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Using X-ray powder and single crystal diffraction, the crystal structures of the Nd(Ru0.6Ge0.4)2 and ErRuGe compounds were investigated. The compounds belong to the KHg2 and TiNiSi type structure, respectively.  相似文献   

Structural studies were performed for the ternary RIr3B2 compounds (R=Ce and Pr) from as cast samples. The crystal structure of the ternary boride CeIr3B2 (CeCo3B2 structure type, space group P6/mmm, a=5.520(3) Å, c=3.066(2) Å, Z=1, V=80.91 Å3, ρx=15.154 g cm−3) was refined to R1=0.0470, wR2=0.1240 from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. The new ternary boride PrIr3B2 was found to be isostructural with the CeIr3B2 compound. Its lattice parameters a=5.5105(2) Å, c=3.1031(1) Å were obtained from a Rietveld refinement of X-ray powder diffraction data.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a new ternary boride Ce2Ir5B2, space group , a=5.477(2) Å, c=31.518(5) Å, Z=6, V=818.79 Å, was refined down to R=0.0484, wR2=0.1211 from single crystal X-ray diffraction data. This is the first representative of a new structure type of intermetallic compounds (an ordered variant of the binary Er2Co7 compound). The structure of Ce2Ir5B2 is the stacking variant of the MgCu2- and CeCo3B2-type slabs and belongs to the structural series with the general formula R2+nM4+3nX2n (n=2).  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a new series of ternary rare-earth platinum borides RPt3B (R=La, Pr, Nd) has been studied by X-ray powder diffraction analyses from the ‘as-cast’ alloys. The tetragonal CePt3B structure type, space group P4mm (No. 99), has been confirmed for all compounds. Rietveld refinements for the two compounds, PrPt3B and NdPt3B, were performed. LaPt3B is a temperature-independent Pauli-type paramagnet from room temperature down to 4 K. PrPt3B orders antiferromagnetically at TN=15 K followed by a ferromagnetic spin flip at TC=5 K, whereas NdPt3B exhibits an antiferromagnetic spin alignment at a Néel temperature TN=7 K. The temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity, ρ(T), reflects the metallic character of these compounds. Furthermore the characteristic changes of slope of ρ(T) plots prove the magnetic transitions.  相似文献   

Crystals of Ba3NaRu2O9−δ (δ≈0.5) and Ba3(Na, R)Ru2O9−δ (R=Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm and Yb) were grown by an electrochemical method, and their crystallographic, magnetic, and electric properties were studied. All crystals have a hexagonal structure of space group P63mmc. Ba3NaRu2O9−δ and Ba3(Na, R)Ru2O9−δ (except Ce) have a negative asymptotic Curie temperature suggesting the existence of an antiferromagnetic order; however, they are paramagnetic at temperatures above 1.7 K. Ba3NaRu2O9−δ has an effective magnetic moment Peff of 0.91 μB, while Peff of Ba3(Na, R)Ru2O9−δ (except Ce) reflects the large free-ion moment of the rare earth ions. Ba3(Na, Ce)Ru2O9−δ shows peculiar magnetic behavior that differs from the magnetism of other Ba3(Na, R)Ru2O9−δ crystals. The resistivity of all crystals exhibits an activation-type temperature dependence with an activation energy in the range of 0.10.2 eV.  相似文献   

Powder X-ray and neutron diffraction and magnetic measurements have been performed on R2RhSi3 (R=Ho and Er) compounds at low temperatures. The compounds crystallize in a derivative of the hexagonal AlB2-type structure. The crystal structure parameters have been refined on the basis of the X-ray and neutron diffraction patterns collected in the paramagnetic region. These compounds are antiferromagnets with Néel temperatures of 5.2 K for Ho2RhSi3 and 5 K for Er2RhSi3. Both compounds exhibit collinear magnetic structures, described by the propagation vector k=(1/2,0,0) for Ho2RhSi3 and k=(0,0,0) for Er2RhSi3. This magnetic order is stable in the temperature range between 1.5 K and the Néel temperature.  相似文献   

The HfFe6Ge6-type YbMn6Ge6−xGax solid solution (0.07≤x≤0.72) has been studied by X-ray diffraction, microprobe analysis and powder magnetization measurements. All the compounds order antiferromagnetically between TN=481 K for x=0.07 and TN=349 K for x=0.72 and display more or less pronounced spontaneous magnetization at lower temperature. The corresponding Curie points increase from 40 K for x=0.07 to 319 K for x=0.72. The maximum magnetization values of the Ga-rich compounds (M≈5 μB/f.u. at 6 K) is compatible with a ferrimagnetic order of the Mn and Yb sublattices whereas the smaller values measured in the Ga-poor compounds suggest the stabilization of non-colinear magnetic structures. All the studied compounds are characterized by rather large coercive fields at low temperature (4.0≤Hc≤8.2 kOe).  相似文献   

Ternary R3Pd4Ge4 samples (R=Nd, Eu, Er) were investigated by means of X-ray single crystal (four circle diffractometer Philips PW1100, MoK radiation) and powder diffraction (MX Labo diffractometer, CuK radiation). The Er3Pd3.68(1)Ge4 compound belongs to the Gd3Cu4Ge4 structure type, space group Immm, a=4.220(2) Å, b=6.843(2) Å, c=14.078(3) Å, R1=0.0484 for 598 reflections with Fo>4σ(Fo) from X-ray single crystal diffraction data. No ternary R3Pd4Ge4 compound when R is Nd or Eu was observed. The Nd and Eu containing samples appeared to be multiphase. Ternary phases observed in the Nd3Pd4Ge4 and Eu3Pd4Ge4 alloys and their crystallographic characteristics are the following: NdPd2Ge2, CeGa2Al2 structure type, space group I4/mmm, a=4.3010(2) Å, c=10.0633(2) Å (X-ray powder diffraction data); NdPd0.6Ge1.4, AlB2 structure type, space group P6/mmm, a=4.2305(2) Å, c=4.1723(2) Å (X-ray powder diffraction data); Nd(Pd0.464(1)Ge0.536(1))2, KHg2 structure type, space group Imma, a=4.469(2) Å, b=7.214(2) Å, c=7.651(3) Å, R1=0.0402 for 189 reflections with Fo>4σ(Fo) (X-ray single crystal diffraction data); Eu(Pd,Ge)2, AlB2 structure type, space group P6/mmm, a=4.311(2) Å, c=4.235(2) Å; EuPdGe, EuNiGe structure type, space group P21/c, and ternary compound with unknown structure (X-ray powder diffraction data).  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the ternary boride Y2Pd14B5, space group I41/amd, a=8.484(2) Å, c=16.490(3) Å, V=1186.98 Å3, Z=4, was refined down to R=0.0475, wR2=0.1276 from single crystal X-ray diffraction data. Two types of coordination for boron atoms were observed: the coordination sphere for the B1 atom is a trigonal prism with one additional atom; the B2 atom has only four neighboring atoms which form a square. No boron–boron contact was observed. Analysis of the Y2Pd14B5 crystal structure shows the existence of a correlation between this structure and the Sc4Ni29B10 structure type. Magnetization and AC susceptibility measurements indicate that there is no superconducting or magnetic transition in Y2Pd14B5 down to 2 K.  相似文献   

A powder X-ray diffraction investigation of the new ternary compounds Zr6CoAs2-type R6MnSb2 and R6MnBi2 (R=Y, Lu, Dy, Ho) is reported. The compounds Ho6MnSb2 (a=0.8070(2) nm, c=0.4230(1) nm), Lu6MnSb2 (a=0.7930(1) nm, c=0.4173(1) nm), Y6MnBi2 (a=0.8242(1) nm, c=0.4292(1) nm), Dy6MnBi2 (a=0.8211(1) nm, c=0.4286(1) nm), Ho6MnBi2 (a=0.8164(1) nm, c=0.4250(1) nm) and Lu6MnBi2 (a=0.8019(2) nm, c=0.4185(1) nm) crystallize in the hexagonal Zr6CoAs2-type structure (space group P6b2m No. 189). The Zr6CoAs2-type structure is a superstructure of the Fe2P-type structure.  相似文献   

The structure and magnetic properties of CeMn2−xCoxGe2 (0.0≤x≤1.0) were studied by X-ray powder diffraction and magnetization measurements. All compounds crystallize in the ThCr2Si2-type structure with space group I4/mmm. Substitution of Co for Mn leads to a linear decrease in the lattice constants and the unit cell volume. Increasing substitution of Co for Mn shows a depression of ferromagnetic ordering.  相似文献   

Results of a powder X-ray diffraction investigation of new ternary compounds are reported. The compounds Y6CoBi2 [a=0.8312(1) nm, c=0.4144(1) nm], Ho6CoBi2 [a=0.8246(2) nm, c=0.4095(1) nm], and Tm6CoBi2 [a=0.8155(2) nm, c=0.4066(1) nm] crystallize in the hexagonal Zr6CoAs2-type structure (space group P6b2m No. 189). The Zr6CoAs2-type structure is a superstructure of the Fe2P-type structure.  相似文献   

The crystallographic and the Curie temperature of the Sm2Fe17−xCrxC2 (x=0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2) carbides have been extensively studied. X-ray diffraction studies have shown that all these alloys are approximately single phases corresponding to the Th2Zn17 type rhombohedral structure with a small amount of -Fe. The amount of this residual -Fe phase decreases with increasing the Cr atomic content. It decreases from 1 wt% for x=0.5 to 0.4 wt.% for x=2. The lattice parameter c increases as a function of the Cr atomic content x from x=0 to x=1.5 and then decreases. This is due to the Cr atoms which prefer to substitute the Fe atoms in the 6c sites located along the c-axis. The lattice parameter a and the unit-cell volume decrease in all substitution ranges. The insertion of the C atoms leads essentially to an increase of the distances between the 9d and 18h sites and the 9d–18f sites. The Curie temperature reaches a maximum value of 583 K for x=1.5 and then decreases to 551 K for x=2. The enhancement of the Tc for lower Cr contents is due to a lowering of the hybridization of the iron atoms with their neighbors, the magnetovolume effect and the reduction of antiferromagnetic interactions. However, the decrease in Tc for higher Cr content is due to the reduction in the number of Fe–Fe pairs due to the magnetic dilution effect. For given interatomic distances, the exchange coupling of the Cr–Cr atoms is not of antiferromagnetic type and the exchange integral of the Cr–Cr pair is higher than that of the Fe–Fe pair.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the U–Ni binary compound previously designated U5Ni7 was studied by X-ray single crystal diffraction showing that the exact formula is U11Ni16. Uranium and nickel atoms are distributed respectively on 5 and 6 Wyckoff positions of the trigonal space group R (n° 148), and the unit-cell dimensions in the hexagonal setting are: a=11.7786(4) Å, c=20.7485(8) Å. Magnetisation measurements indicate itinerant ferromagnetism below Tc=33 K for U11Ni16.  相似文献   

The phase transitions of the RCo2 (R=Er, Ho and Dy) compounds are of first-order type and a metamagnetic transition is observed above the Curie temperature. Owing to their large magnetic entropy change, the RCo2 compounds are competitive candidates as the working substance for magnetic refrigeration. In this paper we discuss the origin of this large magnetic entropy change.  相似文献   

A novel molybdenum diphosphate, Mo1.3O(P2O7), was obtained by electrochemical lithium deintercalation. The diphosphate crystallises in space group I2/a with the lattice parameters a=22.88(1), b=22.94(2), c=4.832(1) Å, γ=90.36°, Z=8. Its original framework is built up from MoO6 octahedra, P2O7 groups and also from MoO4, Mo2O4 and Mo3O8 units containing Mo2 and Mo3 clusters. These polyhedra delimit large octagonal and z-shaped tunnels running along c, in which the inserted cations may be located.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of new ternary R3Si1.25Se7 (R = Pr, Nd and Sm) compounds (Dy3Ge1.25S7 structure type, Pearson symbol hP22.5, space group P63, a = 1.05268 (3) nm, c = 0.60396 (3) nm, RI = 0.0897 for Pr3Si1.25Se7; a = 1.04760 (3) nm, c = 0.60268 (3) nm, RI = 0.0891 for Nd3Si1.25Se7; a = 1.04166 (6) nm, c = 0.59828 (6) nm for Sm3Si1.25Se7) was determined using X-ray powder diffraction. The nearest neighbours of the R and Si atoms are exclusively Se atoms. The latter form distorted trigonal prisms around the R atoms, octahedra around the Si1 atoms and tetrahedra around the Si2 atoms. Tetrahedral surrounding exists for Se1 and Se3 atoms. Six neighbours surround every Se2 atom.  相似文献   

Studies on the structure and the crystallographic site of Mn in LaCo13−xMnx compounds were carried out by using X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) of the Mn K-edge. These compounds with x≤3.0 adopt a NaZn13-type structure consisting of icosahedral clusters. The lattice constant increases with the Mn concentration. The calculated XAFS curves of the center and the corner sites in the icosahedral clusters for the Mn K-edge are obtained by using the program . The fitting result for the corner site agrees much better with the observed XAFS spectrum than that for the center site. Therefore, the Mn site is determined to be the corner Co site in the icosahedral clusters of all the compounds. In comparison with the crystallographic parameters of LaCo13, the icosahedral clusters composed of Mn atoms expand and the crystallographic Mn site is slightly more close to the La atom.  相似文献   

The ternary phase Yb4Ni10+xGa21−x has been synthesised from the elements by high frequency melting in argon atmosphere. The homogeneity region has been established from X-ray powder data and confirmed by EDX analysis for 0.3≤x≤1. The crystal structure of Yb4Ni10+xGa21−x has been estimated from X-ray single crystal data: space group C2/m (no. 12), Z=2, a=20.6815(9) Å, b=4.0560(4) Å, c=15.3520(7) Å, β=124.800(3)°, R(F)=0.023 for 1701 symmetry independent reflections with F(hkl)>4σ(F). A special feature of the structure is the local disorder within the gallium/nickel network. Neglecting atomic disorder in the region of the Ga9 and Ga11 positions, the Yb4Ni10+xGa21−x structure is an occupation variant of the Ho4Ni10Ga21 type with nickel atoms partially replacing the Ga atoms in the 2d sites at the centers of distorted icosahedra. From magnetic susceptibility and from LIII-XAS spectra, the valence state of ytterbium is near 3+.  相似文献   

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