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李玉红  寇兴权 《控制工程》2005,12(2):168-169,189
采用基于知识的框架表示法和产品信息特征的层次描述方法,设计企业中不同类型产品信息的描述元数据模型和检索元数据模型,实现了产品生产者按照基于关键词集合的方式来描述企业产品信息和客户按照基于关键词集合的方式来描述要检索的企业产品信息。在此基础上,构建企业产品信息库的逻辑结构和企业产品信息访问组织平台,实现了基于多关键词集合的企业产品信息描述和检索的统一。实验表明,该系统较网络检索在速度和准确度上都有明显的改进。  相似文献   

11月11日 PeopleSoft 推出了企业供应管理软件PeopleSoft Enterprise Supply Chain Management 8.8。该产品包括了一些旨在提高制造企业生产效率的功能模块:PeopleSoft 企业制造流程、企业客户订单管理。通过实时分析,产品经理可以在自己的台式机上得到产品信息,以及与产品相关的生产成本信息。系统通过跟踪产品的某个组件,管理人员可以了解  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的普及,企业信息化建设快速发展,企业中利用计算机软件完成产品管理的程度越来越广泛。企业产品出入库票据是产品流通的有效凭证,因此根据企业需求设计合理的产品出入库票据凭证显得十分重要和必要。利用.NET平台中的Graphics类的相关方法,设计一种产品出入库票据模型并实现。  相似文献   

一、企业背景 北京ABB高压开关设备有限公司主要生产高、中压开关设备.公司的产品分为高压产品和中压产品两大类.从产品形式上则分为标准产品和订单产品,其中标准产品为企业的主流产品,大多为从国外引进产品,也有部分企业自主开发的产品.  相似文献   

产品创新是企业增加竞争力的一个决定因素。为保证产品创新过程的质量,有关产品创新过程的研究越来越得到企业界及学术界的关注。本文将探讨运用设计管理的理念和方法对产品创新战略的研究,促使企业发展出新的产品,最终促进企业的发展。  相似文献   

为解决制造型企业研发、生产、经营等活动中涉及的产品信息的管理、集成与共享问题,建立基于工作流的制造型企业产品信息管理系统。提出4种制造型企业的工作流单元模型,并借助电子仓库技术,建立以文件签入/签出为核心的产品信息管理的通用模型,提出产品信息集成化管理系统架构。实践表明,该系统能够实现制造型企业产品信息在企业内不同部门之间的集成和共享,同时能够支持产品全生命周期的信息管理。  相似文献   

企业信息与网络系统安全产品的测试选型 安全产品的测试选型工作要严格按照企业信息与网络系统安全产品的功能规范要求,利用综合的技术手段,对参测产品进行功能、性能与可用性等方面的测试,为企业测试出符合功能规范的安全产品。  相似文献   

文章针对目前我国厨房家具企业的品牌形象和产品形象的发展现状,致力于构建系统的产品形象识别以及传播路径。基于符号学的理论视角,以产品形象识别对企业品牌文化建设的影响为基础,提出针对不同企业的文化理念,搭建产品形象识别系统的设计方法,实现各品牌产品形象差异化与企业内部产品表达的一致性。提出厨房家具产品识别系统设计程序的构建方法,通过产品定位、归纳统筹、部件塑造、PIS传播及反馈等四个方面去构建厨房家具形象识别系统传播路径,实现厨房家具产品的表达及传播与该品牌文化理念表达的一致性。  相似文献   

本文通过引入产品形象设计的概念和方法,对国内外部分知名企业的产品形象进行对比,帮助本土企业建立产品形象意识,解决产品风格的不稳定性,在同一系列产品中建立区别和联系,同时帮助企业建立与其它企业同种类产品不同的形象特征,从而改善市场中形式风格的混乱。  相似文献   

在产品同质化严重的今天,产品识别是提升企业竞争力的关键,是产品价值体现的重要手段,其有助于企业产品形成自己的特征与风格。本文以企业角度出发,从识别概念、识别体验、识别战略结构以及识别的应用等方面分析产品识别设计,进一步全方位解读现代产品设计。  相似文献   

Newly emerging radio access technologies have produced a novel heterogeneous network environment. Wireless service operators should build the best service portfolio strategy for each user by focusing on the co-existence of multiple access networks and complex service combinations, while maximizing the overall network utilization. Web-based Decision Support System (web-based DSS) is one of the best ways of making service portfolios available to every user in a multiple access network environment. Service designers, customer relationship managers, and network engineers can build the best match relationship between services and networks to enhance user utilization. In addition, the easily accessible web-based DSS in an optimal heterogeneous network operation framework provides opportunities for designing new services. The network load and financial effect of newly designed services could also be analyzed and reshaped easily by testing the DSS functionality. Various mathematical tools have been developed for DSS to integrate different network domains. To demonstrate its applicability to the integration of network domains, we tested various service scenarios in a heterogeneous network environment and evaluated the versatile functions of web-based DSS.  相似文献   

电网公司多年来建设了很多业务系统,各业务系统相互孤立应用.随着企业信息化建设的深入,业务系统中数据特别是非结构化数据的数据量急剧增长,人员查找数据信息极为不便.建设面向整个电网公司的分布式非结构化数据检索平台,该平台在Linux计算机集群上部署Hadoop开发框架以及Solr分布式全文检索系统,将各业务系统中的非结构化数据进行集中式的存储、管理,并且提供统一的搜索服务,使得企业相关人员能够高效、便捷地检索出所需的数据.实现知识服务无处不在,为员工工作提供帮助,为企业提供决策支持.  相似文献   

Internet of Things (IoT) has radically transformed the world; currently, every device can be connected to the Internet and provide valuable information for decision-making. In spite of the fast evolution of technologies accompanying the grow of IoT, we are still faced with the challenge of providing a service oriented architecture, which facilitates the inclusion of data coming together from several IoT devices, data delivery among a system's agents, real-time data processing and service provision to users. Furthermore, context-aware data processing and architectures still pose a challenge, in spite of being key requirements in order to get stronger IoT architectures. To face this challenge, we propose a COLLaborative ConText Aware Service Oriented Architecture (COLLECT), which facilitates both the integration of IoT heterogeneous domain context data — through the use of a light message broker — and easy data delivery among several agents and collaborative participants in the system — making use of an enterprise service bus —. In addition, this architecture provides real-time data processing thanks to the use of a complex event processing engine as well as services and intelligent decision-making procedures to users according to the needs of the domain in question. As a result, COLLECT has a great impact on context-aware decentralized and collaborative reasoning for IoT, promoting context-aware intelligent decision making in such scope. Since context-awareness is key for a wide range of recommender and intelligent systems, the presented novel solution improves decision making in a large number of fields where such systems require to promptly process a variety of ubiquitous collaborative and context-aware data.  相似文献   

MulticlassM/G/1 systems in steady-state with work-conserving scheduling strategies are studied. Restricting a system's scheduling strategy to making no direct use of the required service times, every time the server becomes idle its memory is cleared, and service may only be interrupted by newly arriving customers, a conservation law is developed by means of inequalities. The conservation law states that if a response time vector composed of the expected response times of the different classes of a system in steady-state is achievable, then it must belong to a well-defined convex polytope (a set bounded by hyperplanes). Furthermore, on each hyperplane bounding the relevant polytope there lies at least one vertex of the convex set of achievable response time vectors. Therefore, this polytope is the least one including the set of all achievable response time vectors.  相似文献   

在网络逐步普及的时代,营利性酒店如何利用网站平台来推销自己,方便顾客的同时为酒店带来更多的营利已成为大中型酒店急需解决的问题。酒店网站使酒店能够以轻松的操作,在线、实时地进行网站的管理工作,客户也可以即时浏览到最新的网站信息,能为客户提供细致入微的服务。强大的后台应用功能,充分把握客户的最新需求,为宾馆权利打造成功互联网业务平台。  相似文献   

传统信息检索技术满足了人们一定的需要,由于其通用的性质,仍不能满足不同背景、不同目的和不同时期的查询请求.个性化服务技术就是针对这个问题而提出的,它为不同用户提供不同的服务,以满足不同的需求.个性化服务通过收集和分析用户信息来学习用户的兴趣和行为,从而实现主动推荐的目的.个性化服务技术能充分提高站点的服务质量和访问效率,从而吸引更多的访问者  相似文献   

RR-DNS(Round-Robin DNS)是指循环式域名服务。文中提出一个利用原有RR-DNS提高Web集群系统可用性的机制。这种机制可以定期监测各个服务器,判断每个服务器是否能正常工作,对有问题的服务器立即更改DNS服务器的设定来避免用户对有问题的服务器进行访问。通过维护的DNS主机列表不仅可以为多台服务器提供负载均衡,同时也提高了服务器的可用性。  相似文献   

介绍了一种扩展UDDI以支持语义信息的方法,即在注册Web服务时添加语义信息,并支持基于语义的查询。首先在UDDI系统中加入一个领域本体库,再为该UDDI中的每个注册服务添加语义信息,并将服务和本体库的对应关系存入到UDDI的数据库中。在服务申请者查询Web服务时,由用户提供语义查询模板,根据用户描述的本体语义信息得到候选服务列表,再根据用户对服务质量的要求计算候选服务的匹配度,将候选服务依照其匹配度的大小顺序返回给用户。  相似文献   

Innovative growth of IoT Technology has enhanced the service delivery aspects of defence sector in terms of high-tech surveillance, and reliable defence mechanisms. Along with the sensing capability for ubiquitous events, IoT Technology provides means to deliver services in time sensitive and information intensive manner. In this paper, a framework for IoT based activity monitoring of defence personnel is presented to detect the precursors of suspiciousness in terms of information outflow that can compromise the national security. Though maintaining intellectual defence personnel remained a major area of concern for every nation, still investigating reports of recent terrorist attacks in different countries have discovered the number of suspicion factors from their daily activities. The work presented in this study focuses on these factors in terms of efficient monitoring of social activities and analyzing it over suspicious scale. Moreover, Suspicious Index (SI) is defined for every personnel on the basis of their activities that can compromise national security directly or indirectly. Furthermore, automated game theoretic decision making model is presented to aid the monitoring officials in suppressing the probability of information outflow. In order to validate the system, two types of evaluations are performed. In one case, an imitative environment is considered to monitor 10 college students’ daily engagements for 7 days. The results are compared with the state-of-the-art techniques of data assessment. In the second case, a mathematical evaluation for the game theoretic decision making is performed. Results in both cases show that the proposed model achieves better performance in efficient monitoring of suspicious activities and effective decision making.  相似文献   

针对目前网络中存在多种数据传输协议,并且各个协议不能或不能很好地兼容其他协议的现状,提出了将文件与文件传输协议进行分离的思想,提出了支持多协议的自适应文件传输的体系结构,提出了针对非局域网的三种文件传输策略:对于大文件依据文件类型采用冗余校验传输或者分片并行传输的策略,对于普通文件采用基于平均服务质量的传输策略,对于小文件采用通道复用的传输策略,而由于局域网的文件传输速率比较高,对于所有文件采用基于平均服务质量的传输策略。在此基础上,提出了自适应文件传输算法AFTA。实验证明其可以依据文件属性等因素,从协议库中选择合适的协议来传输文件,从而有效提高了文件传输的灵活性、高效性,同时保证了可靠性。  相似文献   

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