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食品安全追溯是一个从最初的点对点发展到从原材料到加工的每一个过程都涵盖进去的非常复杂的网络,在这种情况下,怎样在基于GS1编码标准的前提下,利用有限的追溯范围最大限度的完成食品安全追溯,保证食品安全质量是目前迫切需要解决的问题.山东省标准化院的食品安全追溯工作包括在食品安全监管与追溯公共服务平台基础上,进行深入理论研究、关键技术开发以及应用系统的研发.  相似文献   

首先介绍了建设智慧城市的重要性,阐述了忽视食品安全问题造成的严重危害。然后从食品安全在营造智慧城市中的重要作用出发,研究智慧城市食品安全追溯系统。最后构建一个支持食品生产、加工和流通全过程跟踪与追溯的智慧城市食品安全追溯系统。研究表明,本文构建的系统有助于在智慧城市中实现"从餐桌到农牧基地"的食品安全追溯。  相似文献   

2007年8月30日,中国物品编码中心借国际物品编码协会2007年顾问委员会会议(GS1 Advisory Council Meeting)在京召开之际,特别邀请国际物品编码协会(GS1)总部官员以及部分成员组织的首席执行官代表在京召开媒体见面会,就GS1全球统一标识系统在食品安全追溯领域的应用和媒体深入交流。  相似文献   

基于GS1追溯认证管理的山茶油质量溯源系统,能够把山茶油产销过程中与山茶油安全和质量有关的历史、原产地、召回、相关方和沟通等具体识别信息连续不断地记录并保存下来,提高追溯管理的持续性和有效性。2012年发布的国家食品安全监管体系“十二五”规划中明确指出,到“十二五”期末,基本建立起适合我国国情,预防为主、全程覆盖、责任明晰、协同高效、保障有力的食品安全监管体系,米、面、油、蔬菜、肉、乳品、蛋、水产品等重点食品质量安全状况持续稳定良好,食品安全水平显著提升,城乡居民饮食安全得到切实保障。  相似文献   

GS1马其顿在对GS1 DataBar进行推广时,建立了多个相关工作组,并向本国的会员组织宣传采用GS1 DataBar的好处。GS1马其顿经调研,确定肉制品和奶制品的生产商,以及大型连锁超市成为目标企业。很多参与的企业表示对GS1 DataBar很感兴趣,企业认为与供应链中采用的GTIN(EAN-13)相比,GS1 DataBar除了在设计上节省了更多空间,包含了更多信息,如:净含量、有效期和批次号。最重要的是,GS1 DataBar所包含的信息可以对产品进行有效追溯,保证食品安全。  相似文献   

食品行业供应链中跨环节之间的联系比较脆弱,这是实施跟踪与追溯的最大问题。那么,如何才能建立起一条“从农(牧)场到餐桌”的食品安全追溯体系呢?  相似文献   

传统乳业食品跟踪追溯系统不能有效地应对三聚氰胺等乳业食品质量安全问题,因而需要研究基于物联网技术的乳业食品安全跟踪追溯系统。在探讨了物联网技术与乳业食品安全跟踪追溯系统的概念和关系后,着重分析了当前一些较为重要的跟踪追溯系统,并指出了这些策略的优缺点。最后分析了当前亟待解决的问题,展望了其未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

传统乳业食品跟踪追溯系统不能有效地应对三聚氰胺等乳业食品质量安全问题,因而需要研究基于物联网技 术的乳业食品安全跟踪追溯系统。在探讨了物联网技术与乳业食品安全跟踪追溯系统的概念和关系后,着重分析了当前一些 较为重要的跟踪追溯系统,并指出了这些策略的优缺点。最后分析了当前亟待解决的问题,展望了其未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

柳建龙 《A&S》2006,(10):96-99
本文从社会关注的热点——食品安全问题,引出肉食品安全在整个食品安全领域中的重要地位,并通过肉食品供应链的解析,追溯对整个肉食品行业的巨大影响因素。进而从追溯的核心问题,引入RFID技术在信息追踪应用的独特优势,细述了RFID如何与牲畜的饲养、屠宰,分割、零售各环节的信息追踪有机结合。[编者按]  相似文献   

要想达到自动识别技术对食品安全的全程跟踪,首先要从食品供应链的源头种植抓起.实践证明,在动物的饲养阶段运用自动识别技术加强管理,是保证肉制品安全的有效途径.近日,上海市率先完善了基于RFID的安全猪肉监控追溯系统.  相似文献   

In his inaugural column, Michael Geselowitz informs readers of the rich technological heritage of New Jersey.  相似文献   

This paper describes an experiment that tested the ease of reading specific formats that could be used for on-line publications, such as magazines. A single scrolling column with a relatively long line length, the format in which browsers frequently display web pages, was compared with a three column paged format. No differences in reading rate were found, but faster readers had better comprehension scores when reading the three column format, compared with slower readers. A single paged column, that was introduced to separate the effects of the number of columns from the method of movement (scrolled vs paged), showed that paging is faster than scrolling. In addition, with paged movement, a single wide column is read faster than three columns. This result was attributable to subjects within the age range 18–24 years. In contrast to reading performance, subjective judgements of ease of reading rated the three column format as easier to read. The results are discussed with reference to the familiarity of text formats in print and on screen and some possible differences between user's reading patterns are suggested.  相似文献   

Information processing speed affects reading performance and interaction with text. Understanding how column type in an online context influences reading effectiveness can help us to identify less effective layouts. This study explored the visual perception of 23 participants while they read text arranged in a multi-column layout. Two tasks (repeated reading and non-repeated reading) were designed and assessed to have the same level of difficulty. Information was organised according to three types of column layout (one, two, or three columns). Eye movement analysis showed that participants performed best in a three-column layout for repeated reading, and with one column for normal reading. We also found that the repeated reading technique reduced readers’ distraction and therefore increased their visual performance, which in turn increased information processing, regardless of column layout. These findings with regard to single- and multi-column layouts can help suggest effective reading configurations for online readers and provide insights for human–computer interaction theories on human interaction with different typographic elements.  相似文献   

《Environmental Software》1986,1(2):129-130
This column will be devoted to reporting significant developments in personal computer hardware and software, and covering particularly innovative or effective uses of personal computers in the environmental field. Input and feedback from the readers is essential to achieving these goals.  相似文献   

Bill Boni 《Network Security》2001,2001(7):18-19
As regular readers of this column will know, the author has long had a concern — captured in his first book, published two years ago — that global law enforcement agencies were not moving fast enough to prepare for and respond to the type of sophisticated cybercriminals likely to be on us. The clock has continued to tick and it may be that we are about to enter the dark night of opportunity for cybercriminals.  相似文献   

The calculators column is intended to focus on that aspect of computing history that in many respects preceded the introduction of the computer and has paralleled the computer for the past 50 years as the original “desktop” machine, and in later years as the “pocket” machine. Through this column we hope to provide information for historians and collectors about the world of calculators. We invite readers to submit short contributions regarding the development, manufacture, and use of calculators for publication in this column. This column is from Frank Preston. As a graduate student at MIT, he was an operator of Vannevar Bush's network analyzer in the early 1940s. He was with Norden Systems in a variety of engineering and management roles from 1945 to 1977. He was a lecturer at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and an engineering consultant from 1977 to 1982. From 1982 to 1989 he developed advanced simulators at NASA Ames. Since 1989 he has worked on supercomputer systems with NASA Langley  相似文献   

Bill Boni 《Network Security》2000,2000(7):18-19
The last few weeks have been full of news that confirms the advice we’ve been presenting to readers of this column. The Love Bug virus was one example, it demonstrated the current pitiful state we find ourselves in when we have global electronic commerce, but only national and local laws dealing with criminal abuse of the systems. In the past few days we have two additional developments that show there is more cause for alarm.  相似文献   

Editor's Note: As our readership diversifies and computer graphics technologies and applications increasingly penetrate into many areas of research, education, society, industry, and government, the breadth of software and hardware products that can be associated withcomputer graphics become increasingly difficult to filter down. To continue informing ourestablished readership about new products, while also supporting new members enteringthe computer graphics community with helpful literature and useful software tools and libraries,we have decided to slightly enhance this column. From now on, we will inform thereadership under the new name "Tools and Products."This new column will not only list common off-the-shelf software and hardware products, but also encourage and foster the inclusion of less commercial (but widely accessible andaccepted) tools, technologies, standards, and educational materials. We believe that this newformat represents an exciting evolution of this column and we look forward to readers' contributions of their own favorites. —Miguel Encarnacäo me@imedia-labs.com  相似文献   

ITC 2006 panels     
The International Test Conference technical program has long included panel sessions that provide an informal, entertaining opportunity for ITC audiences to engage in discussion and debates with industry and research experts on a wide range of subjects. This tradition continued in a new venue in 2006 with an intriguing slate of panel sessions. In this column, the ITC 2006 panel organizers capture the deliberations and results from their respective panels for D&T readers who may not have had the opportunity to attend the conference or perhaps attended different, parallel panel discussions.  相似文献   

We propose that in many contexts of text use, people need to consult a mental representation of the mapping between the content of documents and their structure. We report three experiments that investigate the construction and use of such ‘structure maps.’ In each experiment people read multiple on-line texts on the same topic, and then searched for specific pieces of information in those texts. Search performance was compared with people who had not read the texts. People who had read multiple texts were, to some extent, able to recall where information was in the texts as shown by the locations in which they first searched (Experiments 1 and 2) or the number of pages opened during a search (Experiment 3). We also found that readers of multiple texts were able to find facts in those texts faster than were people who had not read the texts, and that this speedup was not a simple effect of faster reading while scanning for facts (Experiments 1 and 2) or of greater familiarity with the general topic (Experiment 3). These incidental effects of reading occurred whether or not participants were warned before reading that they would have subsequently to search the texts and were not compromised by transformations in the appearance of text (double column to single column) that disrupted the positions of facts on pages (Experiment 2). We conclude that readers spontaneously construct structure maps of multiple electronic texts, even when their reading goal stresses abstraction of meaning across sources. Structure maps likely play a vital role in many aspects of text use, such as re-reading and knowledge updating, so that their support is an important consideration in the design of on-line texts.  相似文献   

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