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主要研究了钢中氧含量与硫化物夹杂物的种类和形态之间的关系,以控制合适的氧含量,从而提高线材的切削性能,对15个炉次的冶炼过程及其成品取样,分析氧含量对硫化物夹杂的成分、形态及切削性能的影响。结果表明:钢中硫化物与氧化物形成的复合夹杂物的比例会随着氧含量的增加而变大,硅、铝、钙氧化物为核心,外围包裹MnS或CaS的纺锤形或球形复合夹杂对提高切削性能非常有利,应保证成品线材中的氧的质量分数不低于0.0140%。  相似文献   

铝脱氧齿轮钢中易生成大量的高熔点Al2O3类夹杂物,容易导致水口结瘤及钢材性能恶化,目前较常采用钙处理将钢中高熔点的Al2O3类夹杂物改性为低熔点的钙铝酸盐类夹杂物。合理的钙处理可以减轻水口结瘤并提高连铸过程钢液的可浇性,工业试验研究了喂钙前钢液中T.Ca含量、喂钙速度、喂钙量、净空高度及渣厚等参数对齿轮钢中钙收得率的影响,并在1.5 m·s?1的喂钙速度条件下研究了不同喂钙量对钙处理过程中齿轮钢中非金属夹杂物改性的影响。研究结果表明,当喂钙前钢液中T.Ca的质量分数小于10×10?6,喂钙速度为1.5 m·s?1,适当降低喂钙量和净空高度和渣厚,钢液中钙收得率均高于20%。当钢液中T.Ca的质量分数高于17×10?6时,钢中生成大量高熔点CaS型夹杂物,三元相图中夹杂物的平均质量分数远离液相区。随着齿轮钢中T.Ca含量的增加,夹杂物的平均尺寸和数密度逐渐增加。热力学计算结果与工业试验钙处理对钢中非金属夹杂物改性效果具有较好的一致性。   相似文献   

The process of deoxidation of a 15 kg melt by silicon, aluminum, and calcium-silicon alloy was studied by continuously monitoring the dissolved oxygen potential using a solid electrolyte probe. Stable oxygen potential was established within two minutes, whether the deoxidizer was added onto the melt surface or plunged into the melt. Inclusion morphology was investigated with the help of optical and scanning electron microscopic studies. The inclusion index is dependent on the type of deoxidizer added, but was independent on the mode of addition. Thus, with ferrosilicon addition the index increased significantly which decreased very slowly on holding the melt while deoxidation with aluminum and calcium-silicon alloy resulted in a continuous decrease of the inclusion index. Evidence has been found to show that the reaction between the existing inclusion before deoxidizer addition and the deoxidizers added was also very fast.  相似文献   

为了保证齿轮钢中非金属夹杂物的控制,并确定齿轮钢经济合理的总氧含量控制目标,开展了总氧含量对齿轮钢中非金属夹杂物的影响研究。以三种不同总氧含量的Mn–Cr系齿轮钢为研究对象,利用Aspex扫描电镜、极值法、疲劳测试等不同方法研究了齿轮钢中非金属夹杂物数量、分布、尺寸等,获得了夹杂物与齿轮钢总氧含量的对应关系。在本文实验条件下,随着总氧含量的降低,钢中氧化物夹杂数量不断减小,其中5~10 μm的小尺寸夹杂物减小最明显,而10 μm以上的大尺寸夹杂物数量变化规律不明显。另外,极值法和疲劳试验结果表明,总氧含量高时(质量分数为0.0013%),钢中最大氧化物夹杂尺寸也较大,比总氧质量分数为0.0010%和0.0005%的实验钢的最大夹杂物尺寸高10 μm以上,且当总氧含量比较低时(质量分数≤0.0010%),实验钢总氧质量分数变化(0.0010%、0.0005%)对钢中最大夹杂物尺寸影响不大。   相似文献   

Results are presented from studies and experiments conducted with the objective of reducing the overall contamination of steel by nonmetallic inclusions and changing their morphology. The article describes a new technology for deoxidizing steel and examines the main types of defects formed in steel’ the conditions under which they form’ and the mechanisms responsible for their formation.  相似文献   

The influence of nonmetallic inclusions in Э76Ф rail steel on the high-temperature plasticity is considered. In terms of the shear strain, a plasticity maximum is observed in all three zones of the continuouscast billet: the crust, the columnar-crystal zone, and the central zone of the billet. The high-temperature torsion of samples heated to 950–1250°C with 10-min holding is studied for continuous-cast billet of electrosmelted rail steel. Oxides and silicates are present in the crust; oxides and oxysilicates are found in the columnar-crystal zone; and sulfides, oxides, silicates, and alumosilicates are found in the central zone of the billet. The concentration of inclusions that impair the plasticity is greatest in the central zone of the billet.  相似文献   

通过对LF前-LF后-中间包-连铸工艺生产40Cr钢各环节系统取样,以及电子显微镜对夹杂物的形貌、尺寸及组成的分析,发现40Cr铸坯中含有大量CaO(CaS)-Al2O3-MgO类复合夹杂.采用Factsage计算得到的CaO-CaS-Al2O3三元相图对钙处理后CaO(CaS)-Al2O3夹杂形成过程进行了理论计算;并对实际发现的CaO(CaS)-Al2O3-MgO类复合夹杂物的面扫描分布进行描边处理,探讨了该类夹杂物的组成和形成过程.经Factsage理论计算发现,CaO-CaS-Al2O3三元相图中液相区各成分质量分数为CaO 32%~58%、CaS 0%~5%以及Al2O342%~65%,钙处理后CaO含量有逐渐增加,CaS含量有逐渐减小趋势.结合夹杂物的面扫描分布发现,CaO(CaS)-Al2O3-MgO类复合夹杂物的组成为xCaO·yAl2O3+mMgO·nAl2O3+Al2O3+CaS,钙处理后Ca能够使Al2O3变性为CaO-Al2O3,但同时夹杂物中也有很高的CaS成分,随着钙处理的充分进行,CaS将由内及外向CaO-Al2O3逐渐转变.  相似文献   

利用热力学软件计算了齿轮钢氧含量与夹杂物成分控制、夹杂物转变条件.结果表明,20CrMoH钢中具有较高塑性的非金属夹杂物成分(质量分数)为:SiO2 0%~10%、Al2O3 22%~55%、CaO 42%~60%、MgO 5%~10%,与之平衡的钢液中铝的质量分数大于0.020%,钙的质量分数大于0.7×10-6,a[O]为0.0005%左右;选择组成为CaO>40%、Al2O3 ≤ 37%、MgO 10%、(% CaO+% MgO)/% SiO2为10、SiO2含量尽量低的渣系,钢中Al2O3、MgO·Al2O3夹杂物可转变为低熔点的钙铝酸盐.试验发现LF和RH精炼结束时钢液T[O]含量均随炉渣碱度增加而降低,采用高Al2O3含量的炉渣对降低T[O]含量有利;精炼过程钢液中夹杂物按\  相似文献   

Experimental heats of low-alloy steel are performed under various conditions of rare-earth metal microalloying and aluminum and calcium deoxidation. Electron-probe microanalysis of nonmetallic inclusions and a metallographic investigation of a metal are used to show that, when interacting with water, nonmetallic cerium oxide inclusions do not form hydrates and, correspondingly, are not aggressive. When aluminum, calcium, and cerium additions are sequentially introduced into a melt, a continuous cerium oxide shell forms on calcium aluminates, protects corrosive nonmetallic inclusions against interaction with water, and weakens local metal corrosion.  相似文献   

Principles of multicomponent alloying of high-temperature steels are formulated on the basis of reported and obtained experimental data. The short- and long-term strength, the structure, and the phase composition of high-temperature austenitic low-carbon steels 01Kh15N22AG2V4TYu and 02Kh18N12AG11MFB are studied in the structural states that form upon forging and aging and ensure the maximum hardening. These steels are found to have a high short-term strength and high-temperature strength. The tests of these steels performed for 8 × 103 h without failure of specimens at a temperature of 680°C and stresses of 100–120 MPa show that they are promising materials that can operate at 620–680°C for 2 × 105 h at a stress of 70 MPa in power units intended for operation at supercritical vapor parameters. The specific features of the fine structures of the steels in the forged and aged states that provide their high high-temperature strength are revealed. The evolution of structural constituents during long-term strength tests is studied, and the role of these constituents in fracture is determined.  相似文献   

The content of nonmetallic inclusions when rail and wheel steel is produced by intensive modern technology and modified by rare-earth metals is analyzed. The composition, morphology, dimensions, and distribution of the inclusions in the steel are determined in the case without oxidation by aluminum or treatment by silicocalcium and also with treatment of aluminum-bearing steel by both rare-earth metals and silicocalcium. Modification with rare-earth metals reduces the content of oxide inclusions in the rail and wheel steel. That improves the plasticity and impact strength of the products.  相似文献   

The structure formation in a nitrogen-bearing Kh18AG20 steel pseudosingle crystal is studied during the ?? ?? ?? (bcc ?? fcc) polymorphic transformation. The precipitation of austenite from ferrite is shown to proceed according to a crystallographic ordered mechanism with an orientation relationship close to the Kurdjumov-Sachs orientation relationship. Six crystallographic orientations of austenite are detected in the pseudosingle crystal volume. The slip in ferrite in the two-phase pseudosingle crystal during cold plastic deformation is found to begin earlier than in austenite and occurs on {110}?? crystallographic planes. The slip in austenite begins simultaneously in all orientations when the strain increases to ??2% and proceeds on {111}?? planes.  相似文献   

The stress at the boundary between nonmetallic oxide inclusions and the matrix may be calculated, for different loads, by simulation of the system consisting of the matrix and inclusions. On that basis, the nonmetallic inclusions may be ranked in terms of the risk of contact-fatigue defects. The phase composition and geometry of the nonmetallic inclusions in rail steel are determined by the reduction of the rail steel and are extremely important for high rail performance.  相似文献   

肖超  崔衡 《工程科学学报》2018,40(S1):26-30
应用氧氮分析、扫描电镜夹杂物自动分析、热力学计算等方法, 研究了Al含量不同的三种典型汽车用高强钢中夹杂物的数量、种类、析出温度的变化规律.结果表明, 钢中Al的质量分数从0.054%增加到1.35%, 钢中的T[O]质量分数从0.00150%减少到0.00075%, 夹杂物数量从38.28 mm-2减少到28.12 mm-2, 钢中夹杂物的数量呈减少趋势.随着钢中Al的质量分数的增加, 钢中氧化物夹杂的演变规律为Al2O3·MnO→MgAl2O4, 铝系夹杂物的演变规律为Al2O3→Al N, 硫化物夹杂的演变规律为MnS→MgS.热力学计算表明, Al N夹杂的生成与钢中的Al含量有关, Al含量高的钢中Al N夹杂更易生成;Al N的析出温度随着Al含量的增加而上升, 析出温度分别为1375、1528和1561 K.  相似文献   

对标准大气压强下的[Al]-[O]平衡和不同压强下[C]-[O]平衡进行了热力学计算,得到了钢液中[O]含量的最小理论值.温度一定的条件下,采用[Al]脱氧时钢液中[Al]和[O]呈U型关系;过小或过大的[Al]含量对减少钢液中[O]均不利;提高温度可进一步降低[Al]脱氧条件下的钢液中[O]含量的最小理论值.对[C]脱氧而言,温度一定的条件下,提高真空度可提高[C]的脱氧能力;且随着钢液中[C]的增加,钢液中[O]呈减少趋势.温度为1873 K,真空度100 Pa时,钢液中[C]含量大于0.0015%的条件下,[C]的脱氧能力大于[Al]的脱氧能力.利用实际数据分别对[Al]脱氧和[C]脱氧平衡曲线最低值理论公式验证,且与实际结果均符合较好.  相似文献   

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