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无线传感器网络随着目前互联网技术、计算机技术还有无线通信技术的发展和推广,逐渐被越来越多的利用到了现实的领域中。由于传感器本身具有体积小、功能消耗低等特点,因此无线传感器网络的目标追踪技术目前成为各国都在研究的重要技术。本文分析了目标追踪技术的主要研究意义和背景,并介绍了基于无线传感器网络的目标追踪主要用到的技术。 相似文献
作为智慧物联网的关键技术支撑,无线传感器网络在实践应用时,应利用时间同步将一致性的参考时间标准提供给节点,从而使无线传感器网络节点所获取的数据具有较高的精确性。文章主要介绍了经典点对点双向型同步算法、单向型贝叶斯估计同步算法两种不同的算法,设置相应的实验工况,开展实验数据分析工作,以此来对照研究两大算法是否实现了同步,并分析同步效果优越性。结果发现两种不同算法均达到同步,但是单向型贝叶斯估计同步算法更优化。 相似文献
针对网络构建和应用,给出大规模无线传感器网络的定义及特点。分析现有的两种节点定位方法,比较几种基于Range-free的定位算法并给出合适选择。最后总结了大规模组网下的定位特点并指出了未来的工作方向。 相似文献
近年来,无线传感器网络因其低成本、低功耗、分布式和自组织等特点,得到了广泛的关注。因网络中节点能量受限,因此节点功耗研究是一个关键问题。无线传感器网络中节点的基本任务是数据的采集、处理以及与其它节点间的通信。由于节点在同一时间可能感知到多个节点,而与这些节点通信的数据就会形成一个队列。节点与邻节点进行数据通信的同时,节点能量损耗分配也形成了一个队列。本文中,我们提出了一个数学队列模型,利用最优解来优化传感器节点的能量消耗。仿真结果表明,所提出的模型在能量损耗方面具有良好的性能,能够有效延长网络生命周期。 相似文献
本文主要从无线传感器网络的作用、无线传感器网络节点定位的分类、测距定位算法、基于测距的定位技术等四个方面对无线传感器网络节点定位技术进行分析及探讨。 相似文献
研究无线传感器网络节点定位的方法。首先介绍了节点定位的基本原理,在总结节点定位原理的基础上,对节点定位方法的分类依据进行了归纳。在对无线传感器网络节点定位方法的研究中,主要对是否基于测距的节点定位方法进行具体分析,介绍了2种类型的定位方法的基本原理,并对2种类型的定位方法中的典型算法做了具体说明,最后介绍了定位算法的评价标准。 相似文献
当前矿山环境监测系统大多采用存在监测盲区的有线网络。为解决这一问题,设计了无线传感器网络监测系统。 相似文献
介绍了无线传感器网络的概念、几种主要的无线传感器网络协议,尤其是MAC层协议的研究情况,给出了一些比较经典的无线传感器网络MAC协议的思想。 相似文献
集中传感器、计算机以及通信技术的无线传感器网络技术由于其良好的性能以及广阔的运用空间,得到了广大学者的关注和研究。基于此介绍了无线传感器网络的基本概念、属性,讨论了无线传感器网络的关键技术,并就使用领域进行了阐述。 相似文献
无线传感器网络的安全保密技术研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
无线传感器网络随着无线通信技术、智能传感器技术等的飞速发展而迅速发展,在军事上具有广阔的应用前景.但是,由于无线传感器网络的特殊工作环境,以及其网络节点体积小,存储资源少,能量少且不可复用等特点,给其安全保密提出了特殊的要求.本文从无线传感器网络的网络结构出发,分析了网络所面临的各种威胁,并据此采取相应的安全保密机制,从而确保无线通行的安全. 相似文献
无线传感器网络中的虫洞攻击和防御 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
无线传感器网络被誉为21世纪三大技术之一,其安全问题受到了越来越多的关注.文章首先介绍了无线传感器网络的特征,分析了安全问题的根源,然后详细介绍了无线传感器网络中虫洞攻击的原理和破坏性,提出引入简化的marsh信任模型,将邻居节点以往表现作为信任评估的经验来源,通过具体分析确定节点的位置关系,从而避免传感器网络中的虫洞攻击,最后指出了下一步研究的方向. 相似文献
群组密钥管理的自治愈机制是保证无线传感器网络在不可靠信道上进行安全群组通信的重要 手段.基于采用双方向密钥链的群组密钥分发与撤销方法,提出了一个无线传感器网络中具有撤销能力的自治愈群组密钥管理方案.该方案实现了群组密钥的自治愈功能和节点撤销能力, 能够满足在较高丢包率的无线通信环境下传感器网络群组密钥管理的安全需求,确保了群组密钥保密性、前向保密性和后向保密性等安全属性.性能分析表明,该方案具有较小的计算和通信开销,能够适用于无线传感器网络. 相似文献
无线传感器网络安全定位研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
定位是无线传感器网络的重要支撑技术之一,保证定位的安全性对无线传感器网络的应用全关重要。文章针对安全在定位中的重要性,叙述了定位的安全需求,详细介绍了各种攻击模式和专门针对定位的攻击,对已存在的所有安全定位技术作了全面介绍和比较。最后指出当前安全定位技术存在的不足和安全定位今后的研究方向。 相似文献
Directional Controlled Fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
Though data redundancy can be eliminated at aggregation point to reduce the amount of sensory data transmission, it introduces
new challenges due to multiple flows competing for the limited bandwidth in the vicinity of the aggregation point. On the
other hand, waiting for multiple flows to arrive at a centralized node for aggregation not only uses precious memory to store
these flows but also increases the delays of sensory data delivery. While traditional aggregation schemes can be characterized
as “multipath converging,” this paper proposes the notation of “multipath expanding” to solve the above problems by jointly
considering data fusion and load balancing. We propose a novel directional-controlled fusion (DCF) scheme, consisting of two
key algorithms termed as directional control and multipath fusion. By adjusting a key parameter named multipath fusion factor
in DCF, the trade-offs between multipath-converging and multipath-expanding can be easily achieved, in order to satisfy specific
QoS requirements from various applications. We present simulations that verify the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
Min Chen received the Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering from South China University of Technology in 2004, when he was 23 years old. Since Mar. 2006, he is Post-Doctoral Fellow in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of British Columbia. Before joining UBC, he has been a Post-Doctoral Fellow in School of Computer Science and Engineering at Seoul National University for one and half years. Dr. Chen’s research interests include algorithmic, optimization and performance issues in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks and multimedia communications over wireless networks. He was interviewed by Chinese Canadian Times where he appeared on the celebrity column in 2007. He is the author of a textbook OPNET Network Simulation (Tsinghua Univ. Press, 2004). Dr. Chen received the Best Paper Runner-up Award from The Fifth International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (QShine) 2008. Victor C.M. Leung received the B.A.Sc. (Hons.) and PhD degrees, both in electrical engineering, from the University of British Columbia (UBC) in 1977 and 1981, respectively. He was the recipient of many academic awards, including the APEBC Gold Medal as the head of the 1977 graduate class in the Faculty of Applied Science, UBC, and the NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship. From 1981 to 1987, Dr. Leung was a Senior Member of Technical Staff and satellite systems specialist at MPR Teltech Ltd. In 1988, he was a Lecturer in Electronics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He returned to U.B.C. as a faculty member in 1989, where he is a Professor and holder of the TELUS Mobility Research Chair in Advanced Telecommunications Engineering in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research interests are in mobile systems and wireless networks. Dr. Leung is a Fellow of IEEE and a voting member of ACM. He is an editor of the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, and an editor of the International Journal of Sensor Networks. Shiwen Mao received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) from Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY in 2004. He was a Research Scientist at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA from December 2003 to April 2006. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor in ECE at Auburn University, Auburn, AL. Dr. Mao’s research interests include modeling and optimization of wireless networks, cognitive networks, and multimedia communications. He is on the Editorial Board of the Hindawi Advances in Multimedia Journal and the Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems. Dr. Mao received the 2004 IEEE Communications Society Leonard G. Abraham Prize in the Field of Communications Systems and the Best Paper Runner-up Award from The Fifth International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (QShine) 2008. He is the co-author of a textbook TCP/IP Essentials: A Lab-Based Approach (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2004). 相似文献
Min ChenEmail: |
Min Chen received the Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering from South China University of Technology in 2004, when he was 23 years old. Since Mar. 2006, he is Post-Doctoral Fellow in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of British Columbia. Before joining UBC, he has been a Post-Doctoral Fellow in School of Computer Science and Engineering at Seoul National University for one and half years. Dr. Chen’s research interests include algorithmic, optimization and performance issues in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks and multimedia communications over wireless networks. He was interviewed by Chinese Canadian Times where he appeared on the celebrity column in 2007. He is the author of a textbook OPNET Network Simulation (Tsinghua Univ. Press, 2004). Dr. Chen received the Best Paper Runner-up Award from The Fifth International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (QShine) 2008. Victor C.M. Leung received the B.A.Sc. (Hons.) and PhD degrees, both in electrical engineering, from the University of British Columbia (UBC) in 1977 and 1981, respectively. He was the recipient of many academic awards, including the APEBC Gold Medal as the head of the 1977 graduate class in the Faculty of Applied Science, UBC, and the NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship. From 1981 to 1987, Dr. Leung was a Senior Member of Technical Staff and satellite systems specialist at MPR Teltech Ltd. In 1988, he was a Lecturer in Electronics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He returned to U.B.C. as a faculty member in 1989, where he is a Professor and holder of the TELUS Mobility Research Chair in Advanced Telecommunications Engineering in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research interests are in mobile systems and wireless networks. Dr. Leung is a Fellow of IEEE and a voting member of ACM. He is an editor of the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, and an editor of the International Journal of Sensor Networks. Shiwen Mao received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) from Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY in 2004. He was a Research Scientist at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA from December 2003 to April 2006. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor in ECE at Auburn University, Auburn, AL. Dr. Mao’s research interests include modeling and optimization of wireless networks, cognitive networks, and multimedia communications. He is on the Editorial Board of the Hindawi Advances in Multimedia Journal and the Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems. Dr. Mao received the 2004 IEEE Communications Society Leonard G. Abraham Prize in the Field of Communications Systems and the Best Paper Runner-up Award from The Fifth International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (QShine) 2008. He is the co-author of a textbook TCP/IP Essentials: A Lab-Based Approach (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2004). 相似文献
无线传感器网络的特性使它面临着比传统网络更大的安全挑战。路由协议作为无线传感器网络的关键因素,其安全更为重要。介绍了无线传感器网络路由协议分类及其脆弱性,分析了几种网络路由协议的攻击方法,阐述了网络路由协议的安全策略。 相似文献