustion in coal mines play a vital role in occurrences of fire. Fire in coal, particularly in opencast mines not only causes irreparable loss of national wealth but damages the surface structure and pollutes the environment. The problem of spontaneous combustion/fire in opencast coal benches is acute. Presently over 75% of the total production of coal in Indian mines is being carried out by opencast mining. Accordingly a mechanised spraying device has been developed for spraying the fire protective coating material for preventing spontaneous combustion in coal benches of opencast mines jointly by Central Mining Research Institute, Dhanbad and M/s Signum Fire Protection (India) Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur under Science & Technology (S&T) project funded by Ministry of Coal, Govt. of India. The objective of this paper is to describe in detail about the mechanised spraying device and its application for spraying fire protective coating material in the benches of opencast coal mines for preventing spontaneous combustion/fire.  相似文献   

改性聚乙烯醇缩醛胶   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐峰  刘勇 《化学建材》1992,8(2):60-61
在聚乙烯醇与甲醛的缩合反应过程中,加入少量有机聚合物使之接技共聚,并辅以功能性助剂所制得的改性聚乙烯醇缩醛胶,其粘结强度明显提高,应用范围更广,而成本增加甚微。  相似文献   

为研究经聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)处理后的石墨烯对SBS改性沥青流变性能的影响,通过高速剪切机在SBS改性沥青中掺入PVP修饰石墨烯,制备了石墨烯-SBS复合改性沥青,并采用动态剪切流变仪、温度扫描和线性振幅扫描试验,对复合改性沥青流变性能及抗疲劳性能变化规律进行研究,同时结合弯曲梁流变仪试验探索了复合改性沥青低温抗裂性...  相似文献   

PAM改性107胶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑永军 《化学建材》1996,12(6):256-257
介绍了PAM对107胶的改性方法以及对107胶的粘度、粘接强度、游离甲醛含量等性能指标的影响,改性107胶经济效益好,质量达标。  相似文献   

有机硅氧烷改性苯丙乳液涂料   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张斌  黄敏 《化学建材》1997,13(6):255-256,258
在苯乙烯-丙烯酸乳液聚合过程中,加入一定量的有机硅氧烷进行共聚,制得建筑涂料。研究了反应温度、时间、乳化剂用量等因素对反应进程,乳液的稳定性及涂料性能的影响。  相似文献   

研究了羧基丁苯乳液对建筑石膏的改性效果.结果表明:羧基丁苯乳液具有良好的减水作用,使建筑石膏初凝和终凝时间有所提前,并在一定程度上增加了建筑石膏的体积密度;改性后建筑石膏的饱水强度显著提高,吸水率及溶蚀率大为降低,而抗压强度、抗折强度及耐水性得到了很大的改善;羧基丁苯乳液失水后形成薄膜,对二水石膏晶体起到了包裹保护作用,并使改性建筑石膏的孔隙率下降。  相似文献   

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