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A cell-free translation/glycosylation system derived from lepidopteran (Sf21) cells, which are widely used to express high yields of foreign active proteins that have post-translational modifications, was constructed. The insect cell extract was prepared using a Mini-Bomb cell disruption chamber by nitrogen pressure treatment, which stably retains translational and post-translational components. The gp120 mRNA was transcribed from the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 gene with T7 RNA polymerase. When the gp120 mRNA was translated in the insect cell-free system, gp120 having a molecular mass of 100 kDa was detected by Western blot analysis. Synthesized gp120 and gp120 expressed in the intracellular fraction of recombinant-baculovirus-infected Sf21 cells had the same molecular mass, and they both had reduced mobility compared with gp120 secreted by recombinant baculovirus-infected Sf21 cells. In contrast, the 56-kDa gp120 protein, which corresponds to the polypeptide backbone of gp120, was synthesized in wheat germ and rabbit reticulocyte systems. The molecular mass of synthesized gp120 decreased from 100 kDa to 61 kDa after endoglycosidase H treatment, indicating that synthesized gp120 had been glycosylated with N-linked oligosaccharides. Furthermore, glycosylated gp120 was bound to human CD4 molecules expressed on the surface of quail cells. These results revealed that the insect cell-free system can synthesize gp120 that is folded in the proper conformation to provide a CD4-binding domain.  相似文献   

Saturation mutagenesis is a useful technique for the structural and functional analyses of proteins and for protein engineering. However, the extensive mutagenesis of genes and expression of mutated proteins are tedious and time-consuming. We have developed a simple and rapid method for the expression of mutated proteins with comprehensive single amino acid substitutions from single mutated genes having a four-base codon in a cell-free translation system. Twenty types of tRNA that were aminoacylated with one of the 20 proteinogenic amino acids and that contained a four-base anticodon were prepared by chemical aminoacylation. In the presence of one of the aminoacyl-tRNAs, a streptavidin mRNA with a four-base codon at the Tyr83 position was expressed in an Escherichia coli cell-free translation system. The N-terminus of the expressed proteins was fluorescently labeled using a fluorescent-labeled initiator Met-tRNA. Fluorescence imaging of an SDS-PAGE gel showed that all the amino acids are incorporated in response to the four-base codon; however, the incorporation efficiency was dependent on the structure of the side chains. Streptavidin mutants with comprehensive amino acid substitutions at the Tyr83, Arg84, and Tyr54 positions were used for analyzing their biotin-binding activity by dot blot analysis. These results demonstrate that this method is effective for the expression and analysis of mutated proteins with comprehensive amino acid substitutions at desired positions.  相似文献   

Saturation mutagenesis of proteins, in which an amino acid at a specific site is substituted with each of the other 19 amino acids, is a powerful method for protein analysis and engineering. However, 19 mutated genes have to be prepared to express all possible amino acid-substituted proteins at one site. We previously reported a four-base codon-mediated saturation mutagenesis method for the expression of all 20 amino acid-substituted proteins from one four-base codon-containing gene using 20 types of chemically aminoacylated tRNAs corresponding to the four-base codon. In this study, an improved method for saturation mutagenesis using an amber codon was developed. By combining the use of Escherichia coli-derived amber suppressor tRNAs and chemically aminoacylated Mycoplasma-derived tRNAs, all 20 mutated proteins were successfully expressed from one amber mutant gene in a cell-free translation system. The use of E. coli-derived amber suppressor tRNAs simplified the preparation of the tRNA reagents required for saturation mutagenesis, and also improved the expression of some of the mutated proteins. The expressed mutant proteins were used to evaluate the effect of the amino acid substitutions on the ligand-binding activity. To further expand the possibilities of saturation mutagenesis, a series of nonnatural amino acids analogous to a naturally occurring amino acid was added to the amino acid repertoire. The expanded saturation mutagenesis was utilized to evaluate the effect of a series of atomic-level side chain substitutions on the protein activity.  相似文献   

Various four-base codons have been shown to work for the introduction of non-natural amino acids into proteins in an Escherichia coli cell-free translation system. Here, a four-base codon-mediated non-natural mutagenesis was applied to a eukaryotic rabbit reticulocyte cell-free translation system. Mutated streptavidin mRNAs containing four-base codons were prepared and added to a rabbit reticulocyte lysate in the presence of tRNAs that were aminoacylated with a non-natural amino acid and had the corresponding four-base anticodons. A Western blot analysis of translation products indicated that the four-base codons CGGU, CGCU, CCCU, CUCU, CUAU, and GGGU were efficiently decoded by the aminoacyl-tRNAs having the corresponding four-base anticodons. In contrast, the four-base codons AGGU, AGAU, CGAU, UUGU, UCGU, and ACGU were not decoded. The stop codon-derived four-base codons UAGU, UAAU, and UGAU were found to be inefficient, whereas the amber codon UAG and opal codon UGA were efficient for the incorporation of non-natural amino acids. The application of the expanded genetic code in a eukaryotic cell-free system opens the possibility of a four-base codon-mediated incorporation of non-natural amino acids into proteins in living eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

The cpsIaJ gene of Streptococcus agalactiae type Ia codes for beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase. In this study, the functional expression of His-tagged CpsIaJ in a baculovirus expression system was performed, because the efficient functional expression of this enzyme in Escherichia coli had been unsuccessful. Using a partially purified enzyme preparation, we found that the enzyme had a restricted substrate specificity and that the entire structure of the substrate GlcNAc beta1-3Gal beta1-4Glc was required for the activity. Furthermore, mutations in a conserved DXD motif caused the loss of the enzyme's activity.  相似文献   

We developed a yeast cell-free system suitable for in vitro translation of human papillomavirus 58 (HPV58) L1 mRNA. This system was systematically optimized resulting in enhanced translation efficiency. The optimal concentrations of potassium and magnesium ions observed were specific to the HPV58 L1 protein production. Supplementation with sucrose in the preparation of the yeast lysate greatly enhanced its stability. After optimization, protein production in this system was significantly superior to that produced by the rabbit reticulocyte (RRL) system. Finally, we demonstrated for the first time that virus-like particles (VLPs) were assembled from HPV58 L1 capsid protein in the yeast cell-free system. Thus, the system described here is a powerful tool for the HPV L1 protein production and will be useful for the study of VLP assembly and DNA encapsulation.  相似文献   

Spodoptera frugiperda 21 (Sf21) insect cell-free protein synthesizing system was expanded to include nonnatural amino acids. Orthogonal tRNAs that work as carriers of nonnatural amino acids in the insect system were explored. Four-base codons for assigning the positions of nonnatural amino acids were also selected. Mutated streptavidin mRNAs that contained different four-base codons were prepared and added to the insect cell-free system in the presence of various tRNAs possessing the corresponding four-base anticodons. The tRNAs were chemically aminoacylated with various types of nonnatural amino acids to examine their incorporation efficiencies. Using p-nitrophenylalanine as the nonnatural amino acid and streptavidin as the target protein, tRNA sequences and the types of four-base codons were optimized to maximize the yield of the nonnatural mutant and to minimize production of full-length proteins that do not contain the nonnatural amino acid. Among the tRNA sequences taken from a variety of tRNAs of nonstandard structures, the tRNA derived from Methanosarcina acetivorans tRNA(Pyl) was the most efficient and orthogonal tRNA. Of the CGGN-type four-base codons, CGGA and CGGG were the most efficient ones for assigning the positions of nonnatural amino acids. p-Nitrophenylalanine and 2-naphthylalanine were efficiently incorporated as in the case of Escherichia coli and rabbit reticulocyte cell-free systems. Much less efficient incorporation was observed, however, for other nonnatural amino acids, indicating that the insect system is less tolerant to the structural diversity of amino acids than the E. coli cell-free system.  相似文献   

The production of retroviral vectors using a transient expression system has been improved to obtain a high-titer virus preparation that is difficult to produce using packaging cell lines due to the cytotoxic or cytostatic effect of transgenes. Here, we used one such production method, the so-called Q-vector system, and examined its potential for virus production. The Q-vector system could produce a similar level of viral vectors compared with the packaging cell system but the production seemed to depend on the size and nature of transgenes. In the process of investigation of the quantitative difference in viral components between the transient expression system and the packaging cell system, we found that the Q-vector system could express higher amounts of viral RNA and proteins compared with the packaging cell system. However, this did not lead to a higher virus titer compared with that produced by the packaging cell system. This suggests that retroviral RNA transcribed from the plasmid in the transient system seemed to be used mainly for translation and only some of the RNA molecules were packaged in viral particles.  相似文献   

We have constructed an inexpensive, highly efficient eukaryotic cell-free translation system. Wheat germ rRNA (WG rRNA) was prepared by phenol/chloroform (P/C) extraction, a simple and quick method, from wheat germ, an inexpensive and commercially available by-product of flour production. Addition of a small amount of WG rRNA into a wheat germ cell-free translation system increased the protein productivity of the system 6- to 8-fold. Isolated 18S or 28S rRNA alone enhanced the protein production only 2-fold or 3.9-fold, respectively, at maximum. On the other hand, their equimolar mixture enhanced the production as much as the whole WG rRNA, indicating 18S and 28S rRNA synergistically functioned to enhance protein synthesis. Addition of WG rRNA slightly improved the stability of mRNA in the cell-free translation system, which explained only partly the enhancement of protein production. Addition of WGE or ribosome containing approximately the same amount of rRNA in the form of protein-rRNA complex as WG rRNA added to the system did not increase the protein production in the translation system. When ribosome in the cell-free translation system was replaced with WG rRNA, the system did not exhibit any detectable translation activity, indicating that the translation activity of WG rRNA is negligible in comparison with that of ribosome. These results indicated that WG rRNA affected some mechanisms regulating the translation rate in wheat germ cell-free system, resulting in increased protein production.  相似文献   

Catalytically active lipase was synthesized using Escherichia coli S30 extract from the signal-deleted lipL gene (lipL) in the presence of its N-terminal hydrophobic fragment-truncated modulator (rLimL) that was purified from the overexpressing E. coli cells. The specific activity of the lipase thus synthesized was 125 times higher than that of the purified one from Pseudomonas sp. 109. No lipase activity was detected in the absence of rLimL, even though the lipase protein itself was synthesized. Active lipase was also produced in vitro by coexpression of rlipL and the modulator gene (rlimL), although a much smaller amount of the lipase was formed. In the absence of rLimL, aggregates of the lipase were formed during its folding process. The addition of rLimL proportionally raised both lipase solubility and enzyme activity. An unstable but high activity peak of the lipase was found during its folding process.  相似文献   

Gluconobacter oxydans is known for causing rapid and incomplete oxidation of a wide range of sugars, sugar acids and sugar alcohols. Therefore, this microorganism is already employed in several biotechnological processes that involve incomplete oxidation of a substrate, e.g. vitamin C or dihydroxyacetone production. To fully exploit the oxidative potential of G. oxydans, characterization of the biological role of gene products is essential. To take advantage of the genome sequence of G. oxydans DSM 2343, based on pBBR1MCS5, we constructed a new cloning and expression vector. The newly established vector pEXGOX will significantly decrease duration of cloning and increase cloning efficiency. It has the following advantages: (i) small size (5.7 kbp); (ii) complete sequence; (iii) variety of unique restriction sites; (iv) direct cloning of PCR products; (v) strong promoter. The pEXGOX plasmid was successfully used to clone G. oxydans genes and has the potential to facilitate studies of gene function of several G. oxydans open reading frames.  相似文献   

小麦胚芽作为面粉加工过程中的副产物,具有很高的生物活性,其中包含许多蛋白质合成必需的活性成分,如蛋白质合成场所、蛋白因子及其他相关酶系等。本文综述了在后基因组时代,随着生物技术的发展,以小麦胚芽为原料的无细胞蛋白合成系统在结构蛋白、毒性蛋白和功能蛋白表达方面的优势,阐述了其在蛋白质组学研究和生物制药等领域的重要应用潜力,以期小麦胚芽的深层次开发利用提供了重要依据。   相似文献   

Catalytically active lipase was synthesized using Escherichia coli S30 extract from the signal-deleted lipL gene (lipL) in the presence of its N-terminal hydrophobic fragment-truncated modulator (rLimL) that was purified from the overexpressing E. coli cells. The specific activity of the lipase thus synthesized was 125 times higher than that of the purified one from Pseudomonas sp. 109. No lipase activity was detected in the absence of rLimL, even though the lipase protein itself was synthesized. Active lipase was also produced in vitro by coexpression of rlipL and the modulator gene (rlimL), although a much smaller amount of the lipase was formed. In the absence of rLimL, aggregates of the lipase were formed during its folding process. The addition of rLimL proportionally raised both lipase solubility and enzyme activity. An unstable but high activity peak of the lipase was found during its folding process.  相似文献   

Expression of the recombinant protein beta-galactosidase in the Spodoptera frugiperda Sf-9 insect cell line infected by the Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus expressing beta-galactosidase (AcNPV-betagal) was visualized using confocal scanning laser microscopy with fluorescent staining of both the recombinant protein and the cell nucleus. The average size of the insect cells and the intracellular DNA concentration both increased markedly, respectively reading 3.8- and 2.3-fold the values before infection. The average beta-galactosidase activity began to increase at 20-24 h post infection and finally reached 1.9 x 10(4) units/ml. As the post infection time increased, the stained nucleus images expanded and spread broadly. Beta-galactosidase was first identified by fluorescent staining at 12 h post-infection, filled the cell at 27 h, began to be released at 36 h, and finally spread out of the cell. The locations of the nucleus and expressed beta-galactosidase were identified from computerized tomograms and 3-dimensional images.  相似文献   

We have constructed a genome DNA map of the Antheraea pernyi nucleopolyhedrovirus (AnpeNPV) and used it to identify target genes for deletion in order to improve the newly developed baculovirus expression vector system. Initially, 50 independent PstI fragments of viral DNA were obtained by shotgun cloning, and both termini of each cloned fragment were sequenced. Then, the sequence data were used for homology search against both nucleotide and amino acid sequences of other NPVs in databases. This homology search allowed us to construct a nearly complete restriction map of a viral DNA with several assumed gaps. Four additional PstI fragments covering the gaps were obtained by PCR amplification, and a complete map of a circular viral DNA, which consisted of 54 PstI fragments, was constructed. The map indicated that the AnpeNPV genome is approximately 130.2 kbp in size and possesses high similarity to the Orgyia pseudotsugata multicapsid NPV (OpMNPV) genome in both sequence and arrangement of genes. Utilizing the genome-wide high similarity between AnpeNPV and OpMNPV, we identified two target genes on the map, namely, cathepsin and chitinase genes, whose products have been proved to be involved in the degradation of recombinant proteins and the liquefaction of virus-infected insect tissues. Comparative sequence analysis of the map also revealed the lack of certain OpMNPV open reading frame (ORF) homologs and the presence of ORFs, whose homologs do not exist in OpMNPV but in other group I NPVs, providing an insight into the position of AnpeNPV in the baculovirus phylogeny.  相似文献   

人乳铁蛋白在原核中的融合表达   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
设计了特异引物,通过PCR扩增人乳铁蛋白(HLF)基因,将扩增的DNA片段重组到原核表达载体pGEX-4T3中,重组体转化大肠杆菌BL21菌株,经IPTG诱导后,得到了高效融合表达。分析结果表明,获得了特异表达的乳铁蛋白。  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence surrounding the translation initiation AUG codon (AUG context) is important for the effective translation initiation. A compilation analysis revealed that all the genes of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1, which plays a crucial role in the recognition of the optimal AUG context, ironically have extremely bad AUG contexts.  相似文献   

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