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随著社会环境问题日益严峻,节能降耗、绿色环保已经成为诸多产业发展的新座标。曾有专家预测,到2010年全球PC数量达到13亿台时,一年多排放的废气将达5400万吨。 相似文献
随着世界各地对能源和环境问题日益重视,加上能源供应紧缩、需求不断增长,半导体供应商在推动能效提高方面扮演着更为主动积极的角色。飞兆 相似文献
<正>安森美半导体推出用于高能效紧凑型适配器方案的固定频率电流模式控制器应用于绿色电子产品的首要高性能、高能效硅方案供应商安森美半导体推出了NCP1237、 相似文献
IPC(国际电子工业联接协会)宣布发布“将影响电子行业未来发展前景的环保大趋势高级经理人指南”。IPC的这份新研究报告长达67页,可帮助电子行业高级经理人克服全球日益严峻和复杂的环境要求,并有助于公司为顺应环保法规要求和满足各自客户的未来需求做好充分准备。 相似文献
Duncan Bennett 《今日电子》2008,(9)
鉴于环境问题越来越受到人们的广泛关注,全球电子行业已开始致力于在市场上推出低能耗的产品。白色家电的能耗等级是人们关注的销售数据,参考能耗的高低有助于控制电费;现在,我们更意识到能耗低不仅可以降低电费,而且还有助于环保。 相似文献
1引言 待机能耗问题目前已成为国际社会普遍关注的热门话题,据统计待机能耗已经占到了国际经济合作组织国家(OECD)民用电力消耗的3%~13%.待机能耗的迅速增长和由此引发的环境问题越来越引起世界各国的广泛关注,各国纷纷制定了相应的政策和措施来限制和降低待机能耗. 相似文献
实现弱光超快光学门光一光放大技术是近年超快时间分辨光谱测量的一个新研究方向,其原理是非线性光参量放大,以一束泵浦激光入射到非线性光学晶体上,如果注入一束弱种子光,弱光将被放大,同时另一共轭光也被放大输出. 相似文献
Energy efficiency is an important issue in wireless networks where the nodes are powered by batteries. In this work, we analyze the energy consumption in one-transmitter-multiple-receiver communication and develop scheduling schemes to improve energy efficiency at the transmitter. Our focus is on systems powered by a renewable energy source such as solar power. We consider an environment where both energy and time to access the wireless channel and transmit data are limited, and data destined for different receivers have different values and incur different energy costs. We present optimal scheduling algorithms that selectively transmit data at calculated rates so that the throughput or the total transmission value is maximized under given time limits and energy constraints. 相似文献
This study analyses the superior performance of gravitationally decoupled actuation in terms of energy efficiency, and hence autonomy. Based on the decoupling concept, a new design is presented for a 3 dof leg, and its performance is validated by including it in a 84 kg hybrid locomotion robot. The proposed leg obtains a straight-line constant-velocity motion of the foot as only one of its 3 motors is operated at constant speed. This feature, together with the hybrid structure, increases the robot’s efficiency and speed when operating on surfaces without obstacles, and drastically simplifies the walking operation control. A series of simulations have been done comparing the energy consumption of the hybrid robot including traditional coupled legs, and including the proposed decoupled legs. They show a superior performance of the later one. A real prototype has been built including the proposed mechanism. It shows a similar performance to that obtained from simulation, and a natural gait in flat terrains,at speeds up to 0.9 m/s. 相似文献
John Morehead 《今日电子》2009,(1)
重点应该放在改善以及更换数量更多的分马力设备 随着人们对日益严重的能源危机的担心,电机效率已经成为重要的、适时的话题.这是因为,电机用掉了美国国内生产用电量的63%~70%,占美国总电能消耗量的23%. 相似文献
现在的虚拟机放置研究大多集中在物理服务器能源能耗或网络设备能耗的优化,然而随着这些资源的过度聚合,有可能会带来应用性能的下降。提出了一种虚拟机放置方案,主要有2个目的:最小化激活物理机和网络设备的个数来减少数据中心能源消耗;最小化最大链路利用率来改善网络性能。此方案在优化网络性能的同时,减少物理服务器和网络设备的能耗,使得能源效率与网络性能达到平衡。设计了一种新的二阶段启发式算法来求解,首先,利用基于最小割的层次聚类算法与最佳适应算法相结合来优化能源效率,然后,利用局部搜索算法再次优化虚拟机位置来最小化最大链路利用率。仿真实验结果表明,所提方案取得了良好的效果。 相似文献
Improving energy efficiency of incremental relay based cooperative communications in wireless body area networks
![点击此处可从《International Journal of Communication Systems》网站下载免费的PDF全文](/ch/ext_images/free.gif)
In this paper, we investigate the energy efficiency of an incremental relay based cooperative communication scheme in wireless body area networks (WBANs). We derive analytical expressions for the energy efficiency of direct and cooperative communication schemes taking into account the effect of packet error rate. The following communication scenarios specific to a WBAN are considered: (i) in‐body communication between an implant sensor node and the gateway, and (ii) on‐body communication between a body surface node and the gateway with line‐of‐sight (LOS) and non‐LOS channels. The results reveal a threshold behavior that separates regions where direct transmission is better from regions where incremental relay cooperation is more useful in terms of energy efficiency. It is observed that, compared with direct communication, incremental relay based cooperative communication schemes improves the energy efficiency significantly. Further, cooperation extends the source‐to‐destination hop length over, which energy efficient communication can be achieved as compared with direct communication. We also observe that, for both direct as well as cooperative transmission schemes in error prone channels, an optimal packet size exists that result in maximum energy efficiency. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Improving the energy efficiency of reversible logic circuits by the combined use of adiabatic styles
Mehrdad KhatirAuthor Vitae Alireza Ejlali Author VitaeAmir Moradi Author Vitae 《Integration, the VLSI Journal》2011,44(1):12-21
One of the most prominent issues in fully adiabatic circuits is the breaking reversibility problem; i.e., non-adiabatic energy dissipation in the last stage adiabatic gates whose outputs are connected to external circuits. In this paper, we show that the breaking reversibility problem can result in significant energy dissipation. Subsequently, we propose an efficient technique to address the breaking reversibility problem, which is applicable to the usual fully adiabatic logic such as 2LAL, SCRL, and RERL. Detailed SPICE simulations are used to evaluate the proposed technique. The experimental results show that the proposed technique can considerably reduce (e.g., about 74% for RERL, 35% for 2LAL, and 17% for SCRL) the energy dissipation arising from the breaking reversibility problem. 相似文献
Robert Gravotta 《电子设计技术》2005,12(5):64-64,66-68,70
用来比较两种可供选择的处理器的相对性能的基准,严格说来是提高设计生产率的工具。基准测试本身并不能使技术难题得以解决,但却能缩短开发人员为某个项目挑选处理器所花的时间。也就是说,在理想情况下,标准化的基准测试为开发人员提供一种方法,可以像挑选苹果一样快速而准确地比较可供选择的产品。 相似文献