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Video compression is becoming increasingly important with the advent of compression standards and broadband networks. Recently, several block-based motion-estimation algorithms to exploit the temporal redundancies in a video sequence have been reported in the literature. Some of these algorithms tend to be either computationally expensive or to converge to a local optimum. In this paper, we present results for various block-matching techniques and propose a low-complexity block-matching motion-estimation algorithm that is useful for hybrid video coding schemes, including MPEG video. This algorithm consists of a layered structure search, and, unlike other fast block-matching methods, it does not converge to a local optimum. The proposed method employs a novel matching criterion, namely, the modified pixeldifference classification (MPDC), that offers simplicity with other potential advantages.  相似文献   

在快速搜索算法中,基于梯度下降搜索算法对搜索速度的改善非常明显,但搜索质量下降较大,尤其是对于帧间图像运动较大的序列。对该算法进行针对性扩展,提出基于梯度下降搜索扩展算法。与全搜索、新三步搜索、四步搜索、基于块的梯度下降搜索、钻石搜索算法相比较,实验结果表明该算法在搜索速度和质量上表现良好。  相似文献   

Fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) which are O(N logN) algorithms to compute a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of size N have been called one of the ten most important algorithms of the twentieth century. However, even though many algorithms have been developed to speed up the computation the sum of absolute difference (SAD) matching, they are exclusively designed in the spatial domain. In this paper, we propose a fast frequency algorithm to speed up the process of (SAD) matching. We use a new approach to approximate the SAD metric by cosine series which can be expressed in correlation terms. These latter can be computed using FFT algorithms. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method when using only the first correlation terms for block and template matching in terms of accuracy and speed. The proposed algorithm is suitable for software implementations and has a deterministic execution time unlike the existing fast algorithms for SAD matching.
A. SalamEmail:

H.264/AVC是ITU-T和ISO/IEC联合制定的最新视频压缩标准。运动估计作为H.264算法中计算最复杂的部分,在很大程度上影响着整个算法的性能。为提高运动估计算法的搜索效率,提出了一种自适应的快速运动估计算法。实验结果表明,该算法可大幅提升编码速度,而PSNR仅略有下降,为工程实现提供了一种可行的选择。  相似文献   

Multiview video involves a huge amount of data, and as such, efficiently encoding each view is a critical issue for its wider application. In this paper, a fast motion and disparity estimation algorithm is proposed, utilizing the close correlation between temporal and inter-view reference frames. First, a reliable predictor is found according to the correlation of motion and disparity vectors. Second, an iterative search process is carried out to find the optimal motion and disparity vectors. The proposed algorithm makes use of the prediction vector obtained in the previous motion estimation for the next disparity estimation and achieves both optimal motion and disparity vectors jointly. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can successfully save an average of 86% of computational time with a negligible quality drop when compared to the joint multiview video model (JMVM) full search algorithm. Furthermore, in comparison with the conventional simulcast coding, the proposed algorithm enhances the video quality and also greatly increases coding speed.  相似文献   

一种十字形运动搜索算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年,虽然运动估计算法有了很多种的快速算法,但是,运动搜索巨大的计算量依然是视频压缩速率的瓶颈,本文针对运动矢量的分布特点,提出了一种新的运动搜索算法,算法不仅结构简单,而且测试结果表明,该算法比原有DS9(dia-mondsearch)算法在搜索点数和图像质量方面有较大的提高,最好时的搜索点数只有DS算法的3/4。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new multiparameter method for analysis and selection of motion estimation algorithms for video compression. We present motion estimation algorithms, results of computer simulations and illustrate the analysis with tables, PSNR and performance plots. Numerous algorithms and tests for analysis of algorithm performance for video compression have recently been suggested, which has resulted in a need for effective evaluation methods. A highly qualified expert is also needed to evaluate the test results. The more input parameters used the more complex and subjective the evaluation will be. Our multiparameter method for algorithm analysis and selection eliminates subjectivity and provides a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the tested algorithms for any number of algorithms and parameters. We propose two new methods of evaluation: (1) a quality method—a graphic method using the Pareto approach, and (2) a quantity method which obtains an integrated parameter composed of numerous evaluation parameters. In addition, we evaluate various motion estimation algorithms accordingly to two different implementation strategies: (a) using a software video encoder that depends on available processing resources using a computational complexity–rate–distortion (CRD) evaluation framework and (b) using a power-limited video encoder implemented on mobile or handheld computing platform by using energy–rate–distortion (ERD) behavior.
Ofer HadarEmail:

Block matching motion estimation is a popular method in developing video coding applications. A new algorithm has been proposed for reducing the number of search points using a pattern based particle swarm optimization (PSO) for motion estimation. The conventional particle swarm optimization has been modified to provide accurate solutions in motion estimation problems. This leads to very low computational cost and good estimation accuracy. Due to the center biased nature of the videos, the proposed approach uses an initial pattern to speed up the convergence of the algorithm. Simulation results show that improvements over other fast block matching motion estimation algorithms could be achieved with 31%~63% of search point reduction, without degradation of image quality.  相似文献   

针对AVS(Audio Video code Standard)帧内预测中选择最优编码模式流程复杂的问题,提出一种快速帧内预测编码的算法。通过分析AVS帧内预测编码的原理及其在参考软件GDM2.1中的代码实现,推导出判定零系数块的阈值。该快速算法根据零系数块的判定阈值条件判定当前块,对于零系数块,直接编码cbp元素,提前中止帧内预测编码,避免了后续的复杂流程;对于非零系数块,采用时域SAD(Sum of Absolute Difference)与频域SATD(Sum of Absolute Transformed Difference)相联合的快速选择算法,排除了40%~80%的不可能预测模式,对余下的模式采用率失真代价函数的方法选取最佳预测模式。经实验验证,在PSNR(Peak Signal to Noise Ratio)降低0.25 db和码率增加2%之内,AVS编码时间减少了40%以上,大幅度提高了编码效率。  相似文献   

分析了区域算法中SAD在非纹理区域容易产生错误匹配的缺点,提出了一种利用邻域边界差值模板的彩色图像立体匹配新算法。该算法利用了图像的边界信息来动态选择基准点邻域范围内的边界点,以该点为中心取一像素邻域作为伴随窗,将伴随窗的颜色信息加入到评价函数中以达到减少非纹理区域错误匹配目的。该算法的实验结果通过Middlebury网站评测,证明能够得到浓密视差图的同时有效地减少了非纹理区域的错误匹配。而且该算法简单易于实现,精度较高,具有良好的匹配效率。  相似文献   

提出了一种完全可伸缩视频编码的实现方法。给出了一种采用运动补偿时域滤波、二维离散小波变换和EZW编码的可伸缩编码方案,方案根据视频图像运动特征自适应选择图组结构,在将时间、空间、质量三方面的伸缩性有机地结合的同时,改进了完全可伸缩视频编码系统性能。最后给出了该方案的实验结果,表明了系统的有效性。  相似文献   

Motion estimation is one of the kernel issues in MPEG series. In this correspondence, a novel two-phase Hilbert-scan-based search algorithm for block motion estimation is presented. First in the intra-phase, a segmentation of the Hilbert curve is applied to the current block, then a novel coarse-to-fine data structure is developed to eliminate the impossible reference blocks in the search window of the reference frame. In the inter-phase, a new prediction scheme for estimating the initial motion vector of the current block is presented. Experimental results reveal that when compared to the GAPD algorithm, our proposed algorithm has better execution time and estimation accuracy performance. Under the same estimation accuracy, our proposed algorithm has better execution time performance when compared to the FS algorithm. In addition, when comparing with the TSS algorithm, our proposed algorithm has better estimation accuracy performance, but has worse execution time performance.  相似文献   

未来空域窗射击体制是一种新型的高炮射击体制, 这种射击体制对近程防空反导具有显著的效果. 在对未来空域窗进行设计和评价时, 必须计算未来空域窗内弹头散布的均匀度, 并要求算法具有全局收敛以及解的精度高. 文章描述了未来空域窗弹头散布均匀度的问题, 提出了一种求解弹头散布均匀度的分布估计算法; 然后, 提出了一种变焦算法用来提高算法的搜索效率和解的精度, 并给出了混合算法的流程图. 仿真结果表明, 混合算法具有全局收敛、解的精度高以及搜索效率高的优点, 适合于在实际工程中用来求解弹头散布均匀度.  相似文献   

块匹配运动估计是视频编码国际标准中广泛采用的关键技术.许多快速块匹配法通过限制搜索点数来减少运算量,但与全搜索算法相比极易出现匹配误差.该文介绍了一种应用新的判别条件的多级顺序排除算法(MSEA),并在此基础上提出一种新的算法,该算法引入了尺度化的部分失真消除(PDE)技术,用于尺度化累积部分误差和当前最小误差.实验证明,相对于一脉相承的同为穷举搜索算法的全搜索算法(FS)、顺序排除算法(SEA)、多级顺序排除算法(MSEA)等,该算法大幅度提高了搜索效率.与多级顺序排除算法相比,平均每宏块节省了大约75%的运算次数.该算法在保证图像质量的前提下,使视频编码的速度大大提高.  相似文献   

高分辨DOA估计算法的空间谱搜索运算量大、耗时长,利用量子进化算法(QEA)的并行加速特性对其进行优化,是满足应用实时性的有效途径。利用模拟退火原则对传统QEA的旋转角取值策略进行了改进,并在比较DOA估计的信号相位匹配(SPM)算法、MUSIC算法和CBF算法的计算复杂度的基础上,提出了一种基于改进QEA(MQEA)的水下目标SPM定向算法。仿真实验和湖试数据实验结果表明,所提算法测向精度虽稍有下降,但大幅缩短了计算耗时,提高了DOA估计的实时性。  相似文献   

Long synthetic aperture time can improve the imaging quality of a ground moving target, whereas a moving target may be severely smeared in the cross-range image due to the range migration and the Doppler frequency migration. In this paper, the effects of the third-order Doppler broadening and Doppler ambiguity of a fast-moving target are considered. To address these issues, a novel motion parameter estimation method named high-order time-chirp rate transform (HTRT) is proposed, and then a new synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging method based on Radon-HTRT (RHTRT) for a ground moving target is developed. The major contributions are as follows: 1) The proposed SAR imaging method can eliminate the Doppler ambiguity effect. 2) The proposed method can realize longer time coherent integration than Radon–Fourier transform (RFT) and Radon–fractional Fourier transform (RFRFT) methods. 3) The proposed method is computationally efficient since HTRT can obtain the motion parameters of a moving target via performing the 2-dimensional (2-D) fast Fourier transform (FFT). Both the simulated and real data processing results show that the proposed method can finely image a ground moving target in a high signal-to-clutter and noise ratio (SCNR) environment.  相似文献   

针对以完工时间最小化为目标的置换流水车间调度问题(PFSP),提出了一种基于分布估计算法的二阶段置换流水车间调度算法。首先,在算法的第一阶段采用分布估计算法对PFSP进行优化得到一个局部最优解;为了进一步提高解的优化质量,在第二阶段提出了一种新的混合邻域搜索机制对第一阶段获得的局优解进行邻域搜索;最后,对Rec类和Tai类基准测试问题进行了测试,实验结果证实了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对常用的图像拼接算法对具有密集重复结构的图像会产生大量误匹配点从而出现明显鬼影且耗时较长的问题,将网格运动统计(GMS)算法与最佳缝合线算法相结合,提出了一种密集重复结构的图像快速拼接方法。首先,在图像的重叠区域提取大量粗匹配点;接着,采用GMS算法进行精匹配,然后在此基础上估计变换模型;最后,采用基于动态规划思想的最佳缝合线算法完成图像拼接。实验结果表明,将所提算法应用于两组具有密集重复结构的图像上,不仅可以有效消除鬼影,得到理想的拼接效果,而且显著减少了拼接时间;平均拼接速度分别是传统尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)和加速稳健特征(SURF)算法的7.4倍和3.2倍,分别是结合区域分块的SIFT算法和SURF算法的4.1倍和1.4倍。所提算法能够有效地消除密集重复结构拼接时的鬼影,同时缩短了拼接时间。  相似文献   

针对果蝇优化算法( FOA)收敛速度快但寻优精度低的缺点,为了改善果蝇算法的优化性能,提出一种混合果蝇优化算法( HFOA)。HFOA采用分段优化的思想,在优化过程后期采用收敛稳定性较好的粒子群优化( PSO)算法优化果蝇算法中果蝇个体飞行距离和味道浓度的判定值,采用误差性能指标积分准则ITAE作为适应度函数,并将优化方案应用于一类不稳定系统的PID控制。Matlab仿真验证表明:HFOA计算高效,具有良好的稳定性,收敛精度高,进而验证了HFOA应用于PID控制参数优化是可行而有效的。  相似文献   

Maximum power extraction for PV systems under partial shading conditions (PSCs) relies on the optimal global maximum power point tracking (GMPPT) method used. This paper proposes a novel maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control method for PV system with reduced steady-state oscillation based on improved particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm and variable step perturb and observe (P&O) method. Firstly, the grouping idea of shuffled frog leaping algorithm (SFLA) is introduced in the basic PSO algorithm (PSO–SFLA), ensuring the differences among particles and the searching of global extremum. Furthermore, adaptive speed factor is introduced into the improved PSO to improve the convergence of the PSO–SFLA under PSCs. And then, the variable step P&O (VSP&O) method is used to track the maximum power point (MPP) accurately with the change of environment. Finally, the superiority of the proposed method over the conventional P&O method and the standard PSO method in terms of tracking speed and steady-state oscillations is highlighted by simulation results under fast variable PSCs.  相似文献   

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